
    The Secret to Success Is... Giving Up?

    en-usJune 26, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Goal reassessmentIt's crucial to be honest with ourselves about the reasons for giving up a goal and recognize when it's necessary to do so, while also setting realistic expectations and prioritizing goals based on their impact on overall well-being and happiness.

      It's essential to reassess and adjust goals when circumstances change or when they no longer align with our priorities. In the case of the Subtle Art of Not Giving a F\*ck podcast, the hosts Mark Manson and Drew Oliver discussed their progress towards their goals for the year and encouraged listeners to do the same. Mark shared his experience of training for a marathon but ultimately deciding to give it up due to physical pain and time commitment conflicts with other goals. He emphasized the importance of being honest with oneself about the reasons for giving up a goal and recognizing when it's necessary to do so. The podcast episode also touched upon the importance of setting realistic expectations and prioritizing goals based on their impact on our overall well-being and happiness.

    • Goal alignment with valuesGoals should align with personal values and be seen as tools for growth, not just achievements. Prioritize, assess, and adapt to ensure goals support overall well-being.

      Goals should be seen as tools for personal growth rather than just achievements to be checked off a list. Prioritization is key, and it's essential to assess whether a goal is truly important to you and aligns with your values. The process of setting and working towards a goal can teach valuable lessons, and it's crucial to be observant and adapt if the goal starts leading you away from what you value. Sleep is an example of a constant goal that can't be ignored, and improving it can lead to better overall health and well-being. The speaker shares how reducing caffeine intake, limiting screen time, and regular exercise have helped them get better sleep, but they acknowledge that everyone's experience may vary. Ultimately, the focus should be on the process and the lessons learned, rather than just the end result.

    • Goal setting for sleep improvementSetting specific, measurable goals for sleep improvement, controlling environment, and using tracking tools can lead to significant enhancements in sleep quality and overall well-being.

      Tracking and setting specific, measurable goals, such as improving sleep quality, can lead to significant improvements in various aspects of life. The speaker shared his experience of increasing his sleep score from the 60s to the 70s and 80s, and expressed his desire to reach the 90s consistently. He also mentioned the importance of controlling one's environment, including limiting screen time and exposure to artificial light, to promote better sleep and overall well-being. The speaker emphasized the role of external pressures and social accountability in achieving personal goals, and encouraged the use of tools like tracking and setting specific goals to improve one's sleep and other areas of life.

    • Shopify goals surveyDespite selection bias, Shopify survey reveals common business goals in fitness and health, career development, and learning new skills, with 80% reportedly sticking to them.

      Shopify is a comprehensive solution for small business owners to manage their operations across various platforms, including physical stores, online sites, and social media. Shopify offers user-friendly tools that don't require extensive tech or design knowledge. Additionally, the platform provides 24-7 support and business courses to help entrepreneurs navigate challenges. Out of approximately 1400 people who shared their goals at the beginning of the year, common categories included fitness and health, career development, and learning new skills. About 80% of responders reported sticking with their goals, but it's important to note that this may be a skewed sample due to selection bias. This means that the survey results may not accurately represent the entire population. Therefore, it's crucial to approach survey data with a critical eye and consider potential biases.

    • Selection bias in goal achievement studiesHigh reported success rates for goal achievement in podcasts and resources may be misleading due to selection bias, as those who gave up on their goals may not be represented in these studies. Common tactics for those who did complete their goals include productivity and inspirational content, tracking, journaling, accountability partners, coaching, and self-discovery.

      While podcasts and other resources may report high success rates for goal achievement, these statistics can be misleading due to selection bias. It's important to be aware of this issue and to consider that a significant number of people who give up on their goals may not be represented in these studies. Among those who did complete their goals, productivity and inspirational content, tracking, journaling, accountability partners, coaching, and self-discovery were common tactics used. Additionally, the value of setting goals goes beyond just achieving them, as the process of setting and working towards a goal can lead to valuable self-discoveries.

