
    An Anonymous #MeToo Source Goes Public

    enMay 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Former law student Ali Dirks shares her journey from document review to revealing her identity as an anonymous source in a major sexual misconduct caseA former law student, once relegated to document review, bravely came forward as an anonymous source in a high-profile sexual misconduct case, driven by a desire to contribute to important reporting and stand up for what's right.

      The decision to come forward with one's identity as an anonymous source, especially in sensitive and high-profile cases, can be a daunting and fearful experience. This was the case for Ali Dirks, a former law student who, after years of feeling unremarkable and unable to compete for prestigious jobs, found herself working in the unglamorous world of document review. Despite her initial reservations, Ali was determined to find a career that made her happy. Her fortunes changed when she landed a job at a top-tier law firm, Covington and Burling, where she continued to do document review but felt a sense of progress. However, her career took an unexpected turn when she was assigned to a major case involving the investigation of Les Moonves, the former CEO of CBS, who was accused of sexual misconduct. Ali's decision to come forward with her identity and share her story, five years after the Me Too movement, was driven by a desire to contribute to important reporting and to stand up for what she believed was right, despite the potential repercussions.

    • Investigating sexual misconduct allegations: A contentious 'us and them' situationLegal investigations of sexual misconduct involve complex ethical dilemmas, with lawyers advocating for victims and the accused, leaving document reviewers like Ali in a unique yet powerless position.

      The Me Too movement brought to light the complexities and ethical dilemmas involved in legal investigations. In this specific case, a team of document reviewers, including Ali, were tasked with investigating sexual misconduct allegations against Les Moonves, the former CEO of CBS. Ali was excited to be part of such a high-profile case, but soon realized she was in the middle of a contentious "us and them" situation. While some lawyers were advocating for victims and seeking accountability, others were representing the accused and calling for justice on their behalf. Ali's role as a document reviewer gave her unique insight into the situation, but she had no control over how CBS would ultimately handle the evidence she uncovered. The public perception of CBS and its lawyers, including Ali, was being called into question. This experience highlighted the moral gray areas that can exist within the legal profession and the challenges of navigating them.

    • Trusting the Unusual SourceAssumptions can cloud judgment, but trusting hard work and intentions of individuals, even if unconventional, can lead to valuable insights in investigations.

      Assumptions can be misleading, and it's important to trust the hard work and dedication of individuals involved in investigations. The speaker in this discussion was initially defensive about the integrity of the investigation and her colleagues at a law firm due to public assumptions. However, an unexpected email from a source named Ali, offering help with the investigation, changed the course of the investigation and the speaker's perspective. The unusual nature of Ali's email, as well as her potential access to sensitive information, highlighted the complexity of her motivations. Despite initial excitement and uncertainty, the speaker came to trust Ali as an essential source and valued her contributions to the investigation. This experience underscores the importance of trusting the hard work and intentions of individuals, even in the face of public assumptions or skepticism.

    • The #MeToo movement gave a voice to those with hidden allegationsThe #MeToo movement allowed victims to share hidden allegations, potentially revealing power dynamics and career-impacting decisions made based on personal reputation.

      The #MeToo movement gave a voice to those who felt powerless and yearned to be part of something important. Allie, a woman with such feelings, shared information about an investigation involving CBS CEO Les Moonves and talent manager Marv Dauer, who were trying to keep quiet an allegation of sexual assault against Moonves by actress Bobbie Phillips. This revelation had significant implications for the CBS investigation, as it suggested Moonves may have made decisions based on his own reputation rather than the company's best interests. The text messages between Dauer and Moonves, which Ali shared, provided crucial evidence and marked the beginning of a larger story. The incident also highlighted the power dynamics that can hinder careers and the potential consequences of keeping such incidents hidden.

    • CBS HR failed to act on sexual misconduct allegationsCBS HR ignored serious sexual misconduct allegations against Les Moonves, leading to concerns that investigations into the findings would also be dismissed. Ali Dirks, the whistleblower, leaked internal documents to the New York Times, revealing the inaction and sparking public scrutiny.

      The CBS investigation into sexual misconduct allegations against Les Moonves was not taken seriously by the company's HR department. Internal documents leaked by Ali Dirks revealed that HR was not following up on allegations or taking appropriate action, leading to concerns that the investigation into Covington & Burling's findings would also be dismissed. Ali's motivations for leaking the information were complex, and her actions clashed with the common perception of a clear-cut whistleblower. The New York Times' reporting based on Ali's leaked materials brought attention to Moonves' exit package and the allegations against him, sparking public debate and scrutiny. Despite her involvement and the publicity, Ali had to keep her role a secret.

    • The emotional toll of keeping secrets in a professional environmentKeeping secrets, especially those that go against professional ethics, can lead to intense isolation, anxiety, and negative impacts on mental health and personal relationships.

      Keeping a secret, especially one that goes against professional ethics, can have a profoundly negative impact on one's mental health and personal relationships. In the case of Ali, her decision to leak information about Leslie Moonves' sexual misconduct and CBS's handling of it led to intense isolation and anxiety. She was torn between wanting to expose the truth and fearing the consequences, both professionally and personally. The situation was further complicated by the fact that many of her closest friends were lawyers and colleagues at Covington, where she worked. The attorney-client privilege issue weighed heavily on her, but so did the fear of disappointing and angering those around her. Ultimately, the fallout from what Ali did was significant, leading to a major investigation and Moonves' denial of a large severance payment. The experience underscores the importance of ethical decision-making and the emotional toll that comes with keeping secrets, especially in a high-pressure professional environment.

    • Journalistic investigations uncover systemic issues, but risks are personalJournalistic investigations can lead to systemic change, but those involved face personal risks such as loss of employment and legal consequences.

      Journalistic investigations, like the one led by Ronan Farrow and Ali Velshi, can expose systemic issues within corporations, leading to significant changes. However, those involved in such investigations often face personal risks, including loss of employment and legal repercussions. In Ali Velshi's case, after her involvement in exposing sexual misconduct and secret settlements at CBS, she faced the possibility of being identified as the leaker and losing her career as an attorney. Despite the danger, she chose to remain anonymous and continue her work, ultimately contributing to a groundbreaking investigation that brought unprecedented transparency to the public.

    • An attorney's investigation of unspecified reasons leads to emotional damage and career consequencesLegal investigations can result in intense legal confrontations, damage to relationships, and long-term career consequences for individuals.

      The intense pressure and emotional manipulation used during a legal investigation can lead to a breakdown in relationships and have lasting consequences. In this case, a young attorney named Ali was investigated by her law firm, Covington & Burling, for unspecified reasons. Despite Ali's denials, the investigation continued, leading to intense confrontations between her and the firm's attorneys. The situation ended in a stalemate, but the details of what ultimately led to Ali's downfall remain unclear. What is known is that Ali was placed on leave, resigned, and had her law license suspended for a year and a half. The experience left her feeling like she could not come back from it. The incident also strained the relationship between Ali and the journalist who initially interviewed her, Ellie, with the two falling out of touch until recently. The incident serves as a reminder of the emotional toll that investigations can take on individuals and the potential long-term damage they can cause.

    • Women's Sacrifices in the Me Too MovementWomen who speak out against sexual harassment and assault face significant consequences including career damage, shame, and financial hardships. Ali's story illustrates the real-life sacrifices made by women in the Me Too movement.

      The Me Too movement brought to light the significant consequences women face when speaking out against sexual harassment and assault. Ali's story serves as a poignant example of this, as she gave up her career, faced immense shame, and experienced financial hardships after coming forward. Despite these challenges, her partner, Lee, remained supportive. Ali's experience highlights the real-life sacrifices women make when they choose to speak out, adding a concrete dimension to the ongoing discussions about the Me Too movement. Ali, despite the struggles, never regretted her decision to come forward to Rachel. Her story serves as a reminder of the courage and resilience required when facing such adversity.

    • Lawyer Ali's difficult ethical decision and its aftermathAli's past ethical dilemma still haunts her, leading her to prioritize secrecy over career concerns, while societal debates continue over children's rights and freedoms.

      The aftermath of making difficult ethical decisions can lead to complex emotions and societal consequences. The discussion revolves around Ali, a lawyer who made a decision that sent her career in a different direction than her colleague Lee's. Though she feels terrible about the suffering she caused, she's unsure if she would change her decision. Ali's primary concern now is no longer her career but the secrecy surrounding her past. She hopes for ongoing conversation about societal change and understands that some may view her actions as unjustifiable. Ron DeSantis, Florida governor, recently signed socially conservative bills restricting gender transition care for minors, preventing children from attending live drag shows, and restricting the use of preferred pronouns in schools, sparking debates about children's rights and freedoms.

    • Controversial legislations in Florida and TexasFlorida's governor Ron DeSantis is positioning the state for a presidential campaign with controversial bills, while Texas is set to ban gender transition medical care for minors.

      Florida and Texas are making headlines for controversial legislations. Florida's governor Ron DeSantis is positioning the state as a "refuge of sanity and a citadel of normalcy," passing bills seen as potential steps for a presidential campaign. Meanwhile, Texas is poised to become the largest state to ban gender transition medical care for minors, with Governor Greg Abbott expected to sign the bill into law. Elsewhere, the World Meteorological Organization issued a dire warning, predicting the next five years to be the hottest in recorded history, driven by human-caused warming and El Nino. These developments, from political maneuvers to climate concerns, underscore the complexity and urgency of issues shaping our world. Stay informed with The Daily.

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    Join us every Wednesday for more strategies to DEFEAT bad decision-making - one episode at a time!

    - The False Claims Act: https://www.justice.gov/civil/false-claims-act
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    - Ep.19 I Dr. Celeste Holbrook I Deciding to be a SEXpert: https://api.spreaker.com/v2/episodes/48257562/download.mp3
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    - Stanley Milgram “Obedience to Authority”: https://ahrp.org/1961-stanley-milgrams-first-of-a-series-of-obedience-to-authority-experiments-at-yale/
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    Website: https://www.steinmitchell.com/professionals-Andrew-Beato
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-beato-0ab0325/

    Andrew M. Beato is the Chair of the False Claims Act and Whistleblower Practice Group at Stein Mitchell Beato & Missner LLP. His practice focuses on representing whistleblowers in the United States and abroad. Mr. Beato has substantial experience representing clients in high-profile government fraud investigations with state and federal agencies, including the Department of Justice, State Attorneys General Offices, the Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Internal Revenue Service, and the Department of Defense. In addition, Mr. Beato represents clients in complex international whistleblower claims involving financial entities alleged to have violated tax, securities, commodities, and health care laws. The whistleblowers represented by Mr. Beato have contributed to more than $3.5 billion in payments to federal and state governments, including $2.6 billion paid by Credit Suisse for conspiring to aid and assist taxpayers in filing false returns.

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    Ms. Amy Braley Franck began her career as a Department of the Army Civilian in July of 2013 as a Victim Advocate and has held the position of Sexual Assault Response Coordinator and Sexual Assault Program Manager for a 2- and 3-star Army Service Component Commands. Ms. Braley Franck has been identified on two separate occasions as a Whistleblower for her actions to protect her clients, as a catalyst for change. Ms. Braley Franck holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology and Business from the University of Maryland. Ms. Braley Franck is credentialed through NOVA D-SCAAP as Level IV Military Advocate. She is a certified Child Abuse Investigator and Nationally certified Forensic Interviewer, conducting interviews for local law enforcement, Army CID, FBI and Homeland Security and has been tendered an expert witness in Child Molestation and Abuse hearings.
    Ms. Braley Franck pioneered and managed the first Tele-Medicine Model Child Advocacy center in Columbus, Georgia through a partnership created with Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. She previously worked with the Child Abuse Specialists at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta providing professional development instruction to medical providers on recognizing and responding to child abuse and maltreatment.
    Ms. Braley Franck has been successful in writing grants for funding programs, developing and managing budgets and supervising reporting requirements. She has also been recognized by GEN Ray Odierno serving on his Sexual Assault Advisory Board and GEN Mark Milley in her Strategic Plan addressing Sexual Assault and Harassment. In 2015, her efforts championed to open the first Sexual Assault Resource Center in Italy under the leadership and support of LTG Darryl Williams. Ms. Braley-Franck has over 15,000 hours of victim advocacy and has conducted over 3,000 interviews of children/adolescents who have been sexually abused or witnessed violent crimes. She has given lectures at the National Organization of Victim Advocates Conference on providing Advocacy Services.

    For more information on Amy Franck and the Never Alone Advocacy group:
    Twitter: @Neveraloneadvo1
    Instagram: @Neveralonesoldiers
    Website: http://www.neveraloneadvocacy.org/ ,

    ~Music by Army Veteran, musician, artist, activist *YETI TEARS*
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