
    Podcast Summary

    • Honesty, trust, and individuality in relationshipsBuilding a healthy relationship involves trust, open communication, personal growth, and maintaining individual identities.

      Learning from Mark Manson's open Q&A session is that honesty, trust, and individuality are key components to building and maintaining a healthy and amazing relationship. Mark emphasized the importance of trust and open communication, sharing that giving and taking feedback in a constructive way is essential. He also advised against trying to change each other and instead focusing on personal growth. Lastly, he emphasized the importance of having independent lives outside of the relationship, allowing for a balance between individual identities and a shared identity with your partner. Regarding his writing, Mark revealed that he has no current obligations to write a new book and is taking a break from writing after producing several books and a movie in a short period.

    • Lessons from the Past Five Years: Physical Health, Media, and RelationshipsFocus on physical health for mental and emotional benefits, embrace change in media industries, and invest time in relationships as they evolve

      Investing in physical health, rethinking traditional media, and nurturing relationships are three crucial lessons the speaker learned over the past five years. Regarding physical health, he wishes he had understood earlier the significant mental and emotional benefits it provides. Traditional media, he believes, is an overrated and potentially dying industry, and he's bullish on the creator economy and Internet media. Lastly, friendships and social relationships change as we age, and the speaker regrets not investing enough in them when younger. For beginners in the online content space, he advises comparing themselves to their peers and those just ahead, rather than the wildly successful. Manifestation, he explains, is a mental framework that leverages cognitive biases to focus on goals and notice related opportunities. While some may view it as the universe granting desires, it's actually the result of consciously focusing on specific aspects of life. Overall, these lessons involve prioritizing physical health, embracing change, and leveraging mental frameworks for personal growth.

    • Our perception of the universe shapes our actionsManifesting desires can help align actions with values, but don't let fear of failure hold you back, and increase chances of lucky opportunities through action and engagement.

      Our perception of the universe and the role we play in it can significantly impact our mindset and actions. The universe may not revolve around us, but our thoughts and actions can lead us to opportunities that align with our values and interests, which we can perceive as luck. Manifestation can be a useful tool in helping us become consciously aware of our desires and values, but it's important not to get too caught up in the idea that the universe owes us anything. Another key takeaway is that fear of failure is a natural feeling, but it's important not to let it hold us back. Instead, we should try to reframe failure as an opportunity for growth and learning. By focusing on the lessons we can take away from our failures, we can stay motivated and continue to pursue our goals. Lastly, luck is an important factor in success, but it's not something we can control directly. Instead, we can increase our chances of encountering lucky opportunities by being active and engaged in our pursuits. By taking action and putting ourselves out there, we can increase the number of potential coincidences that can lead to success.

    • Creating Excitement in Your Work Routine or Morning RoutineMaintain excitement in work or create a morning routine to enhance productivity. Strong nighttime routine contributes to successful mornings. Shame can be healthy but harmful when attached to personality traits. Enjoy exercise and set small goals for consistent fitness.

      Having a meaningful and exciting work routine can replace the need for a strict morning routine. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being excited about your work and suggests that if you're not, creating a morning routine might help. Conversely, a strong nighttime routine, including winding down activities and getting enough sleep, can contribute to a successful morning. Shame, according to the speaker, can serve a healthy purpose when it deters us from harming others, but becomes unhealthy when attached to morally neutral aspects of our personality. To make exercise a consistent part of your life, the speaker suggests finding ways to enjoy it and starting with small, achievable goals. The biggest mistake people make when trying to improve their fitness is attempting to do too much too quickly.

    • Making significant life changes takes time and persistenceQuitting bad habits, starting new ones, and overcoming challenges all require patience and persistence. It's okay to make mistakes and experience setbacks along the way.

      Making significant changes in your life, whether it's quitting a bad habit or starting a new healthy one, requires patience and persistence. It's not an overnight process, but rather a gradual one. For instance, if you want to quit drinking, it may take several months of cutting back before you're ready to quit completely. Similarly, starting a new exercise routine may involve multiple failed attempts and setbacks before you find something that sticks. And it's important to remember that it's okay to make mistakes and experience setbacks along the way. Another key takeaway is that envy is a complex emotion. It's not just about desiring the good things in someone else's life, but also acknowledging and accepting the challenges and hardships that come with them. Naval Ravikant's advice is to envy not just the positive aspects of someone's life, but the entirety of it. By doing so, we can gain a more nuanced understanding of what it takes to achieve our goals and find fulfillment in our own lives.

