
    An intro to cognitive psychology pt 1

    enSeptember 12, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Sound quality challenges and peaceful protestsEffective communication requires a good environment and respect for peaceful methods, as demonstrated by podcast recording issues and housing activist protests.

      Sound quality is crucial for a good podcast recording, and recording in an echo-filled room like Spain proved to be a challenge. The host had to cancel his planned podcast and instead gave a live interview with Vincent Brown. In Dublin, a group of housing activists peacefully occupied a vacant building to provide shelter for homeless people, but were violently removed by the Irish police wearing balaclavas and in an unmarked van. This incident, which was captured on social media, raised concerns about the use of force and transparency in law enforcement. The new police commissioner, who previously worked in the PSNI, was criticized for allowing such tactics. The takeaway is that effective communication, whether through podcasts or activism, requires the right environment and respect for peaceful methods.

    • Irish authorities use paramilitary tactics to evict residents and quell protestsThe Irish authorities' use of armed, masked security forces to evict residents and suppress dissent raises concerns of paramilitary tactics and calls for urgent action from citizens.

      The use of armed, masked security forces by the Irish authorities to evict residents and quell protests raises concerns of paramilitary tactics. If this was a deliberate and calculated move by the police, it represents a tyrannical use of force intended to intimidate and suppress dissent. The housing crisis in Ireland, exacerbated by the fact that three quarters of elected representatives are landlords, calls for urgent action from citizens. Joining a local housing action group and contacting your TD are effective ways to make your voice heard and demand change. The use of balaclavas and intimidating tactics by the authorities is reminiscent of past struggles against oppressive regimes and should not be tolerated in a democratic society.

    • The housing crisis in Ireland: A challenge for young adultsProposing a land value tax to make housing more affordable by increasing property prices in affluent areas and decreasing them in poorer areas.

      The housing crisis in Ireland, particularly the high rent prices, is a significant issue for many young adults. The speaker shares their personal experiences of being negatively impacted by economic downturns and how the current prosperity is causing financial hardships for the younger generation due to the lack of affordable housing. The proposed solution to this issue is to tax the land that buildings are on, making it more expensive to buy property in affluent areas with high amenities and less expensive in poorer areas with fewer amenities. This would help balance out the housing market and make it more accessible and affordable. The speaker acknowledges that this idea may not be new or radical, as we already have taxes like VAT and income tax, and suggests that viewing a landlord's profit from property as a job and taxing it accordingly could be a potential solution.

    • Understanding Communication and Relationships through Transactional AnalysisExploring transactional analysis in podcasts and self-study of psychology can help identify and address internal triggers, leading to improved mental health and overall well-being.

      The Celebrations Passport offers free shipping on gifts and rewards for more purchases. The host also shared his perspective on the housing crisis as a human rights issue instead of a political topic. He recommended listening to an episode of his podcast called "Creaking Ditch Pigeon" about transactional analysis, a way to analyze communication and relationships, and rewrite negative scripts. The host expressed gratitude for the positive feedback he received from listeners about this episode and emphasized the importance of teaching such concepts in schools. He shared his personal growth through studying psychology and applying it to his life, overcoming depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. The key takeaway is that understanding and addressing internal triggers can lead to improved mental health and overall well-being.

    • Exploring the connection between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors with CBTCBT can be effective for introspective individuals, but it's essential to work with a professional to determine if it's the best approach for your unique mental health journey.

      Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychology that can be highly effective for individuals who are introspective and comfortable exploring their inner world. CBT, which has been clinically proven to be more effective than medication in treating depression, is a talk therapy that focuses on the relationship between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It's important to remember that everyone's mental health journey is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. While CBT has been criticized for being overused in a neoliberal fashion, it's essential not to blame the therapy itself but rather the way it's being implemented. CBT can be particularly beneficial for those who are introspective and can help them understand the connection between their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. However, it may not be suitable for everyone, and it's essential to work with a professional to determine the best approach for your individual needs. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to mental health, and it's essential to explore different approaches to find what works best for you.

    • Understanding the Impact of Thoughts on Mental HealthCBT helps identify and challenge negative thoughts for improved mental health. Mental health and mental illness are separate. Negative thought patterns can lead to poor mental health.

