
    How Ireland invented spaces between words

    enJune 05, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Summer exams vs local electionsSummer's beauty contrasts with teenagers' exam stress and local elections' emergence of divisive politicians, reflecting the speaker's personal and cultural background

      The speaker is reflecting on the beauty of summer in Ireland and the contrasting experience of teenagers sitting for their state exams, known as the Leaving Cert, during this time. The speaker also expresses his irritation towards local elections and the emergence of fascist politicians during these elections. The speaker's feelings towards these experiences are rooted in his personal history and the cultural blend of Christianity and paganism in Ireland. Overall, the speaker's musings highlight the complex emotions and experiences associated with growing up and navigating various societal structures.

    • Rise of Fascism in IrelandOrganized groups are using disinformation and fear to spread racism and fascism in Ireland, targeting refugees and immigrants and inciting violence. It's crucial for citizens to recognize these tactics and stand against them to prevent serious consequences.

      Ireland is experiencing a rise in fascism and racist sentiment, fueled by organized groups using tactics like astroturfing to spread disinformation and fear in communities. These groups, which include elements from the UK, America, and Russia, are targeting refugees and immigrants, stoking fear and hatred, and inciting violence. The bullies behind these movements thrive on power and control, and use their message as a distraction for the established political parties. It's important for concerned citizens to recognize these tactics and stand against them, as the normalization of racism and fascism can have serious consequences for individuals and society as a whole.

    • Ireland housing crisisGovernment policies prioritizing profit over people's basic needs led to housing scarcity and high prices, worsened by investment funds and private market involvement, demanding change from elected officials is crucial.

      The housing crisis in Ireland is a result of government policies that prioritize profit over people. This has led to a scarcity of housing, which drives up prices and makes it difficult for many people to afford a place to live. The situation is worsened by the involvement of large investment funds that buy up properties for rental profits, often pushing out local residents. The government could build more houses, but instead, they're pushing housing development into the private market. This complex issue is often blamed on immigrants and refugees, but the real problem is the government's prioritization of profit over people's basic needs. The solution is for voters to demand change from their elected officials, focusing on candidates who prioritize housing, workers' rights, and the needs of their community.

    • Patreon support and Irish historySupporting a podcast through Patreon offers exclusive perks and helps creators take breaks, while acknowledging Ireland's complex history with the Catholic church and encouraging appreciation for its rich Christian heritage.

      While everyone can access the podcast for free, supporting it through Patreon allows access to exclusive events and helps the creator take a much-needed break after a long period of non-stop work. The creator also encourages following him on Instagram due to a shadow ban for speaking about a sensitive topic. He expresses a complex relationship with Ireland's history as the "Land of Saints and Scholars," acknowledging the dark side of the Catholic church's role in Irish society during that period. Despite the challenges, he wants to explore and be proud of Ireland's rich Christian heritage as an artist and writer. He emphasizes the importance of historical context and encourages listeners to look beyond the negative aspects to appreciate the significant contributions of early Irish Christianity to European history.

    • Oral traditions and landscape preservationCultures relied on oral traditions and the landscape itself to preserve stories and knowledge before the existence of books. The Irish society had poets and the Australian Aboriginals used song lines to remember important information.

      Before the existence of books and widespread use of writing, cultures relied on oral traditions and the landscape itself to preserve stories and knowledge. The Irish society, for instance, had poets or storytellers who memorized and passed down epic myths, laws, and traditions. Indigenous Australian people, on the other hand, used song lines, which combined songs, stories, and the physical landscape to remember important information. A modern example of this can be seen in the relationship between Aboriginal Australians and their mythology, which includes stories that describe the landscape and its features, making the land a repository of data and information. Similarly, in ancient Ireland, important pagan gathering sites like Rathcroghan in County Roscommon served as the backdrop for epic tales like "The Tain Bo Cuailnge," which were passed down orally and became an integral part of Irish mythology.

    • Landscape and memory in ancient IrelandThe landscape served as a repository for important data and collective memory in ancient Irish culture, but with the introduction of literacy and books, this ability was gradually lost, and it was Ireland's monastic system that preserved and advanced learning through the preservation and translation of ancient texts.

      In ancient Irish culture, the landscape served as a repository for important data and collective memory in the absence of writing. The Druids, poets, or bards were the keepers of this knowledge, using songs, dance, poetry, and the natural environment to preserve and pass down stories and essential information. However, with the introduction of literacy and books during the Roman era, the ability to remember through the landscape was gradually lost. The collapse of Roman society and the subsequent dark ages saw the loss of literacy skills, and it was Ireland's monastic system that preserved and advanced learning through the preservation and translation of ancient texts. The invention of spaces between words in written language further aided in the clarity and understanding of these texts.

    • Spaces between words, Irish monksIrish monks' invention of spaces between words in writing transformed it into an art form, preserving oral mythology and leading to the creation of whiskey

      The invention of spaces between words in writing transformed it from a mere data repository to an art form, introducing musicality and rhythm through pauses and beats. This innovation, originating from Irish monks in the 5th to 7th centuries, allowed the preservation and translation of oral mythology into written form. Simultaneously, the Irish monks also discovered distillation techniques from Middle Eastern texts and applied it to beer, leading to the creation of whiskey. This period of Irish history significantly impacted the world by preserving the written word and adding artistic innovation, ultimately influencing the works of renowned Irish writers like James Joyce.

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