
    Podcast Summary

    • Behind-the-scenes stories from 'The Office'Unexpected foot prosthetic scene reveals production depth and unexpected twists during filming.

      The making of "The Office" was filled with behind-the-scenes moments and unexpected twists, even involving foot prosthetics. Jenna Fisher and Angela Kinsey, who played Pam and Angela on the show, share these stories on their Ultimate Office Rewatch Podcast. In this episode, they interviewed Kelly Cantley, the assistant director for 72 episodes, who shared exclusive stories. Jenna found an amusing email from Steve Burgess about a cut scene involving foot prosthetics for Jenna and Kelly. The scene, which was about Angela's small feet, was never used. These anecdotes show the depth of production that went into creating the beloved TV show and the unexpected twists that can occur during filming.

    • Unexpected opportunity on 'The Office'An unexpected job offer on a comedy show led to a long and successful career despite initial doubts and lack of experience.

      Kelly came to work on "The Office" quite unexpectedly. She had just decided to focus on being a first A.D. when Ross Novey contacted her about a pilot called "Early Bird" he was producing, which also happened to be the name of a little comedy called "The Office." After a brief interview with Greg Daniels, she was offered a job as a second A.D. for season two, despite having little comedy experience and having not seen much of the show during the interview process. Initially unsure, she soon discovered that "The Office" was the funniest thing she had ever seen and decided to stay on. This unexpected opportunity led to a long and successful career on the show.

    • Managing film production logistics as a First ADThe First AD is responsible for managing pre-production and ensuring smooth filming logistics, involving complex problem-solving and effective communication with various teams.

      Being a First AD (First Assistant Director) in film production involves managing the pre-production process and overseeing the logistics during filming. It's like being a project manager, ensuring the script is prepared for shooting and running the floor during camera work. Prep periods can involve solving complex problems, such as figuring out how to film a scene with a cat without harming it or the equipment. These discussions can be lengthy and involve various departments, like animal wranglers and special effects teams. For instance, during the prep for a scene involving a cat falling from the ceiling, the team considered using a stuffed cat or an animatronic one, but safety concerns and costs led to a two-hour discussion about using a second cat and a fall pad. The role requires creativity, problem-solving skills, and the ability to communicate effectively with various team members.

    • Filming 'The Office': Documentary Camera Awareness and Production ChallengesThe Office's production team faced unique challenges in filming an office setting, requiring careful planning and problem-solving to capture desired shots without detection, such as rigging black drapes for spying scenes.

      The production of "The Office" involved careful consideration of documentary camera awareness, especially when filming private scenes or spying on other locations like Prince Family Paper. This required planning and problem-solving to ensure the crew could capture the desired shots without being detected. The show's unique setting in an office building limited their ability to travel, making each production challenge more complex. For instance, filming the episode where the characters went to spy on Prince Family Paper required rigging black drapes to avoid reflections and shooting everything in one plane from outside the window. These behind-the-scenes details demonstrate the dedication and creativity of the production team in bringing the beloved show to life.

    • Filming boat scenes: Dock vs. Sea and Lighting BargeExtensive planning, coordination, and collaboration were necessary to film boat scenes, including shooting some scenes at the dock and using a lighting barge for moving water illusion. Challenges like seasickness were overcome to capture authentic footage.

      Filming a scene on a boat, especially one that involves actors and crew being at sea, requires extensive planning and coordination. The team went through the script to determine which scenes could be shot at the dock instead of at sea, and organized a lighting barge to create the illusion of moving water. However, filming on a boat presented challenges, including seasickness for both cast and crew. Despite this, the team managed to capture the necessary footage, even filming actors vomiting over the side of the boat for added authenticity. It was a collaborative effort between the production team, marine coordinators, and actors to ensure the successful execution of the boat scenes.

    • Supporting Colleagues During Challenging TimesKelly went above and beyond to accommodate colleagues during challenging times, influencing their skills and ensuring their scheduling needs were met, demonstrating a selfless and supportive attitude.

      During the filming of "The Office," Kelly worked tirelessly to support her colleagues, particularly during challenging times. This was evident when she went above and beyond to accommodate Jenna and later, when she ensured Jenna and Kelly's scheduling needs were met as they navigated motherhood on set. Additionally, Kelly's role evolved as new cast members joined, but her dedication to the show remained constant. Her experience also influenced Jenna's skillset as an AD, making their working relationship mutually beneficial. Furthermore, Kelly's willingness to adapt and prioritize her colleagues' needs demonstrated a selfless and supportive attitude that made a significant impact on the production of "The Office."