    • Embrace insecurities and understand unique challengesTo succeed in content creation, embrace insecurities, differentiate perspectives, and understand the unique challenges of blogging vs YouTube

      Envy is an unrealistic emotion as most good things in people's lives come at a great cost or sacrifice. To overcome insecurities, one should embrace them instead of fighting them. Regarding content creation, blogging and YouTube are vastly different. Blogging allows for quicker turnaround and lower investment of time, while YouTube requires a team and a longer wait for results. Aspiring writers and content creators should differentiate themselves by offering unique perspectives and catering to underrepresented audiences. In summary, embracing insecurities, understanding the unique challenges of different content mediums, and offering a unique perspective are key to success.

    • Is Social Media Addiction Real?Social media use depends on individual and factors like age, mental health, and usage habits. Young people and those with mental health issues may face harm, while adults in good mental health likely see no negative impact.

      Social media usage, like any other form of media, is not inherently good or bad, but rather depends on the individual using it. The definition of addiction requires harm to other areas of life, so it's more accurate to ask if social media binging is detrimental. The answer seems to depend on factors like age, mental health, and how one uses social media. For young people and those with anxiety or depression, it may be harmful. For adults in good mental health, the data suggests it's not bad at all. The key is to be mindful of how you use social media and consider the alternatives. As for setting goals, it's important to remember that many goals are arbitrary and may not have deep meaning. Instead, focus on consistent actions that align with the life you want to live.

    • Goals should align with values and prioritiesBe open to adjusting goals as priorities shift, even if it means giving up an extreme commitment. Finding balance is key to happiness.

      Goals should align with our values and priorities in life. The speaker shared an example of how they gave up a goal to run a marathon because it was taking too much time and energy, which conflicted with their business priorities. Extremism, even in spirituality, can be toxic, and finding balance is key to happiness. The speaker also shared their personal academic history, revealing that they didn't take school seriously until they could pursue their interests and found success. Ultimately, the speaker didn't know what they wanted to be until their late twenties and went through various careers before finding success. Therefore, it's essential to be open to change and adjusting goals as priorities shift.

    • Finding Passion and Alignment for ProductivityFocus on what you're passionate about for productivity, align with your true cares, learn from past mistakes, prioritize growth, surround yourself with challenging people, and stay grateful.

      Finding something you're passionate about and excited to work on every day is key to maintaining discipline and productivity. The speaker shares his experience of starting a blog about dating advice, which eventually led him to provide general life advice. He emphasizes the importance of being aligned with what you truly care about and prioritizing it over rigid routines or optimization for its own sake. He also shares that he followed the bad advice of striving for complete attachment-free minimalism in his younger years, but learned that commitments and investments bring deeper meaning to life. To stay humble while being ambitious, the speaker suggests focusing on growth and learning, surrounding yourself with people who challenge you, and maintaining a sense of gratitude for the opportunities and experiences you have.

    • Coexisting with Humility and AmbitionEmbrace challenges and difficulties for growth, understand social media trade-offs, and accept music industry realities.

      Humility and ambition can coexist. Ambition doesn't require self-aggrandizement or pretending to have all the answers. Instead, embracing the challenges and difficulties that come with pursuing goals can lead to growth. Regarding social media, it's essential to understand the trade-offs. While staying off social media can lead to more emotional stability and free time, it may also result in missing out on certain information and opportunities. Ultimately, it's about choosing which "suck" is less unbearable for you. Lastly, the music industry is brutal, and only a tiny percentage of artists make it as a career. It's essential to accept the realities and focus on improving rather than comparing yourself to others.

    • Comparing yourself to good people and setting personal goalsCompare yourself to good people for motivation, set personal goals and deadlines to prevent feeling stuck, value compatibility in relationships, listen to your gut in love, and focus on growth and future to get over an ex.

