
    An FBI Whistleblower Makes A Stunning Claim (Ep 1873)

    enOctober 14, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • FBI Investigation, January 6th Committee, and Online PrivacyAn FBI source shares info on an ongoing investigation, the January 6th committee's narrative is questioned, and the importance of using ExpressVPN for online privacy is emphasized.

      The host, Dan Bongino, discussed the weaponization of federal law enforcement and the bureaucracy, with the January 6th committee's narrative being called into question. He also shared breaking news from an FBI source regarding an ongoing investigation out of the San Francisco office. Additionally, Bongino promoted the use of ExpressVPN to protect online privacy and freedom from government surveillance. A feel-good moment came from Todd Bowles, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers coach, who shared his views on race and coaching in the NFL. Bowles emphasized that he doesn't judge based on color and believes that representation matters but that people should stop making a big deal about it. The show also touched on the potential requirement for cars to have impaired driving monitoring devices in the future, raising concerns about government control and digital freedom.

    • NFL ratings are high but some have stopped watching, coaches face negative attention, Musk's Twitter acquisition under investigationDespite NFL's ratings, some viewers have dropped off, coaches face criticism, Musk's Twitter acquisition faces scrutiny over free speech concerns, baseless allegations continue against Musk

      The NFL's ratings are high, but there are still many people who have stopped watching due to various reasons. Todd Bowles, a coach, made positive comments about the league, but instead of focusing on the positivity, some are targeting him with negative attention. Elsewhere, Elon Musk's proposed acquisition of Twitter is causing concern, as federal authorities are reportedly investigating him. The fear is that Musk aims to make Twitter a free speech platform, which goes against the current trend of censorship. The attacks on Musk, a businessman and entrepreneur, are growing, with some media outlets linking him to Russia and Putin. These baseless allegations are a continuation of the Russiagate narrative and a clear attempt to silence free speech. Overall, it's important to remember that respectful dialogue and open discourse should be encouraged, not suppressed.

    • Ongoing efforts to control discourse around Ukraine and January 6th committee hearingsElon Musk's Twitter takeover raises concerns for potential divisiveness and questioning of narratives. The January 6th committee hearings and inflation data release serve as strategic distractions amidst ongoing political and economic developments.

      There are ongoing efforts to control discourse around the Ukraine situation and the January 6th committee hearings, with Elon Musk's Twitter takeover being a concern due to potential divisiveness and questioning of established narratives. Meanwhile, the timing of the January 6th committee hearings and the release of inflation data are seen as strategic distractions. Core inflation, which excludes food and fuel prices, reached a new 40-year high, and fuel prices are expected to continue rising. These economic and political developments could further impact public discourse and the upcoming elections.

    • January 6th committee's sudden subpoena of Trump seen as distractionThe January 6th committee's sudden subpoena of Trump raised questions about its intentions and timing, while the committee's handling of security on January 6th and Pelosi's role were also scrutinized. The lack of further hearings planned weakened the committee's narrative.

      The January 6th committee's sudden need for a meeting and subpoena of Donald Trump was seen as a distraction from other issues, including rising fuel prices and Joe Biden's administration challenges. The timing and compressed timeline of the subpoena raised questions about the committee's true intentions, with some suggesting it was politically motivated. Additionally, the committee's handling of security on January 6th and Nancy Pelosi's role in it were brought into question, as footage emerged showing Pelosi giving orders during the siege, contradicting her earlier claims of no involvement. The overall narrative of the committee's hearing was undercut when it was revealed they had planned no further hearings and were set to sunset after the holidays.

    • January 6th Committee Investigation: Pelosi's Role and Inadequate SecurityThe January 6th committee's investigation revealed Pelosi's involvement in Capitol security instructions and questioned the insufficient security measures despite advance knowledge of the insurrection.

