
    Andy Rachleff - Building Something People Want to Buy - [Invest Like the Best, EP.42]

    enJune 20, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the CompetitionIdentify strengths of competitors and turn them into weaknesses to succeed. Benchmark Capital did this by admiring Kleiner Perkins and focusing on providing excellent service instead of competing directly.

      Key takeaway from this podcast episode is the importance of understanding your competition and turning their strengths into weaknesses in order to succeed. This strategy was employed by Andy Ratcliffe and the founders of Benchmark Capital when they started their firm with a unique equal partnership setup. They identified Kleiner Perkins as their top competitor, admiring their world-class venture capitalist John Doerr and their "keiretsu" model that helped portfolio companies do business with each other. Instead of trying to compete directly, Benchmark focused on providing the best service to their clients and building a reputation for excellence. This approach allowed them to attract top talent and ultimately become a successful venture capital firm. Andy's advice to "put the gun in the other person's hand" is a powerful reminder of the importance of understanding your competition and using their strengths against them. Additionally, Wealthfront, the automated investing platform led by Andy, has recently released a new feature allowing investors to buy factor portfolios, demonstrating their commitment to providing innovative investment solutions.

    • Benchmark's Success from Equal Partnerships and Supporting EntrepreneursBenchmark's success stems from its founders' commitment to equal partnerships, allowing top talent to join and entrepreneurs to maintain control, and avoiding unnecessary involvement in portfolio companies.

      The success of venture capital firm Benchmark can be attributed to its founders' commitment to equal partnerships and supporting the entrepreneur as the star. Unlike other firms where the older partners held most of the equity, Benchmark made a pact to step down if they couldn't contribute 110% to the firm. This approach created a legacy that attracted top talent and allowed entrepreneurs to maintain control. Additionally, Benchmark differentiated itself by not taking the chairman title or pushing entrepreneurs to work with their portfolio companies. By focusing on building a strong team and supporting the entrepreneur, Benchmark set itself apart and made great investments during the opportune time of the Internet boom.

    • Identifying big opportunities and being right in non-consensusJohn Doerr's success in venture capital comes from identifying big opportunities, being right against the consensus, exceptional intelligence, and powerful communication skills.

      John Doerr's success as a venture capitalist can be attributed to his ability to identify and invest in big opportunities despite the risks involved, his exceptional intelligence, and his powerful communication skills. An example of this can be seen in his investment in eBay, where he recognized the potential of the company even before it became a business, and despite the unconventional approach of its founder, Pierre Omidyar. Doerr's belief in the potential of eBay, despite its humble beginnings and the consensus view at the time, ultimately paid off with a significant return on investment. Additionally, Doerr's intelligence and network enabled him to provide valuable guidance to eBay's founder, even before he was officially involved with the company. Overall, Doerr's approach of focusing on the big opportunities and being right in non-consensus, while difficult, has proven to be a successful strategy in venture capital.

    • The Power of Helping Others and Operating with IntegrityStarting a business with a focus on helping others and operating with integrity can lead to significant opportunities and returns. Recognizing growth potential and compounding effects can create long-term success.

      Helping others and operating with integrity can lead to significant opportunities and success. The story of Pierre Omidyar, the founder of eBay, illustrates this principle. He started eBay as a platform for people to trade collectibles, and as it grew, he felt the need to expand his server capacity and charge a listing fee. This led to rapid revenue growth, and eventually, an acquisition offer from a newspaper chain. Bruce Tesler, an investor, saw the potential in eBay and offered to invest in the company, allowing Pierre to take some money off the table. This investment proved to be successful, and it was the non-consensus idea that created significant returns for Bruce and his team. Another key takeaway is the importance of compounding in the early stages of a successful business. eBay's software was far from perfect, but the compounding effect of its growth created opportunities that were eventually capitalized on by top venture firms. Bruce's operating philosophy of "putting the gun in the other person's hand" also played a role in his success. By giving others the power to negotiate, he was able to build loyalty and work with those who shared his values. In summary, the story of Pierre Omidyar and eBay demonstrates the power of helping others, operating with integrity, and recognizing opportunities for growth. These principles, combined with the compounding effect of success, can lead to significant returns and long-term success.

