
    The Black Spy Podcast

    If you wish to know what it’s really like to make the life and death decisions portrayed in the movies by James Bond or on TV by Homeland's, Cary Matherson, then Black Spy Podcast is the show for you. If you're interested in the clandestine world of secret intelligence, espionage, counter-terrorism and national security, then this definitely your must listen Podcast! Every week, along with a different successful or famous guest who's always been interested in the secret services, ex officer, Carlton King, will guide you through this enthralling and exhilarating world, which he inhabited for nearly 30 years. You’ll be surprised what you learn.
    enCarlton King100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    US Author, Publicist and Entrepreneur - Charles D’Amico - considers the American Dream (Part One)

    US Author, Publicist and Entrepreneur - Charles D’Amico - considers the American Dream (Part One)

    US Author, Publicist and Entrepreneur - Charles D’Amico - considers the American Dream (Part One)

    The Black Spy Podcast, Season 14, Episode 0001

    In this week's Black Spy Podcast Carlton discovers how Charles D’Amico became an award winning author, a publisher, and an entrepreneur.

    Carlton and Charles explore Charles’ up bringing, analyse what Americans consider to be the middle class and discuss the advantage ‘elite’ schooling provides, both academically, and no less importantly in terms of post education employment connections and opportunities.

    The guys consider the importance of a strong work ethic, opportunity of employment and indeed luck - in order to attain success. In short, Carlton and Charles consider the celebrated American Dream.

    Furthermore, Charles outlines his award winning Neil Baggio series of novels, as well as his two book publishing companies which provide budding authors with the opportunity to have their books published and propagated.

    Carlton also seeks to gain an inside view of the geo-politics of book publishing, in what is a world of mass domestic and foreign information warfare and psychological operations designed to orientate the public to think in certain ways.

    Finally, Carlton and Charles discuss Charles fast food empire and the state of politics in the USA today.

    Hence this is another extremely wide ranging debate over two superb episodes.

    So, once again, the Black Spy Podcast provides listeners with another entertaining and interesting podcast.

    Please don’t forget to subscribe for free, to never to miss a Black Spy Podcast episode.

    To contact Firgas Esack of the DAPS Agency go to Linked In

    To contact Carlton King by utilising any of the following:

    To donate - Patreon.com/TheBlackSpyPodcast

    Email: carltonking2003@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Black Spy Podcast

    Facebook: Carlton King Author




    To read Carlton's Autobiography:

    “Black Ops – The incredible true story of a (Black) British secret agent”

    Click the link below:


    Carlton is available for speaking events. For this purpose use the contact details above.

    Oscar Pistorius, Celebrity Crime, The Media, Justice, The Police & Wealth (Part Two)

    Oscar Pistorius, Celebrity Crime, The Media, Justice, The Police & Wealth (Part Two)

    Oscar Pistorius, Celebrity Crime, The Media, Justice, The Police & Wealth (Part Two)

    The Black Spy Podcast, Season 13, Episode 0010


    This week's Black Spy Podcast continues observing the connection between Celebrity Crime, advantage and the media. At the same time we also consider the 180 degrees opposite to this advantage, in that often, their very celebrity brings their faux pars to light, making them difficult, if not almost impossible to hide. Moreover, as the media has a vested interest in bringing any celebrity news to light, any negative celebrity actions sell exponentially to the masses who crave any information about such celebrates placed in newspapers, or broadcast on TV and now in social media. This new angle, Social Media, has changed the previous monopoly of state mass media who had previously ruled the roust.

    Geo-Politically, we ask if this celebrity infatuation corrupts the justice system, by celebs obtaining the best legal advice possible to gain the low sentences or even acquittals that would not be open to less wealthy everyday citizens.

    In part two, listeners will also hear how undermining of the police by politicians and their attack dogs the media, has changed the public’s perception of the British police, its capabilities, and even the desire of citizen to the police service. Hence this becomes an extremely wide ranging debate over two episodes.

    So once again the Black Spy Podcast goes where other media outlets tend never to tread or don’t even consider assessing.

    Please don’t forget to subscribe, to never to miss a Black Spy Podcast episode.

    To contact Firgas Esack of the DAPS Agency go to Linked In

    To contact Carlton King by utilising any of the following:

    To donate - Patreon.com/TheBlackSpyPodcast

    Email: carltonking2003@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Black Spy Podcast

    Facebook: Carlton King Author




    To read Carlton's Autobiography:

    “Black Ops – The incredible true story of a (Black) British secret agent”

    Click the link below:


    Carlton is available for speaking events. For this purpose use the contact details above.

