
    An Explosive New Detail Emerges Which Could Explain the COVID Origin (Ep 1536)

    enJune 07, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Threats to America: Critical Race Theory, China, and the War on PoliceAmerica faces threats from critical race theory, China's handling of the Wuhan virus, and the war on police. Protect online privacy with a reliable VPN like ExpressVPN, and stand against destructive ideologies.

      The host, Dan Bongino, is discussing various threats to America in his show, and he believes that critical race theory, China's actions regarding the Wuhan virus, and the war on police are significant issues that could potentially harm the country. He emphasizes the importance of online privacy and endorses ExpressVPN as a reliable VPN service due to its no-logging policy and fast speeds. Bongino expresses gratitude towards his audience for their support and encourages them to watch his Fox show, "Unfiltered with Dan Bongino," every Saturday night. He also mentions the importance of standing against critical race theory, which he believes is a deliberate attempt by the left to destroy the country from within.

    • Historical allies of the left create chaos from withinThe left's alliance with China and adoption of its tactics pose significant threats to the Republic, including speech suppression, economic control, and potential escalation of the US-China Cold War.

      Certain external forces, such as China, have historically been allies to the left, making it difficult for them to bring down the Republic from the outside. Instead, they aim to create chaos and division from within by promoting critical race theory and inciting hatred among people. Another significant threat is China's ongoing Cold War against the US, which could potentially escalate into a hot war. The left's affinity towards China and their adoption of its tactics, such as speech suppression and economic control, are concerning. Additionally, there have been allegations that China may have planned and developed a vaccine before the coronavirus pandemic, which could have major implications. Trump had reportedly wanted to form a commission to investigate these matters but was stopped by his senior advisors. These revelations underscore the importance of staying informed and vigilant against external and internal threats to our Republic.

    • Concerns about coronavirus origins and Chinese government involvementNew York Post article reveals attempts to confront China about virus origins, potential lab creation, hindered efforts, Chinese military scientists filed patent for COVID-19 vaccine before public knowledge, unusual genetic code in virus raises suspicions, cover-up suspected, further investigation needed

      There are serious concerns regarding the origins of the coronavirus and potential involvement of the Chinese government, which have been ignored or downplayed by the media and some officials. The New York Post article reveals that there were attempts to confront China about the virus's origins and potential lab creation, but these efforts were hindered. Additionally, there's evidence of Chinese military scientists filing a patent for a COVID-19 vaccine before it was publicly known, adding to the suspicion. The discovery of an unusual genetic code in the coronavirus, CGG, CGG, which doesn't exist in nature, further raises questions about its origins. These findings suggest that there may be a cover-up and that further investigation is warranted. The implications of these discoveries are significant and could potentially change the narrative around the origins of the pandemic.

    • Allegations of Early COVID-19 Vaccine Development and Potential Bioweapon Creation at Wuhan Institute of VirologyFBI, DNI, NIH, and HHS officials met with individuals involved in funding and research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, raising questions about early vaccine development and potential bioweapon creation. This information could have led to earlier pressure on China for transparency and potentially mitigated the global impact of the pandemic.

      There are allegations suggesting Chinese scientists may have been developing a COVID-19 vaccine before the official outbreak announcement, possibly even while creating a potential bioweapon. This raises questions about the timeline and motivation behind these actions. High-level officials from the FBI, DNI, NIH, and HHS attended a meeting with individuals involved in funding and research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where some believe the virus may have originated. Critics argue that this information could have been used to pressure China for transparency earlier and potentially mitigate the global impact of the pandemic. The discussion also touched upon the role of misinformation and the responsibility of tech companies in spreading false narratives. Millions of lives have been affected, and this issue remains a contentious topic.

    • The importance of feeling secure and human connectionHaving a reliable home security system provides peace of mind, while transparency and accountability from public figures ensure trust during uncertain times.

      Human connection and feeling secure are invaluable, especially during uncertain times. This was emphasized through the discussion about the importance of having a reliable home security system like SimpliSafe, which offers peace of mind through its easy-to-use technology and 24/7 customer support. Additionally, the importance of accountability and transparency from public figures, such as Dr. Fauci, was highlighted in the context of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The discussion underscored the need for openness and scrutiny, especially when it comes to matters of public health and safety.

    • Fauci's Endorsement of Natural Origin for COVID-19 Amidst Wuhan Lab TiesFauci endorsed a natural origin for COVID-19 while having undisclosed ties to the Wuhan Institute and co-authoring a paper downplaying a lab leak theory

      There are allegations suggesting a potential cover-up regarding the origin of COVID-19, with some pointing towards the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Emails between Peter Daszak and Dr. Fauci indicate that Fauci publicly endorsed a natural origin for the virus, despite Daszak's group, EcoHealth Alliance, having ties to the Wuhan Institute and conducting gain-of-function research there. A paper cited by Fauci in his public statement was co-authored by Daszak. Critics question why Fauci didn't disclose this connection and why the paper downplayed the possibility of a lab leak. The CGG coding mentioned in the discussion is a sequence that doesn't naturally occur in viruses, and its absence in the paper is a point of contention. Admiral Giroir, a former health official in the Trump administration, has suggested that it's not outrageous to consider the possibility of an accidental leak from a Chinese biological weapons program.

    • Early discussions on COVID-19's origins and potential suppression of informationScientists debated the possibility of COVID-19's engineered origins during the pandemic's early stages. Some expressed concerns but later praised China's response. Early WHO statements downplayed human-to-human transmission, raising questions about information suppression.