    • Perceptions of GoalsOur initial perceptions of goals may not align with their true value; flexibility and adaptability are essential in achieving unexpected rewards through the process of working towards them

      Our perceptions of goals and their importance can often be misleading. What we initially think will bring us happiness or fulfillment may not turn out to be the case once we begin the journey. Conversely, something that seems unappealing or insignificant from the outside can surprise us with its depth and meaning. Flexibility and adaptability are crucial in navigating life's unexpected challenges, and the goals themselves may not be the ultimate reward. Instead, it's the process of working towards them and the self-discoveries we make along the way that hold the most value. Goals serve as stepping stones, guiding us in a certain direction, and their attainment or abandonment is less important than the lessons we learn in the process.

    • Goals and ValuesEnsure goals align with values and bring positivity, reassess as circumstances change, be realistic, avoid unethical behavior, and move on if gained desired knowledge

      Goals should align with your values and bring positivity to your life. If a goal starts moving you away from your values or leads to negative behaviors, it may be time to reconsider or let it go. Additionally, it's important to be realistic about what's achievable and to reassess goals as circumstances change. Overemphasizing goals can even lead to unethical behavior. Remember, the purpose of setting goals should be to enhance your life, not detract from it. Lastly, if you feel like you've already gained what you set out to learn from a goal, don't feel obligated to force yourself to continue. Instead, focus on new pursuits that align with your values and bring you joy.

    • Goals and CommitmentCommitment and intentionality are crucial for setting and achieving goals. Prioritize goals, track progress, and find effective strategies to overcome challenges.

      Setting and achieving goals requires commitment and intentionality. The speaker in the conversation shared his experience of giving up on a goal to read a book a week, and how he realized that he needed to be more intentional about his goals and prioritize them appropriately. He also discussed his new health goals, which involve building muscle mass and getting stronger, and the challenges he faces in maintaining a consistent workout routine and healthy diet. The conversation also touched on the importance of tracking progress towards goals and the role it played in improving sleep and nutrition. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of staying committed to goals, setting realistic expectations, and finding effective strategies to overcome challenges.

    • Impact of quitting caffeineThe impact of quitting caffeine can vary greatly from person to person, and it's essential to consider personal motivations and potential consequences before making a decision.

      Personal experiences with quitting or continuing a habit like caffeine consumption can greatly vary from person to person. The speaker shared his experience of trying to quit caffeine for six months in 2019-2020 but found it unbearable and went back to it due to the significant impact it had on his daily life. He mentioned that without caffeine, everything seemed dull and colors looked different to him. Despite the negative comments from his wife, he felt the need to prove he could quit and then regretted the decision. The speaker emphasized that everyone's relationship with habits and substances is unique, and what works for one person might not work for another. If you're considering making a change, it's essential to understand your motivations and the potential consequences, as the experience may not be the same for everyone.

    Recent Episodes from The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast

    The Secret to Success Is... Giving Up?

    The Secret to Success Is... Giving Up?

    A lot of people treat goals like some kind of sacred self-improvement law, where the most important thing you can do is set and achieve your goals.

    But goals are simply tools we use to point us in the right direction. Your goals should serve you—and so you shouldn’t be a slave to some arbitrary goal you set when it’s no longer serving you. So how do you know when a goal is no longer pushing you in the right direction?

    In this episode, I talk about why I gave up a pretty big goal I set at the beginning of the year. I discuss what I think are the criteria you should use when deciding whether to give up on a goal or stick it out.

    We also discuss what we learned from the goals survey we did for podcast viewers and listeners. How many stuck with their goals and how many have moved on? What are the most effective tactics people used to stick to their goals? What are the most important lessons they learned about their goals and themselves?

    Check it out.

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    Use code IDGAF to Get 20% off your first one-time purchase of supplements at https://livemomentous.com

    After a catastrophic parachuting accident ended his military career in the British special forces, Dean Stott couldn't just retire to a quiet life. Instead, he decided to shatter boundaries in entirely new fields.

