
    An Interview On Suiting Up with Paul Rabil

    enOctober 31, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Gary Vee's Competitive NatureEmbrace your competitive side to fuel success, but be aware of balance and self-awareness.

      Gary Vaynerchuk's competitive spirit plays a significant role in his success in business and personal life. This was evident during a basketball game where his intense competitiveness caused tension with his younger brother, leading to an awkward team-building event. Gary believes that this competitive nature is the fuel that drives him, and it may be a key reason for his accomplishments. He encourages listeners to embrace their competitive side and use it to build their own success stories. Despite his success, Gary shared a personal story about an incident during a basketball game with his brother, which showcased the extreme lengths of his competitive nature and caused discomfort among the team. This incident highlights the importance of balance and self-awareness, even when driven by a strong competitive spirit.

    • The speaker and Gary Vaynerchuk's competitive driveBoth the speaker and Vaynerchuk's intense dislike of losing and ambition to be the best have contributed to their success in their respective fields.

      Both the speaker and Gary Vaynerchuk share a strong competitive drive, which has contributed to their success in their respective fields. The speaker's intense dislike of losing and desire to be the best has helped him excel in business, while Vaynerchuk's ambition to be the next owner of the New York Jets demonstrates his competitive nature in the sports world. The speaker's introspection about inventing a new game to be the best at reveals his need for recognition and competition, which is a common trait among successful individuals. Despite his awareness that he may not have the pieces in place to become the wealthiest entrepreneur of all time, the speaker aspires to be the greatest entrepreneur of his generation due to his communication skills, content distribution abilities, and genuine love for people. Overall, the speaker and Vaynerchuk's shared competitive nature and desire for greatness have played a significant role in their accomplishments.

    • Embracing Challenges and SuccessesOur experiences, whether challenging or seemingly insignificant, shape us into who we are. Gratitude and self-awareness help us acknowledge accomplishments while learning from challenges.

      Our experiences, no matter how challenging or seemingly insignificant, shape us into who we are. The athlete's origin stories, whether they were underestimated or faced adversity, have played a crucial role in their success. Similarly, individuals who didn't fit into societal norms, like the speaker, have used their experiences as fuel to prove themselves. Gratitude and self-awareness are essential in maintaining a balance between acknowledging our accomplishments and learning from our challenges. The speaker's unique perspective, rooted in his unconventional upbringing and tenacious spirit, highlights the importance of embracing both success and adversity.

    • Approaching Negative Comments with EmpathyEmpathize with critics, remember negativity often stems from their own issues, and learn from constructive criticism to grow.

      Handling negative comments or criticism online requires empathy and understanding, rather than retaliation. Gary Vaynerchuk, in the discussion, shared how he approaches negative comments not only for his own growth but also for the learning of his staff and followers. He admitted that he feels bad for the person projecting negativity, as they may be coming from a place of sadness or insecurity. It's important to remember that negative comments often reflect the commenter's own issues and not the person being criticized. Additionally, being successful or unbeatable is subjective and based on individual narratives. Empathy, self-awareness, and understanding the intent behind criticism can help us grow and learn from both positive and negative feedback.

    • Mental strategies in competitionMental strength can be a decisive factor in competition, and recognizing and leveraging it can lead to success. Athletes need recognition and the responsibility that comes with it.

      Psychology plays a crucial role in competition, often determining the outcome even when physical abilities are unevenly matched. The speaker, Gary Vaynerchuk, shares his personal experiences of winning matches through mental strategies and the importance of having an audience to fuel his competitive spirit. He also highlights how athletes, like himself, have a need for recognition and the responsibility that comes with it. Despite the physical prowess of some competitors, mental strength can be a decisive factor, and the speaker emphasizes the significance of recognizing and leveraging this aspect of competition.

    • Modern athlete representation goes beyond sportsVaynerSports offers holistic support for athletes, focusing on business and personal growth, setting them apart from traditional sports agents.