      Comparing yourself to others is a natural part of being human, but it's important to compare yourself to good people and for good reasons. Additionally, setting personal goals and deadlines can help prevent feeling stuck in a career or personal life. Values are another important factor in relationships, and while some differences can be negotiated or compromised, others, such as future aspirations and lifestyle choices, may be deal-breakers. If you're questioning your love for someone, it's important to listen to your gut. And finally, getting over an ex involves avoiding contact if it causes emotional distress, investing in personal growth, and focusing on the present and future.

    • Focus on self-care and personal growth during emotional turmoilReconnect with loved ones, explore hobbies, wait for genuine dating excitement, consider NoFap, try AG1 supplement

      During times of emotional turmoil, it's essential to focus on self-care and personal growth. Channel your energy into activities that bring you joy and make you feel like yourself. Reconnect with old friends and family, and prioritize spending time with those who love and support you. Consider exploring new hobbies and revisiting old ones. And when it comes to dating, wait until you're genuinely excited about the prospect before diving back in. Additionally, some people find benefits in practices like NoFap, which involves abstaining from pornography and masturbation. However, it's essential to remember that everyone's experience is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. Lastly, consider trying AG1, a foundational nutrition supplement that supports gut optimization, stress management, and immune system health. It's a simple yet effective way to prioritize your well-being.

    • Think before speaking out against perceived injusticesBe cautious when speaking out against perceived injustices, ensure accuracy and proportionate reactions to avoid embarrassment and regret.

      It's important to be thoughtful and considerate before speaking out against perceived injustices, as the definition of what is unjust or unfair can be subjective and easily manipulated. Witnessing the story of Rudolf Vrba, a Holocaust survivor who tried to warn the world about the atrocities in Auschwitz but was disbelieved for years, serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of hasty judgments. While it's essential to stand up for what is right, it's equally important to ensure that the information is accurate and that the reaction is proportionate. Overreacting or making hasty judgments based on limited information can lead to embarrassment and regret. Instead, it's recommended to set a high bar for what constitutes unjust or unfair and to approach such situations with caution and a willingness to gather more information before taking action.

    Recent Episodes from The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast

    The Secret to Success Is... Giving Up?

    The Secret to Success Is... Giving Up?

    A lot of people treat goals like some kind of sacred self-improvement law, where the most important thing you can do is set and achieve your goals.

    But goals are simply tools we use to point us in the right direction. Your goals should serve you—and so you shouldn’t be a slave to some arbitrary goal you set when it’s no longer serving you. So how do you know when a goal is no longer pushing you in the right direction?

    In this episode, I talk about why I gave up a pretty big goal I set at the beginning of the year. I discuss what I think are the criteria you should use when deciding whether to give up on a goal or stick it out.

    We also discuss what we learned from the goals survey we did for podcast viewers and listeners. How many stuck with their goals and how many have moved on? What are the most effective tactics people used to stick to their goals? What are the most important lessons they learned about their goals and themselves?

    Check it out.

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    Special Forces Vet Explains: Building Resilience, and Breaking World Records (ft. Dean Stott)

    Special Forces Vet Explains: Building Resilience, and Breaking World Records (ft. Dean Stott)

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    After a catastrophic parachuting accident ended his military career in the British special forces, Dean Stott couldn't just retire to a quiet life. Instead, he decided to shatter boundaries in entirely new fields.

    These days, when Dean isn't prepping to beat another world record, like a 14,000-mile bike ride in less than 100 days, he's jet-setting around the world rescuing civilians and diplomats alike from war zones.

    In this episode, Dean shares his unique approach to overcoming adversity, managing risk, and staying mentally tough in the most challenging situations. We explore his fascinating experiences from war-torn countries to royal security and the psychological benefits of meticulous planning and mission-driven thinking. Dean also offers a glimpse into how he balances extreme challenges with a grounded personal life.


    The Blue Dot Effect: Why Things Always Seem Worse Than They Are

    The Blue Dot Effect: Why Things Always Seem Worse Than They Are

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    Have you ever wondered why, despite everything seemingly going well, you still feel a nagging sense of dissatisfaction? Well, you’re not alone. This is actually a fascinating psychological phenomenon I call "The Blue Dot Effect". It’s all about how our brains can trick us into seeing problems and negativity even when everything around us is getting better.

