
    Podcast Summary

    • Customization is key in both clothing and healthcareUnitedHealthcare offers flexible and budget-friendly coverage options for medical, vision, dental, and more. Mint Mobile cuts prices for more affordable wireless plans. LinkedIn provides access to a large pool of potential hires. Preserving personal history can bring purpose and meaning to life.

      Customization is key when it comes to both clothing and healthcare. Just as a one-size-fits-all approach may not work for clothes, it doesn't work for healthcare either. UnitedHealthcare offers various flexible and budget-friendly coverage options for medical, vision, dental, and more, allowing individuals to find the best fit for their needs, regardless of their current life situation. Similarly, Mint Mobile, a wireless company, is cutting its prices to offer more affordable options to consumers, demonstrating the importance of competition and choice in the market. Additionally, LinkedIn is a valuable resource for small businesses looking to hire professionals, as it provides access to a large pool of candidates who may not be actively searching for new jobs but could be open to the right opportunity. Finally, Doris Kearns Goodwin's new book, An Unfinished Love Story, serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving and sharing personal history, even if it may bring up difficult memories. By waiting to open his old boxes until he was ready, her husband was able to relive the defining moments of the 1960s and find purpose in the last years of his life.

    • A Zelig-like figure in American historyDick Goodwin's instinct to save and record history made him a key player during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, leaving behind a vast collection of memorabilia and new insights into his relationships with JFK and LBJ.

      Dick Goodwin was an influential figure during the 1960s and beyond, serving in various high-level government positions and leaving behind a vast collection of memorabilia from these experiences. He was present at pivotal moments in American history, from the civil rights movement to the anti-war movement, and played a significant role in shaping policies during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. His instinct to save and record history made him a Zelig-like figure, and his partnership with the author provided new insights into his relationships with key figures like JFK and LBJ. Through his experiences and preservation of primary sources, Goodwin contributed to our understanding of this important era in American history.

    • Al Gore's gracious concession speech and its impact on American politicsAl Gore's gracious concession speech during the controversial 2000 election emphasized the rule of law and helped maintain peace and unity, highlighting the importance of a president's character and ability to put the country's needs first during a contentious time.

      Dick Morris, a close advisor to Bill Clinton and several other political figures, has witnessed and contributed to pivotal moments in American politics. One such moment was Al Gore's gracious concession speech to George W. Bush after the controversial 2000 election. Morris shared behind-the-scenes details of how the speech came about, emphasizing its importance for maintaining peace and unity during a contentious time. The speech, which emphasized the rule of law, helped Americans move forward despite Gore's disappointment. This incident underscores the significance of a president's character and ability to put the country's needs above their own, even in the face of personal loss. Throughout history, losing presidential candidates have demonstrated this trait, showing that the peaceful transition of power is a cherished American tradition.

    • A leader's character is crucial for a nation's futureLeaders with humility, empathy, resilience, accessibility, honesty, compassion, and a larger ambition for the greater good shape a nation's future through their emotional intelligence

      Character matters greatly in our leaders. While policies can change, the essence of a person does not. A leader with humility, empathy, resilience, accessibility, honesty, compassion, and a larger ambition for the greater good is essential. These emotional qualities, also known as emotional intelligence, are crucial in guiding a nation through defining moments. Abraham Lincoln, for instance, is remembered not only for his accomplishments but also for his character, which included putting the American people above himself. Similarly, during the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt's trustworthiness and ability to instill confidence in the American people helped the country recover. When comparing JFK and LBJ, their characters differed. JFK was charismatic and inspiring, while LBJ was more hands-on and determined. Working with them provided unique experiences, with JFK's administration focusing on ideals and LBJ's on implementation. Ultimately, the character of a leader is a crucial factor in shaping a nation's future.

    • John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson's Collaboration: A Legacy Larger Than Either One Could Have Achieved AloneThe partnership between JFK and LBJ led to the creation of the Peace Corps and the passing of the Great Society programs, leaving a significant impact on American politics and society.

      The partnership between John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson led to significant advancements in American politics and society, with Kennedy serving as an inspiring figure and Johnson as an effective legislator. A notable example is the creation of the Peace Corps, which was inspired by Kennedy's impromptu interaction with students at the University of Michigan. Johnson's ability to work with Congress and pass legislation, such as the Great Society programs, built upon Kennedy's initiatives and expanded their impact. Their collaboration created a legacy larger than either one could have achieved alone. This understanding deepened the speaker's respect for Kennedy and softened Johnson's image in her eyes. Masterclass, an educational streaming platform, offers an opportunity to learn from over 200 world-class instructors, providing access to valuable knowledge and growth opportunities. By using the code SHARON, listeners can get an additional 15% off an annual membership.

