
    AI for Shaming Politicians, the New AI Art Scene, DeepFake Phishing

    enJuly 16, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • AI in Art and PoliticsAI is revolutionizing politics by exposing negligent politicians and creating unique art, while also presenting challenges such as bias in machine translation and YouTube's recommender system

      AI is making strides in various fields, from identifying negligent politicians through social media surveillance to generating unique artistic images. In the first discussion, a Belgian artist uses AI to publicly shame politicians who use their phones during work hours, raising questions about privacy and accountability. This innovative use of AI is a fun and novel way to highlight potential negligence in the political sphere. Moving on, the second topic covers the explosion of AI-generated art, with hackers combining different models to create surreal and imaginative images based on text prompts. This development is an exciting advancement in the art world, as it allows anyone to generate unique and visually stunning images with minimal technical expertise. Lastly, the podcast also touched upon the ongoing issue of bias in machine translation and the continued challenges of YouTube's recommender AI. While these topics are important, the overall tone of the episode was positive, highlighting the creativity and potential of AI to transform various industries and aspects of our daily lives. Overall, the podcast showcases the diverse and ever-evolving applications of AI, from the mundane to the imaginative, and the ongoing efforts to address the challenges and biases that come with this technology. Stay tuned for more insights and discussions on the latest developments in AI.

    • AI's Impact on Art and Language TranslationAI is revolutionizing art creation through tools like DALL-E 2 and addressing gender bias in machine translation with Google's new dataset.

      Artificial intelligence is making waves in the art world through tools like DALL-E 2, which generates unique and often surreal images based on text prompts. This technology, which can create sharp, plausible images as well as more abstract and surreal ones, is a game-changer for artists who want to explore new creative possibilities. The blog post "Alien Dreams and Emerging Art Scene" provides a history and explanation of how this all came about, and it's a great read for anyone interested in this topic. Another significant development in AI research is Google's introduction of a dataset for studying gender bias in machine translation. This dataset, which includes biographies of people and professional translations, is specifically designed to analyze common gender errors in machine translation, such as incorrect gender choices in pronoun drop languages, incorrect possessives, and incorrect gender agreement. This research is important because it helps address the issue of gender bias in AI and ensures that machine translations are more accurate and inclusive. Overall, these developments show that AI is making a significant impact in various fields, from art to language translation, and that it's important for researchers and developers to continue exploring its potential while also addressing ethical concerns. Whether you're an artist looking for new creative tools or a researcher interested in the latest advancements in AI, these developments are worth exploring.

    • Addressing gender bias in machine translation modelsResearchers analyze and address gender bias in machine translation models, with Loser AI leading efforts to make large language models open and accessible to the public, including art creation and long-term AI safety goals.

      Machine translation models, specifically those related to gender bias, are being analyzed and addressed by researchers. This issue, while complex and specific to machine translation, is important due to its potential influence and the fact that it is a contained problem with clear benchmarks. Machine translation errors are common in large companies and can now be analyzed for gender bias specifically. The nonprofit organization, Loser AI, has been working on making large language models open and available to the public, including the release of GPT Neo and GPTJ. Their retrospective of the past year provides an interesting and fun read into the crowdsourced effort and the use of Google's TPUs. Loser AI also creates art using AI and has long-term goals regarding AI safety, which is an intriguing aspect of their work. Overall, the discussions highlight the importance of addressing specific types of errors in AI models and the progress being made in making large language models accessible to the public.

    • AI's unintended consequences in content recommendationYouTube's recommendation algorithm promotes extreme and inappropriate content, increasing engagement but causing concerns, while attackers use AI for deep fakes in fishing campaigns, manipulating individuals and spreading misinformation.

      While AI technology, such as memes, can bring joy and entertainment, it also comes with potential unintended consequences, particularly in areas like content recommendation. For instance, YouTube's recommendation algorithm, which is designed to increase engagement, has been found to promote extreme content and even inappropriate videos for children. A study by Mozilla revealed that such videos receive 70% more views per day than others, highlighting the issue's severity. This problem, which has been ongoing for some time, underscores the need for more transparency and control over algorithms. In the realm of ethics, another article from Venture Beat reported on attackers using AI to create deep fakes for fishing campaigns. Although the title may seem sensational, this issue is a serious concern, as deep fakes can be used to manipulate individuals and spread misinformation. These examples illustrate the importance of understanding and addressing the ethical implications of AI applications in our society.

    • Growing concerns over AI threats in cybersecurityResearchers warn of potential AI threats, specifically deep fakes and bot activities, emphasizing the need for cybersecurity teams to prepare.

      While there may not be any active offensive AI attacks currently, researchers are warning of the potential threats, specifically in the areas of deep fakes and bot activities. A recent survey by Microsoft, Purdue, and Ben Gurion Universities highlights the need for cybersecurity teams to prepare for these potential threats. Meanwhile, in less serious news, Elon Musk's ongoing self-driving car predictions continue to be a source of amusement for Tesla owners, despite missing deadlines. While Musk's promises have been inconsistent, his execution and eventual delivery of the technology are still commendable. The intersection of cybersecurity and AI is a growing concern, and this study underscores the importance of being proactive in addressing potential threats.

    • Navigating complex real-world conditions with AIRobots are learning to adapt to real-world terrain and AI is creating personalized sports highlights, but challenges remain in ensuring positive societal impact

      Self-driving technology and real-world AI are complex problems that require significant adaptation and learning. Elon Musk's prediction of self-driving cars being commonplace by now may seem ridiculous in retrospect, but the challenges of navigating and adapting to real-world conditions are not obvious at first. In related news, researchers at Facebook, Carnegie Mellon, and UC Berkeley have made progress in this area with a robot that can adjust its gait in real time while walking on various terrains. The robot, created by Chinese startup Unitry, uses trial and error and information from its surroundings to learn how to adapt. Meanwhile, IBM Watson has been making waves in the sports world by creating highlight reels of tennis matches within two minutes of their completion. The technology tracks the action, ranks every point based on player reactions, crowd excitement levels, and gameplay statistics, and creates personalized highlight reels for viewers. However, technology is not without its challenges, and YouTube's video recommendation algorithm has faced criticism for fueling division and conspiracy theories by recommending extreme content to users. It's important for tech companies to be aware of these issues and work towards creating a more positive impact on society.

    • Mozilla Foundation study on YouTube's AI system serving polarizing or disinformation contentThe Mozilla Foundation's study revealed concerns about YouTube's AI system promoting harmful content through polarization or disinformation, emphasizing the need for transparency laws, better oversight, and consumer pressure to address the issue.

      Despite Google's occasional responses to negative publicity, there are concerns that YouTube's AI system continues to serve content with the intention of attracting attention through polarization or disinformation. This issue was highlighted in a study by the Mozilla Foundation, which gathered data using a crowdsourcing approach and a browser extension. The extension allowed users to self-report regrettable YouTube videos, generating reports on recommended content and earlier video views to understand the functioning of the recommender system. Mozilla is advocating for transparency laws, better oversight, and consumer pressure to address YouTube's algorithm, which they argue is not performing much better than before. It's crucial to stay informed and engaged in discussions around AI ethics and the responsibility of tech companies to mitigate the spread of harmful content. Stay tuned to Skynet Today's Let's Talk AI Podcast for more updates on AI and technology news. Don't forget to visit skynettoday.com for related articles and subscribe to our weekly newsletter for even more content. Don't hesitate to subscribe to our podcast and leave a review if you enjoy the show. Join us next week for another insightful episode.

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