
    Are They Preparing For Violence If They Lose The Election? (Ep 2193)

    enFebruary 22, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Staying Informed and Taking Care of HealthDiscover the benefits of sauna use for stress reduction and overall health. Stay updated on current events, but remember speculation is just that.

      Dan Vongino, the host of the show, discussed various topics including national outrage, the Russian Death Star story, sauna benefits, and cell network outages. He emphasized the importance of staying informed and taking care of one's health. The sauna blanket from bone charge was highlighted as a game changer for reducing stress and improving overall health. The show also touched upon the speculation of a nationwide cell network outage, but Vongino stressed that it was still early and all information was speculative. He encouraged listeners to stay informed and to look up the benefits of sauna use.

    • Government may not have a plan during emergenciesIndividuals should prepare for emergencies independently, as government competence and planning are questionable.

      Individuals should not rely on the government to have a plan during emergencies or crises. The speaker expressed concerns about the competence of those in management positions within government, particularly in Democratic administrations, and cited historical examples of government failures, such as the Obamacare website debacle. The speaker also warned that crises may be exploited by the government to increase security threats and censorship. Ultimately, the message was that individuals should prepare for emergencies on their own, as the government may not have a plan in place. The speaker expressed a belief in the resilience of the United States but acknowledged that the country is currently facing significant challenges.

    • Government disregarding constitutional frameworkSpeaker argues US gov't operates in tyranny, ignoring rule of law & constitutional framework, as seen in student loan forgiveness

      According to the speaker, the United States government no longer operates under a constitutional republic framework, but rather in a state of tyranny. They argue this point by discussing Nancy Pelosi's past statements about the President's lack of power to forgive student loan debts unilaterally, which Pelosi correctly identified as a power held by Congress. The speaker then criticizes President Biden for implementing student loan forgiveness despite the Supreme Court ruling against it, interpreting this action as a middle finger to the American people. The overall message is that the government is disregarding the rule of law and the constitutional framework, leading the country into a state of tyranny.

    • Plastic Government: Bending Rules at WillThe current administration under President Biden is accused of operating under a 'plastic government,' where rules and powers can be changed at will, leading to inconsistencies, lies, and damage to the country.

      According to the speaker, the current administration under President Biden is operating under a "plastic government," where rules and powers can be molded and changed at will, rather than being bound by the rigid structure of a constitutional republic. The speaker argues that this has resulted in inconsistencies and lies, such as Biden's handling of immigration and border control, and accuses him of being a tyrant who is stealing people's money and deceiving them. The speaker also criticizes Biden for his supposed hypocrisy, as he allegedly claimed to lack the power to act on certain issues but later announced plans to do so through executive orders. The speaker believes that this state of affairs is damaging to the country and calls for a return to the rule of law.

    • Trump's Belief in Enforcing Existing Laws and Using Executive ActionTrump believes in enforcing laws and taking executive action when Congress fails to act, sparking debates on the role of the executive branch and implications for democracy.

      President Trump believes he has a duty to enforce existing immigration laws, but he also believes in taking executive action when Congress fails to act, which he argues is necessary for the security, economy, and future of the country. However, he acknowledges that he does not have the power to change the law unilaterally, as he stated earlier in the discussion. Despite this, there are fears that a Trump presidency could lead to the "end of democracy," but some argue it could be the "rebirth of democracy." The use of executive power, as well as other actions like student loan policies and budget spending, have led to accusations of tyranny and a "plastic government," but Trump maintains that he only takes such actions when necessary and Congress fails to act. The debate continues on the role of the executive branch and the implications of these actions on American democracy.

    • The Deep State is a Dynamic Network of Influential IndividualsThe term 'deep state' refers to a network of individuals, not just government employees, who have significant influence on U.S. politics, including those from intelligence agencies, labor unions, media, and political parties.

      The term "deep state" is misleading as it implies all members are government employees when in reality, it's a network of people who have worked in and out of government, forming a complex web of connections and influence. The "blob," as some call it, includes individuals from intelligence agencies, labor unions, media, and political parties. In 2020, the Transition Integrity Project, a group of influential figures, simulated ways to overturn the election if Trump won, demonstrating the deep-rooted desire to prevent him from serving a second term. John Podesta, a prominent Clinton associate and current government employee, was a part of this group. The deep state is not a monolithic entity made up of state actors, but a dynamic network of individuals with significant influence on U.S. politics.

    • Potential for Street Violence in Contested ElectionThe Transition Integrity Project, a group concerned with the democratic process, warned of the possibility of street violence and seizure of a West Coast block in case of a contested election. They emphasized the importance of a peaceful and orderly transition.

      A group involved with John Podesta discussed the possibility of street violence and even seizing a block of the West Coast in the event of a contested presidential election. This was not a hypothetical conversation, but a serious concern they expressed. The group, called the Transition Integrity Project, believes that courts and elites observing norms may not be enough to prevent a disrupted presidential election and transition. They warned that this could result in a street fight instead of a legal battle. It's important to note that this is not a call to violence, but a recognition of the potential for it in certain circumstances. This conversation highlights the importance of ensuring a peaceful and orderly transition of power, and the potential consequences if that fails to occur. It's a reminder that the democratic process is fragile and requires the active participation and support of all Americans to maintain.

