
    Alice Dreger || Fuzzy Categories

    enMay 17, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Transformative experiences in cleaning and fashionAuthenticity, truth, and empathy are essential values in various aspects of life, leading to meaningful connections and positive change, as demonstrated by Clorox Scentiva's powerful cleaning and refreshing scents, JCPenney's stylish and comfortable clothing options, and Alice Dreger's academic work and activism.

      Both Clorox Scentiva and JCPenney offer transformative experiences - Clorox Scentiva brings new life to cleaning routines with its powerful clean and refreshing scents, while JCPenney refreshes wardrobes with stylish and comfortable clothing options for various body types. Alice Dreger, a historian, bioethicist, and author, emphasizes the importance of truth and understanding the humanity of those in the margins, whether in the context of anatomy or other areas. These shared values highlight the significance of authenticity, truth, and empathy in various aspects of life. Whether it's through the use of Clorox Scentiva or shopping at JCPenney, or through academic work and activism, these principles can lead to meaningful connections and positive change.

    • Exploring Intersection of Bodies and Identities in Late 19th and Early 20th Century France and BritainUnderstanding the intersection of bodies and identities is crucial as science and medicine play a significant role in defining identity, and misalignment can have social consequences.

      Historians, like scientists, value the scientific method but also possess an artistic flair in presenting their findings. This was evident in the speaker's PhD dissertation, "Doubtful Sex, Doubtful Status: Hermaphrodites in Medicine and Science from 1868 to 1914," which explored the experiences of individuals with non-standard body types in late 19th and early 20th century France and Britain. This research led the speaker to become an activist in the intersex rights movement and expand her focus to the relationship between bodies and personal and social identities. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding this intersection, as the role of science and medicine in defining identity can have significant social consequences. When the body and identity don't align neatly, it's crucial to find a way to show humanity and fit these individuals within a larger scientific and social framework. The danger lies not in scientists' inability to understand these unique cases but in the social system's inability to do so, particularly in a culture where science holds significant power.

    • Understanding the influence of societal norms on identitySocietal norms and others' perceptions shape our identities. Instead of trying to change those who don't fit neatly, we should focus on changing attitudes towards them.

      Our identities are not just shaped by our individual minds, but also by how others perceive us and the societal norms we live under. Historically, people who didn't fit neatly into these categories have faced challenges, leading to questions about whether we should change minds or bodies. For instance, conjoined twins, who look different, confuse our minds used to one person per body. Surgeons have attempted to simplify this by changing their bodies, but this can introduce unnecessary risks. Instead, we should consider changing attitudes towards those who look different. This is particularly relevant when it comes to individuals with conditions like intersex or autism, where the focus is often on "fixing" or treating them as deficits, rather than accepting and understanding their differences. Ultimately, the goal should be to create a world where individuals are valued for who they are, regardless of how they look or what societal norms dictate.

    • Societal norms limit acceptance and create feelings of abnormality, especially in childrenHistorically, people in smaller communities have shown more acceptance of differences, and the internet allows us to connect with like-minded individuals and form communities. Intersex conditions like Androgen Sensitivity Syndrome and Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia challenge societal norms and highlight the importance of accepting and valuing variation.

      Societal norms can limit acceptance and create feelings of abnormality, especially in children. Pediatricians, with good intentions, try to make children statistically normal, but this can lead to a harmful message that variation is something to be fixed or avoided. Historically, people in smaller communities have shown more acceptance of differences, and the internet allows us to connect with like-minded individuals and form communities. Two fascinating examples of intersex conditions are Androgen Sensitivity Syndrome and Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. In Androgen Sensitivity Syndrome, a person with a male embryonic development has no response to masculine hormones, resulting in a female appearance. In Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, the body produces excessive androgens, leading to ambiguous genitalia. Both conditions challenge societal norms and highlight the importance of accepting and valuing variation.

    • Understanding Intersex: Sex Development vs Gender IdentityIntersex conditions affect sex development but not necessarily gender identity. English language evolves to accept gender-neutral singular pronouns, reflecting the distinction between sex and gender.

