
    Am I Running Out of Time to be Successful?

    en-usSeptember 16, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The importance of self-confidence and setting personal goalsRecognize the importance of self-confidence and setting personal goals, but don't let external validation define your worth. Reflect on your progress towards achievable steps, and remember that everyone's journey is unique and progress, not perfection, is the goal.

      Self-confidence and setting personal goals are essential for personal growth and happiness, but it's important not to let external validation define our sense of worth. The speaker expressed a desire to be a "giga chat" - someone who is confident, financially successful, healthy, and socially adept. However, they felt they were far from reaching these goals, particularly in terms of their career. They also mentioned struggling with self-discipline, especially when it came to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of self-reflection and setting achievable steps towards personal goals, while also recognizing that everyone's journey is unique and that progress, not perfection, is the ultimate goal.

    • Comparing ourselves to others can be misleadingFocus on progress, compare to past selves or similar individuals, recognize uniqueness, celebrate achievements, and focus on strengths and growth.

      Comparing ourselves to others can be misleading and unhelpful in determining our own success and happiness. Instead, focusing on our own progress and comparing ourselves to our past selves or those similar to us can provide a more accurate and fair assessment. Success is relative, and everyone's journey is unique. It's essential to recognize that and celebrate our achievements, no matter how small they may seem in comparison to others. Additionally, our mindset and self-confidence play significant roles in how we perceive ourselves and our progress. By focusing on our strengths and growth, we can overcome self-doubt and work towards becoming the best version of ourselves.

    • Comparing yourself to others is futileFocus on personal growth and development, everyone is on their unique journey, comparison leads to stress and dissatisfaction, be the best version of yourself

      Comparing yourself to others and feeling like you're behind in various aspects of life, such as finances, social circle, or personal development, is a common feeling but ultimately futile. The world may seem set up as a competition, but everyone is on their own unique journey, and what's appropriate for one person may not be for another. You're not expected to have everything figured out before graduating or even in your entire life. Instead, focus on your own growth and development, and understand that everyone is dealing with their own challenges and figuring things out in their own time. Comparison is not only useless but can also lead to unnecessary stress and dissatisfaction. Instead, focus on being the best version of yourself and trust that you'll figure things out as you go.

    • Comparing yourself to others hinders happiness and confidenceFocus on personal growth and self-satisfaction instead of comparing yourself to others for happiness. Identify and work on what makes you unhappy, appreciate progress, and confidence will follow.

      Comparing yourself to others can hinder your happiness and self-confidence. Happiness comes from within, and focusing on personal growth and self-satisfaction is more beneficial than comparing yourself to others. Confidence comes from within as well, and it's essential to identify what makes you unhappy about yourself and work on it. Even if you feel like you're not making progress as fast as others, your XP bar, or personal growth, is still increasing. It's essential to recognize and appreciate the progress you've made, no matter how small it may seem. Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your own journey and celebrate your accomplishments. Confidence will naturally follow as you continue to grow and improve.

    • Childhood experiences shaping David's lack of confidenceDavid's mindset of turning wins into losses stems from childhood criticism and the need to seek perfection to gain confidence.

      David's lack of confidence stems from his childhood experience of never feeling good enough, no matter how well he did. His mind has a habit of invalidating his accomplishments and shifting them to the "loss" column. This pattern was likely established during his first semester of college when his mother criticized his grades, despite his high overall GPA. As a result, David has internalized the belief that he will never be good enough and has been trying to achieve perfection to gain confidence. However, this approach only leads to a never-ending cycle of turning wins into losses. To break this pattern, David needs to learn to recognize and appreciate his accomplishments and shift his focus away from constant comparison to others.

    • Accepting feedback and letting go of others' opinionsLearning to accept feedback and be indifferent to others' opinions can lead to personal growth and self-confidence. Letting go of negative feedback can help focus on personal development.

      Accepting feedback and learning to be indifferent to others' opinions, even when they may be critical, can lead to personal growth and self-confidence. In the discussion, it was highlighted that when the speaker stopped sharing his grades with his parents after they expressed disappointment, he had internalized their feedback and no longer felt the need to seek their approval. This act of acceptance allowed him to develop a sense of pride in himself and his accomplishments, regardless of others' reactions. The conversation also touched upon the idea that people may hold onto negative feedback due to a desire to please or seek validation from others, but ultimately, it's essential to learn to let go and focus on personal growth.

    • Overcoming challenges to expressing self-prideFocus on personal growth and achievements, let go of external validation, and celebrate yourself to cultivate self-pride.