    Oscar Pistorius, Celebrity Crime, The Media, Justice, The Police & Wealth (Part One)

    Oscar Pistorius, Celebrity Crime, The Media, Justice, The Police & Wealth (Part One)

    Oscar Pistorius, Celebrity Crime, The Media, Justice, The Police & Wealth (Part One)

    The Black Spy Podcast, Season 13, Episode 0008


    This week's Black Spy Podcast looks at the connection between Celebrity Crime, advantage and the media. At the same time we also consider the 180 degrees opposite to this advantage, in that often, their very celebrity brings their faux pars to light, making them difficult, if not almost impossible to hide. Moreover, as the media has a vested interest in bringing any celebrity news to light, any negative celebrity actions sell exponentially to the masses, who crave any information about such celebrates placed in newspapers, or broadcast on TV and now in social media; which has changed previous monopoly of state mass media who had previously ruled the roust.

    Geo-Politically, we ask if this celebrity infatuation corrupts the justice system, by celebs obtaining the best legal advice possible to gain the low sentences or even acquittals that would not be open to less wealthy everyday citizens.

    Listeners will also hear how this effects police tactics and the perception o police capabilities, particularly in the UK. Hence this becomes an extremely wide ranging debate over two episodes.

    So once again the Black Spy Podcast goes where other media outlets tend never to tread or don’t even consider assessing.

    Please don’t forget to subscribe, to never to miss a Black Spy Podcast episode.

    To contact Firgas Esack of the DAPS Agency go to Linked In

    To contact Carlton King by utilising any of the following:

    To donate - Patreon.com/TheBlackSpyPodcast

    Email: carltonking2003@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Black Spy Podcast

    Facebook: Carlton King Author



    To read Carlton's Autobiography:

    “Black Ops – The incredible true story of a (Black) British secret agent”

    Click the link below:


    Carlton is available for speaking events. For this purpose use the contact details above.

    Critical Thinking - Is the United States a danger to the world?

    Critical Thinking - Is the United States a danger to the world?

    Critical Thinking

    Is the United States a danger to the world?

    The Black Spy Podcast, Season 13, Episode 0007


    This week's Black Spy Podcast examines the role of the United States in today’s world and charts its democratic seemingly democratic credentials from its conception.

    The debate is in-depth and wide ranging and is designed for you the listener to think, divorce yourself from the propaganda and question the hitherto propagated conscientious.

    So once again, the Black Spy Podcast aims to attempt to go beyond what is traditionally given as fact.

    Hence, this is another Black Spy Podcast episode that goes where other media outlets tend not to tread or don’t even consider .

    Please don’t forget to subscribe to never miss a Black Spy Podcast episode.

    To contact Firgas Esack of the DAPS Agency go to Linked In

    To contact Carlton King by utilising any of the following:

    To donate - Patreon.com/TheBlackSpyPodcast

    Email: carltonking2003@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Black Spy Podcast

    Facebook: Carlton King Author



    To read Carlton's Autobiography:

    “Black Ops – The incredible true story of a (Black) British secret agent”

    Click the link below:


    Carlton is available for speaking events. For this purpose use the contact details above.


    Interview with 'Agent of the Iron Cross' author, Historian - Bill Mills

    Interview with 'Agent of the Iron Cross' author, Historian - Bill Mills

    Interview with ‘Agent of the Iron Cross’ author, Historian - Bill Mills

    The Black Spy Podcast, Season 13, Episode 0006


    This week's Black Spy Podcast looks at a little known part of secret intelligence history of WW1, where Imperial Germany covertly attacked the USA to prevent it supporting The British, French and Russian Empires in the WW1; even prior to the USA’s entry into WW1 on the side of the British et’al in 1917.

    In listening to my exclusive podcast with Bill Mills, listeners will get to hear the astounding story of this German WW1 and indeed pre WW1 activity and the world wide scope of such intelligence operations.

    Listeners will also hear how multifaceted intelligence operations are and Carlton lets listeners note that the overarching and wide ranging spread of espionage, subversive and sabotage operations are no less wide ranging in today’s modern world.

    Finally, one can also learn from this fantastic episode, how susceptible even the most supposedly stable countries are, to fractures and fissures being sown in their societies when grievances are highlighted by bad or even righteous actors.

    So once again the Black Spy Podcast aims to attempt to answer the direction we are travelling in as a nation, culture and indeed species to assess the dangers we might all inherit.

    This is another Black Spy Podcast episode that goes where other media outlets tend not to tread or don’t even consider assessing.

    Please don’t forget to subscribe, to never to miss a Black Spy Podcast episode.