      Sex development and gender identity are two distinct concepts. Intersex conditions, such as Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) and Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), can result in individuals having physical characteristics that do not fit typical binary definitions of male or female. However, these conditions do not necessarily impact an individual's gender identity. For instance, a woman with AIS, who has testes but identifies and lives as a woman, would not face any pronoun issues. English language is gradually shifting towards accepting "they" and "them" as gender-neutral singular pronouns, reflecting the growing recognition of the distinction between sex development and gender identity. CAH and AIS are just two of the many intersex conditions, and there are approximately 36-40 different intersex conditions in total. The use of pronouns in relation to intersex individuals is more about gender identity than sex development.

    • Language evolves to include gender-neutral pronounsLanguage changes to reflect diverse population and evolving values, including gender-neutral pronouns

      Languages, including English, evolve over time and it's not surprising that English is adapting to include gender-neutral pronouns. This evolution is not new, as seen in the shift from using "he" as the standard singular pronoun to recognizing the need for "she" or "he/she." Historically, languages like Chinese did not have gender pronouns, and even in English, there have been efforts to change language to be more inclusive, such as using "chairperson" instead of "chairman." These changes may seem small, but they can have a significant impact on how people perceive and imagine gender. The argument that language shouldn't change because it's always been a certain way ignores the fact that culture and language are interconnected and constantly evolving. The resistance to change may seem rational from a statistical perspective, but it's important to remember that language reflects the culture and values of a society, and it's essential to be inclusive and reflective of the diverse population. In the end, language change is a natural part of the evolution of both language and culture.

    • Respecting others' identitiesRecognize and respond charitably to others' identities to promote inclusivity and respect in society.

      Recognizing and accommodating people's self-identities is a matter of basic respect and understanding. Our reactions to others' identities can be rooted in our own anxieties about our own identities. Older generations may struggle more with this than younger ones due to less exposure and less acceptance of variation. To navigate ambiguous moments, it's important to recognize that our own identities may feel uncertain, and to respond in a charitable and generous manner instead of reacting with phobia or hostility. Younger generations seem to be getting better at this, possibly due to increased exposure and acceptance of variation. Ultimately, we all have a role to play in creating a more inclusive and respectful society.

    • Shifting societal norms and new challenges for identitySocietal norms have shifted to accept differences, but new challenges arise as lines between anatomy and identity blur in the digital age, requiring us to reevaluate our definitions accordingly.

      Despite the cultural wars and disagreements within the current generation regarding issues like inclusion and identity, progress is being made. Historically, societal norms have shifted to become more accepting of differences, such as interracial relationships and same-gender marriage. However, the blurring lines between anatomy and identity, particularly in the digital age, present new challenges. The question of what it means to be human and the increasing ease of creating false online identities are just a few examples of the complexities we must confront. Ultimately, nature does not adhere to our political categories, and as our understanding of identity evolves, we must adapt and reevaluate our definitions accordingly.

    • Blurred Lines Between Personal Identity and Online PresenceMaintaining personal identity online and promoting factual reporting are crucial to combating confusion and misinformation in the digital age.

      In today's digital age, the lines between personal identity and online presence are increasingly blurred, leading to confusion and potential misuse of personal information. The speaker shares an experience of having a Facebook page created in her name without her consent, which has led to people assuming her political affiliations based on their likes and interactions with the page. This issue is not limited to Facebook or identity politics, but rather a trend of expecting individuals to take a fixed political stance and only share information that aligns with it. The speaker emphasizes the importance of truth and the scientific method in activism, and advocates for reporting news objectively to inform the public, rather than pigeonholing individuals based on their perceived political identity. The challenge lies in maintaining the integrity of personal identity in the digital world and promoting factual reporting to combat the confusion and misinformation that can arise from identity politics.

    • Emphasizing the importance of truth and nonpartisan reportingStriving for truth and nonpartisan reporting, despite political challenges, is crucial for effective governance and informed decision-making.

      Truth and nonpartisan reporting are essential for effective governance and informed decision-making. The speaker emphasizes the importance of presenting facts, even if they challenge one's political beliefs, for the sake of reality-based policy. She also discusses the frustration of being seen as politically correct when striving for truth, but maintains that there is an audience that values nonpartisan reporting. The speaker reflects on how societal perspectives on certain issues, such as sexual orientation, have shifted, and emphasizes the need for science and knowledge to function as referees, free from ideological bias. In a system driven by profit-motivated media, the ideal of a functioning democracy is being replaced by ideological silos, making it increasingly important to cultivate a commitment to truth and nonpartisan reporting.