    • ProVIA's introductory offer and potential post-election unrestProVIA offers a discounted introductory package, while concerns about post-election violence persist, with some suggesting the deep state could be involved

      During this time, ProVIA is offering new customers a significant discount on their introductory package, which includes a full supply of their serum and a super concentrate for faster results, along with a free gift. Meanwhile, there are concerns about potential post-election violence and protests, and it has been suggested that certain groups may be mobilized for this purpose. The deep state, which includes entities like universities, think tanks, NGOs, the CIA, and FBI, has been identified as a potential force behind such actions. A leaked simulation revealed plans to use Black Lives Matter as a pro-Biden anarcho-tyranny force to shut down the country in the event of a Trump victory. It's important to note that these statements and products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.

    • Intelligence Agencies and Think Tanks Colluded to Spread Allegations Against Trump and RussiaDuring the 2016 election, intelligence agencies and think tanks colluded to spread unverified allegations against Trump and Russia, leading to a FISA warrant to surveil Carter Page. The 'blob' or 'deep state' network continues to push this narrative despite lack of evidence.

      During the 2016 election, intelligence agencies like the CIA and FBI worked with foreign intelligence and non-government sources, such as the Brookings Institution and think tanks, to investigate alleged ties between the Trump campaign and Russia. John Brennan, former CIA director, admitted to "pulsing" information against the "corpus" or "blob," meaning they spread the information within their network to make it seem real and credible. The FBI used this information, along with a dossier, to obtain a FISA warrant to surveil Carter Page. The left continues to push the narrative that Trump colluded with Russia, despite the dossier being unverified and salacious. The "blob" or "deep state" is a network of government and non-government officials who can influence policies and investigations. This network was used to target Trump and his supporters during the election, and they continue to push their narrative even after Trump left office.

    • Media focus on Russian involvement in election and alleged fake informationThe speaker questions the reliability of media reports on Russian involvement in the election and potential ulterior motives, specifically regarding allegations against the Bidens and their connection to Ukraine.

      There is ongoing speculation about Russian involvement in the election and allegations of fake information being spread, with a focus on a figure named Alexander Smirnoff. The FBI is reportedly investigating Smirnoff for providing false information about the Bidens, and this has been the center of media attention. The speaker, who has never mentioned Smirnoff before, finds it strange that the same media outlets and individuals are involved in this story again, raising questions about the reliability of information and potential Russian influence. The speaker is skeptical of the allegations against the Bidens but is more concerned with the apparent inconsistencies and potential ulterior motives in the reporting. The connection to Ukraine is also highlighted as significant in this context.

    • Ukraine's Role in US Political Scandals and Being Labeled a Russian StoogeThe speaker discusses allegations of Ukrainian involvement in US political scandals, claims someone in Ukraine might be helping Biden, and criticizes media for not presenting full context, while expressing frustration over being labeled a Russian stooge

      The discussions revolve around the allegations of Ukrainian involvement in the 2016 and 2020 political scandals in the United States, which were portrayed as Russian collusion scandals in the media but were actually Ukraine stories. The speaker argues that someone in Ukraine might be helping Joe Biden get reelected by feeding them stories and taking out Trump's enemies, claiming they are Russian intelligence. The speaker also mentions that Clarence Thomas is a national treasure. The speaker expresses frustration with being labeled a Russian stooge despite speaking out against Putin's actions in Ukraine. The speaker also mentions a conversation about Smirnoff, an FBI source who allegedly claimed that Joe Biden was going to jail and provided recordings of Hunter Biden making promises to a Ukrainian prosecutor. The speaker criticizes the media for framing these stories and not presenting the full context.

    • Ongoing concerns about foreign election interference and pressure on Justice ThomasDespite ongoing concerns about foreign election interference, particularly in Ukraine, and pressure on Justice Thomas to resign, politicians handle accusations differently, with some denying wrongdoing and others facing consequences.

      There are ongoing concerns about foreign election interference, specifically regarding Ukraine, which is being overlooked due to its potential negative implications for U.S. relations with Ukraine. Another significant issue is the pressure on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to resign, with some attributing this desire to his conservative stance and race. The discussion also touched upon the differing ways politicians handle accusations of mishandling classified information. Despite contradictory evidence, some politicians continue to deny wrongdoing, while others have faced consequences. It's crucial to maintain a clear understanding of these complex issues and the implications they have on our democracy.

    • Ukraine Election Interference: Investigate George Soros, FBI, and U.S. EmbassyExplore the connection between Ukraine election interference and entities like George Soros, FBI, and U.S. Embassy. Tune in to Dan Bongino show daily and use Rumble app for more info.

      There are allegations of ongoing election interference in Ukraine, and many of the sources of information about this issue are connected to Ukraine. The speaker urges listeners to investigate this connection further, pointing to the involvement of George Soros, the FBI, and the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine. The speaker also encourages listeners to tune in to the Dan Bongino show daily for more information and to download the Rumble app to watch or listen. Despite some technical difficulties during the show, the speaker emphasizes the importance of paying attention to this issue and appreciates the audience's support.

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