
    All the People

    enJuly 25, 2024
    What does the joy of the Lord provide?
    What event is described in Nehemiah 8?
    How many people gathered to hear Ezra read?
    What emotions were experienced by the listeners?
    How can we apply this message to our lives?

    Podcast Summary

    • Nehemiah 8 gatheringGathering to hear God's Word read and explained can bring profound impact, repentance, joy, and strength for true worship and obedience.

      The simple act of gathering together and listening to God's Word being read and explained can have a profound impact on individuals and a community. As seen in Nehemiah 8, over 42,000 people came together in Jerusalem to hear Ezra read from the Pentateuch. This event brought about both sadness and repentance for their past sins, as well as true joy in their salvation. The joy of the Lord became their strength for true worship and obedience. Today, just as it was for the returning Jewish exiles, the same can be true for us. When we take the time to listen to and understand God's Word, it can bring about a renewed sense of joy and strength to live a life pleasing to Him. So, let us make time each day to be like the people in Nehemiah 8, and let God's Word be our guide and source of strength.

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