
    An Honest Conversation with a Marxist - Aaron Bastani

    enAugust 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Advocating for a shift in power to the peopleAuthor and media founder Aron Bostani advocates for a revolution in politics and economics, challenging the traditional media's role in propagating the status quo, and providing an alternative through Navarro Media.

      Aron Bostani, an author, journalist, and founder of Navarro Media, advocates for a profound shift in power from the elite to the ordinary people, arguing that the political and economic systems are in need of a revolution. He believes that the traditional media has failed to represent the truth and has become a tool for propaganda. Bostani's background in new media led him to co-found Navarro Media with the goal of providing an alternative to the mainstream political commentary and journalism. The success of Navarro Media, which includes reaching millions of people on social media and podcasts, is a testament to the public's desire for something different. Despite the challenges and criticisms, Bostani remains committed to his political beliefs and the importance of challenging the status quo.

    • Interviewees criticize media for failing to hold powerful figures accountableInterviewees expressed concern over media's cozy relationship with politicians, lack of respectful dialogue, and decreased journalistic bravery, fearing democracy may suffer.

      Both interviewees shared their disillusionment with the mainstream media, particularly in the UK and the US, for not living up to their journalistic standards. The turning points for them were instances where they felt the media was not facilitating genuine conversations or holding powerful figures accountable. For one interviewee, it was the interview between Jordan Peterson and Cathy Newman that highlighted the lack of respectful dialogue. For the other, it was the BBC political editor, Andrew Marr, launching his novel at Number 10 Downing Street. They both agreed that the relationship between politicians and the media has become unhealthy, with the media becoming too cozy with those in power. Additionally, they criticized certain media outlets, such as The Guardian, for regressing in their journalistic bravery. Overall, they expressed a concern that the media is no longer serving as a watchdog for the public, and democracy may be suffering as a result.

    • Media bias and lack of intellectual curiosityConcerns about media focus on identity politics and lack of factual reporting; BBC seen as economically circumspect, The Guardian criticized for intellectual stagnation; Need for balanced reporting and diverse perspectives

      There's a concern about the lack of intellectual curiosity and fact-based reporting at The Guardian, as some feel it has become overly focused on identity politics and ignoring objective facts. This issue extends beyond The Guardian and permeates much of the media landscape. The speaker believes that the BBC, while socially liberal, is economically circumspect and doesn't embrace radical economic ideas. The terms "liberal" and "left" have different meanings in the UK and the US, with the BBC being considered a liberal news organization in the UK context. Overall, there's a sense that the media, including The Guardian and the BBC, should strive for a more balanced approach that values facts and diverse perspectives.

    • BBC vs Left-wing perspectives on societal issuesThe BBC, emphasizing representation and inclusivity, may overlook significant economic issues affecting the working class, while the left prioritizes these issues and challenges economic disparities between the elite and the rest of society.

      The BBC and left-wing perspectives differ in their focus on societal issues. While the BBC, as a liberal institution, emphasizes representation and inclusivity, those on the left often prioritize the struggles and rights of working people and the economic disparities between the elite and the rest of society. The speaker's concern lies with the latter, advocating for the working class and addressing the issues faced by this large demographic. This contrasts with the BBC's focus on representation, which may overlook more significant issues affecting a larger portion of the population. The speaker also emphasizes that the economic elite, despite their progressive image, can contribute to societal exploitation and the widening economic divide. The mischaracterization of the left as a monolithic entity, ignoring the diversity of opinions within it, is a frustration shared by the speaker.

