
    'The Interview': Gretchen Whitmer Wants a Gen X President — in 2028

    enJune 22, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Staying positive during difficult timesMichigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer's book, 'True Grudge,' emphasizes the importance of staying positive and focused during hardships, using her own experiences as learning opportunities.

      Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer's new book, "True Grudge," serves as a source of inspiration and positivity amidst the political chaos of the 2024 election cycle. The memoir-turned-handbook is less about Whitmer's personal story and more about staying positive and focused during difficult times. Whitmer acknowledges her past mistakes, such as partying excessively in high school and college, but views these experiences as learning opportunities. She believes that no matter how things are perceived, it's essential to do the right thing. Whitmer's book offers a glimpse into her personal journey and provides valuable insights for navigating the challenges of leadership and life.

    • Female politicians' challengesFemale politicians face unique challenges, including harsh judgment on appearances and inappropriate behavior, but staying focused on vision and message, standing up for oneself, and educating others can help overcome these hurdles. Humor is also important in politics.

      Being a female politician comes with unique challenges, including being judged more harshly on appearances and dealing with inappropriate behavior. The speaker, a female politician, shared her experiences of being mindful of these challenges while staying focused on her vision and message. She also emphasized the importance of standing up for herself and educating others when necessary. Despite these challenges, she continues to use her experiences as a learning opportunity and to inspire future generations of female politicians. The speaker also highlighted the importance of humor and not taking oneself too seriously in politics.

    • Michigan Governor Whitmer's political successGovernor Whitmer's success in Michigan was built on her commitment to delivering on campaign promises, maintaining relationships with adversaries, staying focused on her job, and demonstrating thick skin and a short memory. She prioritized bridging gaps and getting things done, even with opposition and criticism.

      Governor Whitmer's political success in Michigan, following the Democratic trifecta in 2022, was built on her commitment to delivering on her campaign promises and maintaining relationships with political adversaries. Despite facing significant opposition, including threats and ideological chasms, she prioritized staying focused on her job and demonstrated thick skin and a short memory. During the pandemic, she had to negotiate with a Republican legislature and leader who publicly criticized her, but ultimately, she understood the importance of bridging gaps and getting things done. Her rise to national prominence was marked by her early clashes with former President Trump.

    • Gender and political backlash during the pandemicDuring the pandemic, women political leaders faced extreme backlash, including death threats and kidnapping plots, which were often mischaracterized or downplayed by media compared to similar incidents against men.

      During the pandemic, Governor Whitmer of Michigan faced unique and severe backlash, including death threats and a kidnapping plot, which she believes was due in part to her gender. Her experiences, shared with other governors, were heightened in swing states and worsened in Michigan. The response to her pandemic restrictions was particularly vitriolic, with some calling it a kidnapping plot when in reality, it was a well-planned attempt to kidnap and kill her. The discrepancy in how this was covered versus a single person showing up on Justice Kavanaugh's lawn was shocking. Whitmer is now curious to understand what drove the kidnapping plot and hopes to meet with one of the plotters to gain insight into their motivations.

    • Legal accountability during pandemicGovernor Whitmer emphasized the importance of accountability and fairness in the legal system, particularly for those involved in the Capitol insurrection, while acknowledging past mistakes in school closures and expressing understanding for disagreements on foreign policy issues.

      That during the pandemic, the importance of accountability and fairness in the legal system was emphasized, particularly when it comes to those involved in the Capitol insurrection. Gov. Whitmer acknowledged the disparate treatment of those involved and called for accountability for those who took responsibility. Regarding the school closures in Michigan, she expressed that if she could go back in time with the knowledge we have now, she would have reopened schools earlier. However, she acknowledged the uncertainty and severity of the situation at the time, and the potential impact on children's health. Lastly, the impact of the conflict in Gaza on Biden's support among Arab American communities was discussed, with the importance of allowing people to express their disagreements through their votes being highlighted.