    To contact Firgas Esack of the DAPS Agency go to Linked In

    To contact Carlton King by utilising any of the following:

    To donate - Patreon.com/TheBlackSpyPodcast

    Email: carltonking2003@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Black Spy Podcast

    Facebook: Carlton King Author




    To read Carlton's Autobiography:

    “Black Ops – The incredible true story of a (Black) British secret agent”

    Click the link below:


    Carlton is available for speaking events. For this purpose use the contact details above.

    Are Awareness Days Simply Revenue Generators (Part 2)

    Are Awareness Days Simply Revenue Generators (Part 2)

    Are Awareness Days Simply Revenue Generators (Part 2)

    The Black Spy Podcast, Season 13, Episode 0005

    This week's Black Spy Podcast is part 2 of the two part look at ‘Awareness Days’ and asks what are they there for.

    The preponderance and explosion of these so called ‘Awareness Days’, lends us to ask why and who benefits from these Days, and do they solely help to create wealth for big business and NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations).

    Are these days symptomatic of a wider malaise in society?

    Do they show a weakness in modern western thinking?

    Do such days create anger and fissures in society?

    All of the above are continued to be discussed in this week’s episode as well as a multitude of other issues and events that are effecting citizens perspectives and hence societal change

    So once again the Black Spy Podcast aims to attempt to answer the direction we are travelling in as a nation, culture and indeed species to assess the dangers we might all inherit.

    This is another Black Spy Podcast episode that goes where other media outlets fear to tread or don’t even consider assessing.

    Please don’t forget to subscribe, to never to miss a Black Spy Podcast episode.

    To contact Firgas Esack of the DAPS Agency go to Linked In

    To contact Carlton King by utilising any of the following:

    To donate - Patreon.com/TheBlackSpyPodcast

    Email: carltonking2003@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Black Spy Podcast

    Facebook: Carlton King Author



    To read Carlton's Autobiography:

    “Black Ops – The incredible true story of a (Black) British secret agent”

    Click the link below:


    Carlton is available for speaking events. For this purpose use the contact details above.

    Are Awareness Days Simply Revenue Generators (Part 1)

    Are Awareness Days Simply Revenue Generators (Part 1)


    Are Awareness Days Simply Revenue Generators (Part 1)

    The Black Spy Podcast, Season 13, Episode 0004


    This week's Black Spy Podcast is part 1 of a two part look at ‘Awareness Days’ and asks what are they there for.

    The preponderance and explosion of these so called ‘Awareness Days’, lends us to ask why and who benefits from these Days, and do they solely help to create wealth for big business and NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations).

    Are these days symptomatic of a wider malaise in society?

    Do they show a weakness in modern western thinking?

    Do such days create anger and fissures with society?

    All of the above are discussed in this and next weeks episodes as well as a multitude of other issues and events that are effecting citizens perspectives and hence societal change

    So once again the Black Spy Podcast aims to attempt to answer the direction we are travelling in as a nation, culture and indeed species to assess the dangers we might all inherit.

    This is another Black Spy Podcast episode that goes where other media outlets fear to tread or don’t even consider assessing.

    Please don’t forget to subscribe, to never to miss a Black Spy Podcast episode.

    To contact Firgas Esack of the DAPS Agency go to Linked In

    To contact Carlton King by utilising any of the following:

    To donate - Patreon.com/TheBlackSpyPodcast

    Email: carltonking2003@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Black Spy Podcast

    Facebook: Carlton King Author



    To read Carlton's Autobiography:

    “Black Ops – The incredible true story of a (Black) British secret agent”

    Click the link below:


    Carlton is available for speaking events. For this purpose use the contact details above.


    Look back in Anger (Part 2)

    Look back in Anger (Part 2)

    Look back in Anger (Part 2)

    The Black Spy Podcast, Season 13, Episode 0003


    This week's Black Spy Podcast is part 2 of a look back at last year 2023 but this time with the ladies of the show and as Dr Rachel says she’s looking back in anger.

    Firgas and Dr. Rachel have chosen the events that for whatever reason have resonated with them through the year. As with last week’s episode, a multitude of issues and events are discussed from the perspective of societal change and the norms and analysis these changes have on everyday regular world citizen.

    So once again the Black Spy Podcast hopefully makes listeners think and puts our life and times in true context. So in this second episode again we hear the views of these two women who attempt to assess the direct effect of 2023 into 2024 on our nation world and cultures.

    Don’t forget to subscribe, to never to miss a Black Spy Podcast episode.

    To contact Firgas Esack of the DAPS Agency go to Linked In.

