
    Podcast Summary

    • Democrats interrupt AG Barr during Capitol Hill hearingDemocrats' disruption of AG Barr's testimony exposed their lack of professionalism and disregard for truth, while Barr's composure and revelation of Obama admin's unmasking emerged as a national hero moment.

      During a recent hearing on Capitol Hill, the Democrats repeatedly used the phrase "reclaiming my time" to interrupt Attorney General Bill Barr, preventing him from answering questions. Meanwhile, Dan Bongino expressed his frustration with the situation and promised to expose the "tech tyrants" suppressing their show. The hearing was a disaster, with Democrats appearing foolish and Bill Barr emerging as a national hero. Additionally, Bill Barr revealed that the Obama administration engaged in unmasking, effectively wiretapping individuals, a fact that slipped through the cracks amidst the chaos. Overall, the hearing showcased the Democrats' lack of professionalism and their disregard for the truth.

    • Investigating Unusual Unmasking Requests During Obama AdministrationU.S. Attorney John Bash probes unmasking requests during Obama era, focusing on suspicious instances. Potential crime lies in leaking classified info, not unmasking itself.

      U.S. Attorney John Bash is investigating the high number of unmasking requests during the Obama administration, focusing on instances that did not seem to align with normal business dealings. The unmasking process itself may have been legal, but the leaking of classified information from these transcripts to the media is a potential federal crime. This investigation adds to the ongoing scrutiny of the Obama administration's use of unmasking for political purposes. The Democrats' behavior during a hearing with Attorney General Bill Barr, repeatedly cutting him off with their "reclaiming my time" stunt, highlights the political tensions surrounding this issue. The potential crimes committed lie not in the unmasking itself, but in the unauthorized dissemination of classified information.

    • Congressman's Inaccurate Statements About IG ReportDespite the IG report not making a definitive statement about political bias in the Russia investigation's initiation, a Congressman falsely claimed it did. Misrepresentations during official hearings can spread false information and have serious consequences.

      During a recent hearing, Congressman David Cicilline made inaccurate statements about the Justice Department's Inspector General report on the initiation of the Russia investigation. Cicilline claimed that the report found no political bias in the initiation of the investigation, but in reality, the report did not make such a definitive statement. Instead, the report noted that there was not enough evidence to eliminate political bias as a factor in decisions made later in the investigation. Cicilline's misrepresentation of the report highlights the importance of accurately communicating information during official hearings and the potential consequences of spreading false information.

    • FBI investigations showed political biasHorowitz's report revealed text messages from FBI agents expressing political biases and a desire to prevent Trump from becoming president, contradicting Sisselini's claims of promoting political spying and lying on record. Congress members' behavior during the hearings underscored the need for transparency and accountability in government investigations.

      During the hearings, Horowitz admitted to finding political bias within the FBI investigations into both the Trump campaign and the Clinton email case. He specifically mentioned text messages from FBI agents showing their political biases and the desperation of some agents to prevent President Trump from coming to power. Horowitz's findings contradict the claims made by David Sisselini, who was criticized for promoting political spying and lying on record. Additionally, some members of Congress, such as Joe Neguse and Jamie Raskin, were called out for threatening and interrupting Attorney General Bill Barr during the hearings. Overall, the hearings highlighted the importance of transparency and accountability in government investigations and the potential consequences of political bias.

    • Attorney General Barr's Congressional Hearing: Heated Exchanges and AnnouncementsAG Barr announced an investigation into unmaskings and felony leaks from the Obama admin while emphasizing the importance of free speech and supporting Parler

      During a recent congressional hearing, Attorney General Barr was questioned about the actions taken to protect St. John's Church from being burned down during the riots. Barr inquired if religious leaders spoke out against the police actions before or after the fire was put out. The hearing was marked by heated exchanges and accusations, with some members losing their tempers. Despite the chaos, Barr announced his intention to investigate unmaskings and felony leaks from the Obama administration. The Dan Bongino Show summarized the hearing, emphasizing the importance of free speech and the need to support Parler, a social media platform that upholds this right. The main takeaway is the ongoing investigation into government wrongdoings and the importance of standing up for free speech.

    • Private tech companies wielding government power to censor contentPrivate tech companies, using government-granted protections, can limit access to information by suppressing certain websites in search results, raising concerns about censorship and free speech.

      Private tech companies, despite being independent entities, hold significant power and can censor content through the use of government-backed protections. This was discussed in detail during the segment, with examples given of websites like Breitbart and The Daily Caller being systematically suppressed in Google search results. The Washington Examiner and Breitbart editor-in-chief, Alex Marlow, were mentioned as having spoken about this issue on Tucker Carlson's show. Marlow explained that if an average person searches for phrases related to the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee, the chances of getting a Breitbart article are extremely low. Google's visibility index was brought up as evidence of this bias against right-leaning outlets. The speaker emphasized that this is not a First Amendment issue, but rather a matter of private companies using their government-granted protections to limit free speech. The issue of tech tyranny and censorship was described as a significant concern of our time.

    • Social media censorship concerns: Double standards towards conservative voicesSocial media platforms need clear, consistent policies to ensure fairness and trust, avoiding double standards towards certain voices or content.

