
    All About Massing (REPLAY)

    enDecember 05, 2022
    What challenges does the holiday season present for dieting?
    Why might gaining weight be a better option during holidays?
    What portion of weight gain is typically lean muscle tissue?
    What training frequency is suggested for leg hypertrophy?
    How should calorie increases be managed during the maintenance phase?

    • Maintaining Weight During the Holiday SeasonThe holiday season's abundance of food can make weight maintenance or loss challenging. Consider maintaining weight or even gaining instead of starting a diet during this time.

      The holiday season, with its abundance of delicious food, can present significant challenges for those trying to maintain or lose weight. During this period, temptations are more prevalent and harder to resist than at other times of the year. When considering starting a diet or massing phase, it's essential to consider the potential difficulties that come with the holiday season. While some individuals may have the willpower to push through, others might find it more challenging. It's important to be honest with yourself about your abilities and consider whether attempting a fat loss diet during this time is the best option for you. Instead, considering maintaining your weight or even gaining during the holiday season might be a more realistic and successful choice.

    • Understanding muscle gain involves fat and waterAim for a structured approach during mass phase focusing on hypertrophy training and nutrient-dense foods, expecting only about a third of weight gained to be muscle

      Gaining muscle involves more than just eating more food and expecting all of that weight gain to be muscle. When planning a mass phase, it's important to understand that a significant portion of the weight gained will be fat and water. Aim for a structured approach, focusing on a hypertrophy style training and a surplus of nutrient-dense foods, while maintaining realistic expectations. Remember, only about a third of the weight gained will be lean muscle tissue, and it requires dedication and discipline to stick with the plan. It's not a free pass for unhealthy or excessive food choices. Instead, view it as an investment in your long-term fitness goals.

    • The Muscle Building Process Involves Bulking and Cutting CyclesBulking and cutting cycles are a long-term commitment to building muscle and maintaining desired body composition. Realistic expectations, dedication, and a clear understanding of the process are key.

      Building muscle and maintaining a desired body composition is a long-term commitment that requires dedication and a clear understanding of the process. It involves periods of bulking (gaining muscle) followed by cutting (losing fat) and maintenance. This cycle can be repeated to continue gaining muscle and improving body composition over time. It's important to have realistic expectations and understand that the process may not always be comfortable or easy. The end goal, whether it's for competition or personal satisfaction, requires a long-term perspective and commitment to nutrition and fitness. The process involves making adjustments based on individual goals, timelines, and priorities. The payoff can be significant, as consistent effort can lead to noticeable gains in muscle and improvements in body composition.

    • Time bulking and cutting cycles for optimal resultsAdjust bulking and cutting cycles based on seasons and personal comfort levels for effective and manageable fitness journey

      Timing your bulking and cutting cycles wisely can make your fitness journey more manageable and effective. During the holiday season and colder months, when people tend to wear more clothing, it can be helpful to maintain higher body fat levels, making the process less noticeable. After maintaining through the winter months, one can consider cutting during the spring and summer when more people are likely to be in swimsuits or other revealing clothing. It's essential to acknowledge personal comfort levels and adjust accordingly. Additionally, the discomfort of consuming large amounts of food during massing phases can be mitigated by finding convenient and enjoyable food sources. Remember, the long-term perspective is crucial for success in any fitness journey.

    • Focusing on comfortable clothing during massingInstead of scrutinizing yourself in a swimsuit, wear comfortable clothes for a more positive experience during massing.

      Massing, or bulking up, can be an uncomfortable and emotionally challenging experience for some people. It's important to remember that standing in front of the mirror in a swimsuit during this process might not be the best strategy, as it can feel like "poking the bear" and may not reinforce positive feelings. Instead, focusing on comfortable clothing like sweatpants or workout pants can help make the experience more enjoyable. Additionally, the recommendations for weight gain during massing have evolved significantly over the years, with most people aiming for a pound a week or less. Older methods of bulking, which involved consuming large amounts of healthy fats, have been largely abandoned due to the unpleasant taste and texture. Modern apps can help suggest carb-heavy meals to make the process more manageable. The stories shared here are from around 2012-2013, and practices have evolved since then.

    • Approaching weight gain with a slow and steady mindsetDuring a mass phase, focus on balance, enjoy calorie-dense foods, and avoid excessive weight gain while maintaining a mostly healthy diet.

      When it comes to gaining weight, it's important to approach it with a slow and steady mindset rather than trying to consume as many calories as possible all at once. This can help prevent excessive fat gain and keep you closer to your long-term goals. During a mass phase, you don't necessarily need to focus on filling up on veggies at every meal like you would during a cutting phase. Instead, you can consider incorporating more calorie-dense foods and even drinking some calories through smoothies or shakes. However, it's important to remember that this doesn't mean you should start guzzling down mass gainers right away. The key is to find a balance between enjoying the process and avoiding excessive weight gain. As with any diet, maintaining a mostly healthy diet with whole foods is important, even during a mass phase. And while it may be tempting to let loose during holidays or special occasions, it's important to be mindful of not letting your weight gain get out of hand. Overall, gaining weight requires a different mindset and approach than cutting, but the key is to find a balance that allows you to make progress towards your goals while enjoying the process.

