
    Are the police getting the protests right?

    enNovember 01, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • London's Challenges: Protests, Threats, and Hate CrimesThe ongoing protests, state-related threats, and spikes in hate crimes in London put immense pressure on the police force to maintain order and enforce the law, while dealing with frustration from various parties and public concerns.

      The current situation in London, with the ongoing protests, state-related threats, and spikes in hate crimes, presents an unprecedented challenge for the police force. Despite the police making their best efforts to assess and manage the situation, there is significant pressure from various parties to take different actions. Sir Mark Rowley, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, expresses his frustration with the criminal justice system not keeping pace and allowing the release of individuals suspected of supporting terrorist organizations. The public is concerned about travel disruptions due to protests and the rise in hate crimes against Jewish and Muslim communities. The police are focused on enforcing the law and maintaining order, but the complex nature of the situation makes it difficult to present the facts clearly and prevent those seeking to cause tension from doing so.

    • Balancing public safety and protest rightsAuthorities must navigate complex situations to maintain public safety during protests, considering factors like location, nature, and potential hate crimes. They're taking steps to address hate crimes, but advise against hiding religious identities. Certain phrases and symbols are considered inappropriate and potentially illegal.

      Maintaining public safety during protests requires a delicate balance between upholding the law and respecting the right to protest. Authorities must navigate the nuances of each situation, considering factors such as location, nature of the protest, and potential threats or harassment. The recent rise in hate crimes, particularly against Jewish communities, adds complexity to this challenge. While authorities are taking steps to ensure safety and provide reassurance, they do not advise people to hide their religious identities. Regarding specific protest actions, such as the use of certain phrases or symbols, authorities are working to identify and address those that cross the line into hate crimes. For instance, the phrase "from the river to the sea" and the use of Hamas terrorists' images in protests are considered inappropriate and potentially illegal. Authorities are actively investigating and making arrests in such cases.

    • Discussing the slow and inefficient process of handling terrorism offensesThe need for a more streamlined process to address terrorism offenses promptly and effectively, as delays allow individuals to continue participating in harmful activities.

      The current system for handling terrorism offenses and related legal proceedings is slow and inefficient, leading to delays in bringing those who support prescribed organizations like Hamas to justice. This issue was discussed in the context of two women who were bailed after being arrested for supporting Hamas, and the lengthy timeline for their potential trial, which could be as far out as 2025. The speaker emphasized the need for a more streamlined process to address these cases promptly and effectively, as the delay allows individuals to continue participating in harmful activities. The conversation also touched on the broader criticism of the police and their handling of controversial situations, with examples given of officers removing posters and flags from various locations to reduce tension. The Home Secretary's use of the term "hate marches" was mentioned as potentially unhelpful, as it was unclear what she meant by the term. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of a swift and efficient legal system to address terrorism offenses and the potential consequences of delays.

    • Protesting Hate Speech and Terrorist Support: A Legal Gray AreaThe legality of hate speech and support for terrorist organizations during protests is complex and context-dependent. Authorities can't always prosecute based on intent, leading to a legal gray area.

      The legality of protests and the speech used during them can be complex, with many factors influencing whether certain actions or words cross the line into illegality. During a protest related to humanitarian issues and the conflict in Palestine, there were concerns about hate speech and potential support for terrorist organizations. However, the police and Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) determined that they could not prove the intent required for prosecution, even if some of the language used was inflammatory and upsetting. The law currently allows for the existence and protesting on behalf of organizations like Hizb ut Tahrir, despite their objectives not being widely supported or condoned. However, there have been calls for the law to be reevaluated, as some believe the lines defining hate speech and support for terrorist organizations may not be in the right place. Ultimately, the enforcement of the law rests with the authorities, but the context and intent of the actions and speech in question are crucial considerations.

    • Police using tech and tactics to intervene in crowds and identify troublemakersThe police are focusing on using technology and new tactics to prevent terrorist attacks and civil disorder, while maintaining balance in public debate to prevent division and tension.

      While the debate on changing laws to combat extremism and civil disorder continues, the police are focusing on using technology and new tactics to intervene in crowds and identify troublemakers more effectively. The current UK threat level is substantial, with a constant effort to prevent terrorist attacks, and there is concern that some extremists may be provoked into action. The police are dealing with a large number of investigations, including those related to online material, and are extra attuned to the prospect of violent incidents. Despite the challenges, the importance of maintaining balance in public debate to prevent division and tension was emphasized.

    • Policing Public Figures in Today's Political ClimateThe Metropolitan Police face immense pressure to maintain security for public figures while dealing with additional demands, but they prioritize resources for public safety and collaborate with mental health services.

      The Metropolitan Police are under immense pressure to maintain security for public figures while also balancing their visibility and accessibility to constituents. This task has become increasingly challenging in today's more aggressive political climate. The police are constantly reviewing security tactics and levels, with an independent government committee, RAVEC, setting the protection for various reasons. With additional demands on the force, such as dealing with shoplifting, using excel bulldogs, and implementing smoking bans, the question arises if the police are being set up to fail. Despite this, the police are making efforts to prioritize their resources and focus on policing purposes, such as responding to incidents where there is a threat to public safety. They are also collaborating with mental health services to ensure that those in crisis receive the appropriate support.

    • London Police Force's Resource ChallengesThe London Police Force faces significant resource constraints, including decreasing budgets, increasing demands, and recruitment issues, requiring them to prioritize based on risk.