    • Addressing the source of unpleasant odors with LumeLume addresses the source of unpleasant odors to prevent their spread and create a more pleasant living environment.

      Addressing the source of unpleasant odors, such as stinky feet, with a product like Lume can prevent the spread of smells throughout a home, making it a more pleasant living environment. Bobby Kennedy, an enigmatic figure in American history despite being a brother to President John F. Kennedy and an influential political figure, was known for his empathetic qualities and ability to bring people together. His brother's assassination deeply affected him, leading him to become more reflective and empathetic. These experiences shaped Bobby Kennedy into a potential great president, as evidenced by the huge crowds and support he gained during his primaries. My husband, who was once an optimistic person, was deeply impacted by the assassination of President Kennedy. Although Bobby Kennedy's assassination also affected him, it was John Kennedy's death that initially shifted my husband's perspective on life.

    • Dick Goodwin's Passion for the Arts and Public ServiceGoodwin's belief in the power of young people to bring about change and his reminder that real change comes from an aroused public sentiment.

      Dick Goodwin's life was defined by his deep passion for the arts, his commitment to public service, and his belief in the power of young people to bring about change. He had a sense of purpose and mission during the 1960s when he worked closely with JFK and LBJ, but the assassinations of JFK and RFK, the Vietnam War, and the political turmoil left him disillusioned and retreating to Maine to focus on writing. However, in his later years, he came to realize that the changes they had initiated were still making a difference and that it was time for a new generation to step up and continue the work. Goodwin's belief was that real change would not come from waiting for a hero but from an aroused public sentiment. His legacy serves as a reminder that each person can make a difference and that the spirit of the 1960s can be recreated to bring about positive change.

    • The Power of Persistence and Collective ActionLasting change comes from the ground up through ordinary people's persistence and collective action, not from saviors from on high.

      Change takes time and it's up to us to create it. Throughout American history, those who have tried to be saviors from on high have often ended up becoming dictators. Instead, meaningful change has always come from the ground up, through the efforts of ordinary people. From the abolitionists and union soldiers who brought about emancipation, to the progressives who influenced Teddy Roosevelt, to the civil rights and women's movements, the key to lasting change is persistence and collective action. It's important to remember that public sentiment, not laws or Supreme Court decisions, is the most powerful force for change. It's a long-term process, and setbacks are inevitable, but each step forward brings us closer to our goals. As Lincoln said, "Public sentiment is everything. With it, anything is possible. Without it, nothing is possible." So, let's not wait for a hero to save us. Instead, let's join the relay race of progress and keep moving forward.

    • Persistence and determination lead to change in historyEvery small action towards a cause contributes to the ripple effect leading to significant change in history, despite uncertainty and long timelines.

      Progress towards justice and change in history often requires persistent effort from individuals and communities, even when the outcome is uncertain. People living in the past didn't know how their actions would ultimately impact history, but their determination and belief in a cause led to significant progress. For instance, the fight for women's suffrage and African Americans' equal rights took decades of concerted efforts from various individuals and movements. Each action, no matter how small, contributed to the ripple effect that eventually led to substantial change. As Bobby Kennedy said, "each time a person stands up for an ideal, sends forth a tiny ripple of hope," and when these ripples come together, real change can take place. History shows us that change may take a long time, but every step forward, no matter how small, brings us closer to justice.

    • The Power of Belief and Collective Action in the 1960sBelief in one's ability to make a difference and collective action can lead to significant changes. Remember the spirit of the 1960s and apply it to current issues, as every person has the potential to make a difference.

      Small actions and individual efforts can contribute to larger changes when people believe in their ability to make a difference. Doris Kearns Goodwin, a renowned historian, emphasized the importance of collective action during the 1960s, where various social movements sparked a sense of unity and belief in transforming the country. She encouraged readers to remember the spirit of the 1960s and apply it to current issues, believing that every person has the potential to make a difference in their own way. The unfinished love story in her book, which she completed after Dick's death, serves as a reminder of the power of belief and the impact of collective action. Doris Kearns Goodwin's work continues to inspire and matter to many, making her a national treasure.