      Mental health is closely related to the thoughts we have about ourselves, others, and the world around us. Mental health issues can stem from negative and irrational thinking, which can be improved through techniques like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT helps individuals identify and challenge negative automatic thoughts, promoting rational and healthy thinking. It's important to remember that mental health and mental illness are two separate concepts. While mental health can be influenced by our thoughts and lifestyle, mental illness is often outside of our control and requires a multidisciplinary approach. Mental health is similar to physical health, and just as poor physical health can result from unhealthy habits, poor mental health can result from negative thought patterns. Overall, focusing on rational thinking and positive mental health practices can lead to a happier and more fulfilling life.

    • Understanding the Connection Between Thoughts, Beliefs, and EmotionsCBT's ABC model helps identify and challenge negative thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, improving overall well-being.

      Our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions are interconnected, and negative thought patterns can lead to harmful emotions and behaviors. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an effective way to challenge and change these negative thoughts. The ABC model of CBT helps break down our internal monologue into three parts: the activating event (a), our beliefs about that event (b), and the consequences of those beliefs (c). By examining and testing the validity of our beliefs (b), we can change our emotions (c) and break the cycle of negativity. Remember, activating events are external triggers, and our beliefs and emotions are our internal responses. By recognizing and challenging our negative beliefs, we can reduce the intensity of our emotions and improve our overall well-being.

    • Identifying and challenging negative thoughts for emotional wellbeingRecognizing and challenging negative thinking errors, like catastrophizing, through CBT promotes healthier beliefs and emotions, leading to better mental health.

      Our emotions are rational when our beliefs about a situation are grounded in reality. Our beliefs shape our reactions to events, and negative, irrational thoughts can lead to mental health issues like anxiety and depression. For instance, two people may have different reactions to the same triggering event, such as public speaking, due to their distinct beliefs about it. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) emphasizes the importance of identifying and challenging these negative thoughts, known as "thinking errors," to promote healthier, more rational beliefs and emotions. These thinking errors, such as catastrophizing, are common to all humans, and we each gravitate towards different ones based on our upbringing. By recognizing and challenging these negative thoughts, we can change our beliefs and improve our emotional responses.

    • Identifying and challenging negative thoughtsCBT helps us recognize and challenge irrational negative thoughts, reducing anxiety and improving emotional response.

      Our minds have a tendency to catastrophize situations, blowing them out of proportion and causing unnecessary anxiety and emotional distress. This can happen in various scenarios, such as when a loved one is late or when we make a mistake in social situations. During these moments, our thoughts become rigid and highly emotional, making it difficult for us to consider contradictory evidence or alternative explanations. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can help us identify and challenge these negative automatic thoughts. By writing down our catastrophic thoughts and examining the evidence, we can learn to recognize their irrationality and gain perspective, reducing our anxiety and improving our emotional response.

    • Understanding Common Thinking ErrorsCatastrophic and all-or-nothing thinking can lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety. Challenge these thoughts by testing them against reality and practicing flexibility and self-compassion.

      Our thoughts can often lead us down negative paths, causing unnecessary stress and anxiety. Two common thinking errors discussed were catastrophic thinking and all-or-nothing thinking. Catastrophic thinking can lead us to imagine worst-case scenarios, causing panic and distress. All-or-nothing thinking, on the other hand, labels situations as either all good or all bad, leaving no room for flexibility or compassion. For example, if your partner is late home from work, catastrophic thinking might lead you to imagine the worst, like an affair or even death. All-or-nothing thinking might then cause you to give up on your diet after one slip-up or judge yourself harshly for making a mistake on a creative project. Instead, it's important to challenge these thoughts by testing them against reality and practicing flexibility and self-compassion.

    • Challenging Negative ThoughtsIdentify and challenge distorted thoughts with evidence and alternative perspectives to prevent negative impact on self-esteem and mental health. CBT can help.

      Our thoughts, especially negative ones, can be distorted and lead us to irrational conclusions. For instance, a slight rejection or a mistake can be perceived as absolute evidence of being unlovable or a failure. However, it's essential to challenge these negative automatic thoughts by asking for evidence and considering alternative perspectives. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can help us identify and challenge these distorted thoughts, such as catastrophizing and all-or-nothing thinking. By doing so, we can prevent these thoughts from negatively impacting our self-esteem and mental health. In essence, it's crucial to remember that one mistake or a slight rejection does not define us as a failure or an unlovable person. Instead, we should view mistakes as opportunities to learn and improve.