    Join me and Drew as we unpack this curious effect and explore how it impacts our everyday lives. From the way we perceive our personal achievements to our overall happiness, the Blue Dot Effect plays a sneaky role in shaping our mindset.

    Let's dig right in.

    The Harsh Truth About Self-Discipline (ft. Rich Roll)

    The Harsh Truth About Self-Discipline (ft. Rich Roll)

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    I’ve often wondered if self-discipline is just a way of turning bad addictions into healthy ones. After all, addictions of all kinds are really just an attempt to numb and distract ourselves from facing uncomfortable feelings. Can’t the same be said for healthy behaviors once they reach a level of compulsion?

    I brought Rich Roll on the pod to discuss this idea because, well, he’s a recovered alcoholic who turned into an ultra-endurance athlete in his 40s. Rich is no stranger to reinventing himself, repeatedly leveraging his flaws into virtues.

    We talk about the value of pain as a catalyst for change, the idea that addiction is a spectrum that doesn’t just involve substances, terrible breakups, finding a deeper spirituality, lessons from Rich’s financial struggles, his career running a top podcast, and much, much more.

    5 Ways to Hack Your Mind For Success

    5 Ways to Hack Your Mind For Success

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    The way you think about the world and your place in it can have a huge impact on your life. And yet, when it comes to evaluating the way we think, we’re rarely able to smell our own bullshit.

    So today, Drew and I break down five different mindsets you can adopt to live a more examined, successful life. This requires you to reject many of the mindless beliefs you’ve been force fed your entire life.

    Let’s do it.

    How Modern Dating Became Such a Dumpster Fire (ft. Sadia Khan)

    How Modern Dating Became Such a Dumpster Fire (ft. Sadia Khan)

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    Let's be honest: the modern dating landscape is a shit show. From declining marriage rates and rising infidelity to the nightmare of using dating apps—it's brutal out there.

    With all these supposedly "easy" ways to meet new people, why are the people who want long-term, stable relationships so fed up with the dating world?

    I invited dating and relationships coach Sadia Khan on the pod to discuss how the skills we use to excel in modern dating often sabotage long-term happiness.

    Sadia brings a refreshing, thought-provoking perspective to the conversation that will help you navigate the complexities of today's dating world. We dive into the role of self-esteem in successful relationships, the pitfalls of modern dating advice, and the skewed expectations shaped by social media, dating apps, and pornography.


    5 Ugly Truths That Make Life Beautiful

    5 Ugly Truths That Make Life Beautiful

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    So many people seem to be obsessed with feeling good all the time. They’re always looking for “hacks” to an easier, happier life. But what if the easy way actually makes it harder to have a life full of meaning and purpose?

    Today, Drew and I take on the ugly truths that give life its beauty. Some of these might be a little hard to stomach at first. But if you see them through, you might be surprised at what’s on the other side.

    How to go from Boring to Extraordinary (ft. Codie Sanchez)

    How to go from Boring to Extraordinary (ft. Codie Sanchez)

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    In an era where “quiet quitting” and “self-care” obsessions seem to be all the rage, there’s a huge opportunity to set yourself apart from everyone else—and it’s not as hard as you might think.

    Codie Sanchez set herself apart by buying “boring businesses” and turning her venture into a multi-million dollar enterprise.

    But for Codie, it’s about so much more than the money. Her simple mantra is, “question everything”, and it has given her a unique perspective on life, relationships, and happiness, which we explore here in this week’s pod.

    This was a fun interview, check it out.

    Exploring the Ancient Philosophy That Doesn’t Give a F*ck (ft. Ryan Holiday)

    Exploring the Ancient Philosophy That Doesn’t Give a F*ck (ft. Ryan Holiday)

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    And of course, check out The Tim Ferris Show here, available on all podcasting platforms: https://tim.blog/podcast/

    There’s an ancient philosophy that could actually help you give fewer f*cks, and unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of it.

    Stoicism has been helping people manage their stress and anxiety for thousands of years and today, it’s more relevant than ever.

    @ryanholiday is the New York Times Bestselling author of multiple books on Stoicism. He believes that Stoicism is the framework that can help you be a normal person in an increasingly crazy world.

    Today’s episode dives into the life-altering benefits of following a philosophy that encourages you to focus on what you can control, and fuck the rest.

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