    • Identifying the right customers for product market fitFocus on finding the 'who' instead of just the 'what' in product development to achieve exponential growth through word-of-mouth recommendations

      Achieving product market fit is crucial for the success of a business, especially in tech. It means creating a product that customers can't help but buy and recommend to others, leading to exponential organic growth through word-of-mouth. This concept was popularized by Marc Andreesen and Paul Graham, but Steve Blank and Eric Ries contributed significantly with their methods for identifying product market fit through the value hypothesis and growth hypothesis. They advocated focusing on the "who" instead of the "what" and iterating on customer segments to find those who would truly value the product. This approach allows businesses to identify and target the right customers and build a successful company even if other aspects of the business are not perfect.

    • Iterating on target audience to find profitable marketTo find a profitable market, pivot your target audience until you achieve exponential organic growth and product-market fit. Once achieved, focus on improving what's working rather than fixing what's not to scale your business.

      Finding a profitable market involves iterating on your target audience (pivoting) until you prove the value of your product through exponential organic growth. Once you've achieved product-market fit, focusing on improving what's working rather than fixing what's not is key to scaling your business. This concept, known as growth hacking, is essential for amplifying your success and learning valuable tricks that can't be gained from failure alone. Transitioning from a venture capitalist to an operator role, like becoming the CEO of Wealthfront, can provide unique lessons in leadership, but there's no direct correlation between success in venture capital and operating roles.

    • Experiences don't always make better investors, but effective board members or innovatorsSuccess in business doesn't guarantee success as an investor. Focus on continuous innovation and expanding offerings to meet customer needs.

      Being a successful businessperson, particularly in the field of venture capital or technology, doesn't necessarily make one a better investor. Instead, experiences and lessons learned can make one a more effective board member or innovator. The adoption rate of new technologies, such as automated investing platforms, is often underestimated, and successful companies often innovate on top of existing platforms rather than just offering a better version of an existing product. Wealthfront, as a software company doing investing, is focused on continuously innovating and expanding its offerings across the financial technology stack to meet the changing needs of its customers.

    • Automating financial services with softwareWealthfront offers tax-loss harvesting and direct indexing at no extra cost, adding 1.8% to 2.3% to clients' annual returns, while charging a quarter of a percent fee.

      Wealthfront started as a simple, low-cost investment service using a diversified portfolio of index funds. But the company's founders saw an opportunity to add value through software and automate services traditionally offered by high-end financial advisors. By doing so, they aimed to democratize access to financial services for younger people who prefer an electronic experience. Wealthfront's innovations include tax-loss harvesting, which adds an average of 1.8% to clients' annual after-tax returns, and direct indexing, which can add an additional 0.2 to 0.5% annually. These services are offered at no extra cost, making Wealthfront's quarter of a percent fee even more appealing. The company continues to explore and implement peer-reviewed, rule-based strategies to enhance after-tax returns for its clients. Additionally, Wealthfront recently introduced financial planning services, which were previously out of reach for those with less than $1,000,000 in assets. By leveraging technology, Wealthfront aims to provide better services and access to a wider audience, ultimately disrupting the traditional financial services industry.

    • Wealthfront's Technology Advancements Enhance User ExperienceWealthfront uses technology to offer personalized financial planning, interactive tools, and new services, setting it apart from competitors.

      Wealthfront, a financial planning company, is leveraging software technology to offer more accurate financial estimates, interactive tools, and new services like college planning and portfolio line of credit. These advancements provide a better user experience and set Wealthfront apart from competitors. The company also discussed the ongoing interest in active management, despite the challenges faced by traditional active fund managers. Wealthfront, however, does not plan to offer access to alternative assets due to the potential risks associated with retail investors' behavior and the fact that the best investors are typically institutions.