    To connect with Dr. Rachel Taylor go to Substack

    To contact Carlton King by utilising any of the following:

    To donate - Patreon.com/TheBlackSpyPodcast

    Email: carltonking2003@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Black Spy Podcast

    Facebook: Carlton King Author



    To read Carlton's Autobiography:

    “Black Ops – The incredible true story of a (Black) British secret agent”

    Click the link below:


    Carlton is available for speaking events. For this purpose use the contact details above.

    Look back in Anger (Part 1)

    Look back in Anger (Part 1)

    Look back in Anger (Part 1)

    The Black Spy Podcast, Season 13, Episode 0002

    This week's Black Spy Podcast is part 1 of a look back at last year 2023 but this time with the ladies of the show and as Dr Rachel says she’s looking back in anger.

    Firgas and Dr. Rachel have chosen the events that for whatever reason have resonated with them through the year. As with last week, a multitude of issues and events are discussed from the perspective societal change and norms and analysis is provided as to there effects on us the everyday regular citizen.

    So once again the Black Spy Podcast hopefully makes listeners think and puts our life and times in true context. So this time its women who attempt to assess the direction we are travelling in as a nation, culture and indeed.

    Don’t forget to subscribe, to never to miss a Black Spy Podcast episode.

    To contact Firgas Esack of the DAPS Agency go to Linked In.

    To connect with Dr. Rachel Taylor go to Substack

    To contact Carlton King by utilising any of the following:

    To donate - Patreon.com/TheBlackSpyPodcast

    Email: carltonking2003@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Black Spy Podcast

    Facebook: Carlton King Author



    To read Carlton's Autobiography:

    “Black Ops – The incredible true story of a (Black) British secret agent”

    Click the link below:


    Carlton is available for speaking events. For this purpose use the contact details above.



    New Year’s Analysis with Dan the Man (Part 2)

    New Year’s Analysis with Dan the Man (Part 2)

    New Year’s Analysis with Dan the Man (Part 2)

    The Black Spy Podcast, Season 13, Episode 0001

    This week's Black Spy Podcast is part 2 of our look back at last year and forward to the new year's coming events with Dan the Man on his return to the hot seat with Carlton.

    A multitude of issues and events are discussed from the perspective of societal change of norms and analysis is provided as to their effects on the world, the West and more narrowly the UK.

    Attempts are made to evaluate these changes on political expediency, and there utility in the quest to maintain or gain power.

    So once again the Black Spy Podcast aims to attempt to answer the direction we are travelling in as a nation, culture and indeed species to assess the dangers we might all inherit.

    This is another Black Spy Podcast episode that goes where other media outlets fear to tread.

    Finally, please don’t forget to subscribe, to never to miss a Black Spy Podcast episode.

    To contact Firgas Esack of the DAPS Agency go to Linked In

    To contact Carlton King by utilising any of the following:

    To donate - Patreon.com/TheBlackSpyPodcast

    Email: carltonking2003@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Black Spy Podcast

    Facebook: Carlton King Author



    To read Carlton's Autobiography:

    “Black Ops – The incredible true story of a (Black) British secret agent”

    Click the link below:


    Carlton is available for speaking events. For this purpose use the contact details above.

    New Year’s Analysis with Dan the Man (Part 1)

    New Year’s Analysis with Dan the Man (Part 1)

    New Year’s Analysis with Dan the Man (Part 1)

    The Black Spy Podcast, Season 12, Episode 0010


    This week's Black Spy Podcast will look back at last year and forward to the new year's coming events with in this episode, Dan the Man back in the hot seat with Carlton.

    A multitude of issues and events are discussed from the perspective societal change and norms and analysis is provided as to there effects on the globe, the West and more narrowly the UK. Attempts are made to evaluate these changes on political expediency and utility in the quest to maintain or gain power.

    So once again the Black Spy Podcast aims to attempt to answer the direction we are travelling in as a nation, culture and indeed species to assess the dangers we might all inherit.

    So, once again this is another Black Spy Podcast episode that goes where other media outlets fear to tread.

    So don’t forget to subscribe, to never to miss a Black Spy Podcast episode.

    To contact Firgas Esack of the DAPS Agency go to Linked In

    To contact Carlton King by utilising any of the following:

    To donate - Patreon.com/TheBlackSpyPodcast

    Email: carltonking2003@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Black Spy Podcast

    Facebook: Carlton King Author



    To read Carlton's Autobiography:

    “Black Ops – The incredible true story of a (Black) British secret agent”

    Click the link below:


    Carlton is available for speaking events. For this purpose use the contact details above.