    • Understanding the producer vs actor rolesProducers have control and responsibility, actors have little control and rely on production team.

      Producing and acting involve vastly different levels of control and autonomy. When producing, one is in charge and responsible for making things right for others. Conversely, as an actor, one has little control over their daily routine and relinquishes decision-making to the production team. This perspective shift was eye-opening for the speaker during her producing experience. As an actor, one is trained to focus solely on acting and to rely on the production team for even the most basic needs. This contrast between the two roles highlights the importance of understanding and appreciating the unique challenges and responsibilities that come with each position in film production.

    • Safety measures in film productionFilm production involves extensive planning for cast and crew safety, including safety meetings, adherence to guidelines, and consequences for non-compliance.

      Behind the scenes of film production involves extensive planning and safety measures to ensure the well-being of cast and crew. Prior to the safety meeting during a garage sale scene, the team had already taken precautions such as securing a fire marshal, avoiding flammable materials, and ensuring candles were handled carefully. During the safety meeting, the focus was on paying attention to open flames and avoiding injury. Reminder meetings, on the other hand, involved ensuring cast and crew had their screens on approved content during filming. Rain, a cast member, infamously forgot to comply with this rule and was reminded with a charitable donation as consequence. This anecdote highlights the importance of adhering to production guidelines and the lighthearted approach to enforcing them.

    • Learning and Improvisation on The Office SetWorking on The Office led to valuable skills, improvisation, and career growth for the speaker.

      Working on "The Office" was an experience filled with laughter, improvisation, and learning. The cast members, including the speaker, were not immune to breaking character and ruining takes, especially when Steve Carell would improvise short jokes. The speaker would occasionally pitch jokes and suggestions for practical problems, but generally avoided being the "wouldn't it be funny if" person. The show taught the speaker valuable skills, such as scheduling, which helped her land interviews and excel in her second career as an AD. The collaborative and creative environment of "The Office" not only provided entertainment for viewers, but also had a significant impact on the cast members' careers.

    • Communication and Flexibility are Key in TV SchedulingEffective communication with cast and crew, flexibility, and building relationships can lead to a successful scheduling career in TV. Personal touches and mementos add meaning to the experience.

      Effective communication and flexibility are key to being a successful scheduler in the television industry. The speaker shared how being upfront with cast members about their schedules and giving them choices when it didn't matter made a big difference. Additionally, building relationships with colleagues and keeping mementos from past projects can add personal meaning to one's career. The speaker also mentioned the unique experience of working on a TV show for an extended period, comparing it to a summer camp experience. A surprising memory came up while rewatching the show, and the speaker gave away a souvenir sleeve from the set to a production designer who was a big fan of the show.

    • Sharing office memories and itemsCherishing office memories and items can create a sense of shared history and camaraderie, emphasizing the enduring impact of professional experiences and relationships.

      The office environment and the people in it hold significant memories and items that can bring joy and connection even long after leaving the workplace. Kelly Kapoor shared stories about giving away items she regretted not keeping, such as a signed trophy for Amy and Cornell shirts for her husband's sailing team photo. These items ended up in the office, creating a sense of shared history and camaraderie. The importance of cherishing these moments and items was emphasized throughout the conversation, highlighting the enduring impact of our professional experiences and relationships.

    Recent Episodes from Office Ladies

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    Moving On, Pt 1

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    Office Ladies
    en-usJune 26, 2024

    An Interview with Phyllis Smith

    An Interview with Phyllis Smith

    This week the ladies chat with Phyllis Smith! Phyllis played our lovable, snarky sales rep who was also the second half of Bob Vance of Vance Refrigeration. The ladies bond over some of their personal favorite “Office” moments which includes a scene both Phyllis and Steve Carell couldn’t get through. Phyllis also talks about her upcoming movie “Inside Out 2” where she plays the voice of Sadness. This episode is guaranteed to warm your heart so no need to get sassy over party planning ideas, just enjoy this episode! 


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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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    Office Ladies
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    A Look Back on Counseling

    A Look Back on Counseling

    This week we’re taking a look back on “Counseling”. After spanking his nephew at work, Michael undergoes counseling with Toby. Meanwhile, Dwight attempts to get his “Pretty Woman” revenge at a Steamtown Mall shop and Pam gives herself a promotion. We hear an original “Whispers in the Breakroom” by musician Elyse Myers. Jenna reveals the backstory behind how Michael came to hate Toby, Angela shares why Dwight wanted that wizard statue so badly, and we get a fun audio clip from actress Kate Walsh! If you don’t listen to this episode, Big mistake, HUGE! 