    • The power of kindness in career successKindness from mentors and peers can lead to long-term career success in the venture capital industry

      The power of kindness and the long-term benefits it can bring. The speaker shared how acts of kindness from mentors and peers throughout his career opened doors for him and led him to success in the venture capital industry. He emphasized that these advantages were not just short-term, but set the foundation for his long-term success. This theme aligns with the overall discussion about non-correlated, liquid, and rules-based asset classes that provide long-term benefits. The speaker's story serves as a reminder that the relationships we build and the kindness we show can have profound and lasting impacts on our lives.

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    Dev Ittycheria - The Database Evolution - [Invest Like the Best, EP.373]

    Dev Ittycheria - The Database Evolution - [Invest Like the Best, EP.373]
    My guest today is Dev Ittycheria. Dev is the CEO of MongoDB, the developer data platform with tens of thousands of customers in 100 different countries. He joined the company as CEO in 2014, taking it public in 2017, and is now approaching a decade of leading MongoDB to become a go-to choice for the most sophisticated organizations around the world. We discuss Dev’s philosophy for constructing an exceptional enterprise sales organization, why he feels a leader must be incredibly judgemental to drive excellence, and how he plans to guide MongoDB through another technological transition. Please enjoy this conversation with Dev Ittycheria. Listen to Founders Podcast For the full show notes, transcript, and links to mentioned content, check out the episode page here. ----- This episode is brought to you by Tegus, the only investment research platform built for the investor. With traditional research vendors, the diligence process is slow, fragmented, and expensive. That leaves investors competing on how well they can aggregate data — not on their unique ability to analyze insights and make great investment decisions. Tegus offers an end-to-end platform with all the data you need to get up to speed on a company or market: up-to-the-minute financials, customizable models, management and culture checks, and, of course, our vast and growing library of expert call transcripts. Tegus is changing the world of expert research. Learn more and get your free trial at tegus.com/patrick. ----- Invest Like the Best is a property of Colossus, LLC. For more episodes of Invest Like the Best, visit joincolossus.com/episodes.  Past guests include Tobi Lutke, Kevin Systrom, Mike Krieger, John Collison, Kat Cole, Marc Andreessen, Matthew Ball, Bill Gurley, Anu Hariharan, Ben Thompson, and many more. Stay up to date on all our podcasts by signing up to Colossus Weekly, our quick dive every Sunday highlighting the top business and investing concepts from our podcasts and the best of what we read that week. Sign up here. Follow us on Twitter: @patrick_oshag | @JoinColossus Editing and post-production work for this episode was provided by The Podcast Consultant (https://thepodcastconsultant.com). Show Notes: (00:00:00) Welcome to Invest Like the Best (00:03:39) A CEO's Perspective Of The AI Revolution (00:05:50) The Evolution of Apps From Trivial to Transformative (00:08:12) MongoDB's Journey From Startup to AI Era (00:10:03) Building a Modern Database Company: MongoDB's Story (00:13:19) The Long-Term Vision for MongoDB  (00:15:51) Dev’s Formative Experiences as a Tech CEO (00:19:18) The Art of Enterprise Sales (00:25:28) The Development of Dev as a Leader (00:29:01) Getting the Most Out of Your Talent (00:33:17) Managing a Multi-Product, Multi-Channel Enterprise (00:37:29) Dev’s Recruiting Philosophy (00:43:12) The Role of Leadership and Mentorship in Career Growth (00:46:08) Dev’s Deepest Worry With MongoDB (00:49:35) Personal Investment Philosophy and Identifying Potential (00:53:52) The Art of Leadership: Accountability and Development (00:57:50) Learning from Legends: Andy Grove's Management Insights (01:02:54) The Power in MongoDB’s Business (01:06:13) Up Next for Dev and MongoDB (01:08:34) The Kindest Thing Anyone Has Ever Done For Dev