      The traditional role of sports agents is evolving, and VaynerSports is positioning itself to offer more than just on-field representation. The modern athlete is crossing over into business and tech, and VaynerSports aims to support them in all aspects, from negotiating deals to building meaningful businesses. The broader vision is to provide personalized, caring representation, setting VaynerSports apart from competitors who are seen as indifferent to the athletes' well-being. The flow state mentality, where time slows down and focus intensifies, is crucial in both sports and business, and VaynerSports aims to harness this mindset to help their clients succeed. The stakes are high, as the athletes are not just commodities but human beings, and the goal is to create a lasting, positive impact on their careers.

    • Balancing Data and Creativity in Sports and BusinessFocusing too much on analytics in sports can hinder creativity and prevent athletes from reaching their full potential. Success requires a balance between data-driven analysis and creativity, as exemplified by Tim Duncan's career extension through emotional connection to the game.

      The sports industry, specifically sports agencies, prioritize numbers and analytics over the well-being and creativity of athletes. Gary Vaynerchuk shares his perspective on this issue, drawing parallels between athletes and artistry. He believes that athletes, much like artists, can be categorized as either statisticians or mathematicians or artists. The best athletes absorb both. However, focusing too much on analytics can hinder creativity and prevent athletes from reaching their full potential. Vaynerchuk uses the example of Tim Duncan and how his sports therapist helped him extend his career by encouraging him to stop counting jump shots and just play for the love of the game. Vaynerchuk also emphasizes the importance of understanding human behavior and trends, which gives him an unfair advantage in business and investing. He encourages being adaptable and understanding different dynamics, whether it's in a boardroom or in underprivileged communities. Overall, Vaynerchuk's message is that success in sports and business requires a balance between data-driven analysis and creativity.

    • Observing audience reactions during communicationGary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of observing body language, eye contact, and energy to enhance understanding and adapt to various situations during communication.

      Effective communication involves both speaking and listening. Gary Vaynerchuk shares his unique approach to mastering this skill by talking almost exclusively during pitch meetings and public speaking engagements to better gauge audience reactions. He emphasizes the importance of observing body language, eye contact, and energy to enhance understanding and adapt to various situations. Despite his confidence in public speaking, Gary acknowledges the challenge of multitasking between speaking and listening, an ability he finds impressive in others. Ultimately, his goal is to stay engaged with his audience and respond to their reactions in real-time, making each interaction an opportunity for growth and connection.

    • Multitasking and American FootballThe speaker's exceptional ability to focus on multiple tasks and deep understanding of American football allowed him to excel in various areas.

      The speaker is a multitasking powerhouse with an exceptional ability to focus on multiple tasks simultaneously. He shared his experience of being in a meeting while paying attention to his team's work and preparing for an upcoming meeting, all while watching a football game. He admitted to having more operating systems than most people and compared his level of understanding of American football to a professional athlete or coach. The speaker also expressed his admiration and envy for individuals like Michael Jordan, who, despite their shortcomings, achieved great success in their respective fields. Ultimately, the speaker's unique ability to focus on multiple tasks and his deep understanding of American football set him apart.

    • Unconventional paths to successSuccess can come from unique perspectives and unconventional methods, not just academic achievements or following rules.

      Unhealthy competition can bring out extreme behaviors, sometimes leading individuals to make unconventional choices in life. The speaker shares his personal experience of dropping out of school to focus on daydreaming and trading baseball cards, which eventually led him to success in business and investing. He emphasizes that these unconventional methods did not come from following rules or doing homework, but rather from his unique perspective and understanding of the world around him. The speaker also highlights that creativity and success do not always conform to traditional academic achievements or spelling abilities. Instead, it's about having a different perspective and being willing to take risks, even if they may seem unfair or unconventional at first. Scott Galloway's recommendation to fight unfair also resonates with the speaker's experience, encouraging individuals to find their unique strengths and pursue them relentlessly, regardless of societal expectations.

    • Focus on unique qualities, not trying to be someone elseEmbrace strengths, address weaknesses, instill work ethic and desire to succeed in kids, and strive for excellence.