    Follow Elyse Myers on Instagram - @elyse_myers 

    Follow Micka on Instagram - @ultramike

    Follow Kate Walsh on Instagram - @katewalsh


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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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    Office Ladies
    en-usJune 12, 2024

    An Interview with Jake Lacy

    An Interview with Jake Lacy

    This week the ladies chat with Jake Lacy! Jake played Pete on “The Office” or as Andy liked to call him, Plop. Jake talks about what it was like to audition and join the cast in Season 9. Jake shares memories from his first day on set, answers call sheet questions and they all bond over parenting. Enjoy! 


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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    Office Ladies
    en-usJune 05, 2024

    Couples Discount

    Couples Discount

    This week we’re breaking down “Couples Discount”. The office pretends to be couples to get a Valentines’ Day discount at a nail salon, and meanwhile Jim and Pam try to celebrate this romantic holiday but it doesn’t go so well. Angela shares the struggle of shoe shopping with tiny feet, Jenna deems that Valentine’s Day is not Jim and Pam’s holiday and the ladies try some fancy chocolate. So relax, get a mani with your office bestie and enjoy this episode!


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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    Office Ladies
    en-usMay 29, 2024

    Vandalism with Lee Kirk

    Vandalism with Lee Kirk

    This week we're breaking down "Vandalism" and the ladies are joined by the director of this episode and Jenna's husband, Lee Kirk! (You might also remember Lee as Clark the Lactation Consultant.) Pam's mural in the warehouse gets vandalized, Angela and the Senator host a fancy first birthday party for their son and Jim and Darryl are a bit at odds as roommates in Philly. Lee shares what it was like to direct an episode of "The Office" through a fun analogy. Then Jenna shares a Nate moment that made her break, and Angela reveals more deleted party scenes. Plus Josh (Angela's husband in real life) made lemon madeleines for us this week! So keep your 5 lbs of flour away from Jim and enjoy this episode!


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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Office Ladies
    en-usMay 22, 2024

    An Interview with John Krasinski

    An Interview with John Krasinski

    This week the ladies chat with John Krasinski! John, Jenna and Angela talk about Season 9 of “The Office”, Jenna remembers John pitching a way to wrap up the Jim and Pam storyline, Angela asks John some call sheet questions, and John tells the ladies about his upcoming movie “IF”! This is a wonderful chat so please enjoy, Office Ladies fans! 


    Check Out the IF Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mb2187ZQtBE


    Follow If on Instagram: @IFmovie

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    Office Ladies
    en-usMay 15, 2024

    A Look Back on Nepotism

    A Look Back on Nepotism

    This week we’re taking a look back at “Nepotism”. Michael got his nephew, played by Evan Peters, a job at Dunder Mifflin and he’s terrible. Like soy ice cream and bagel chips terrible. The ladies tell you everything you want to know about the lip dub opening, and Kate Flannery sends in a clip about her experience being strapped to Brian Baumgartner’s back. Then Angela shares a story full of twists and turns about trying to find a Blu-Ray player in her hometown so she could research this episode, Jenna explains a seemingly strange reaction Pam has in a conference room scene and the ladies wonder about being able to pee in the ocean. So bust out those dance moves, guitar riffs and magic tricks, and enjoy “Nepotism”! 


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    Junior Salesman

    Junior Salesman

    This week we’re breaking down “Junior Salesman”. Dwight searches for a part-time salesman to fill in while Jim splits his time between Athlead and Dunder Mifflin. We hear audio clips from editor Dave Rogers who talks about his experience directing this episode. Angela has a very surprising update on the banned mallard duck, Jenna breaks down how fan reactions to the boom operator affected the storyline and the ladies discuss what they can podcast about next after their “Office” rewatch. So no need to go paintballing with Dwight’s friends, just enjoy this great episode! 


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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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    Customer Loyalty

    Customer Loyalty

    This week we’re breaking down “Customer Loyalty”. Dwight goes out of his way to stop Darryl from leaving Dunder Mifflin, and Jim misses Cece’s recital which leads to a fight that causes Pam to turn to someone from the documentary crew! We hear audio clips from the director of this episode, Kelly Cantley, who talks about taking on such a big reveal. Angela also interviews her daughter, Isabel, who played a ladybug in this episode and Jenna shares a fan letter that pitches many incidents the documentary crew probably should’ve stepped in to help a Dunder Mifflin employee. So no need to “FIRE IN THE HOLE” to enjoy this big episode. It’s a good one!


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    Related Episodes

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