    Nico Wittenborn - Finding the Adjacent Possible - [Invest Like the Best, EP.372]

    Nico Wittenborn - Finding the Adjacent Possible - [Invest Like the Best, EP.372]
    My guest today is Nico Wittenborn. Nico is the founder of Adjacent, a venture firm that looks for what he describes as the “adjacent possible” for their next investment. Nico has zoned in on the consumer subscription market as his ideal candidate, making early investments in Calm App, Photoroom, and Oura Ring. Nico does virtually all steps of the investing process on his own as he believes this allows him to be as close to finding the truth as possible. We discuss sharpening your intuition, evaluating the subscription business model, and exploring the adjacent possible. Please enjoy this conversation with Nico Wittenborn.  Listen to Founders Podcast For the full show notes, transcript, and links to mentioned content, check out the episode page here. ----- This episode is brought to you by Tegus, the only investment research platform built for the investor. With traditional research vendors, the diligence process is slow, fragmented, and expensive. That leaves investors competing on how well they can aggregate data — not on their unique ability to analyze insights and make great investment decisions. Tegus offers an end-to-end platform with all the data you need to get up to speed on a company or market: up-to-the-minute financials, customizable models, management and culture checks, and, of course, our vast and growing library of expert call transcripts. Tegus is changing the world of expert research. Learn more and get your free trial at tegus.com/patrick. ----- Invest Like the Best is a property of Colossus, LLC. For more episodes of Invest Like the Best, visit joincolossus.com/episodes.  Past guests include Tobi Lutke, Kevin Systrom, Mike Krieger, John Collison, Kat Cole, Marc Andreessen, Matthew Ball, Bill Gurley, Anu Hariharan, Ben Thompson, and many more. Stay up to date on all our podcasts by signing up to Colossus Weekly, our quick dive every Sunday highlighting the top business and investing concepts from our podcasts and the best of what we read that week. Sign up here. Follow us on Twitter: @patrick_oshag | @JoinColossus Editing and post-production work for this episode was provided by The Podcast Consultant (https://thepodcastconsultant.com). Show Notes: (00:00:00) Welcome to Invest Like the Best (00:03:30) Intuition in Investment Decisions (00:05:08) The Philosophy of Adjacency in Venture Capital (00:12:51) Exploring Consumer Subscription Models (00:18:16) Common Mistakes In Subscription Pricing (00:22:41) Errors in Product Roll-Out Strategy (00:28:50) The Sucess of BirdBuddy (00:33:45) What It Means To Be a Great Product (00:38:21) Solo Investing vs. Being Part of a Big Firm (00:43:12) Building On Your Own Experience As a Founder (00:44:49) The Rise of Individual Investors and Their Impact (00:50:52) The Strategic Advantage of Staying Small in Venture Capital (00:52:02) Deep Dive into Founder Questions and Consumer Subscription Insights (00:54:09) Leveraging AI and Technological Advances for Growth (00:59:13) Exploring Future Investments and Market Opportunities (01:05:13) Areas to Explore On The Value Curve For Consumer Subscription  (01:12:32) Advice For Those Interest In Nico’s Path  (01:20:10) The Kindest Thing Anyone Has Ever Done for Nico

    Mitch Rales: The Art of Compounding - [Art of Investing, Forever Episode]