      The feeling of being proud of oneself is a complex emotion that can be influenced by external factors and past experiences. The speaker shared how they have difficulty expressing pride in themselves, despite their accomplishments, due to a lack of encouragement from their parents. They also discussed how societal expectations and comparisons can impact our perception of our own worth. The speaker suggested that to cultivate self-pride, one must learn to let go of external validation and focus on personal growth and achievements. They encouraged continuing to explore this concept and learning to celebrate oneself, just as one would celebrate the accomplishments of loved ones. The speaker also emphasized that grades and other objective measures do not fully define our worth and that happiness and confidence come from within.

    • Listening to Yourself vs. External PressuresRecognize that success, happiness, and self-worth aren't synonymous. Embrace your unique journey, acknowledge feelings, and focus on personal growth.

      External success, living up to expectations, and happiness are not the same thing. It's possible to be successful and still feel unhappy or lacking in confidence. The speaker emphasizes the importance of listening to yourself instead of external pressures and recognizes that everyone's development and experiences are unique. It's essential to acknowledge feelings, even if they don't align with societal norms, and understand that life is a series of learning and growing. Be mindful of transferring "wants" to "shoulds" and question why you're doing so. Remember, you're on your own journey, and it's normal to have doubts and face challenges. Don't compare yourself to others or set unrealistic standards. Instead, focus on your own growth and happiness.

    • Celebrating progress, no matter the sizeFocus on personal growth, be patient, and avoid comparisons to others or unrealistic standards.

      It's important to notice and acknowledge our progress, even when it may not feel significant at the moment. The speaker shares an experience of struggling during the first month of living abroad, but over time, they began to feel more comfortable and adjusted. However, when someone pointed out how far they had come, they didn't feel a sense of accomplishment. Instead of comparing ourselves to a standard or ideal, we should focus on our own growth and progress, no matter how small it may seem. Additionally, it's crucial to be patient with ourselves and not compare ourselves to others, especially when it comes to things like making connections or achieving goals. We all have unique paths, and it's essential to trust ourselves and take action, even if we feel behind or unsure. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of not making assumptions about others and giving them the opportunity to correct any misunderstandings. Overall, the takeaway is to focus on our own growth, be patient with ourselves, and not compare ourselves to others or unrealistic standards.

    • The never-ending cycle of external expectationsFocus on recognizing and challenging self-limiting thoughts, practice self-acceptance and pride in achievements to find true happiness and success.

      Our attempts to live up to external expectations can lead us to a never-ending cycle of feeling like we could be doing more, rather than finding contentment and confidence in our accomplishments. This cycle can stem from childhood conditioning and societal pressures, but it ultimately keeps us from experiencing true happiness and success. Instead, we should focus on recognizing and challenging these self-limiting thoughts, and practice self-acceptance and pride in our achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Remember, the journey towards confidence and happiness is not a linear one, but a continuous process of self-awareness and growth. So, keep taking care of business, one step at a time, and trust that the feeling of being enough will come with time and practice.

    • Comparing ourselves to others can lead to unhappinessInstead of seeking confidence through achievements and external validation, focus on inner happiness, passions, and the present moment.

      Constantly comparing ourselves to others and focusing on achievements as a shortcut to confidence can actually lead to feelings of inadequacy and unhappiness. Instead, it's important to celebrate our wins and listen to our inner desires and passions, rather than living up to external expectations. The speaker encourages us to question where our internal expectations come from and not to automatically accept societal norms. Additionally, the speaker shares that it's essential to find enjoyment in the present moment, rather than sacrificing our youth for the sake of retirement. Overall, the key takeaway is to focus on our inner happiness and passions, rather than external expectations and comparisons to others.

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    Connect with Pastor Travis Hall:

        •    Website: https://linktr.ee/pastortravishall

         •    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pastortravishall


    Connect with Dr. Justin Moseley:

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    Darryll is the author of  the Amazon best-selling book Who Am I After Sports? An Athletes Roadmap to Discover New Purpose and Live Fulfilled. When he is not working, Darryll enjoys spending time with his wife and three beautiful daughters


    Connect with Darryll Stinson:

        •    Website: https://www.darryllstinson.com/

         •    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/molly_trotter/

    Connect with Dr. Justin Moseley:

        •    Website :https://drjustinmoseley.com/

        •    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drjustinmoseley/

        •    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrJustinMoseley

        •    Free Resources: https://www.mindshiftlinks.com


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