    • Political beliefs are complex within the left wingNot all left-wing individuals share the same views, and it's unjust to stereotype based on appearances

      Political beliefs cannot be judged by appearances, and the political landscape is complex with various perspectives within the left wing. Jeremy Corbyn, a former Labor Party leader, is an example of this complexity. Despite common assumptions, Corbyn was not secretly pro-Brexit, but there exists an alternate reality where he was, and he would have been expelled from the Labor Party. It's essential to recognize that not all left-wing individuals share the same views, and it's unjust to stereotype based on appearances. Mick Lynch, the rail workers union chief, is another example of this, as he defies typical left-wing caricatures. The left is a broad coalition, and it's crucial for leaders like Keir Starmer to hold it together by acknowledging and respecting the diverse beliefs within the party. The left encompasses a range of perspectives, from progressive policies to more traditional views, and it's essential to maintain an open and inclusive dialogue to represent the interests of all.

    • Labour's Socially Liberal Agenda in the 1960s and TodayRepeating electoral victories doesn't require a socially conservative stance. Labour's past successes in the 1960s with a socially liberal agenda prove this. Most voters can separate their support for specific policies and parties.

      Winning elections repeatedly doesn't necessarily hinge on having a socially conservative agenda. The Labour Party in the 1960s faced the same issue of repeated victories while advocating for a socially liberal agenda, focusing on organized labor and progressive social issues like divorce, abortion, and homosexuality decriminalization. The speaker expresses a personal inclination towards the Green Party but acknowledges their differences on certain key issues. Despite this, they believe that most voters are capable of separating their support for certain policies and voting accordingly. The speaker expresses a belief that the Labour Party, led by Keir Starmer, is likely to win the next election, but expresses a lack of excitement about a Starmer premiership. They also argue that Boris Johnson's Conservative Party, despite its current reputation, was actually more progressive on certain issues compared to previous Conservative governments. Ultimately, the speaker calls for a political revolution in the country, implying a need for more fundamental change beyond what the major parties currently offer.

    • Discussing the need for political and economic change in the UKMoving towards electoral reform and addressing wealth concentration are crucial steps towards empowering ordinary people and creating a more equitable society in the UK.

      The current political and economic structures in the UK need significant change to empower ordinary people, and addressing the dysfunctional aspects of British politics is crucial. The speaker emphasized the need for electoral reform, specifically moving away from the first-past-the-post system, as it can lead to a lack of representation for smaller parties and perpetuate the dominance of the two major parties. However, they also acknowledged potential downsides, such as the potential rise of extremist parties. Another concern raised was the focus on targeting the top 1% for tax increases, as they currently contribute a significant portion of the country's income tax. Instead, the speaker suggested addressing the issue of wealth concentration and economic inequality, which can lead to a disproportionate amount of wealth and power in the hands of a few. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of rethinking the power dynamics in the UK and working towards a more equitable society.

    • Differentiating Deserving and Undeserving WealthMost wealthy individuals have earned their wealth through creating jobs, opportunities, and valuable products/services. It's essential to differentiate between those who contribute positively to society and those who don't, rather than demonizing all wealthy individuals.

      While there are indeed wealthy individuals who may seem undeserving of their wealth due to their lineage or lack of contribution to society, the majority of wealthy individuals have earned their wealth through creating jobs, opportunities, and valuable products or services. It's essential to differentiate between these two groups and not demonize all wealthy individuals as the problem. The housing market is a separate issue that requires attention, but creating wealth and earning a high income should not be viewed as a problem in and of itself. As Clement Attlee once said, paying taxes is the patriotic thing to do. We should focus on the fortunate circumstances that contribute to someone's success, rather than solely on their hard work and intelligence. Ultimately, it's important to recognize that wealth creation can lead to positive outcomes for society as a whole.

    • Higher corporation taxes could lead to increased business investmentHigher corporation taxes could encourage companies to invest in their business instead of paying taxes, leading to increased productivity and a smart economy

      While lower corporation taxes may seem attractive for business incentives, higher corporation taxes can lead to increased business investment in fixed capital, such as robotics and worker upskilling, as companies prefer to reinvest in their business rather than pay high taxes. This argument suggests that a moderate increase in corporation tax, like in Germany, could contribute to a high-productivity, smart economy. However, it's essential to consider this as part of a broader policy mix, acknowledging the trade-offs involved. It's important to remember that the goal is not to hate or vilify the rich but to align incentives for a more prosperous country. The UK, for instance, lags behind in industrial automation and could benefit from reconsidering its corporation tax policy. Despite the competition-driven anxiety in capitalism, as Marx noted, businesses often resort to cost-cutting measures when facing price competition, which may not always be detrimental to workers or the economy as a whole.