    Mitch Rales: The Art of Compounding - [Art of Investing, Forever Episode]
    We are excited to share a great conversation with Mitch Rales, the co-founder of Danaher and one of the living legends in the world of business and investing. Consider that Danaher has annualized at over 21% for four decades, resulting in an 1800-times multiple on invested capital! This is Mitch's first long-form interview of any kind, and he covers his entire history and business philosophy. Interviewing Mitch are Paul Buser and Rick Buhrman, who host the Art of Investing podcast on the Colossus network. Please enjoy this comprehensive discussion with Mitch Rales. Listen to more Art of Investing. For the full show notes, transcript, and links to mentioned content, check out the episode page here. ----- This episode is brought to you by Passthrough. If you've ever filled out a subscription document to invest in a fund or worked with LPs to fill out their docs to invest in your fund, you know what a nightmare this exercise can be. Passthrough finally solves this problem. They configure custom workflows for your electronic subscription agreements and KYC & AML requirements to shrink the time for your investors to complete their sub docs. It's the best way to manage a critical part of your relationship with your LPs and is simply a drastically better experience for both investing firms and LPs alike. To learn more, go to passthrough.com. This episode is brought to you by Tegus, the only investment research platform built for fundamental investors. Whether you’re trying to get up to speed on a new market or keep tabs on a portfolio company, Tegus is the end-to-end investment research platform you need. With Tegus, you can quickly understand a company's business model, drivers, benchmarks, and management quality. To monitor an entire market, download our pre-built financial models — or update your own with the latest data using Tegus’ new Excel Add-In. Tegus gives you all of this and more, all bundled into a single software license. Find out why 95% of the top 20 global private equity firms are Tegus customers. Learn more and get your free trial at tegus.com/patrick. ----- Art of Investing is a property of Pine Grove Studios in collaboration with Colossus, LLC. For more episodes of Art of Investing, visit joincolossus.com/episodes.  Editing and post-production work for this episode was provided by The Podcast Consultant (https://thepodcastconsultant.com). Show Notes (00:00:00) - Welcome to The Art of Investing (00:05:32) - The Philosophy Behind Glenstone's Creation (00:12:57) - Benchmarking and Continuous Improvement: Lessons from Danaher and Glenstone (00:21:22) - The Influence of Mitch’s Father and Upbringing (00:28:43) - Transforming Danaher During The George Sherman (00:30:39) - Embracing Long-Term Vision and Patience (00:36:47) - The Role of Leadership in Navigating Change (00:42:21) - Danaher's Evolutionary Journey: From 1.0 to 4.0 (00:56:37) - Building a Culture of Internal Growth and External Innovation (00:58:42) - The Art of Successful Acquisitions and Integration Strategies (01:03:03) - Seeking Leadership Qualities and Business Traits for Long-Term Success (01:06:14) - The Journey from Personal Experience to Philanthropy (01:13:10) - Investment Philosophy: Concentration vs. Diversification (01:29:46) - Operational Expertise as a Catalyst for Company Growth (01:34:17) - Identifying and Supporting Talent in Business (01:43:02) - The Impact of Secular Trends on Long-Term Investments (01:49:53) - Revitalizing the Washington Commanders (01:57:36) - Engaging with Fans and Building a Winning Culture (02:05:16) - The Importance of Long-Term Vision

    Marc Lasry - Making Bucks in Credit and Sports - [Invest Like the Best, EP.371]

