
    Podcast Summary

    • Centralizing Application State with ReduxRedux simplifies app architecture by providing a single source of truth for app state, making it accessible to all components, and handling actions and state updates.

      Redux is a state management solution used in JavaScript applications, specifically in conjunction with React. It allows for easier management of application state by centralizing it and making it accessible to all components in the application. This is particularly useful when dealing with complex applications where data needs to be shared between multiple components that are not nested within each other. Redux solves the problem of having to pass state down through multiple levels of components by providing a single source of truth for the application's state. This can help simplify the application's architecture and make it more modular and easier to manage. Redux also provides a way to handle actions and their corresponding state updates, making it easier to manage side effects and perform data fetching. Overall, Redux can help make applications more predictable, testable, and maintainable by providing a clear and centralized way to manage application state.

    • Managing application state with ReduxRedux is a state management library that provides a centralized state container, allowing developers to easily manage and modify application state from anywhere in the codebase.

      Redux is a state management library that allows developers to have a centralized application state that can be accessed and modified from anywhere in the codebase. This can be particularly useful for managing application state across components and making modifications when certain events occur, such as user login. Redux provides a way to organize and manage this global state effectively, making it easier to understand and monitor. The Redux store is essentially an object containing the entire application state, which can be injected at any level deep in the codebase without the need for passing data through multiple components. Redux's immutability feature ensures that the state object is not modified directly but instead returns a new object each time a modification is made. While this may seem complex, Redux's organization and monitoring tools, such as the Redux DevTools, make it a popular choice for managing application state in larger projects. Ultimately, whether or not to use Redux depends on the specific needs of the project, but it can be a valuable tool for managing complex state in applications.

    • Predictable state management with ReduxRedux is a single immutable data store for apps, with actions, action creators, and reducers handling state changes, ensuring predictability and consistency.

      Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript applications. The core idea is to have a single immutable data store for the entire application. Instead of modifying the state directly, a new state object is generated each time by merging the old state with the changes made in a reducer. Redux uses specific terms like actions, action creators, and reducers. An action is an object that describes the action going on, while an action creator is a function that dispatches the action. A reducer is responsible for merging the old state with the new state. Actions can be dispatched to change the state, and the reducer handles merging the old state with the new state to create a new state object. This approach allows for features like time traveling with the dev tools, as each state change is saved. The use of these terms and the concept of immutability can add complexity, but it ensures predictability and consistency in the application's state. Redux's architecture separates the concerns of data fetching, data modification, and state management, making it easier to manage and test.

    • Redux: Managing state in complex applicationsRedux uses an action-reducer pattern to prevent direct state mutation, ensuring code predictability and reducing bugs in complex applications.

      Redux is a powerful state management library that may seem excessive for simple tasks, but it provides significant benefits for managing state in complex applications. Instead of directly modifying state, Redux uses an action-reducer pattern where actions are dispatched, and reducers modify a copy of the state and return the new state. This approach prevents direct state mutation, reducing the risk of bugs and making the application more predictable. While the amount of boilerplate code can be a critique, Redux's explicit nature makes the code organized and easier to understand, especially in larger projects. In simpler cases, libraries like Apollo may offer more magic and less boilerplate code, but Redux remains a valuable tool for managing state effectively.

    • Learning Redux: An Initial Challenge for DevelopersDespite an initial learning curve, Redux offers valuable benefits and resources for developers, including well-documented materials and best practices.

      Learning new technologies like Redux can be a challenge for developers who are used to older ways of building applications. The structured approach required by Redux might be unfamiliar to those coming from technologies like Sling and jQuery. However, the benefits of using Redux, such as its well-documented resources and ease of use once understood, make it worth the initial learning curve. Additionally, the Redux documentation is an excellent resource for solidifying concepts and understanding best practices. While Redux itself may not have changed much, the underlying ideas and principles are essential to master. Our sponsor today is DevLifts, a company dedicated to helping developers prioritize their health and wellness. The speaker personally attests to the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle as a developer.

    • Personalized fitness plan for developersDevLift offers a customized workout and nutrition plan, weekly follow-ups, and a supportive community for developers looking to improve their health and fitness.

      DevLift offers a personalized fitness plan for developers who want to improve their health and fitness but lack the knowledge or motivation to do so on their own. By filling out a questionnaire about goals and time availability, individuals receive a customized workout and nutrition plan, as well as access to a supportive community of like-minded developers. The plan is affordable at $199 with a discount code, and includes weekly follow-ups and adjustments. The simplicity and clarity of the plan can make getting in shape feel more achievable, especially during New Year's resolution season when mental clarity and energy are crucial for developers. DevLift's approach provides a solution to the common struggle of knowing what to do to get in shape, and offers the added benefit of a supportive community to help keep individuals accountable and motivated.

    • Productivity and getting in shapeUsing tools and getting in shape can boost productivity and well-being. Cookies and JWTs are methods for authentication in web apps, with JWTs being more efficient.

      Getting in shape and making the most of your time can significantly enhance your productivity and overall well-being. This was a recurring theme in the discussion about productivity hacks. The use of tools like Syntax and devlips.io can help individuals get in shape and connect with like-minded individuals, making the process more enjoyable. Regarding the technical question, the difference between using cookies and JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication in web applications was discussed. Cookies involve creating a session, which is a way for servers to remember who you are between requests. Every request made to a server includes all the cookies associated with that website, and one of those cookies is the session ID. JWTs, on the other hand, are a more recent way to do authentication. When you sign into a website, you receive a token containing information about the user, which acts as a hash. This token can be decoded to reveal the user's username, profile photo, and other details. JWTs have the advantage of doing double duty as an authentication and authorization token, making them a more efficient solution for web applications.

    • JWTs vs Cookies for User AuthenticationJWTs are more modern and efficient for managing user sessions in SPAs, while cookies are better suited for traditional server-rendered apps. JWTs provide user info directly in the token, while cookies require sending with each request.

      JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and cookies are two different methods for managing user authentication and session information in web applications. JWTs are a more modern approach, where a token containing user information is stored in the user's browser, typically in local storage. Unlike cookies, JWTs are not automatically included in every request, but must be explicitly sent with each request. This makes JWTs more suitable for Single Page Applications (SPAs) where page refreshes are minimized. Cookies, on the other hand, are automatically included in each request and are better suited for traditional server-rendered applications where implicitly sending session information with every request is necessary. JWTs provide the added benefit of containing user information directly in the token, making them a more efficient and streamlined solution for managing user sessions. However, they require careful handling to ensure security, and there is ongoing debate about their security advantages and disadvantages. Ultimately, the choice between JWTs and cookies depends on the specific requirements and design of your web application.

    • Taking a Break from Syntax.fm until January 2018The Syntax.fm team is taking a holiday break and will return with new episodes in January 2018, including a potential focus on GraphQL.

      The Syntax.fm team will be taking a break over the holiday season and will return with new episodes in January 2018. The next full episode is planned for January 10th and may focus on GraphQL. The team has been working hard this year and needs a break. The mini episodes will continue until the new year. The podcast can be found on Syntax.fm, and listeners are encouraged to subscribe and leave a review. The team mentioned that the series was coming out in December, but it seems they meant the podcast itself, not the series. So, keep an eye out for the new episodes in January.

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    Show Notes

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    Show Notes

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    Sanity - Sponsor

    Sanity.io is a real-time headless CMS with a fully customizable Content Studio built in React. Get a Sanity powered site up and running in minutes at sanity.io/create. Get an awesome supercharged free developer plan on sanity.io/syntax.

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    If you want to know what’s happening with your errors, track them with Sentry. Sentry is open-source error tracking that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time. Cut your time on error resolution from five hours to five minutes. It works with any language and integrates with dozens of other services. Syntax listeners can get two months for free by visiting Sentry.io and using the coupon code “tastytreat”.

    Show Notes

    01:24 - Context

    • Have we used?
      • Scott: Yes
      • Wes: Yes
    • Pros
      • Built into React
      • As simple or complex as you want
    • Cons
      • Takes effort to optimize
      • Takes effort to plan and organize aka can get out of hand quickly

    08:49 - Redux

    • Have we used?
      • Scott: Yes
      • Wes: Yes
    • Pros
      • Huge user base
      • Legacy of growth and improvements
      • Modern API
      • Even though it’s hard to learn, it has a clear “how to build with it” path
      • Dev tools
    • Cons
      • Complex
      • Thing that calls a thing that calls a thing that calls a thing
      • Confusion around what additional packages are needed, e.g. ducks, saga, whatever

    17:08 - XState

    • Have we used?
      • Scott: Yes
      • Wes: No
    • Pros
    • Cons
      • Knowledge overhead - having to understand state machines
      • Complex syntax

    23:26 - Zustand

    • Have we used?
      • Scott: Yes
      • Wes: No
    • Pros
      • Fast, scalable, easy to use
      • Simpler
      • No context providers
    • Cons
      • Smaller community 2.6k stars on Github
      • Can inform components transiently (without causing render)

    27:04 - Apollo Client

    • Have we used?
      • Scott: Yes
      • Wes: Yes
    • Pros
      • Fits in well with your GraphQL API
      • Dev tools
    • Cons
      • Complex, large syntax for simple operations
      • Dev tools
      • SSR story is really complex. It’s hard because they aren’t also the framework.

    31:35 - RXJS

    • Have we used?
      • Scott: No
      • Wes: No
    • Observable based

    33:02 - React Query

    • Have we used?
      • Scott: No
      • Wes:
    • Pros
      • Fast growing community
      • Awesome dev tools
    • Cons
      • Not sure if this can be used for application state or just data

    35:37 - Recoil

    • Have we used?
      • Scott: Yes
      • Wes: No
    • Pros
      • Very good for complex, splintered state needs
    • Cons
      • Overly complex for most use cases

    38:34 - MobX

    • Have we used?
      • Scott: No
      • Wes: No
    • Pros
      • Big community
      • Not just React
      • Powerful
      • Observable capabilities
    • Cons
      • Uses decorators, but doesn’t have to?

    43:15 - Easy Peasy

    • Have we used?
      • Scott: No
      • Wes: No
    • Pros
      • Simple API (easy peasy)
      • Redux dev tools supported

    45:06 - Meteor ReactiveDict / ReactiveVar

    • Have we used?
      • Scott: Yes
      • Wes: No
    • Pros
      • Very simple
      • Get, set
      • Is Reactive
    • Cons
      • Lock-in to Meteor

    46:19 - Final Thoughts On State

    • Wes: Go for simpler solutions
    • Scott: I think application state should be separate from application data, but maybe that’s because there isn’t a solution that does both how I want


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    Oracle MyLearn: https://mylearn.oracle.com/
    Oracle University Learning Community: https://education.oracle.com/ou-community

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Oracle_Edu
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/oracle-university/

    Special thanks to Arijit Ghosh, Kiran BR, Rashmi Panda, David Wright, the OU Podcast Team, and the OU Studio Team for helping us create this episode.