    • Wealth and Political Power ImbalanceThe accumulation of wealth by a few individuals and corporations can lead to political influence and power imbalance, potentially distorting democracy and fueling public frustration

      The wealth accumulation by a few individuals and corporations in a capitalist system, particularly in the Anglophone world, can lead to significant political influence and power imbalance. This issue goes beyond just wealth and becomes a concern when it results in political capture. Using the examples of Amazon's Jeff Bezos and the Koch brothers, the potential danger lies in the ability to buy political influence and manipulate public opinion through media and other means. This can create a distorted democracy and fuel public frustration, leading to a debate about the role of the rich in society. It's essential to differentiate between those who use their wealth for personal gain and those who seek to manipulate the political landscape.

    • Socialism's success or failure depends on contextHistorical and geopolitical contexts significantly impact socialism's success or failure, as seen in Chavez's Venezuela and the Soviet Union.

      The success or failure of socialism varies greatly depending on historical and geopolitical contexts. The speaker's personal experience with Chavez's regime in Venezuela and the suppression of social democracy in South America provide unique perspectives. While socialism may have failed in certain instances, such as Venezuela under Chavez and the Soviet Union, it's important to note that each situation presents distinct circumstances. For instance, Venezuela's oil-rich resources contributed to initial prosperity under Chavez, while the Soviet Union's rapid industrialization and the unique challenges of World War 2 played significant roles in its eventual downfall. It's crucial to acknowledge the complexities and nuances of each situation rather than making blanket statements about socialism's inherent failure.

    • The argument against socialism is flawedHuman beings are not blank slates, interpretations of human nature don't dictate socialist or fascist systems, and successful democratic socialist economies exist

      The argument against socialism as an unnatural way for human beings to think, as seen in historical experiments like the Soviet Union, is flawed. Human beings are not blank slates, and interpretations of human nature that lead to socialist or fascist systems are not inherently correct. The speaker identifies as a Marxist socialist, believing that workers should earn a significant share of the value they create. Marx's critique of political economy was not a manifesto for socialist regimes like the Soviet Union or Khmer Rouge, but rather a critique of classical political economists. Success stories of democratic socialism, such as Singapore under Lee Kuan Yew, show that central planning and a distinct role for the state in development can lead to economic success.

    • Effective planning and policies for land useImplementing fair land taxes and reducing non-essential roles in government can lead to a more prosperous society and efficient local government.

      Effective planning and strategic policies, such as those related to land use in Singapore, can lead to significant wealth creation and a more prosperous society. This doesn't necessarily mean full-blown socialist policies, but rather thoughtful and equitable solutions to improve the country for all. For instance, implementing a land value tax instead of council tax could be a positive step towards fairness and productivity. This tax would incentivize the productive use of land and reduce bureaucracy, as opposed to the current council tax which can be unfair and ineffective due to exemptions for certain groups. Additionally, reducing the number of non-essential roles in government and increasing pay for essential workers, such as counselors, could lead to a more efficient and effective local government. These are just a few ideas, but they demonstrate the potential for left-leaning policies to create positive change without resorting to extreme measures.

    • Marxist ideas in modern businessThough Marxist concepts like worker ownership and fair wages are relevant today, their application and execution differ significantly from the original intentions. Entrepreneurial risk-taking and understanding context are crucial.

      While there are elements of Marxist ideas, such as a national development bank and worker ownership, in today's business landscape, the application and execution can be vastly different from what was originally intended. The speaker acknowledges the importance of fair wages and worker ownership, but also recognizes the need for entrepreneurs to take risks and invest time and resources into a business before it can succeed. He also emphasizes the importance of understanding the context and differences between the present day and the time when Marx wrote about labor and production.

