
    Did A Spy Defector From China Prove Trump Right? (Ep 1545)

    enJune 18, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Chinese Defector Provides Intelligence on China's Handling of COVID-19A Chinese defector, a former top counterintelligence official, shares intelligence on China's COVID-19 response aligning with Trump's early claims, emphasizing the need for privacy protection in the digital age, and discussing Fauci gate and critical race theory on the Saturday night show.

      A high-level Chinese defector is providing the US with significant intelligence on China, and this information aligns with what former President Trump shared about China during the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic. This defector was a top counterintelligence official, and the implications of this revelation are significant. Additionally, in today's digital age, individuals must take steps to protect their privacy online as data brokers buy and sell personal information without consent. ExpressVPN is a solution to mask IP addresses and protect data from being harvested and sold. Lastly, on the Saturday night show, Rand Paul and Devin Nunes will discuss Fauci gate, and a segment on critical race theory will not be missed.

    • Chinese Defector Reveals Sensitive Info on China's Weapons, Virus Origins, and US AssetsA Chinese defector, Dong Jingwei, has defected to the US with damaging info on China's military, Wuhan lab, COVID-19 origins, and US officials, but media coverage is limited due to sensitivity.

      A Chinese defector named Dong Jingwei, who is a former counterintelligence officer, has defected to the United States with detailed information about China's special weapons systems, the Chinese military operation of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the origins of SARS-COVID-2, and the Chinese government's assets and sources within the United States. He also has embarrassing and damaging information about US intelligence community and government officials, which could potentially be a major revelation. Dong flew to the US in mid-February 2020 and contacted DIA officials to defect. China is demanding his return, but the US is refusing. Dong's information includes confirmation of much of what was claimed by former President Trump about the coronavirus originating in a lab in China. The media has not widely reported on this story, possibly due to the sensitive and embarrassing nature of the information.

    • Chinese students identified as spies, returned earlier to spy on US response to coronavirusIntelligence suggests Chinese students may have been spies, Trump's travel restrictions criticized but potentially justified

      There were Chinese students who allegedly entered the United States as students but were identified as spies by a Chinese counterintelligence defector, Dong Jingwei. These students returned to the US earlier than scheduled in January 2020, possibly to spy on the US response to the coronavirus epidemic. President Trump later imposed travel restrictions from China, which these students may have tried to circumvent. The media and some critics criticized Trump for the travel restrictions, labeling it racist. However, the information provided by Dong Jingwei suggests that these students may have indeed been spies, making Trump's actions seem prescient. This revelation adds to the ongoing debate about the origins of the coronavirus and the role of China in the global response.

    • Chinese Defector Claims Government Had COVID-19 Predictions and Funded Biological Warfare ResearchA Chinese defector alleges the Chinese government had COVID-19 predictions and funded biological warfare research, potentially implicating US officials and institutions. However, the claims' veracity is unconfirmed and have sparked controversy.

      A Chinese defector named Dong Jingwei has provided the DIA with information suggesting that the Chinese government had models predicting the spread and damage of COVID-19, and may have had a role in its origin. Additionally, Dong claims to have financial records detailing which organizations and governments funded biological warfare research in China, and the names of US citizens who provided intelligence to China, as well as Chinese spies working in the US or attending US universities. These revelations could potentially implicate US officials and institutions in funding and enabling Chinese biological research, and could shed light on the origins of COVID-19. However, the veracity of these claims has not been independently confirmed, and their release has been met with controversy and skepticism.

    • Potential Chinese involvement in COVID-19 origins and cover-up attemptsNew evidence suggests Chinese gov't may have released COVID-19 as a bio weapon, now trying to find coronavirus in bats to cover up. Heightened threat of ransomware attacks, emphasizing the importance of cybersecurity and identity theft protection.

      There is growing evidence suggesting the Chinese government may have been involved in the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, potentially releasing a bio weapon on the world. This information comes from a large cache of data and a Chinese defector. The Chinese government is now reportedly trying to find a coronavirus in bats to cover up their involvement. Additionally, there is a heightened threat of ransomware attacks, which can be devastating, and everyone should take steps to protect their personal information. The importance of cybersecurity and identity theft protection cannot be overstated. Overall, these developments underscore the need for increased vigilance and awareness in the face of potential threats from foreign governments and cybercriminals.

    • Grassroots Movement Against CRT Causes Panic on the LeftLocal activism and media exposure challenge divisive CRT, highlighting its Marxist ties and societal division goals, and demonstrate the power of addressing emotional concerns and effective messaging in cultural debates.

      The activism against Critical Race Theory (CRT) is making a significant impact, causing panic among those who support it. CRT, a racist theory that teaches kids to hate based on skin color, is being exposed through local activism and media outlets. The left's reaction is due to the growing awareness and opposition to this divisive ideology, which has Marxist ties and aims to create societal division to justify infringing on civil liberties. The success of this grassroots movement demonstrates the power of local action and the importance of addressing emotional concerns alongside data in cultural debates. We are learning to effectively challenge the left's messaging and turning the tide in the culture wars.

