
    This Video Explains The Lib Meltdown Over Elon (Ep 1740)

    enApril 05, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Cultural Shift Towards Socialist Principles and Threats to Traditional ValuesThe left's control of schools and corporate boards is promoting radical agendas, threatening traditional values and our constitutional republic. It's crucial to regain control and focus on core values of faith, family, freedom, and capitalism.

      We're witnessing a cultural shift towards socialist principles, censorship, and totalitarianism, driven in part by the left's control of schools and corporate boards. The Elon Musk buyout of Twitter and the Disney controversy are connected pieces of this larger story. The loss of conservative influence in these spheres has led to the promotion of radical and divisive agendas, threatening our traditional values and the future of our constitutional republic. It's crucial that we understand how we arrived at this juncture and take action to regain control, focusing on our core values of faith, family, freedom, and capitalism. Companies like Shopify, which prioritize their customers and offer them flexibility and security, can help us navigate this challenging time.

    • Influence of Large Investment Firms on CorporationsLarge investment firms wield significant power over corporations through ETF ownership, pushing for left-leaning social agendas, impacting CEOs and citizens' investments without consent.

      Large investment firms, like BlackRock, have significant influence over corporations through their ownership of ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds). These firms manage trillions of dollars in assets and use their voting power to push companies towards left-leaning social agendas. This issue is often overlooked, but it can impact CEOs in public companies who find themselves under pressure from both progressive employees and these investment firms. Ultimately, the everyday citizens who entrust their money to these institutions are the ones being influenced without their knowledge or consent. This complex issue was discussed in detail by Vivek Ramaswami on a recent Fox show.

    • BlackRock's Influence on CompaniesBlackRock, as a large investment firm, holds significant power to impact companies' performance through buying and selling stocks. Fink's preferences can influence companies to align with his views, and executives' compensation tied to stock options amplifies this power dynamic.

      Larry Fink and BlackRock, as a large investment firm, hold significant power due to their ability to buy and sell stocks, which can significantly impact companies' performance. Fink's stated preferences for certain policies and behaviors can influence companies to align with his views. Additionally, executives and board members who are paid in stock options rather than income risk losing their compensation if the stock price doesn't reach a certain level. This creates a power dynamic where Fink's decisions can have significant consequences for both companies and individuals. The discussion also touched upon the potential consequences of uncertainty in markets and the perceived messiness of democracies compared to totalitarian governments.

    • Left's control over public conversation through censorshipThe left's need for censorship to maintain power and silence opposing viewpoints is causing them to focus on taking over corporate boards, with Elon Musk's Twitter stake being a significant threat

      The left's agenda relies heavily on censorship, and they have been actively taking over corporate boards to maintain control over public conversation. Elon Musk's recent acquisition of a near 10% stake in Twitter poses a significant threat to this censorship regime, as it could potentially disrupt the left's ability to silence opposing viewpoints. The left's need for censorship stems from their fear that unfettered free speech could challenge their power and potentially lead to the collapse of the system. Corporate boards matter because the income of executives and major shareholders is often tied to stock options, making them vulnerable to the financial consequences of major shareholders selling their stocks. This dynamic explains why the left has been focusing on taking over corporate boards and why Elon Musk's involvement in Twitter is causing such a meltdown. The left's control over public conversation through censorship is essential for their agenda to move forward, and the potential loss of this control is a significant blow to their efforts.

    • Discussion on censorship of free speech on tech platformsGrowing concern over tech companies' censorship of free speech, with examples from Russia-Ukraine war, January 6th events, climate change, and elections. Elon Musk's Twitter acquisition seen as potential game-changer, Google's new feature flagging discriminatory language in Google Docs also mentioned.

      There is growing concern over the censorship of free speech on various tech platforms, with companies like Google, YouTube, and Facebook cracking down on content deemed misinformation or inappropriate. This was discussed in relation to the Russia-Ukraine war, January 6th events, climate change, and upcoming elections. Elon Musk's recent acquisition of Twitter stock has been seen as a potential game-changer, as some believe he could use his influence to restore free speech on the platform. Additionally, Google's new feature to flag potentially discriminatory or inappropriate language in Google Docs was mentioned as another example of censorship. The discussion also touched on the alignment of tech companies with leftist politicians and investors pushing for censorship. Conservatives are now calling on Musk to use his position to restore former President Trump's Twitter account. The importance of this issue is highlighted by the fact that many people are turning to alternative platforms like Truth Social due to dissatisfaction with the censorship on mainstream tech platforms.

    • Power struggle between free speech and censorship on social mediaElon Musk's investment in Twitter could shift the platform towards free speech, but potential consequences include being delisted from other tech companies and major impacts on future of social media and access to information.

      The left's use of censorship to control the narrative and indoctrinate people is causing major concerns for those advocating for free speech, like Elon Musk. Musk's recent investment in Twitter, which makes him the largest individual shareholder, has the potential to shift the platform towards a free speech model, but this could lead to consequences such as being delisted from other tech companies like Apple, Google, and Amazon, who have a history of removing platforms that don't align with their ideologies. This power struggle between free speech and censorship could significantly impact the future of social media and the information people have access to.

    • Musk's Twitter acquisition and free speech dilemma for big techMusk's potential Twitter acquisition and push for free speech could create legal repercussions if big tech bans similar conservative platforms, potentially leading to market loss and difficulty in starting liberal alternatives.