    • The podcast host's journey towards growth and evolution as an artistThe podcast host values Patreon for enabling him to earn a living from his passion while providing accessibility to his content for all. He regrets past performances containing misogynistic themes but has grown and evolved as an artist.

      The podcast host, who uses Patreon for funding, values the model because it allows him to earn a living from his passion while also providing an opportunity for those who can afford to support him to contribute towards making the content accessible to those who cannot. He acknowledges that some of his earlier comedy work, such as the song "Bag of Glue," contains misogynistic themes and admits that it was written by 16-year-olds who did not fully understand the implications of their words. He regrets the lack of nuance in those performances and the audiences that misunderstood the irony in the songs. He has since distanced himself from those performances and the audiences that did not appreciate the nuance in his work. He cannot fully reconcile his past work with his current views, but he has grown and evolved as an artist.

    • Speaker's views on Jordan PetersonThe speaker agrees with Peterson's psychological insights but critiques his political and social stances, perceiving a lack of compassion in his discourse, and distinguishes their perspectives to promote nuanced understanding of complex issues.

      The speaker has shared their views on Jordan Peterson, expressing agreement with his psychological insights but criticism towards his political and social stances. They find his understanding of postmodernism and socialism lacking, and perceive a lack of compassion in his discourse. Despite some overlap in their followings, the speaker distinguishes their perspectives, emphasizing the importance of understanding complex issues with nuance and compassion. Additionally, the speaker had intended to discuss CBT concepts for the week but decided to address the frequent inquiries about Jordan Peterson instead, recognizing the significance of National Suicide Awareness Week and the potential impact of seasonal changes on mental health.

    • Peace of mind during uncertain timesUnitedHealthcare TriTerm Medical plans offer flexible, budget-friendly coverage lasting nearly three years, providing peace of mind during uncertain times.

      Even as technology advances and our lives change, certain necessities remain constant. While the future may bring new companions in the form of chatbots, our need for health insurance will not. UnitedHealthcare TriTerm Medical plans, underwritten by Golden Rule Insurance Company, provide flexible and budget-friendly coverage that lasts nearly three years in some states. This can offer peace of mind during times of uncertainty, no matter what the future holds. So, be kind to one another, enjoy the present moment, and remember to prioritize your health and well-being. For more information, visit uhone.com.

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    📰 Blog: https://davekanyan.com/blog/
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    Interested in the discussion? Share your thoughts here at Spreaker in the comment section or tweet them @dumbwithdave.
    Don't forget to also share the episode on your other social media platforms.

    Check out this past episode!
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    Connect with Dave!
    🌐 Website: https://davekanyan.com/
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    Catch Dumbing it Down with Dave through these radio stations!
    📡 Mile Hi Radio: https://milehiradio.out.airtime.pro/milehiradio_a (Every Monday at 11:00 A.M. EST)
    📡 Crooked River Radio: https://live365.com/station/Crooked-River-Radio-Network-a79952 (Every Monday at 8:00 P.M. EST)


    About Dumbing it Down with Dave: You're listening to the fastest podcast on earth that's about pragmatism, truth, happiness, and the search for it all. I'm Dave Kanyan, a truck driver, husband, father, son, brother, friend, acquaintance, and probably not the best neighbor. I'll hold the door open for anyone. Don't rush; we've got plenty of time. Listen as I record my show from my car as I drive to and from work. We discuss everything and nothing, all at the same time. Enjoy your commute listening to me during my commute. Come along for the ride. I'll tell ya and ask you (nicely) how life oughta be. Thanks for listening!

    Listen to Dave's other podcast episodes!
    📢 Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/dumbing-it-down-with-dave_1

    You can also watch and subscribe to Dave as he talks about living in his Honda Fit, as well as his newly purchased Dodge Caravan, during his work week and allowing himself to exchange two hours of commuting for two hours of exercise, along with more sleep. Head over to Dave's Fit Life!
    📹 YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/davesfitlife

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    Matthew's Acoustic Set Live:


    Matthew Johnston's albums on SoundCloud:


    Matthew Johnston's YouTube Channel:




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