    • Marxist groups pushing for societal chaos in US through class, enviro, and race warfareMarxist groups promote societal chaos via class, enviro, and race warfare, seeking to divide and rot the country, with critical race theory being a recent focus

      Certain groups have been pushing for societal chaos in the United States through various means, including class warfare, environmental warfare, and most recently, race warfare. These efforts have included promoting critical race theory, which seeks to divide people based on race. These groups, with roots in Marxist ideologies, aim to rot the country from the inside out and believe that racial harmony hinders their cause. One example of this is the Marxist group, Mark's Group, founded by the late Howard Zinn, who promoted divisive ideas through his book "A People's History of the United States." Despite their efforts, there is a growing awareness and pushback against these divisive ideologies, and many are turning to reliable tools, like ETS magazines, for personal and home defense in uncertain times. The left is in a panic as they see the tide turning in the culture war on critical race theory.

    • Anti-free speech advocate panics over parent involvement and FOIA requestsAn anti-free speech advocate is concerned about parents getting more involved in education and the use of FOIA to uncover race-related spending, viewing these actions as tactics to frame schools and teachers as promoting racism, and seeing FOIA requests as onerous despite initial support for transparency.

      Brandi Zemdrazni, an anti-free speech advocate and critic of critical race theory, is panicking over parents becoming more involved in their children's education and the increased use of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to uncover school spending on race-related issues. Zemdrazni, who has a history of attacking people on social media, views these actions as tactics being used by national organizations to frame school boards and teachers as promoting racism. She sees FOIA requests as onerous and weaponized, despite her initial support for transparency. This panic is a sign for those opposed to critical race theory to double down on their efforts to ensure accountability and transparency in education.

    • Representative's confusion over racism in curriculumThe lack of a clear definition of racism in the context of critical race theory and the panic from its promoters in response to FOIA requests and parental involvement emphasizes the need for a reevaluation of the curriculum and a clear definition of racism.

      During a discussion about controversial lesson plans in schools, it was pointed out that a representative cannot deny the existence of racist elements in the curriculum, as she herself acknowledged it wasn't "really" what they were doing. The representative's inability to clearly define racism and the laughter from the crowd during her attempt to do so highlighted the confusion and lack of substance behind critical race theory. The panic from those promoting this theory, as evidenced by their reactions to FOIA requests and parental involvement, reveals their awareness of losing the public's support. This further underscores the need for a clear and concise definition of racism and a reevaluation of the curriculum being taught in schools.

    • Criticism of Misunderstood Racism Education for EducatorsCritics argue that taxpayer money is being wasted on educators being taught about racism by individuals who have a flawed understanding of the concept themselves, potentially leading to biased and inaccurate teachings for students.

      During a discussion, it was criticized that a significant amount of taxpayer money is being spent on educators being taught about racism by individuals who seem to have a misunderstanding of the concept themselves. An example was given of a person who wrote extensively on the topic but struggled to define racism during a live interview. The criticism also extended to a Marxist group associated with this project, raising concerns that biased and potentially inaccurate teachings could be impacting students. The speaker expressed frustration that such individuals are being given a platform to shape the education system and that basic knowledge and understanding of fundamental concepts seem to be lacking.

    • Estate Planning with Trust and Will: Customized, Convenient, and Cost-EffectiveFamilies need an estate plan, and Trust and Will offers a customized, convenient, and cost-effective solution, ensuring guardians for children, determining asset distribution, and planning for future medical care.

      It's crucial for families to have an estate plan in place, and online services like Trust and Will offer a convenient, customized, and cost-effective solution. The discussion highlighted the importance of having guardians nominated for children, determining who gets your assets, and planning for future medical care. Traditional attorney fees can be high, and generic templates may not be specialized enough. Trust and Will's team of estate planning experts ensures documents are customized for the state you live in and offers live support. With Trustpilot's category leadership and hundreds of thousands of people protected, it's a trusted choice. Meanwhile, in news, there's evidence of significant election integrity issues in Georgia, including double counting, insecure storage, and chain of custody problems. These issues are concerning, and it's essential to demand answers and transparency in our elections.

    • Left and Right Approaches to 'Thinking Globally, Acting Locally'The left has long embraced the idea of 'thinking globally, acting locally' and supports global figures backing local causes, while the right is now implementing this strategy through actionable plans and encouraging individuals to get involved.

      The left has effectively implemented the ideology of "thinking globally, acting locally" for a long time, while the right is now catching up with this strategy. George Soros is an example of a global figure backing local anti-law and order candidates, such as New York City's Maya Wiley. Meanwhile, President Trump is proposing a seven-step plan to ban taxpayer dollars for critical race theory and create counter-programming through a 1776 commission. Trump's plan emphasizes action, and he encourages individuals to contact their state legislators to support these initiatives. The left's bumper sticker slogan may be a mere catchphrase, but the right is turning words into action. The key is to act locally, as the left has done successfully, while maintaining a global perspective.

    • Trump's Call to Action Against Political Indoctrination in SchoolsParents encouraged to organize locally against political indoctrination in schools, Trump highlights effectiveness of local activism, Battle plan for parents to implement in every district, Impediment is parental action

      President Trump is advocating for local action against political indoctrination in schools. He believes parents have the right to know what's being taught to their children and encourages them to organize at the local level to eliminate such programs. Trump also criticizes the left for their local activism and calls attention to the effectiveness of acting locally. The battle plan is for parents to implement this in every school district across America. The only impediment is for parents to take action. Trump's approach is a call to arms against political indoctrination in education, emphasizing the power of local activism.

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