      The January 6th committee's investigation into the Capitol siege has raised questions about the roles of key figures, including Nancy Pelosi, and the apparent lack of action taken despite advance warnings. Pelosi, who has a role in Capitol security, was shown in footage giving instructions to Capitol police but previously denied any involvement. The committee also presented evidence of advance knowledge of the planned insurrection, yet security measures seemed insufficient. The inconsistencies and contradictions in the committee's narrative have led to confusion and speculation. Additionally, there are ongoing concerns about inflation, with the GOP potentially worsening the situation, and debates surrounding data security in light of proposed legislation like the Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill.

    • FBI Gathers Info on Election Misinfo from Social MediaThe FBI is reportedly investigating election misinformation on social media, potentially infringing on First Amendment rights, without judicial oversight.

      The FBI is reportedly gathering information on election misinformation from social media platforms, potentially infringing on First Amendment rights. This intelligence-focused investigation, according to a source, is originating from the San Francisco field office. The implications of this could be significant, as the FBI's intelligence investigations are not subject to the same judicial oversight as criminal investigations, potentially allowing for long-term scrutiny of individuals or causes. The ongoing Durham trial, which is focusing on FBI malfeasance related to the collusion investigation, has shed light on the bureau's questionable practices. The FBI's actions in this regard raise concerns about transparency, accountability, and potential political bias.

    • FBI's questionable handling of Igor Danchenko caseThe FBI's apparent favoritism towards Igor Danchenko, a source for the Trump-Russia dossier, and its extensive efforts to gather information on Trump, despite offering payment, raise concerns about the bureau's impartiality during the 2016 election.

      The FBI's handling of certain investigations during the 2016 election raised serious concerns about favoritism and corruption. A key example is the case of Igor Danchenko, a source for the infamous Trump-Russia dossier. Danchenko was paid thousands by the FBI to share information, despite it being standard practice for compensation to be based on the value of the information provided. Moreover, Danchenko was introduced to another dossier source by Fiona Hill, who had worked at the Brookings Institution, a think tank that has been critical of conservatives. The FBI's seemingly biased treatment of Danchenko and its extensive efforts to gather information on Trump, even offering payment to various sources, call into question the bureau's impartiality during this period. This issue of the FBI's potential politicization is further highlighted by the fact that the FBI's San Francisco office reportedly labeled individuals, including the speaker, as potential national security threats for posting content Democrats disliked. The corruption and potential bias uncovered in this case underscore the importance of maintaining the integrity and impartiality of our law enforcement agencies.

    • FBI used unverified information against Trump in courtThe FBI's use of unverified information against Trump in court raises concerns about the integrity of their actions and accountability.

      During the discussion, it was revealed that the FBI paid for unverified information on Donald Trump and used it in court applications, despite admitting that they did not have corroboration from other sources. This raises serious concerns about the integrity of the FBI's actions during this time and the potential consequences of such actions. The lack of verification of this information, which was sworn to be true in court, is shocking and raises questions about accountability. The broader context of this discussion also touches on the role of think tanks and the media in shaping public perception of political figures, and the potential for corruption in the political system. Overall, this discussion highlights the importance of transparency and truth in the workings of our institutions and the potential consequences of their failure to uphold these values.

    • Biden Administration's Economic Statements Criticized as MisleadingSpeaker criticizes Biden administration for downplaying inflation and economic struggles, accusing them of being untruthful and corrupt leaders

      The speaker believes President Joe Biden and his administration are attempting to distract the public from their perceived failures, particularly regarding the economy and inflation, by making misleading statements and downplaying the severity of the issues. The speaker argues that inflation has worsened significantly since Biden took office, despite his claims to the contrary, and accuses him of being a corrupt and unprofessional leader. The speaker also criticizes administration officials like Brian Deese for making unconvincing arguments about reducing costs and healthcare premiums. Overall, the speaker expresses frustration with the Biden administration's handling of the economy and believes they are not being truthful with the American people.

    • Countries printing and spending money cause inflationBalanced budgets and avoiding money printing prevent inflation, while recent policies like the Inflation Reduction Act may not effectively control costs and could lead to more spending and price controls.