    12 Themes of Christmas 2023 with Firgas Esack & Dr. Rachel Taylor (Part 2)

    12 Themes of Christmas 2023 with Firgas Esack & Dr. Rachel Taylor  (Part 2)

    12 Themes of Christmas 2023 with Firgas Esack & Dr. Rachel Taylor (Part 2)

    The Black Spy Podcast, Season 12, Episode 0009

    This week’s episode, like last week’s, needs no great write up as the title says it’s all about Christmas. What is important is the breath of he deliberation generated by the discussion between the The Black Spy and his two regular partners - Firgas Esack and Dr. Rachel Taylor.

    I’ll not spoil the surprise of the themes discussed in these days running up to Christmas, be they light hearted or deadly serious, I’ll just simply say I know you’ll enjoy them.

    So welcome to another Black Spy Podcast episode that goes where other media outlets often fear to tread.

    Don’t forget to subscribe in order never to miss a Black Spy Podcast episode.

    To contact Firgas Esack, of the DAPS Agency, go to Linked In.

    Dr. Rachel can be contacted on Substack, under her name.

    To contact Carlton King, utilise any of the following:

    To donate - Patreon.com/TheBlackSpyPodcast

    Email: carltonking2003@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Black Spy Podcast

    Facebook: Carlton King Author



    To read Carlton's Autobiography:

    “Black Ops – The incredible true story of a (Black) British secret agent”

    Click the link below:


    Carlton is available for speaking events. For this purpose use the contact details above.


    12 Themes of Christmas 2023 with Firgas Esack & Dr. Rachel Taylor (Part 1)

    12 Themes of Christmas 2023 with Firgas Esack & Dr. Rachel Taylor (Part 1)

    12 Themes of Christmas 2023 with Firgas Esack & Dr. Rachel Taylor (Part 1)

    The Black Spy Podcast, Season 12, Episode 0008

    This week’s episode needs no great write up as the title says it all. What is important is the width of he discussion generated by the conversation between the The Black Spy and his two guests.

    I will not spoil the surprise of the themes discussed in these 12 days running up to Christmas, be they light hearted or deadly serious, instead here I’ll simply say, I know you’ll love it.

    So welcome to another Black Spy Podcast episode that goes where other media outlets fear to tread.

    Don’t forget to subscribe never to miss a Black Spy Podcast episode.

    To contact Firgas Esack of the DAPS Agency go to Linked In

    To contact Carlton King by utilising any of the following:

    To donate - Patreon.com/TheBlackSpyPodcast

    Email: carltonking2003@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Black Spy Podcast

    Facebook: Carlton King Author



    To read Carlton's Autobiography:

    “Black Ops – The incredible true story of a (Black) British secret agent”

    Click the link below:


    Carlton is available for speaking events. For this purpose use the contact details above.


    BREXIT comes home to roost!

    BREXIT comes home to roost!

    BREXIT comes home to roost! 

    The Black Spy Podcast, Season 12, Episode 0007

    This week, with Nigel Farage in the I'm a Celebrity get me out of here Jungle in Australia, Carlton explores Farage's Brexit legacy.

    Carlton highlights the few wealthy UK Brexit winners and the very, very many everyday middle and working class British losers from leaving the European Union.                                                           

    Additionally Carlton touches on the problems that the UK has suffered since Brexit including the lessening of the UK's international importance. Finally, Carlton also tries to assess why some Brits, believing in the implausible renaissance of the British Empire, would vote for something that would doubtless damage them and their country seemingly to keep immigrants out.

    So, once again this is another Black Spy Podcast episode that goes where other media outlets fear to tread.

    So please, don’t forget to subscribe to thereby never miss a Black Spy Podcast episode.

    To contact Firgas Esack of the DAPS Agency go to Linked In

    To contact Carlton King by utilising any of the following:

    To donate - Patreon.com/TheBlackSpyPodcast

    Email: carltonking2003@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Black Spy Podcast

    Facebook: Carlton King Author



    To read Carlton's Autobiography:

    “Black Ops – The incredible true story of a (Black) British secret agent”

    Click the link below:


    Carlton is available for speaking events. For this purpose use the contact details above.


    Critical Thinking What is Terrorism & is Hamas a Terrorist organisation (Part 2)

    Critical Thinking What is Terrorism & is Hamas a Terrorist organisation (Part 2)

    Critical Thinking

    What is Terrorism & is Hamas a Terrorist organisation (Part 2)

    The Black Spy Podcast, Season 12, Episode 0006


    This is week two of Carlton’s exploration of the extremely current topic of Terrorism!

    In line with all of Carlton’s previous Critical Thinking episodes Carlton asks you to think outside of the box and around the subject, to the point that he asks you - the listener - to explore why you think what you think, and to question why you have been told to think in this manner?