    Marc Lasry - Making Bucks in Credit and Sports - [Invest Like the Best, EP.371]
    My guest this week is Marc Lasry. Marc is a pioneer of distressed debt investing and the CEO of Avenue Capital Group, which he co-founded with his sister in 1995. Avenue manages $13 billion today. More recently, Marc and Avenue have become active investors in sport. He owned the Milwaukee Bucks when they won the NBA championship in 2021, and has since made investments in sports as diverse as sailing and bull-riding. In our discussion, we talk about his journey building a big investing firm, the evolution of distressed investing, and the opportunities in sport today. Marc shares some great stories throughout about travelling with President Clinton, winning the NBA championship, and raising his first fund. Please enjoy this great conversation with Marc Lasry. Listen to Founders Podcast For the full show notes, transcript, and links to mentioned content, check out the episode page here. ----- This episode is brought to you by Tegus, the only investment research platform built for fundamental investors. Whether you’re trying to get up to speed on a new market or keep tabs on a portfolio company, Tegus is the end-to-end investment research platform you need. With Tegus, you can quickly understand a company's business model, drivers, benchmarks, and management quality. To monitor an entire market, download our pre-built financial models — or update your own with the latest data using Tegus’ new Excel Add-In. Tegus gives you all of this and more, all bundled into a single software license. Find out why 95% of the top 20 global private equity firms are Tegus customers. Learn more and get your free trial at tegus.com/patrick. ----- Invest Like the Best is a property of Colossus, LLC. For more episodes of Invest Like the Best, visit joincolossus.com/episodes.  Past guests include Tobi Lutke, Kevin Systrom, Mike Krieger, John Collison, Kat Cole, Marc Andreessen, Matthew Ball, Bill Gurley, Anu Hariharan, Ben Thompson, and many more. Stay up to date on all our podcasts by signing up to Colossus Weekly, our quick dive every Sunday highlighting the top business and investing concepts from our podcasts and the best of what we read that week. Sign up here. Follow us on Twitter: @patrick_oshag | @JoinColossus Editing and post-production work for this episode was provided by The Podcast Consultant (https://thepodcastconsultant.com). Show Notes: (00:00:00) Welcome to Invest Like The Best (00:03:40) Marc Lasry's Early Confidence and Competence (00:06:03) Distressed Credit Evolution and the Allure of Sports Investing (00:08:15) The Milwaukee Bucks: A Championship and Investment Success Story (00:14:54) Exploring New Frontiers: Bull Riding and Women's NCA (00:18:33) Venturing into Sailing with Larry Ellison's League (00:22:27) The Economics of Sports Team Ownership (00:25:19) The Vast Universe of Sports-Related Investment Opportunities (00:29:36) The Evolution of Distressed Investing (00:34:05 The Common Thread Through Marc’s Business Endeavors (00:40:24) Marc’s Most Memorable Investment (Not Including The Bucks) (00:43:40) The Dynamics of Working with Family in Business (00:45:32) Finding Happiness and Perspective Amid Financial Success (00:51:03) Diving into the World of NBA Owners (00:55:19) Exploring New Ventures: Sports, Real Estate, and Beyond (00:59:03) The Art of Deal-Making and Navigating Risks (01:06:10) The Kindest Thing Anyone Has Ever Done for Marc

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    Femstreet: https://www.femstreet.com/ 
    Sarah's Twitter: https://twitter.com/SarahNoeckel 


    This podcast provides regular content on technology investing and technology building. We also write long-form memos on all things tech investing and building. You can sign up for these monthly memo newsletters on the website: https://www.rationalvc.com/

    We break everything down to first principles, to simplify the complex technology world. We aim to bring you content that is insightful, logical, and rational.

    We cover tech products and tech companies across the lifecycle, from pre-seed to seed, Series A to D+, to IPOs and beyond. We also cover all investing methods including Angel Investing, Venture Capital, Private Equity, Hedge Funds, Public Markets, SPACs etc.

    For more information on Cyrus, Iman and the channel, check out:


    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/rational-vc/id1537462327

    Your feedback and comments are very welcome. We hope you enjoy listening as we embark on a journey to understand this space; clearly, and rationally, of course.


    Disclaimer: The content and materials provided are solely for informational purposes and do not constitute investment or legal advice. All opinions expressed by hosts and guests are solely their own opinions and do not reflect the opinion of their employer(s).

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    New Leaders of TEDCO & CIT Set 2021 Vision

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    You can also watch this in video format on our youtube channel to see supporting material: https://youtu.be/Kqf_9v5pGDM 


    Materials referenced:

    AGM on Apple vs Coinbase: https://twitter.com/DavidSacks/status/1443846265582735362?s=20 

    Fred Destin on Europe Hiring: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/freddestin_talent-wars-in-london-seem-absolutely-brutal-activity-6842174071707324416-MLX8 

    Nothing is normal anymore: https://twitter.com/fintechjunkie/status/1445377537593516035?s=20 

    Investor moods being affected by the weather: https://twitter.com/emollick/status/1439757466439503875?s=20 

    Power laws and path dependence: https://twitter.com/trengriffin/status/1438875618930683904?s=20 

    The great generational shift within VC: https://fortune.com/2021/09/24/the-great-generational-shift-within-venture-capital/  https://twitter.com/ShaanVP/status/1443002382053380098?s=20 


    Rational VC provides regular content on technology investing and technology building. We also write long-form memos on all things tech investing and building. You can sign up for these monthly memo newsletters on the website: https://www.rationalvc.com/

    We break everything down to first principles, to simplify the complex technology world. We aim to bring you content that is insightful, logical, and rational.