    These days, when Dean isn't prepping to beat another world record, like a 14,000-mile bike ride in less than 100 days, he's jet-setting around the world rescuing civilians and diplomats alike from war zones.

    In this episode, Dean shares his unique approach to overcoming adversity, managing risk, and staying mentally tough in the most challenging situations. We explore his fascinating experiences from war-torn countries to royal security and the psychological benefits of meticulous planning and mission-driven thinking. Dean also offers a glimpse into how he balances extreme challenges with a grounded personal life.


    The Blue Dot Effect: Why Things Always Seem Worse Than They Are

    The Blue Dot Effect: Why Things Always Seem Worse Than They Are

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    Have you ever wondered why, despite everything seemingly going well, you still feel a nagging sense of dissatisfaction? Well, you’re not alone. This is actually a fascinating psychological phenomenon I call "The Blue Dot Effect". It’s all about how our brains can trick us into seeing problems and negativity even when everything around us is getting better.

    Join me and Drew as we unpack this curious effect and explore how it impacts our everyday lives. From the way we perceive our personal achievements to our overall happiness, the Blue Dot Effect plays a sneaky role in shaping our mindset.

    Let's dig right in.

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    The Harsh Truth About Self-Discipline (ft. Rich Roll)

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    I’ve often wondered if self-discipline is just a way of turning bad addictions into healthy ones. After all, addictions of all kinds are really just an attempt to numb and distract ourselves from facing uncomfortable feelings. Can’t the same be said for healthy behaviors once they reach a level of compulsion?

    I brought Rich Roll on the pod to discuss this idea because, well, he’s a recovered alcoholic who turned into an ultra-endurance athlete in his 40s. Rich is no stranger to reinventing himself, repeatedly leveraging his flaws into virtues.

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    5 Ways to Hack Your Mind For Success

    5 Ways to Hack Your Mind For Success

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    So today, Drew and I break down five different mindsets you can adopt to live a more examined, successful life. This requires you to reject many of the mindless beliefs you’ve been force fed your entire life.

    Let’s do it.

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    Let's be honest: the modern dating landscape is a shit show. From declining marriage rates and rising infidelity to the nightmare of using dating apps—it's brutal out there.

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    Sadia brings a refreshing, thought-provoking perspective to the conversation that will help you navigate the complexities of today's dating world. We dive into the role of self-esteem in successful relationships, the pitfalls of modern dating advice, and the skewed expectations shaped by social media, dating apps, and pornography.


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    In an era where “quiet quitting” and “self-care” obsessions seem to be all the rage, there’s a huge opportunity to set yourself apart from everyone else—and it’s not as hard as you might think.

    Codie Sanchez set herself apart by buying “boring businesses” and turning her venture into a multi-million dollar enterprise.

    But for Codie, it’s about so much more than the money. Her simple mantra is, “question everything”, and it has given her a unique perspective on life, relationships, and happiness, which we explore here in this week’s pod.

    This was a fun interview, check it out.

    Exploring the Ancient Philosophy That Doesn’t Give a F*ck (ft. Ryan Holiday)

    Exploring the Ancient Philosophy That Doesn’t Give a F*ck (ft. Ryan Holiday)

    Get 10% off BetterHelp by signing up via my link: https://www.betterhelp.com/markmanson

    And get your nutritional goodness with AG1 using my link: https://drinkag1.com/idgaf

    And of course, check out The Tim Ferris Show here, available on all podcasting platforms: https://tim.blog/podcast/

    There’s an ancient philosophy that could actually help you give fewer f*cks, and unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of it.

    Stoicism has been helping people manage their stress and anxiety for thousands of years and today, it’s more relevant than ever.

    @ryanholiday is the New York Times Bestselling author of multiple books on Stoicism. He believes that Stoicism is the framework that can help you be a normal person in an increasingly crazy world.

    Today’s episode dives into the life-altering benefits of following a philosophy that encourages you to focus on what you can control, and fuck the rest.