      The ongoing global issue of inflation is not unique to the United States, but rather a result of various countries printing and spending money they don't have. The countries that have balanced budgets and are not engaging in such practices do not experience inflation. Additionally, the recent Inflation Reduction Act, which aims to control healthcare costs and reduce inflation, is not as effective as it seems. The cost control measures involve pushing more people off private insurance into Obamacare, which will cost $45 billion in taxpayer money, and implementing price controls on drugs, which have never worked effectively in the past. The Biden administration's claims about inflation being worse under the GOP and the economy being in shambles when he took office have also been debunked. It is important to critically evaluate political claims and consider the potential consequences of policies.

    • Helix Mattresses: Custom Comfort and ConvenienceHelix offers custom mattresses based on body type and sleep preferences, with a risk-free trial period, convenient online ordering, and current discount and free pillows.

      The speaker is promoting Helix mattresses and sharing his positive experience with them. He emphasizes the convenience of ordering online, the customization based on body type and sleep preferences, and the risk-free trial period. He also mentions the current offer with a discount and free pillows. Additionally, he briefly touches on the upcoming change in the Google Podcasts app and the rising mortgage rates affecting the housing market. In a lighter moment, he shares an amusing exchange about a Motley doll. Overall, the speaker is confident in the comfort and quality of Helix mattresses and encourages listeners to give them a try.

    • Zero-click spyware: Hackers can take control of phones without user interactionZero-click spyware poses a serious threat to privacy and security, enabling hackers to control phones without user interaction, potentially compromising cameras, microphones, geolocation, and emails. Individuals, especially public figures, should assume their phones are compromised and take necessary precautions.

      Zero-click spyware is a serious threat to privacy and security, allowing hackers to gain control of phones without user interaction. This type of attack, as seen with Pegasus, can exploit vulnerabilities in Apple devices, potentially compromising cameras, microphones, geolocation, and emails. Governments have reportedly used this technique on a large scale to target opponents. It's essential for individuals, especially public figures, to assume their phones are compromised and take necessary precautions. In other news, companies like banks and religious organizations have faced censorship and account closures. Paralleleconomy.com offers alternatives for those looking to escape such situations. The stock market can experience significant swings, even during bear markets and with worse-than-expected reports, due to various factors such as investor sentiment, economic indicators, and geopolitical events.

    • Struggling for Podcast Content During Slow News CyclesDuring slow news cycles, podcast hosts may struggle to generate content, leading to a decrease in audience. Aggressive interest rate hikes can be driven by concerns over potential financial instability from inflation, but can also impact podcast listenership due to lack of engaging topics.

      During a period when there was a lack of significant news or events, the hosts of a podcast found themselves struggling to generate content, leading to a decrease in their audience. One reason for the Federal Reserve's aggressive interest rate hikes was the belief that inflation would be worse than anticipated, which could have led to financial instability for businesses. However, it was also noted that there was a time when the podcast hosts had a hard time finding content due to a lack of major news events. This period resulted in a decrease in their audience, and they resorted to discussing Joe Rogan's situation extensively because there was nothing else to talk about. It was suggested that the journalists covering controversial topics might not be paid assets of intelligence agencies but rather ideological leftists advancing the deep state agenda. The hosts also discussed the idea of a public figure deciding to exit the public eye, but acknowledged the potential loss of power and audience that comes with such a decision. Overall, the podcast covered a range of topics, from economic policies to journalistic integrity and personal comfort with public figures.

    • Dan Pongino's personal discomfort and commitment to public discourseDespite his discomfort, Dan Pongino stays in the public sphere to contribute to national discourse. He believes the country isn't in a state of panic despite current concerns and shares his opinion on JFK's political stance.

      Dan Pongino, the host of the Fox Unfiltered show, shares his personal discomfort with being in public and his commitment to staying in the public sphere to contribute to the country's discourse. He also expresses his belief that the country is not in a state of panic despite current concerns, such as nuclear threats and political issues like athletes and congressmen's conflicts of interest. Pongino also recounted his experience of being bleeped on his radio show but not on live TV and shared his opinion that JFK, if alive today, would likely be considered a moderate Republican. He concluded by teasing an upcoming exclusive interview with an FBI whistleblower on January 6th events.

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