
    An Interview: Q&A With CNBC Life Hacks LIVE at RISE Conference

    enAugust 08, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Missing opportunity to invest in digital marketing early onInvesting heavily in digital marketing early in your career can lead to exponential business growth, while neglecting it can limit potential success.

      Making smart investments early on in your career, particularly in digital marketing, can lead to significant growth for your business. Gary Vaynerchuk shared an example from his own experience with ecommercebusinesswinelibrary.com, where he missed an opportunity to invest heavily in Google AdWords in the beginning, instead opting for traditional marketing methods like print, radio, and direct mail. This decision limited the growth of his business, which could have potentially grown from 3 to 200 instead of just 60. Another important takeaway is the significance of having a consistent routine, especially in regards to engaging with your audience through social media and email. Gary emphasized that he prioritizes this engagement above all else, even before working out or leaving his bedroom, and is always within reach of his phone. This dedication to his audience has contributed to his success.

    • Learning from Past MistakesGary Vaynerchuk has learned from past controversies, taken responsibility, made adjustments, and become more selective to manage opportunities and protect his brand.

      Gary Vaynerchuk has learned from past controversies and is focused on making better decisions in the future. He has taken responsibility for his mistakes, such as the VaynerMedia Thrillist incident in 2006, and has made adjustments to prevent similar situations from happening again. He no longer joint ventures with other organizations to throw parties and is more selective with his yeses and noes to manage the overwhelming opportunities coming his way. He also recognizes that not all attention is good attention and that it's important to consider the impact on his brand. Currently, he uses his intuition to navigate various platforms like Snapchat, going against the cultural flow to find growth opportunities.

    • Finding Inspiration in Quiet MomentsImmigrants face unique challenges but can leverage humility, strong work ethic, and access to the internet for success in the US.

      Successful ideas often come when we step away from the constant noise and distractions of everyday life. Gary Vaynerchuk shares that his best ideas come during moments of quiet, such as showers or flights without Wi-Fi. Immigrating to the US from the Soviet Union at a young age, Gary faced challenges including being the first generation in his family to be born in the old country and having a father who worked long hours. However, he believes that opportunities for immigrants have grown due to the internet, which provides access to endless possibilities. Despite the challenges, Gary emphasizes the advantages immigrants have, including humility and a strong work ethic. The US has changed since Gary first arrived, with new dynamics and challenges for immigrants from certain backgrounds. However, he remains optimistic that individuals can still overcome obstacles and build successful businesses.

    • Overcoming adversity and emotional intelligenceGary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of experiencing adversity to build resilience, developing emotional intelligence through empathy and gratitude, and fostering a culture of innovation and inspiration in business.

      Overcoming adversity and developing emotional intelligence are crucial for personal growth. Gary Vaynerchuk believes that every young person should experience genuine adversity to build resilience and prepare them for the real world. He also emphasizes the importance of emotional intelligence and believes that talking about things we understand and practicing empathy and gratitude are key to its development. For business success, Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of innovation and being in the ideas business, as well as maintaining a culture where everyone feels heard and inspired to innovate. He also believes in pushing employees to deliver and innovate, and not allowing comfort or complacency. In his words, "I spend all my time on ideas, pretty much all the time, and could never imagine running out of them."

    • Effective Communication and Empathy in LeadershipCEOs prioritize empathy and respect in handling online trolls, value social media for self-promotion, and believe leadership can be both innate and learned.

      Effective communication and engagement are crucial for success, whether it's in business or leadership. The CEO in the discussion expressed frustration with low engagement and felt the need to force one-on-one interactions to be heard. Leadership, according to the CEO, can be both innate and learned, but those who are born with it have the ultimate potential for greatness. Empathy and respect are essential in handling online trolls and building meaningful connections. The CEO spends a significant amount of time on social media and values its potential for self-promotion and awareness-building. Good follow-up and a strong online presence are essential for young professionals looking to build their careers. Despite the challenges of online communication and the potential for negativity, empathy and respect can create powerful and meaningful connections.

    • Effectively using media for personal brandingBuilding a personal brand through media can be an effective way to spread your message and increase awareness, but it requires authenticity and comfort with communication.

      Building a personal brand through media, such as CNBC, can be an effective way to build awareness and propagate your message if it comes naturally to you. However, it's not for everyone and requires a level of comfort with communication and self-expression. For those who can authentically represent themselves, it's a powerful tool for brand building. Leading a team can be lonely and challenging, especially in today's landscape. Cynicism and loneliness are common struggles for leaders, and it's important to find a balance between caring about criticism and staying true to yourself. In the words of Gary Vaynerchuk, "When you're here, use this energy to bring it to the middle." As for digital addiction, it may be a concern for the coming generation, but historical perspective suggests that the digital world we have now is only the beginning, and future generations may face even greater challenges.

    • Embrace technology changes as opportunities to learnAdapt to technology advancements, learn new skills, and create engaging content to stand out in the digital age

      While the advancement of technology, such as robots taking over jobs, may seem daunting, it's important to adapt and educate ourselves to stay relevant in the workforce. Angelo believes that people should not fear these changes, but rather see them as opportunities to learn new skills. He also emphasizes the importance of being proactive in addressing obstacles and not letting fear or cynicism hold us back. Furthermore, in the digital age, it's crucial to understand that people's attention spans are short, and we need to put effort into creating engaging content that resonates with consumers in just a few seconds. By respecting the medium and the consumer, we can stand out and make an impact.

    • Gary Vaynerchuk's 2018 Focus: Asia, VaynerMedia, and AudioGary Vaynerchuk plans to triple down on VaynerMedia, focus on Asia strategy, and invest in audio in 2018. He emphasizes the importance of hard work, efficiency, and having one persona.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, a CEO known for his expansive ventures, plans to focus on Asia strategy, tripling down on VaynerMedia, and audio in 2018. He emphasizes the importance of hard work and efficiency, while acknowledging the blurred lines between personal and professional personas. As a CEO, he admits to not having a switch-off button and believes that drawing the line between personal and professional depends on the organization's reality. He also shares his perspective on the 4-hour workweek concept, viewing it as a call to work smart and hard, not just smart. Vaynerchuk travels extensively, approximately 100 times a year. He encourages individuals to embrace the notion of having one persona and to be efficient in their work.

    • Busy Entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk Prioritizes Business GrowthGary Vaynerchuk emphasizes action over listening, encourages application of teachings, and remains focused on business growth and impact.

      Gary Vaynerchuk is a strategic thinker who prioritizes business growth and development over personal time. He travels extensively for business purposes, including public speaking engagements, and is always looking for opportunities to expand his brand and establish new offices, such as in Asia. Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of putting his teachings into action and wishes that more people would do so instead of just listening for entertainment or motivation. He encourages listeners to engage with his content and apply it to their own lives in order to create meaningful change. Despite the challenges and demands of his busy schedule, Vaynerchuk remains focused on growing his business, VaynerMedia, and making a positive impact in the world.

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