    • Explore OneSkin for healthy skin solutions and Quince for affordable luxuryOneSkin offers effective skincare with their OS one peptide, while Quince delivers luxury essentials at affordable prices, both prioritizing ethical manufacturing

      During your self-care routine or while planning for your next trip, consider trying out OneSkin and Quince. OneSkin offers simple, scientifically validated solutions for healthy skin with their proprietary OS one peptide, which helps switch off aging cells. Their eye cream is a standout, providing effective results without clogging pores or requiring complicated routines. Use the code "Sharon" for a limited-time discount. Quince, on the other hand, provides jet-setting essentials at affordable prices, with a commitment to safe and ethical manufacturing practices. Whether you're looking for European linen, premium luggage, or high-quality fashion items, Quince offers luxury at a fraction of the cost. With eBay, ensure your next purchase is authentic by looking for the blue checkmark and the eBay authenticity guarantee. Lastly, Giggly Squad's Paige DeSorbo recommends Quince for high-quality fashion at affordable prices, with a focus on safe, ethical, and responsible manufacturing.

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    Special thanks to our guest, Stephanie Harrison, for joining us today. 

    Host: Sharon McMahon

    Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder

    Production Assistant: Andrea Champoux

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    In the Shadow of Liberty with Ana Raquel Minian

    In the Shadow of Liberty with Ana Raquel Minian

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    Special thanks to our guest, Ana Raquel Minian, for joining us today.

    Host: Sharon McMahon

    Audio Producer: Mike Voulgaris

    Production Assistant: Andrea Champoux

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Awakening the Spirit of America with Paul Sparrow

    Awakening the Spirit of America with Paul Sparrow

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    Special thanks to our guest, Paul Sparrow, for joining us today.

    Host: Sharon McMahon

    Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder

    Production Assistant: Andrea Champoux

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Too Close to the Flame with Joe Ingle

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    Special thanks to our guest, Joe Ingle, for joining us today.

    Host: Sharon McMahon

    Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder

    Production Assistant: Andrea Champoux 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Special thanks to our guest, A.J. Jacobs, for joining us today.

    Host: Sharon McMahon

    Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder

    Production Assistant: Andrea Champoux

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Special thanks to our guest, Erik Larson, for joining us today.

    Host: Sharon McMahon

    Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder

    Production Assistant: Andrea Champoux 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Special thanks to our guest, Jen Psaki, for joining us today.

    Host: Sharon McMahon

    Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder

    Production Assistant: Andrea Champoux

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    An Unfinished Love Story with Doris Kearns Goodwin

    An Unfinished Love Story with Doris Kearns Goodwin

    Imagine being a Pulitzer Prize winning presidential historian, knowing you had extraordinarily rare primary source material and Presidential memorabilia tucked away in the cellar of your own home… and not opening it for decades? Doris Kearns Goodwin joins us today to share her journey of exploring more than 300 boxes, alongside her husband of 42 years, Richard (Dick) Goodwin, that served as a time capsule of his service in the 1960s. In the relay race of democracy, you never know who will pick up the baton, and continue your work. Together, they have one last great adventure, a chance to reassess key historical figures, and a fresh perspective of the role young people play in the arc of history.

    Special thanks to our guest, Doris Kearns Goodwin, for joining us today.

    Host: Sharon McMahon

    Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder

    Production Assistant: Andrea Champoux

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Vigilantes, Episode 7

    The Vigilantes, Episode 7

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    Join us for the final episode in this seven-episode series, The Vigilantes.

    Special thanks to former Georgia Governor Roy Barnes for his time and contribution to this episode. 

    Host/ Executive Producer: Sharon McMahon

    Supervising Producer: Melanie Buck Parks

    Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder 

    Writers: Amy Watkin, Sharon McMahon

    Researched by: Kari Anton, Sharon McMahon, Amy Watkin, Mandy Reid, Melanie Buck Parks 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    The Vigilantes, Episode 6

    The Vigilantes, Episode 6

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    Join us for part six of this seven-episode series, The Vigilantes.

    Host/ Executive Producer: Sharon McMahon

    Supervising Producer: Melanie Buck Parks

    Audio Producer: Jenny Snyder 

    Writers: Amy Watkin, Sharon McMahon

    Researched by: Kari Anton, Sharon McMahon, Amy Watkin, Mandy Reid, Melanie Buck Parks 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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