      Embracing your strengths and improving upon them, while accepting and addressing your weaknesses, is a key to success. The speaker expresses surprise that technology has made information easily accessible and reduced the importance of memorization. He encourages listeners to focus on their unique qualities and not try to be something they're not. He also shares his concern about the current trend of teaching children that losing is just as good as winning, and urges parents to instill a strong work ethic and a desire to succeed in their kids. He believes that having the edge and not settling for mediocrity is essential for achieving greatness.

    • The value of losing and dealing with failureLosing and dealing with failure builds resilience and helps individuals grow. Social media and audio content are essential in today's media landscape for passive consumption and multitasking.

      Losing and dealing with failure are valuable experiences that build resilience and help individuals grow. This was a recurring theme in the conversation, with the speaker sharing his own experiences of crying after losses in sports and seeking help from a sports psychologist. He emphasized that these experiences are essential for developing the ability to bounce back from setbacks. Another key takeaway is the importance of social media and audio content in today's media landscape. The speaker shared that his phone is primarily used for social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, as well as audio content like podcasts and YouTube videos. He believes that audio content is a form of passive consumption that allows people to multitask, and predicts that audio will continue to be a major trend in media for 2018.

    • The sports industry is evolving with esports and mixed martial arts leading the wayThe sports industry is transforming through new mediums, unique audience engagement, and the emergence of non-traditional sports like esports and mixed martial arts. Adaptation and innovation will be key to success.

      The sports industry is evolving rapidly, with esports and mixed martial arts leading the way. The growth of these non-traditional sports is driven by their ability to adapt to new mediums and engage audiences in unique ways. Conor McGregor's success in hacking culture and crossover events with traditional sports like boxing is a prime example of this trend. The NBA is also well-positioned to capitalize on this shift, as it is an incredible league with a lot to offer. It's likely that there will be new sports that emerge in the next 20 years, potentially driven by mobile devices and live streaming. The rise of passive consumption, such as Bluetooth audio and streaming services, is also transforming the way we engage with sports content. Overall, the sports industry is undergoing a major transformation, and those who can adapt and innovate will thrive.

    • Maximizing Online Visibility for Niche ContentEmail 100 potential distributors daily for 150 days, engage thoughtfully, and leverage diverse platforms and social media groups to build online presence for niche content.

      Building a strong online presence for a niche content like lacrosse requires a proactive and persistent approach. The speaker emphasizes the importance of reaching out to every potential distributor, no matter how small or obscure, to maximize reach. He suggests emailing 100 people every day for 150 days to increase online visibility. He also highlights the benefits of having a diverse range of distribution platforms rather than relying on a single big one. The speaker shares his experience of being kicked off a popular forum due to self-promotion, and advises thoughtful engagement with potential distributors. He also mentions the power of social media groups and encourages listeners to engage with them. In summary, the key takeaway is that building an online presence for niche content requires a strategic and persistent approach, and engaging with a wide range of distribution platforms and communities is crucial.

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    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message

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    Don't Miss:

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    2. Where are businesses heading in today's competitive world - 17:24

    3. The power of branding and emotional storytelling, especially in the tech world - 34:12


    Listen and Subscribe on iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tales-from-the-pros/id1371067192

    Questions Asked:

    1. Rand, as you know that you’re very well known in the marketing world, but for those who don’t know, can you share a little about your story and how you got to where you are today?

    2. Due to the crazy times we are in with this crisis, where do you feel digital marketing is headed?

    3. What are your thoughts on what small businesses should be focusing on to grow from a strategic marketing perspective?

    5. Where do you feel Google is headed in regards to SEO and paid marketing?

    6. When it comes to growing your company at Sparktoro and when you grew Moz as well, what were some of the vital steps you took ensuring steady and scalable growth?

    7. Do you think brands and business professionals trying to increase exposure and gain more trust and credibility should try to focus more on storytelling?

    8. How do you use your story to provide value to others and achieve success?

    Follow Rand Fishkin:





    Check out Rand’s Book “Lost and Founder” here: https://sparktoro.com/book


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