    • Impact of Election on Muslim and Arab AmericansThe Biden administration must prioritize policies that make Muslim and Arab Americans feel seen, heard, and respected, especially in Michigan where there's a significant shift towards Trump among these voters. The ongoing crisis in Gaza is a concern for younger generations, and addressing humanitarian needs is crucial.

      The upcoming high-stakes election will have significant generational impacts, and it's crucial for all communities, including Muslim and Arab Americans, to feel seen, heard, and respected in the policies of the Biden administration. This is particularly important in Michigan, where recent polling shows a significant shift towards Trump among these voters. Making sure people come out and vote is the focus, and the Biden administration doesn't take any vote for granted. The ongoing crisis in Gaza is a concern for younger generations, who are advocating for humanitarian needs and calling on leaders to address the situation. The protests on campuses are a reflection of this motivation. Regarding the age of political leaders, it's an inescapable fact that both major party candidates are in their 80s. While it's an issue for voters, Democrats should emphasize the records of delivering for the people and the vision for making lives better, rather than ignoring or denying the concern.

    • Political messagingEffective political messaging connects with voters by understanding their needs and concerns and using relatable language. Highlighting positive impacts of administration actions on local communities can help reach voters.

      Effective messaging is crucial for political success, and President Biden's "Finish the job" slogan may not resonate with voters as much as more relatable messages. Governor Whitmer emphasized the importance of understanding the needs and concerns of everyday people and using language that connects with them. The infrastructure bill passed by Biden is not getting the credit it deserves due to the economic uncertainty caused by the pandemic. To reach voters, it's essential to highlight the positive impacts of the administration's actions on their local communities. Despite Biden's polling challenges, particularly among young people and minority voters, Governor Whitmer expressed confidence in Michigan's potential to contribute to his victory.

    • Reproductive Rights, MichiganGovernor Whitmer is dedicated to fighting for reproductive rights at state and federal levels, expressing concern about potential Supreme Court recusals and the importance of individual freedoms.

      Governor Whitmer of Michigan is committed to fighting for reproductive rights, both at the state and federal levels. She believes that the upcoming election holds high stakes for this issue, as well as individual freedoms, and that progress can be made by enshrining these rights where possible, but ultimately, the goal is to have this question vested solely in the individual at the federal level. She also expressed concern about the Supreme Court and potential recusals from justices involved in rulings related to the 2020 election and President Trump. The governor's determination to protect reproductive rights, despite personal challenges and setbacks, underscores the importance of this issue and the need for continued advocacy and action.

    • Institutional trust, government integrityGovernor Whitmer emphasizes the importance of addressing the erosion of trust in institutions and the need for integrity in government through potential court expansion or ensuring appointments prioritize impartiality.

      The erosion of trust in institutions and the need for integrity in government are pressing issues that require attention. Governor Whitmer expressed concerns about the impact of false information and the lack of recusal by justices with potential conflicts. She also discussed the importance of restoring trust through potential court expansion or ensuring President Biden makes the next appointments. Looking ahead, she hopes Gen X politicians can address pressing issues like debt, climate, and individual rights. Despite Trump's conviction, Whitmer believes there's a need for robust debates with different perspectives and hopes for a return to thoughtful governance.

    • Resilience and adaptabilityThe importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of uncertainty, following public health guidelines, continued investment in science and research, mental health and self-care, technology facilitating remote work, and staying informed and engaged.

      Key takeaway from our conversation today is the importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of uncertainty. We heard from various perspectives, including that of Dr. Fauci, about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the importance of following public health guidelines to protect ourselves and our communities. Another key takeaway is the need for continued investment in science and research to address global health challenges. We also discussed the importance of mental health and self-care, particularly during times of stress and uncertainty. Additionally, we touched on the role of technology in facilitating remote work and virtual connections, which has become increasingly important in our current reality. Lastly, we emphasized the importance of staying informed and engaged in current events, while also being mindful of the sources of information we rely on. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of staying adaptable and resilient in the face of challenges, whether they be related to public health, work, or personal well-being. It also underscored the importance of investing in science, technology, and mental health resources to help us navigate these challenges and emerge stronger on the other side.

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