      There is a growing concern over alleged censorship and double standards on social media platforms, particularly towards conservative voices. The discussion highlighted instances where Twitter applied warning labels to certain tweets from political figures like Donald Trump, while allowing similar content from other accounts to remain uncensored. This inconsistency has led to accusations of bias and a lack of transparency. The example given was the contrasting treatment of Trump's tweet about riots and looting versus tweets promoting violence or genocide from other accounts. The issue is not just about free speech but also about maintaining trust and fairness in the digital space. It's crucial for social media platforms to establish clear and consistent policies and apply them equally to all users to foster a healthy online community.

    • Censorship on Tech Platforms: Personal Experiences and ImplicationsIndividuals and alternative voices, especially conservatives, face censorship and suppression on tech platforms. Free speech is at risk, and it's crucial to subscribe to content creators outside of these platforms and stay informed about censorship trends.

      While some individuals may face challenges or censorship on certain platforms like Twitter, the situation is more severe for alternative voices, particularly conservatives. The speaker shared personal experiences with issues at their parlor and compared it unfavorably to Twitter's handling of data and potential censorship. They also provided evidence of YouTube's censorship and suppression of their content, which led to significant audience loss. The speaker emphasized the importance of free speech and warned that tech companies, despite being free and supported by the government, can wield significant power in silencing certain viewpoints. They encouraged their audience to subscribe to their content outside of these platforms and remain vigilant against censorship.

    • YouTube removes video contradicting WHO advice, free speech debate ensuesYouTube's censorship of controversial coronavirus content sparks debate over free speech, with alternative platforms emerging and content creators potentially being paid to join them.

      YouTube's policies against medical misinformation led to the removal of a video discussing a scientific correlation that contradicted the World Health Organization's (WHO) initial advice on human transmission of the coronavirus. The speaker, who was planning to use this content in his next book, argues that free speech, including ideological debates and controversial ideas, should be allowed on platforms. He believes that alternatives to YouTube and other suppressive platforms are emerging, and content creators with substantial audiences will be paid to move to these new platforms. The speaker calls for viewers to subscribe to their channel to stay informed about these developments. He also references the success of platforms like Parler and the business model of paying content creators for exclusive content as potential solutions to the issue of censorship on tech platforms.

    • Deep State Connections in Political ScandalsThe deep state, a network of influential individuals, has been involved in major political scandals, including Spygate, the Mueller investigation, and the impeachment hoax. Connections between figures like Mary McCord and Adam Schiff highlight the intertwined nature of the deep state and its impact on political events.

      The deep state, a group of interconnected individuals with power and influence, keeps resurfacing in major scandals, including Spygate, the Mueller investigation, and the impeachment hoax. A recent example is John Castle's article about George Soros's ties to anti-law and order District Attorneys, which led to backlash against religious discrimination, even though Soros's religion was not mentioned. One notable connection is between Mary McCord, who supervised an attorney involved in interviewing Christopher Steele's source during the Obama and Trump Administrations, and Adam Schiff, who later hired her to advise on impeaching the president. These connections highlight the intertwined nature of the deep state and the significance of understanding its influence on major political events. Painting a life, on the other hand, offers a meaningful and personal way to cherish special moments with a custom hand-painted portrait. With a user-friendly platform, affordable prices, and a money-back guarantee, it's an excellent gift option.

    • Connections between figures in various investigationsDespite complex web of relationships and potential coordination within deep state, gun control remains a challenge for Chicago despite strict laws

      During the impeachment hearings, there were numerous connections between individuals involved in various investigations, including those related to the Ukraine scandal and the Clinton email case. These connections extended to people like Abigail Grayson and Sean Misko from the National Security Council, who were friends with the fake whistleblower, and Bob Mueller's former Chief of Staff, John Carlin, who supervised some of these individuals. Additionally, figures like Fiona Hill, who testified against Trump in the impeachment hearing, and Strobe Talbot, a former journalist and Clinton associate, were also connected to these investigations. These interconnected relationships between individuals and their roles in various investigations suggest a complex web of relationships and potential coordination within the deep state. However, during debates on gun control, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot argued that the city's strict gun laws are effective, yet gun crime remains a problem. This argument, that gun control works but gun crime persists, is a common one for Democrats, but it doesn't hold up to scrutiny as gun laws in Chicago are among the strictest in the country.

    • Misconception about the source of illegal guns in ChicagoDespite some politicians' claims, most illegal guns in Chicago do not come from states with no background check laws. Instead, many originate from within the state itself, such as Illinois.

      The issue of illegal guns in Chicago and other cities is not primarily due to states with no background check laws, as some politicians claim. Instead, a significant number of these guns originate from within the state itself. For instance, Illinois is the leading source for recovered guns in the state. This misinformation is used to justify calls for stricter gun control measures. Meanwhile, President Trump is advocating for school choice and the redirection of education funding to parents if schools remain closed, allowing them to choose the educational setting that best suits their child's needs.

    • Teachers unions vs continuing educationThe closure of schools due to the pandemic raises concerns over job losses for teachers and a shift towards alternative education. It's important to find a solution that prioritizes both safety and education, with unity and collaboration among all parties.

      The closure of schools due to the ongoing pandemic is a contentious issue, with teachers unions advocating for safety measures while others argue for the importance of continuing education. The speaker, Dan Bongino, expresses his concern that the prolonged closure of schools could lead to a loss of jobs for teachers and a shift towards alternative education options. He urges teachers to consider the potential consequences of their actions and the importance of finding a solution that prioritizes both safety and education. Bongino also emphasizes the need for unity and collaboration, rather than hostility, in finding a solution to the issue. He concludes by expressing his support for teachers and the importance of education, urging everyone to work together to find a way forward.

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