    We cover tech products and tech companies across the lifecycle, from pre-seed to seed, Series A to D+, to IPOs and beyond. We also cover all investing methods including Angel Investing, Venture Capital, Private Equity, Hedge Funds, Public Markets, SPACs etc.

    For more information on Cyrus, Iman and the channel, check out:


    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/rational-vc/id1537462327

    Your feedback and comments are very welcome. We hope you enjoy listening as we embark on a journey to understand this space; clearly, and rationally, of course.


    Disclaimer: The content and materials provided are solely for informational purposes and do not constitute investment or legal advice. All opinions expressed by hosts and guests are solely their own opinions and do not reflect the opinion of their employer(s). No copyright infringement intended.


    What Silvergate & SVB Crisis Means for Crypto, According to Crypto Bank Insider - with Ram Ahluwalia, Lumida, Ep. 234

    What Silvergate & SVB Crisis Means for Crypto, According to Crypto Bank Insider - with Ram Ahluwalia, Lumida, Ep. 234

    In the past month, the banking sector experienced its most turbulent period since 2008. Major crypto-friendly banks, including Silvergate, Silicon Valley Bank, and Signature, have gone under, while the 170-year-old Credit Suisse stands on the brink of being absorbed by its main competitor, UBS.


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    Today on Blockcrunch, we have Ram, CEO of Lumida who was also previously the Head of Crypto at Cross River, one of the remaining crypto-focused banks, and also the Vice President at Merril Lynch to help us separate signal from noise:

    • Overview of the entire banking situation

    • Will BTFP introduce liquidity into the market

    • What will happen to the crypto markets


    Host: Jason Choi @mrjasonchoi . Not financial advice.




    (00:00:00) – Introduction to Ram

    (00:04:14) – Why are banks falling?

    (00:08:55) – Deliberate crypto crackdown

    (00:15:59) – Is BTFP actually Quantitative Easing

    (00:24:18) – FED’s ability to continue rate hikes

    (00:29:21) – Can Bitcoin hit $1m in 90 days

    (00:32:29) – What is going on with Credit Suisse

    (00:38:57) – Tying everything back to crypto

    Sponsor message:

    Filecoin is enabling open services for data, built on top of IPFS.


    Today, Filecoin focuses primarily on storage as an open service, but looks to build the infrastructure to store, distribute and transform data.


    Join the Space Warp program (Live until March 2023) to be among the first to build on the Filecoin Virtual Machine (FVM) https://spacewarp.fvm.dev/



    More Resources:


    Ram Ahluwalia’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/ramahluwalia




    Blockcrunch VIP: https://blockcrunch.substack.com/

    Blockcrunch Twitter: https://twitter.com/theBlockcrunch

    Jason Choi’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/mrjasonchoi




    The Blockcrunch Podcast (“Blockcrunch”) is an educational resource intended for informational purposes only. Blockcrunch produces a weekly podcast and newsletter that routinely covers projects in Web 3 and may discuss assets that the host or its guests have financial exposure to. Views held by Blockcrunch’s guests are their own. None of Blockcrunch, its registered entity or any of its affiliated personnel are licensed to provide any type of financial advice, and nothing on Blockcrunch’s podcast, newsletter, website and social media should be construed as financial advice. Blockcrunch also receives compensation from its sponsor; sponsorship messages do not constitute financial advice or endorsement.


    Full disclaimer: https://blockcrunch.substack.com/about