    • Focus on reality-based activismEnsure activism is grounded in facts and aims for tangible, positive outcomes, rather than ideologically driven distractions from pressing global issues

      While activism can be an effective tool for bringing about change, it's important to ensure that it remains reality-based and focused on specific, meaningful goals. The current trend of vacuous, ideologically driven activism, particularly in identity politics, is a concern as it distracts from addressing pressing global issues like climate change and health crises. Furthermore, the postmodern attitude, which denies objective reality, is not exclusive to any political group and can be dangerous if taken to extremes, as seen in cases of Holocaust denial. To make a difference, activism should be grounded in facts and aimed at achieving tangible, positive outcomes for the greater good.

    • A global phenomenon of postmodern media landscapeThe media landscape is becoming increasingly dangerous to the survival of species, including humans, due to a focus on trivial issues and fake news, rather than fact-based reporting on critical issues like climate change and scientific research.

      The intellectual dark web, which consists of individuals who have moved from leftist ideologies to criticizing the left, is not just a problem of identity politics but a global phenomenon of postmodern, post-apocalyptic media landscape where fact-based reporting and thoughtfulness are dying. The problem is much greater than complaints about gender pronouns. We are facing real-life consequences such as climate change, melting polar ice caps, dying coral reefs, and antibiotic resistance. These issues require serious scientific attention, but instead, we are inundated with trivial studies and fake news that linger online and on television. The media landscape is becoming increasingly dangerous to the survival of species, including humans. We need to pay more attention to the science and facts that matter to millions of people rather than focusing on superficial issues. The media's role is crucial in providing honest, fact-based reporting to help address these critical issues.

    • Focusing on real issues and fostering unityInstead of wasting time on trivial divisions and conflicts, we should prioritize relationships and care to create a more equitable healthcare system and address important health issues.

      We are spending too much time and energy on trivial divisions and conflicts, while neglecting important issues that affect human health and well-being. The speaker argues that there seems to be a rising number of people with intolerances and diseases, and we should pay more attention to potential causes in the food supply chain or microbiome. Instead, we are often consumed by tribal behaviors and ego-driven conflicts, wasting time and resources. The founding fathers' attitude was to protect individuals from the state, but perhaps we need a balance between individual freedom and collective care. The speaker suggests that if we prioritized relationships and care, we could have a more equitable healthcare system, ensuring that everyone has access to life-saving treatments. Overall, it's crucial to recognize the importance of addressing real issues and fostering unity, rather than getting lost in petty divisions and conflicts.

    • The importance of care and interconnectedness in education and healthcareFocusing on kinship relationships and basic care can lead to better public school systems, improved health outcomes, and societal benefits. Combining intellectual pursuit with care and activism encourages a balanced approach to truth-seeking and social justice.

      The United States healthcare system and education system fail to adequately provide for those in the lower and middle middle class, leaving many people in rough shape. The speaker suggests that a more caring and interconnected approach, focusing on kinship relationships and basic care, could lead to better public school systems, improved health outcomes, and overall societal benefits. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of combining intellectual pursuit with care and activism, encouraging a more inclusive and balanced approach to truth-seeking and social justice. The loss of job security in academia, which can silence unpopular voices, is a concern and a potential hindrance to progress. The speaker's own experiences and activist work demonstrate the importance of both truth and justice, and the potential for a more interconnected intellectual community to drive positive change.

    • Exploring Alternatives to Corporatized Intellectual DiscourseThe speaker advocates for thoughtful, complex intellectual discussions and the importance of an 'intellectual light web' as an alternative to the 'intellectual dark web'.

      The speaker expresses concerns about the corporatization and commercialization of academia and intellectual discourse, which she believes is detrimental to genuine intellectual exploration. She suggests the idea of an "intellectual light web" as an alternative to the "intellectual dark web," emphasizing the importance of thoughtful, complex discussions without making fun of social activism or dismissing it entirely. The speaker values the process of intellectual inquiry and encourages ongoing dialogue. CVS Health is promoting healthier living through various initiatives, including wellness destinations, virtual care, in-home evaluations, and mental health services. Facet offers a free financial wellness quiz to help individuals assess their financial health. Amen University provides courses aimed at addressing mental health challenges and offers solutions for anxiety, sleep issues, and focus problems.

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    Visit https://fightcancer.org/pod and see how you can take an active role in influencing the government to do the right thing and help cancer patients around the country.

    That's https://www.fightcancer.org/pod

    Now go and be a badass cancer advocate.

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