    • Automation and outsourcing: Challenges to employment and inequalityAutomation and outsourcing could lead to a crisis of demand, compression of jobs, and increased inequality, potentially disrupting the current economic system and affecting workers' dignity and meaning.

      The outsourcing of jobs and the potential for automation pose significant challenges to the current economic system, particularly in terms of employment and inequality. The speaker argues that as more jobs become automated, there will be a crisis of demand and a compression of jobs, leading to increased inequality and a loss of meaning and dignity for workers. The speaker also acknowledges the potential for automation to disrupt capitalism itself. The conversation also touched on the historical context of labor exploitation and the role of companies like Serco, Colas, G4S, and Sodexo in the current economic landscape.

    • Addressing societal challenges with the dividends of technological changeTo prepare for a future where work becomes obsolete, we need to address societal challenges using the benefits of technology, including raising wages, labor representation, and state support for retraining and reallocation of workforce. The conversation should also include discussions on demographic aging and its implications.

      As automation advances and work becomes obsolete, the current capitalist system may no longer be suitable. In the interim, there's a need for addressing challenges such as demographic aging, the housing crisis, and climate change using the dividends of technological change. Raising wages can incentivize innovation and productivity, but it's crucial to have labor representation and state support for retraining and reallocation of workforce. The ongoing conversation should include more discussion on demographic aging and its implications for society.

    • Demographic aging and its challenges for public servicesAging population, high care needs, shrinking workforce, and funding concerns require addressing to ensure public service sustainability and future generations' well-being. Solutions include having more children or alternative methods.

      While the advancements in healthcare leading to longer lifespans are a success story, demographic aging poses a significant challenge for the Western world over the next 50 years. With an increasing population of older adults who have high care needs and a shrinking working-age population, there are concerns about funding public services and maintaining a healthy political culture. The speaker suggests that having more children is one solution to address this issue. However, he acknowledges that this is not a feasible option for everyone and encourages alternative methods, such as those pursued by Elon Musk. Ultimately, it is crucial that we acknowledge and address this demographic challenge to ensure the sustainability of public services and the well-being of future generations. If you're interested in learning more about this topic, consider joining our exclusive member feed for ad-free and extended interviews.

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    Ben Shapiro: “Israel’s War is a Just War”

    Ben Shapiro: “Israel’s War is a Just War”
    Ben Shapiro is an American political commentator, columnist, author, attorney and businessman. He is editor emeritus for The Daily Wire, a media company he co-founded, and the host of The Ben Shapiro Show, a daily political podcast and live radio show. He is the author of 16 books. Find Ben on X: https://x.com/benshapiro Find Ben on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@BenShapiro  Check out the Daily Wire: https://dailywire.com/ APPLY to Ralston College’s Summer Latin Program at http://ralston.ac/latin-program Worldwide applications close on 31 May. Buy gold and earn interest on it! https://monetary-metals.com/triggernometry/ Watch the Munk Debate: Is Anti-Zionism Antisemitism? Live June 17th. Join today to live stream: https://bit.ly/munk_debate. Join our Premium Membership for early access, extended and ad-free content: https://triggernometry.supercast.com OR Support TRIGGERnometry Here: Bitcoin: bc1qm6vvhduc6s3rvy8u76sllmrfpynfv94qw8p8d5 Music by: Music by: Xentric | info@xentricapc.com | https://www.xentricapc.com/ YouTube: @xentricapc Buy Merch Here: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/shop/ Advertise on TRIGGERnometry: marketing@triggerpod.co.uk Join the Mailing List: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/#mailinglist Find TRIGGERnometry on Social Media: https://twitter.com/triggerpod https://www.facebook.com/triggerpod/ https://www.instagram.com/triggerpod/ About TRIGGERnometry: Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    enMay 29, 2024

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    If you'd like to listen to the show on your phone, you can now also listen with TuneIn here:
