
    Are My Weight Issues a Response to Trauma?

    enDecember 14, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Childhood experiences and family history shape self-perceptionRecognizing and addressing the root causes of low self-worth due to body image can lead to healing, not just focusing on surface symptoms.

      Childhood experiences and family history can significantly impact an individual's perception of their body image and self-esteem. Ria, a caller on the show, shared her story of growing up with a sense of low self-worth due to her weight, which was influenced by her mother's constant dieting and focus on weight loss. Despite her financial freedom and accomplishments, this issue from her past continued to affect her. It's essential to recognize and address the root causes of these feelings, rather than just focusing on the surface symptoms. Additionally, open and direct communication can help individuals navigate these challenges and find healing.

    • Understanding the emotional causes of weight issuesFocus on self-love and acceptance for true transformation, while taking action towards weight loss through procedures or lifestyle changes.

      Focusing on weight loss may not address the underlying emotional issues that contribute to feelings of self-worthlessness. The speaker's experiences of grief and childhood insecurities have shaped her perception of herself and her weight. Ethan Supple's advice to focus on escaping the "house on fire" before investigating its cause resonates with the speaker. She has already identified some causes, but for now, it's essential to focus on actions that will help her feel better about herself, such as weight loss through procedures like gastric bypass. However, true transformation and peace will only come when she learns to love and accept herself, regardless of the number on the scale. The speaker's resilience in the face of adversity and her role in shaping her family's legacy are reasons to celebrate her strength and worthiness.

    • Caring for our younger selves as a good stewardAdopt a new identity as a good steward of your body, focus on sustainable, healthy choices, and treat yourself with kindness and compassion.

      It's important to show kindness and love to our younger selves and adopt a new identity as a good steward of our bodies. This doesn't mean hating ourselves into change or restricting ourselves, but rather being intentional and aware of our choices. By focusing on becoming a good steward of our bodies, we can make positive changes without torturing ourselves. It's important to remember that being a good steward is not just about weight loss, but about taking care of ourselves as a whole. Additionally, being aware of the gap between stimulus and response can help us make healthier choices, rather than defaulting to unhealthy habits in times of emotional distress. Overall, the goal is to treat ourselves with kindness and compassion, and to focus on making sustainable, healthy choices for our bodies and minds.

    • Mindfulness and Self-Awareness in Healthy ChoicesRecognize the gap between stimulus and response, track calorie intake with apps, set restrictions, treat calories like a budget, commit to regular physical activity, and write a letter to future self for self-love and motivation.

      Intentionality and tracking are key components of making healthy choices and taking control of one's health. The speaker shared an experience of resisting the urge to eat Milk Duds by recognizing the gap between stimulus and response. He also emphasized the importance of tracking what one eats using an app like Carbon, which has helped him become more aware of his calorie intake and make more informed decisions. Additionally, the speaker suggested setting restrictions and treating calories like a budget, as well as committing to regular physical activity. Lastly, he encouraged writing a letter to one's future self as a way to show self-love and remind oneself of one's strengths and accomplishments. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of mindfulness, self-awareness, and intentionality in making healthy choices and taking care of one's body.

    • Importance of seeking help for mental healthTalking to a therapist can help recharge mental energy, support loved ones dealing with health anxieties, and acknowledge specific and general anxieties. Self-awareness, open communication, and seeking professional help are valuable in maintaining mental health.

      Everyone's mental health is important, and it's okay to seek help when feeling stuck or overwhelmed. The speaker shared her personal experience of feeling unmotivated and low energy despite external signs of happiness, and suggested that talking to a therapist could help recharge one's social battery. She also emphasized the importance of understanding and supporting loved ones dealing with health anxieties, and encouraged listeners to consider trying BetterHelp's online therapy services. The discussion also highlighted the impact of personal experiences and family history on mental health, and the importance of acknowledging and addressing both specific and general anxieties. Overall, the conversation underscored the value of self-awareness, open communication, and seeking professional help when needed.

    • Understanding unique experiences with anxietyFocus on what you can control, recognize the importance of human connection, and address past traumas to effectively manage anxiety symptoms.