    Carlton touches on countless issues and provides several examples to explain his hypothesis.

    Carlton challenges the very essence of state phycological operations (Psyops) and the labelling, wrongly or rightly, politicians provide to their public designed to infer anger, enmity and distrust towards the bodies on whom they bestow this ‘Terrorist’ mantle.

    So, once again this is another Black Spy Podcast episode that goes where other media outlets fear to tread.

    So don’t forget to subscribe, to never to miss a Black Spy Podcast episode.

    To contact Firgas Esack of the DAPS Agency go to Linked In

    To contact Carlton King by utilising any of the following:

    To donate - Patreon.com/TheBlackSpyPodcast

    Email: carltonking2003@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Black Spy Podcast

    Facebook: Carlton King Author



    To read Carlton's Autobiography:

    “Black Ops – The incredible true story of a (Black) British secret agent”

    Click the link below:


    Carlton is available for speaking events. For this purpose use the contact details above.


    Critical Thinking: What is Terrorism & is Hamas a Terrorist organisation (Part 1)

    Critical Thinking: What is Terrorism & is Hamas a Terrorist organisation (Part 1)

    Critical Thinking

    What is Terrorism & is Hamas a Terrorist organisation (Part 1)

    The Black Spy Podcast, Season 12, Episode 0005

    This week Carlton explores an extremely current topic - Terrorism!

    In line with all of Carlton’s previous Critical Thinking episodes Carlton asks you to think outside of the box and around the subject, to the point that he asks you - the listener - to explore why you think what you think, and to question why you have been told to think in this manner?

    Carlton touches on countless issues and provides several examples to explain his hypothesis. This challenges the very essence of state phycological operations and the instigation by politicians of public enmity designed to infer anger and distrust against the body in question.

    So, once again this is another Black Spy Podcast episode that goes where other media outlets fear to tread.

    Don’t forget to subscribe never to miss a Black Spy Podcast episode.

    To contact Firgas Esack of the DAPS Agency go to Linked In

    To contact Carlton King by utilising any of the following:

    To donate - Patreon.com/TheBlackSpyPodcast

    Email: carltonking2003@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Black Spy Podcast

    Facebook: Carlton King Author



    To read Carlton's Autobiography:

    “Black Ops – The incredible true story of a (Black) British secret agent”

    Click the link below:


    Carlton is available for speaking events. For this purpose use the contact details above.

    Girls, The Billionaire, Spies, Presidents, A British Prince & The Media Mogul’s Daughter, Gishlaine (Part 2)

    Girls, The Billionaire, Spies, Presidents, A British Prince & The Media Mogul’s Daughter, Gishlaine (Part 2)

    Girls, The Billionaire, Spies, Presidents, A British Prince & The Media Mogul’s Daughter, Gishlaine (Part 1)

    The Black Spy Podcast Season 12, Episode 0003

    This week's Black Spy Podcast investigates the Gishlaine Maxwell case and the surrounding aspects that are often not mentioned or even noted.

    This true crime analysis, undertaken by the Black Spy, Carlton King, his podcast partner, Journalist and Publicist, Firgas Esak and Dr. Rachel Taylor looks deeply into these events with the benefit of the police/intelligence service knowledge of Carlton, the media view of Firgas an the psychological perspective of Dr. Rachel . As a result, the programme looks into most aspects of the Maxwell, Epstein and Prince Andrew connected case.

    So if you have any interest in true crime and geo-politics, big business and espionage, then this is another educational yet entertaining must listen episode for you!

    Don’t forget to subscribe to The Black Spy Podcast to never miss an episode.

    Please bear with us, as due to climatic conditions between several countries in which we recorded this episode, our normal blemish free audio is slightly interfered with for the first few minutes of the show. 

    Contact Firgas via her Linkedin at Firgas Esack Daps

    Dr. Taylor can be contacted on Substack

    To contact the Black Spy or donate to The Black Spy Podcast utilise the following:

    To donate - Patreon.com/TheBlackSpyPodcast

    Email: carltonking2003@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Black Spy Podcast

    Facebook: Carlton King Author



    To read Carlton's Autobiography:

    “Black Ops – The incredible true story of a British secret agent”

    Click the link below:


    Carlton and Firgas are available for speaking events. For this purpose use the contact details above


    Girls, The Billionaire, Spies, Presidents, A British Prince & The Media Mogul’s Daughter, Gishlaine (Part 1)

    Girls, The Billionaire, Spies, Presidents, A British Prince & The Media Mogul’s Daughter, Gishlaine (Part 1)

    Girls, The Billionaire, Spies, Presidents, A British Prince & The Media Mogul’s Daughter, Gishlaine (Part 1)

    The Black Spy Podcast Season 12, Episode 0003

    This week's Black Spy Podcast investigates the Gishlaine Maxwell case and the surrounding aspects that are often not mentioned or even noted.

    This true crime analysis, undertaken by the Black Spy, Carlton King, his podcast partner, Journalist and Publicist, Firgas Esak and Dr. Rachel Taylor looks deeply into these events with the benefit of the police/intelligence service knowledge of Carlton, the media view of Firgas an the psychological perspective of Dr. Rachel . As a result, the programme looks into most aspects of the Maxwell, Epstein and Prince Andrew connected case.

    So if you have any interest in true crime and geo-politics, big business and espionage, then this is another educational yet entertaining must listen episode for you!

    Don’t forget to subscribe to The Black Spy Podcast to never miss an episode.

    Please bear with us, as due to climatic conditions between several countries in which we recorded this episode, our normal blemish free audio is slightly interfered with for the first few minutes of the show.

    Contact Firgas via her Linkedin at Firgas Esack Daps

    Dr. Taylor can be contacted on Substack

    To contact the Black Spy or donate to The Black Spy Podcast utilise the following:

    To donate - Patreon.com/TheBlackSpyPodcast

    Email: carltonking2003@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Black Spy Podcast

    Facebook: Carlton King Author



    To read Carlton's Autobiography:

    “Black Ops – The incredible true story of a British secret agent”

    Click the link below:


    Carlton and Firgas are available for speaking events. For this purpose use the contact details above.

    Critical Thinking - Black History Month Special - Who is Black & Why it matters? (Part 2)

    Critical Thinking - Black History Month Special - Who is Black & Why it matters?  (Part 2)

    Critical Thinking - Black History Month Special - Who is Black & Why it matters? (Part 2)

    Black Spy Podcast - Season 12, Episode 0002


    This week’s episode of the black spy podcast is a critical thinking episode for Black History Month, in which Carlton asks – who is it Black and why does it matter?

    Carlton looks at the politics of blackness including who has decided who is and isn't classed as “Black” through the centuries. Moreover, in terms of a phenotype, what do Black people look like.

    Carlton asks if its credible that Black people are only seen as one absolutely particular type of ethnic group with no variation of skin colour in nose shape, lip shape etc; whereas White people (Caucasians) can be of any hair colour blonde, dark, ginger to curly hair, to straight hair. They can have thin or thick lips, narrow, wide or hook noses and all forms of face shape. Moreover, the Europeans who ‘classified’ the as so called races, even allowed people with very white and very dark skin colour to be classified as White, because they were from a people perceived a capable in the 17th and 18th centuries. These unscientific discrepancies between phenotype classifications can clearly no longer stand?

    Therefore in this episode, Carlton seeks to challenge this one sided view, which by the way isn’t maintained when it suited the post 17th Century colonial elites, slaveholders, plantocracy and pseudo-scientists that proclaimed the inferiority of the so called Black (Negro) ‘race’, and the superiority of the obviously flawed White race classification.

    Hence, Carlton explains why this outdated concept can no longer stand and why Black historical figures and empires throughout the ages need to be reclaimed!

    Carlton explains how being Black has been defined in various countries particularly the United states and how, just one drop of black blood was perceived to be sufficient to make a person legally and officially Black. This one drop was defined in many US states a person with 1/64th of a Black ancestor, 1/32nd Black ancestry, 1/16th or a minimum of 1/8th Black ancestry made a person Black.

    Additionally, this episode also assesses what Carlton calls the ‘Balance Theory’.

    Carlton’s Balance Theory explains how Black, White and other peoples of Colour have had transmitted to them, by slave trade and colonial White rulers, that Black people are ignorant, lazy, childlike, feckless and uneducated, and that they have never invented or developed anything. They have also been told that Blacks are criminal and duplicitous.

    These anti-black views have been transmitted to all peoples for over 350 years, since the African Slave Trade, Colonialism up until at least the late 1970’s.

    Carlton explores all these issues and many more. He assesses the effect on every day interactions with police, teachers or employers and others, who due to the extremely low expectation of Black people mentioned above, these important intermediaries, due to these attitudes see Black people as suspicious and of limited ability. Hence, what Carlton calls the ‘muck of ages’ affects relations today.

    Finally, Carlton notes that this negativity against Black people has also been transmitted to Black people themselves, so they too suffer from the same prejudices brought about by the muck of ages.

    Note: The picture attached is a facial reconstruction of Jesus Christ by forensic reconstruction experts. The reconstruction is not dissimilar to that of the facial reconstruction first British man known as Cheddar Man, albeit Cheddar man is shown to be even blacker than Jesus.