      The police force in London is facing significant challenges in prioritizing resources due to increasing demands and decreasing budgets. While they must respond to immediate risks and emergencies, they also grapple with the complexities of social care and mental health cases. The pressure to address issues like shoplifting and other non-urgent matters, as set by government priorities, adds to the strain. Recruitment is another major issue, with the force losing more officers than it's able to recruit. All these factors contribute to the operational choices the police must make every day, requiring them to work with limited resources and prioritize based on risk. The ongoing budget and recruitment issues mean that the force is currently policing London with 28% less real terms per capita than a decade ago, making for tough operational choices daily.

    • London Met Police face challenges in recruiting and dealing with suspended officersThe Metropolitan Police in London are under pressure to maintain public safety amidst staffing issues caused by recruitment difficulties and suspended officers. New regulations are expected to help expedite the removal of bad actors and improve staffing levels.

      The Metropolitan Police in London are facing significant challenges in both recruiting new officers due to the red-hot employment market and dealing with officers who have been suspended or restricted, which is compounding their staffing issues. This comes at a time when the force is under increased pressure to maintain public safety in a potentially explosive atmosphere. The police force, which already has tens of thousands of dedicated officers and staff, is eagerly awaiting new regulations to expedite the process of removing bad actors, hoping to eliminate several hundred officers. However, the current regulations present a blockage, and the force is optimistic that with the new regulations and new approaches, they can make significant progress. It's essential to remember that the majority of officers and staff are committed to doing a good job for London and need public support and encouragement. The recent case of officers who were fired for lying has sparked controversy, with some officers reportedly raising funds for their colleagues. The decision of the panel regarding the officers' fates is pending, and the public is eagerly awaiting the outcome.

    • Restoring public trust in London's Metropolitan Police amidst controversiesThe Metropolitan Police face challenges in restoring public trust amidst ongoing controversies, including the COVID inquiry and past actions. Focus should be on reducing tension and addressing pressing crimes.

      The current situation in London, with officers facing public backlash for their actions and the ongoing COVID inquiry, presents unique challenges for restoring public trust. The Metropolitan Police are dealing with serious crimes and cannot afford to be distracted by old issues or minor breaches of the law. The recent hearing at the IRPC caused confusion and misinformation, but the focus should be on reducing tension and coming together in spite of differing opinions. Regarding the COVID inquiry, while there have been breaches of rules at the heart of government, the police have more pressing matters to attend to, such as dealing with firearms crimes and organized crime groups. The restoration of public trust is a priority, but it will take time and effort, especially in a contentious environment where opinions vary widely.

    • Ignored Warnings and Tone-deaf Leadership during Early Stages of COVID-19Early COVID-19 response was marked by disconnect between seriousness of situation and public response, ignored warnings from experts, and tone-deaf leadership. Listening to knowledgeable individuals and taking potential consequences seriously is crucial.

      During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a significant disconnect between the seriousness of the situation and the public response, particularly from those in positions of power. Witness testimonies revealed a sense of foreboding and ignored warnings from junior members and women in the office. Meanwhile, the public continued with normal activities, disregarding the severity of the situation in other countries. Boris Johnson's tone-deaf messages to the public added to the confusion, and the absence of humanity and consideration for all individuals, including prisoners, was a recurring theme. The testimony of Helen McNamara serves as a reminder of the importance of listening to those with knowledge and expertise and taking the potential consequences of inaction seriously.

    • The history of the term 'fuck pig'The term 'fuck pig', which has been used to refer to an unpleasant or contemptible person, has a long history, with the first recorded use dating back to 1935 in T.E. Lawrence's book 'Mint'. Its origins and context are important to understand, even if the term is considered coarse or offensive.

      The origin of the term "fuck pig" is a subject of debate and has been used in various contexts throughout history. The term, which is defined as an unpleasant or contemptible person and labeled as coarse slang, was first recorded in 1935 in T.E. Lawrence's book "Mint." However, its popularity was brought to the forefront during a recent podcast episode when hosts Emily Maitlis and John Soper were unexpectedly interrupted by someone shouting the term. The etymology of the term was then discussed on the podcast, with various theories being suggested, including its use in Last Tango in Paris, Harold Pinter's Ashes to Ashes, and in the newsroom of The Times. The term was also used in a DX film and a Steve Pemberton's character in Psychoville. Despite initial assumptions that the term was a recent invention, it was discovered that it has been in use for at least 90 years. Susie Dent, a regular guest on the podcast and a lexicographer, provided some historical context and shared that the term was first recorded in 1935 in Lawrence's book. The discussion around the term "fuck pig" highlights the importance of understanding the origins and context of language, even if it is considered coarse or offensive. It also serves as a reminder that words and phrases can have a long and complex history.

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    Editor: Tom Hughes

    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

    Video Production: : Rory Symon, Shane Fennelly & Arvind Badewal

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    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

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    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: : Rory Symon, Shane Fennelly & Arvind Badewal

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    Video Production: : Rory Symon, Shane Fennelly & Arvind Badewal

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    Editor: Tom Hughes

    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: : Rory Symon, Shane Fennelly & Arvind Badewal

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    Source Links:

    Roberts-Miller, Patricia. 2017. Demagoguery and Democracy. New York: The Experiment.


    Potstirrer Podcast Theme composed by Jon Biegen from Stranger Still

    Happy Sixth composed by Freedom Trail Studio

    Doom is Mood Backwards composed by The Whole Other

    Spookster composed by Wayne Jones

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    Potstirrer Podcast Theme composed by Jon Biegen from Stranger Still

    Sunshine composed by The Mini Vandals

    The Coming Storm composed by Ethan Meixsell

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