      Anxiety can manifest in various ways, and people respond differently to it. Some may seek information, while others may seek human connection or comfort. For some, like the speaker's wife, the anxiety stems from childhood traumas and a lack of connectivity. It's important to understand that everyone's experience with anxiety is unique, and finding effective ways to cope requires self-awareness and a willingness to explore different approaches. The speaker's friend Todd's advice of focusing on what one can control instead of trying to solve uncontrollable issues can be a helpful strategy for managing anxiety. Additionally, recognizing the importance of human connection and addressing past traumas can be crucial in managing and alleviating anxiety symptoms.

    • Manage anxiety through small actionsFocus on manageable actions like regular health check-ups, paying off debts, and nurturing relationships to reduce anxiety and improve overall well-being. Avoid excessive behaviors and seek support when needed.

      Focusing on small, manageable actions can help alleviate anxiety and reduce the impact of larger, seemingly insurmountable issues. This can be achieved by addressing health concerns through regular check-ups, paying off debts, and nurturing relationships. However, it's essential to avoid creating a self-reinforcing loop of anxiety-driven behaviors, such as excessive medical appointments. Instead, seeking a good baseline and having annual physicals can provide peace of mind and help manage anxiety effectively. For those dealing with past traumas, seeking control and support from loved ones can be crucial in the healing process. In essence, being intentional about self-care and addressing concerns in a thoughtful and planned manner can significantly improve overall well-being.

    • Supporting a loved one with anxietyRecognize their autonomy, plan for proactive measures, lean in relationally, encourage self-help, and remind them of their worth.

      Supporting a loved one dealing with anxiety involves recognizing their autonomy and planning for proactive measures when they're not anxious. It's crucial not to push them into therapy or create a separate, stable world, as this could increase their anxiety. Instead, lean in relationally and have a pre-planned response when they express concerns, such as practicing calming techniques together. Additionally, encourage them to make the decision to seek help on their own terms and avoid self-diagnosis or labeling themselves. Lastly, remind them of their worth and their ability to heal from past traumas and family hurts.

    • Setting healthy boundaries when moving in to support familyRecognize the importance of clear communication and acknowledging limitations when moving in to support family, and establish healthy boundaries to avoid taking on more than what can be sustainably handled.

      Setting healthy boundaries is crucial when considering moving in with family to support them during challenging times. The speaker shares her experience of losing her mother and the emotional and physical needs of her siblings and father in the aftermath. With her husband, they decided to move in and help, but recognizing the importance of clear communication and acknowledging the limitations of what they can do. The speaker's brother, who lives at home, has also recognized the need to support in new ways. The takeaway is that while helping family is important, it's essential to establish healthy boundaries and not take on more than what can be sustainably handled.

    • Moving in to help grieving family with clear communication and boundariesClearly communicate and establish boundaries when moving in to help a grieving family to maintain a healthy marriage and family dynamic.

      Moving in to help a grieving family can be a meaningful way to provide support, but it requires clear communication and established boundaries to maintain a healthy marriage and family dynamic. The speaker and their spouse have decided to move in to help care for their deceased mother's household, which includes an 18-year-old brother and younger children. They have prayed about the decision and believe it's God's leading, but they recognize the potential for tension and miscommunications. To prevent these issues, they plan to have crystal clear communication about their marriage, finances, and responsibilities, as well as hiring help for childcare and household tasks. Ultimately, they understand that their marriage must come first in this endeavor.

    • Communicating Effectively in Multigenerational FamiliesDefine help, set clear goals, establish boundaries, involve external resources, and plan for success in multigenerational families.

      Effective communication and clarity about expectations are crucial when bringing together a multigenerational family. The speakers emphasized the importance of defining what help means for each family member and establishing clear goals and boundaries. They highlighted the need for all family members to contribute and for everyone to be on the same page regarding responsibilities and expectations. The speakers also recommended involving external resources, such as counselors, to ensure accountability and prevent potential conflicts. Ultimately, they emphasized the importance of planning and preparation to minimize surprises and ensure the success of the living arrangement.

    • Considering a move with in-laws: Navy SEAL metaphorApproach decision with clear-eyed realism, recognizing potential difficulties but also deep love and commitment to family.