    This is another educational yet entertaining must listen episodes of the Black Spy Podcast.

    Don’t forget to subscribe to The Black Spy Podcast to never miss an episode.

    Contact Firgas via her Linkedin at Firgas Esack Daps

    To contact the Black Spy or donate to The Black Spy Podcast utilise the following:

    To donate - Patreon.com/TheBlackSpyPodcast

    Email: carltonking2003@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Black Spy Podcast

    Facebook: Carlton King Author



    To read Carlton's Autobiography:

    “Black Ops – The incredible true story of a British secret agent”

    Click the link below:


    Carlton and Firgas are available for speaking events. For this purpose use the contact details above


    Critical Thinking - Black History Month Special - Who is Black & Why it matters? (Part 1)

    Critical Thinking - Black History Month Special - Who is Black & Why it matters? (Part 1)

    Critical Thinking - Black History Month Special - Who is Black & Why it matters? (Part 1)

    Black Spy Podcast - Season 12, Episode 0001

    This week’s episode of the black spy podcast is a critical thinking episode for Black History Month, in which Carlton asks – who is it Black and why does it matter?

    Carlton looks at the politics of blackness including who has decided who is and isn't classed as “Black” through the centuries. Moreover, in terms of a phenotype, what do Black people look like.

    Carlton asks if its credible that Black people are only seen as one absolutely particular type of ethnic group with no variation of skin colour in nose shape, lip shape etc; whereas White people (Caucasians) can be of any hair colour blonde, dark, ginger to curly hair, to straight hair. They can have thin or thick lips, narrow, wide or hook noses and all forms of face shape. Moreover, the Europeans who ‘classified’ the as so called races, even allowed people with very white and very dark skin colour to be classified as White, because they were from a people perceived a capable in the 17th and 18th centuries. These unscientific discrepancies between phenotype classifications can clearly no longer stand?

    Therefore in this episode, Carlton seeks to challenge this one sided view, which by the way isn’t maintained when it suited the post 17th Century colonial elites, slaveholders, plantocracy and pseudo-scientists that proclaimed the inferiority of the so called Black (Negro) ‘race’, and the superiority of the obviously flawed White race classification.

    Hence, Carlton explains why this outdated concept can no longer stand and why Black historical figures and empires throughout the ages need to be reclaimed!

    Carlton explains how being Black has been defined in various countries particularly the United states and how, just one drop of black blood was perceived to be sufficient to make a person legally and officially Black. This one drop was defined in many US states a person with 1/64th of a Black ancestor, 1/32nd Black ancestry, 1/16th or a minimum of 1/8th Black ancestry made a person Black.

    Additionally, this episode also assesses what Carlton calls the ‘Balance Theory’.

    Carlton’s Balance Theory explains how Black, White and other peoples of Colour have had transmitted to them, by slave trade and colonial White rulers, that Black people are ignorant, lazy, childlike, feckless and uneducated, and that they have never invented or developed anything. They have also been told that Blacks are criminal and duplicitous.

    These anti-black views have been transmitted to all peoples for over 350 years, since the African Slave Trade, Colonialism up until at least the late 1970’s.

    Carlton explores all these issues and many more. He assesses the effect on every day interactions with police, teachers or employers and others, who due to the extremely low expectation of Black people mentioned above, these important intermediaries, due to these attitudes see Black people as suspicious and of limited ability. Hence, what Carlton calls the ‘muck of ages’ affects relations today.

    Finally, Carlton notes that this negativity against Black people has also been transmitted to Black people themselves, so they too suffer from the same prejudices brought about by the muck of ages.

    Note: The picture attached is a facial reconstruction of Jesus Christ by forensic reconstruction experts. The reconstruction is not dissimilar to that of the facial reconstruction first British man known as Cheddar Man, albeit Cheddar man is shown to be even blacker than Jesus.

    This is another educational yet entertaining must listen episodes of the Black Spy Podcast.

    Don’t forget to subscribe to The Black Spy Podcast to never miss an episode.

    Contact Firgas via her Linkedin at Firgas Esack Daps

    To contact the Black Spy or donate to The Black Spy Podcast utilise the following:

    To donate - Patreon.com/TheBlackSpyPodcast

    Email: carltonking2003@gmail.com

    Facebook: The Black Spy Podcast

    Facebook: Carlton King Author



    To read Carlton's Autobiography:

    “Black Ops – The incredible true story of a British secret agent”

    Click the link below:


    Carlton and Firgas are available for speaking events. For this purpose use the contact details above