      Elon Musk's potential acquisition of Twitter and his push for free speech could create a significant dilemma for Apple, Google, and Amazon if they choose to ban conservative voices or platforms in the future. This issue stems from the fact that if Twitter, which has looser terms of service regarding free speech, is not banned, then other conservative platforms with similar policies cannot be banned without legal repercussions. This could potentially lead to a loss of market presence for these platforms if they are removed from app stores. Additionally, the failure of past attempts to create liberal alternatives to dominant platforms highlights the challenges of starting over from scratch. Overall, Musk's involvement in Twitter could significantly alter the landscape of big tech and the app store ecosystem.

    • Conservatives Building Alternative Digital EcosystemsConservatives are creating their own digital ecosystems due to perceived bias in mainstream media and social platforms. The success of alternative payment processing services like Parallel Economy is a sign of this trend.

      The digital landscape is increasingly polarizing along political lines, with conservatives feeling disenfranchised by mainstream media and social platforms. In response, conservative investors and organizations are building alternative ecosystems. The speaker, Joe Bongino, emphasizes this trend and shares his personal experience with superior sheets from Bolin Branch as a metaphor for the superiority of the parallel economy being built. The Twitter-Elon Musk situation is seen as a significant moment in America, with the Democrats' push for censorship and lack of self-reflection criticized. The speaker is excited about an upcoming announcement regarding a prominent conservative and the success of their payment processing service, Parallel Economy. Despite the challenges, the speaker remains optimistic, encouraging listeners to stay focused on the big picture and keep building.

    • Democrats struggle to connect with voters on key issuesThe Democrats' unwillingness to address inflation, crime, and pandemic restrictions, along with their reliance on censorship and entitlement mentality, is unlikely to win back voters, particularly those in the Hispanic community.

      The Democratic Party is struggling to connect with the average American voter due to their inability to address key concerns such as inflation, crime, and pandemic restrictions. Despite mounting evidence from focus groups and public opinion, the Democrats seem unable or unwilling to change their stance on these issues. Instead, they are turning to censorship and entitlement mentality to maintain their base. This approach is unlikely to win back voters, particularly those in the Hispanic community who value social conservatism and oppose socialism. The Democrats' inability to adapt to changing public sentiment and prioritize the concerns of everyday Americans could lead to further losses in the midterms and beyond.

    • Democratic Party's focus on culture warsThe Dems face backlash for focusing on culture war issues, hypocrisy exposed on censorship and BLM, and voter trust erodes due to perceived disconnect from domestic concerns

      The Democratic Party is facing significant backlash from voters due to their perceived focus on culture war issues over domestic concerns. This was highlighted in a discussion about Jen Psaki's response to a question about the age at which children should be taught about sexual orientation and gender identity. Despite criticism and shifting voter sentiment, the Democratic Party continues to double down on these issues, which some see as an attempt to appease their radical leftist base and big money donors. The hypocrisy of the party, particularly regarding issues like censorship and the BLM movement, has also been exposed through social media, further eroding trust and support from voters. The Democrats' inability to self-reflect and address these concerns is contributing to their hemorrhaging of voters, despite their efforts to spend more money and ignore inflation.

    • Perceived disconnect between activist wealth and economic struggles of supportersCritics argue that some activists, despite promoting equality and wealth redistribution, face skepticism for their personal financial gains, potentially harming trust among certain voter groups.

      There's a perceived disconnect between the wealth accumulated by some political and social activists, like those associated with the Black Lives Matter movement and its founders, and the economic struggles faced by many of their supporters. Critics argue that these figures, who espouse Marxist ideologies emphasizing equality and redistribution of wealth, seem to contradict their own beliefs through their personal financial gains. This dissonance may contribute to growing skepticism and disillusionment among certain voter groups, such as Hispanics, who have experienced the negative consequences of Marxist and socialist regimes firsthand. The inability or unwillingness of these figures to self-reflect and address this perceived hypocrisy may further erode public trust and support.

    • Americans Profited from Ukraine ConflictDuring the first Russian war on Ukraine, some Americans, including the Bidens, formed business relationships with both pro-Russian and pro-EU figures, received payments, and used their influence to pass legislation, creating a complex web of financial transactions and political maneuvering that highlights the corrupt nature of Washington's swamp class.

      During the first Russian war on Ukraine, Hunter Biden and other Americans sought to cash in on the conflict by forming business relationships with both pro-Russian and pro-European Union figures. These Americans, including the Bidens, received payments from both sides and then used their influence in Congress to pass legislation. This intricate web of financial dealings is detailed in Dan Bongino's book, "Follow the Money," specifically in the chapter titled "Insane in Ukraine." The Ukrainian conflict served as an "ATM for swamp rats" for decades, and Hunter Biden was one of those individuals who benefited from this situation. The delicate balance of aligning with both Russian and Ukrainian interests left these Americans vulnerable to the political and military shifts in the region. Additionally, George Soros is also implicated in these dealings, as his teams and organizations appear to have influenced prosecution decisions based on business interests. The Hillary Clinton yacht seizure is another significant part of this story, which Dan Bongino will delve into further in an upcoming show. Overall, this complex network of financial transactions and political maneuvering highlights the corrupt nature of Washington's swamp class.

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