    • Determining the ideal time for mass phase based on body fat percentageFor men, aim for 8-12% body fat during mass gain, while women aim for 13-17%. Listen to your body and adjust supplement usage accordingly.

      Determining the right time for a mass phase depends on individual body fat percentage and personal comfort level with additional body fat. Generally, for men, the ideal body fat range for mass gain is between 8-12%, while for women it's 13-17%. Starting from a leaner point can make the subsequent fat loss phase easier. When it comes to supplements, the approach varies. During cutting, supplements can help maintain muscle, and their usage can be reduced. However, during mass gain, more food intake might make supplements like pre-workout and caffeine less necessary. It's essential to listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

    • Focus on goals and benefits during masking phaseIndividuals should prioritize their fitness goals and the benefits of masking, like increased energy and gym performance, rather than solely focusing on mirror reflection.

      When considering masking (or bulking), individuals should focus on their goals and the benefits it brings, such as increased energy levels and improved gym performance. While the mirror reflection may not be the primary focus during this phase, setting performance-based goals can serve as motivation and validation of progress. For those who struggle with weight gain, the scale can still be a valuable tool, but for others, progress in the gym may be a more significant indicator of muscle growth. Ultimately, the decision to mask is a personal one, and individuals should only do so if they are fully committed and motivated by the potential benefits.

    • Unconventional methods for gaining muscle and mass in collegeCreating a supportive community and experimenting with high calorie foods can aid in muscle and mass gain during college

      Gaining muscle and mass in college involved unconventional methods for some individuals, including adding high calorie foods like ice cream and pizza to their diets. A male speaker shared his experience of following his coach's advice to consume soft serve ice cream daily in the cafeteria to help him gain weight. He also recalled how he and his roommate would make a contest out of eating entire pizzas after their leg workouts. While these methods may not be recommended today due to the high fat content, they were effective in helping the speaker gain weight and muscle at the time. The speaker also emphasized the importance of having a supportive community during the muscle-building journey, as he and his roommate continued to train together long after college.

    • Prioritizing muscle growth means making choicesDuring a muscle-building phase, focus on hypertrophy training and prioritize caloric intake, while scaling back on competing activities like high-volume cardio.

      When focusing on gaining muscle, it's essential to prioritize and make choices. The speaker shares an anecdote about a college roommate who had never eaten pizza, emphasizing that everyone has their quirks. Applying this to fitness, the speaker suggests that during a muscle-building phase, it might be necessary to scale back on activities that compete with muscle growth, such as high-volume cardio. Instead, one should focus on hypertrophy training and prioritize caloric intake for muscle growth. The speaker also mentions that gaining muscle is challenging and requires dedication, so it's essential to make the most of the time and resources available. In summary, prioritizing muscle growth means making choices and focusing on the right training and nutrition to maximize results.

    • Prioritize leg workouts for hypertrophy and maintain consistent liftingTo build larger legs, focus on leg workouts 3-4 times a week and gradually increase calories during a mass phase. Maintain lifting during maintenance to prevent muscle loss.

      For individuals aiming for leg focused hypertrophy, a training program prioritizing leg workouts 3-4 times a week, along with a slight calorie increase, will lead to larger legs. However, if someone is deeply committed to their hour-long CrossFit classes five times a week, they may need to find a way to incorporate more lifting to effectively build muscle mass. During the maintenance phase following a mass phase, it's crucial to keep a good amount of lifting in the routine to prevent muscle loss. Calorie increases should be gradual, starting with 250-300 calories a day.

    • Gradually increase calories for muscle gainTo gain muscle, increase calories slowly, stay at a higher weight, and avoid rapid cutting to maintain new muscle gains.

      When trying to gain muscle, it's important to increase calorie intake gradually and not rush the process. This means starting conservatively with around 500 extra calories per day and gradually adjusting upwards as needed. It's also recommended to stay at a higher weight for a period of time before entering a cutting phase to avoid losing newly gained muscle. Body weight set points are a real factor, and the body tends to want to stay in homeostasis, so it's beneficial to hang out at a higher weight for a while before cutting. A mass phase should last between 6 to 12 weeks, and some people may prefer a shorter, 6-week mass phase as a starting point. It's important to remember that muscle gain is not always linear, and it's essential to find a sustainable and comfortable approach to gaining weight.

    • Exploring the Challenges and Benefits of MassingMassing requires dedication, significant caloric intake, and understanding of caloric and macronutrient targets. Benefits include muscle growth, but challenges include discomfort and psychological hurdles. Consider starting during the holiday season, or maintaining a consistent weight if psychological challenges are a concern.

      Massing, or intentionally gaining weight, is a challenging process that requires dedication and a significant increase in caloric intake. It may not always be comfortable, and there can be psychological challenges as weight fluctuates. However, for those who are committed, the benefits can be worthwhile. It's essential to understand that hitting specific caloric and macronutrient targets is crucial for successful massing. The holiday season might be an ideal time to start due to the abundance of food. For those who find the psychological aspect of weight gain challenging, maintaining a consistent weight may be a better option. Overall, the decision to mass is a personal one, and individuals should consider their readiness and motivation before embarking on this journey.

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