      Faith and Phil should carefully consider their decision to move in with Phil's father-in-law, taking into account the specific challenges they may face and the resources they have to overcome them. They should approach this decision with clear-eyed realism, recognizing the potential difficulties but also their deep love and commitment to their family. The Navy SEALs metaphor emphasizes the importance of facing challenges head-on and developing a plan to overcome them. Faith and Phil are not Navy SEals, but they are caring and loving individuals who want to support their family. The speaker encourages them to be aware of the realities of their situation and to approach this decision with thoughtfulness and prayer. The song "Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters" by Elton John serves as a reminder of the importance of having people in our lives who support us through the ups and downs.

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    • Moms can tap into their own support system, to help get them get through the “ups and down” of life and parenting.


    Do you know someone that is struggling with anxiety or has kids that are fighting with a range of emotions?  Share this episode with them!

    Help us spread the word so we can inspire more women to “wake up and dream.”  Give us a “shout out” on your social media platforms!  Thank you!  Drop us a message, LIKE, SHARE, and leave us a review!  Follow us on Instagram @wakeupanddreampodcast and be sure to join us in our new, free, and fabulous Facebook group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/wakeupanddream/

    See you on “the inside!”


    You can also connect with each of us here: 


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    Kelly Armstrong: 




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    EP.87 - Emotional Detox with Sherianna Boyle, MED, CAGS, Author, Psychology, Coach

    EP.87 - Emotional Detox with Sherianna Boyle, MED, CAGS, Author, Psychology, Coach

    Welcome to the #SPAITGIRL Talk Show with Yvette Le Blowitz

    EP.87 -  Emotional Detox with Sherianna Boyle, MED, CAGS - Author, Speaker

    Sherianna Boyle, MED, CAGS, is an adjunct psychology professor, certified energy practitioner, yoga instructor, wellness expert and best selling author.

    Sherianna Boyle is the Author of Emotional Detox and the C.L.E.A.N.S.E method which is seven steps to release toxicity and energise joy.

    When we think of a detox, we usually think of a physical experience.

    But it’s not just our physical bodies that need to be cleansed of the impurities we encounter and absorb in our daily lives—it’s our minds too.

    When we find ourselves unable to process our negative emotions and feel them becoming toxic to ourselves and those around us, it’s time for an Emotional Detox, a mindful and systematic guide to freedom from these troublesome feelings.

    Sherianna Boyle talks more about what an emotional detox actually is and how we can flush out any negative feelings, to clear a path for new habits and behaviours and embrace love, acceptance and pure joy in our own life.

    Learn how to Clear your pathways, Look inward, Emit positivity, Activate, Nourish, Surrender, and Ease your way into your best self and a happier and healthier life. 

    In this episode 87 our Podcast Guest

    Sherianna Boyle, MED, CAGS

    - her personal story

    - what inspired her to write a book on Emotional Detox

    - what is an Emotional Detox

    - how can we get rid of negative feelings

    - how can we stop reacting to things that trigger our past traumas or negative experiences

    - how can we create a better relationship with our husband, wife, partner

    - how to forgive someone who has personally hurt us

    - how to love and trust again

    - how to surrender to what no longer serves our highest good

    - how to accept the now

    - how to stop comparing our now with our past life and self

    - how to become the observer of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, triggers

    - how to make peace with how you feel

    - how to create space within

    - how to cultivate a self care practice

    - how to feel less overwhelmed

    - how to feel happy again after a trumatic or hurtful event

    - how to find our true self amongst the noise of our mind chatter and the world outside and around us

    Plus we talk about so much more of course...

    Grab a copy of Sherianna Boyle, MED, CAGS books via Amazon visit *click here for our affiliated amazon link


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    Now that you have been given the low down on this week's incredible podcast guest it is TIME to.......

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    Spa it Girl or Yvette Le Blowitz 


    Stay in contact with our Podcast Guest:

    Sherianna Boyle, MED, CAGS

    Website: www.sheriannaboyle.com


    IN SUPPORT - Little Random Act of Kindness 

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    It Starts With Me by Yvette Le Blowitz *click here to grab a copy from our affiliated Amazon link


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