      During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were discussions among scientists about the possibility that the virus may have been engineered. An email from Edward Holmes to Jeremy Farrar mentions summaries about the Wuhan coronavirus and the need to avoid mentioning anomalies that could make them look "lunatic." Christian Anderson, a scientist who later expressed concerns about the virus's inconsistency with evolutionary theory, emailed Fauci in January 2020 about potential engineered features in the virus. However, Anderson had previously praised China's response to the outbreak on social media just a few weeks earlier. The WHO also tweeted about China's findings of no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission around the same time. These early discussions and conflicting messages raise questions about the origins of the virus and the potential suppression of information.

    • Celebrating Father's Day with Meaningful ExperiencesAppreciate special occasions with experiences, like ordering a delicious meat assortment from Omaha Steaks, and stand against divisive ideologies that promote judgment based on skin color.

      It's important to appreciate and celebrate special occasions like Father's Day with meaningful experiences rather than just gifts. One such experience could be ordering the "Get Out and Grill Assortment" from Omaha Steaks, which offers a variety of delicious and high-quality meat options for both the recipient and the giver to enjoy together. Meanwhile, in the political sphere, there are significant threats to the unity and integrity of the country, including the promotion of divisive ideologies like critical race theory. This theory encourages people to judge each other based on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character, which goes against the American ethos of equality and freedom. It's essential for individuals and policymakers to stand against such ideologies and promote a more unifying and inclusive vision for society. Overall, whether it's through sharing special moments with loved ones or standing up for the values that make our country great, it's crucial to make a positive impact and bring people together rather than driving them apart.

    • A Yale Psychiatrist's Controversial Comments and the Critique of Critical Race TheoryDespite offensive statements, some individuals may be celebrated, while critics are silenced. Holding people accountable and confronting ideas with principles is essential. American history requires self-scrutiny and correction, but critical race theory labels all white people as oppressors, which is divisive.

      The discussion revolves around the controversial comments made by a Yale psychiatrist endorsing violent fantasies against white people and the speaker's critique of critical race theory. The speaker argues that this psychiatrist, despite her offensive statements, is likely to be celebrated in society, while those who criticize it, like him, are often silenced. He emphasizes the importance of holding people accountable for their ideas and confronting them with their own principles. The speaker also shares his perspective on American history, emphasizing the need for self-scrutiny and self-correction, which he believes sets America apart from other civilizations. However, he criticizes critical race theory for labeling all white people as oppressors, which he does not agree with. The speaker encourages open dialogue and self-reflection, rather than labeling and dividing based on race.

    • Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Takes a Firm Stance Against Critical Race TheoryGovernor Ron DeSantis bans Critical Race Theory in Florida schools and supports anti-CRT candidates.

      There's ongoing debate about personal accountability for past generations' actions and the role of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in education. Ron DeSantis, Florida's governor, is taking a firm stance against CRT by banning it in schools and supporting Republican candidates who share his view. Meanwhile, there's a rising star in the Republican Party, Mark Robinson from North Carolina, who is known for his strong stance against race hustlers. Additionally, I Target Pro, a cost-effective and convenient firearm training tool, can help improve marksmanship skills from the comfort of home.

    • Focus on personal growth and gratitudeInstead of dwelling on past wrongs, be grateful for freedoms and strive for personal growth. Honor past sacrifices by getting an education, working hard, and caring for family.

      Robinson argues that instead of focusing on reparations for historical wrongs, individuals should be grateful for the freedoms and opportunities they have been given and strive to make the most of them. He emphasizes the sacrifices made by previous generations, from those who worked in fields during slavery to those who fought for civil rights, and encourages individuals to honor their legacy by getting an education, working hard, and taking care of their families. Robinson's impassioned words serve as a call to action for individuals to take responsibility for their own lives and contribute to the greater good.

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    Home Security Hacking 

    You may know, we started providing our video content to our subscribers only,but there's a story that’s been creeping me out and I felt as many people as possible should be warned.  Be sure to checkout our video on Youtube at: 

    Have you all heard about men hacking into baby monitors, security cameras, and home alarms such as Ring, Nest, etc?  

    Well, I recently read a story about a mom that setup a ring camera in her 8 year old daughters bedroom for peace of mind. A man hacked into the camera and started harassing the child.  Based on the video playback from the camera, he would try to convince the child to misbehave,  using racial slurs, calling himself Santa Claus-just overall disturbing behavior.  

    In another instance, a man hacked into a family's home alarm and tripped the siren and then threatened the family repeatedly by speaking to them through the intercom and made ransom demands. 

    Is it safe anywhere and how much of our privacy have we given up? That’s the question I’ve been asking myself for a while and now I’m thinking twice about camera’s inside my home.  

    How can you keep your Camera’s and try to hack proof it.  Here are a few tips. 

    1. Keep your firmware up to date
    2. Change your password to something long, complicated. Be sure it’s not something identifiable like your birthday. 
    3. Setup a password manager 
    4.  Setup two factor authentication on your camera.  Not all cameras offer 2 factor authentication, but a few that do are Ring, Amazon, and Nest. 

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    This episode was recorded on 03/09/2022

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    Barbara Kay is a columnist for the Post Millennial, the Epoch Times, and Western Standard Online.

    Bruce Pardy is executive director of Rights Probe and professor of law at Queen’s University.

    Dr. David M. Haskell’s teaching and research focuses on religion in Canada, media in Canada, and religion and media in Canada. He is currently a professor at Wilfrid Laurier.