
    Ep.527 The Alienation of America by Cultural Elitists

    enAugust 17, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Concerns over Fringe Elements Influencing National PolicyExtremist groups like racist and antifa are dictating national policy, threatening rational discourse and societal progress.

      We are at a critical point in the country where fringe elements are influencing national policy. Dan Bongino expressed concern over the coverage of events like Charlottesville, where he felt rational conversation was lacking. He believes that extremist groups, such as racist and antifa groups, are dictating policy, as mentioned by Tucker Carlson. This is a dangerous trend, according to Bongino, and it's important for reasonable and rational discourse to prevail in order to move forward as a society. Additionally, Bongino shared a personal update on his love for his new Raptor truck.

    • Blurred lines between private and public censorship of hate speechSubjectivity of hate speech can lead to dangerous censorship, American values support opposing hate groups with speech, and starting your own platforms is a solution

      The line between private and public censorship of supposed hate speech is becoming increasingly blurred, and this can be dangerous. Yesterday, various tech and social media companies took action against content they deemed hate speech, which is understandable. However, the problem lies in the subjectivity of what constitutes hate speech and the potential for this designation to grow and expand. It's important to acknowledge that groups that judge people based on characteristics they cannot control, such as race or place of birth, are problematic and go against American values. But the solution to this problem should not be private and public censorship, as this can lead to a slippery slope. Instead, the answer lies in more speech, counteracting these groups with alternative viewpoints, and starting your own platforms. The recent events involving Apple's involvement in censorship put many in a difficult position, highlighting the importance of this issue.

    • Apple's Donation to SPLC and Controversial Hate Group DesignationsApple's donation to SPLC could set a precedent for companies using hate group lists to restrict business dealings, potentially infringing on individual freedoms and leading to misuse for private and public censorship

      The designation of hate groups by organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) can be subjective and expansive, potentially leading to controversial groups being unfairly labeled and even blacklisted. Apple's donation to the SPLC, despite concerns over its expanding definition of hate groups, could set a precedent for companies using these lists to restrict business dealings with certain organizations and individuals. This could have far-reaching consequences, such as legal firearms companies being blacklisted for selling firearms to law-abiding citizens. The potential for misuse of these lists for private and public censorship raises concerns about a slippery slope towards infringing on individual freedoms. It's crucial to ensure that such designations are based on clear and objective criteria, rather than political ideology or disagreements.

    • Expanding hate group definition risks alienating peopleInstead of stigmatizing entire groups, focus on progress, inclusivity, and shared history for productive national discourse

      Expanding the definition of hate groups to include political opponents creates a divisive and alienating environment. This approach risks stigmatizing entire groups of people, including those with no connection to hate speech or discriminatory practices. Instead, focusing on recognizing and learning from the past, celebrating the progress made, and fostering a collective sense of human imperfection and shared history could lead to a more productive and healing national discourse. It's crucial to remember that not everyone from a particular region or background holds the same beliefs as those who have historically caused harm, and it's essential to avoid shunning and stigmatizing individuals based on their geographic location or ancestry. By fostering a more inclusive and understanding society, we can move forward together and address the complex issues facing our nation.

    • Divisive political climate leading to alienationEncourage open dialogue, use labels responsibly to avoid further polarization and alienation of large groups.

      The current political climate is becoming increasingly divisive, with the left labeling those with opposing views as hate groups and engaging in a shut-down of dialogue. This approach is leading to the creation of an alienated class of people who feel their political views are not valid and are being shut out of business arrangements and social media platforms. Normal political discourse, where differing opinions can be debated, is being replaced by a focus on countering hate speech. However, this approach risks further fueling anger and radicalization among those being labeled. It's crucial for open and honest dialogue to be encouraged and for labels to be used responsibly to avoid further polarization and the alienation of large groups of people.

    • Comparing charter schools, vouchers, and school choice to segregationThe debate over educational options like charter schools and vouchers continues, with strong opinions and potentially divisive language, highlighting the importance of accurate reporting.

      The debate surrounding charter schools, vouchers, and school choice continues to be a contentious issue, with strong opinions on both sides. Randy Weingarten, the head of the American Federation of Teachers, compared supporters of these educational options to being "only slightly more polite cousins of segregation." Meanwhile, the New York Times is facing a lawsuit from Sarah Palin over an op-ed that wrongfully linked her to the 2011 shooting of Gabby Giffords. The Times, instead of apologizing, is doubling down on their stance. These incidents highlight the importance of accurate reporting and the potential for divisive language to further polarize the education and political landscapes. It's crucial to approach these topics with nuance and understanding, recognizing the potential benefits and challenges associated with each perspective.

    • Liberals' Cultural Influence vs. Republicans' Political PowerLiberals' use of hate speech labels may alienate potential supporters, while Republicans gain political power. Liberals should reconsider their approach.

      The cultural and political power dynamics in the US have shifted, with liberals dominating cultural institutions but losing political power. The speaker argues that liberals have used their cultural influence to label those who disagree as hate speech deniers or racists, creating a hostile environment that alienates potential supporters. Meanwhile, Republicans have gained political power, with control over government institutions. The speaker encourages liberals to reconsider their approach, as the endless insults and expansion of the hate speech label to include those with differing opinions may be driving away potential allies and contributing to the political success of conservative candidates.

    • Political Divide and Consequences for DemocratsThe Democratic Party's punitive approach to politics is leading to a loss of power outside of urban areas, and the consequences will only get worse.

      The current political climate in America is deeply divided, and the winning side is not content with reconciliation but rather seeks to punish the losing side. This approach, according to the speaker, is leading to a severe backlash against the Democratic Party, resulting in a loss of political power outside of urban areas. The speaker urges the Democratic Party to reconsider this approach and focus on building bridges instead of widening the divide. The consequences of this approach, the speaker warns, will only get worse. In other news, Brick House Nutrition offers a product called Dawn to Dusk, which provides a steady release of energy without the usual highs and lows, making it a great choice for those who need long-lasting energy throughout the day.

    • Obamacare's Profitable Loophole: Taxpayer-Funded BailoutsObamacare's bailouts create a lose-lose situation for taxpayers, either funding insurance companies or subsidizing premiums.

      The Trump administration's decision to continue making illegal monthly payments, or bailouts, to health insurance companies under Obamacare rules has led to a situation where taxpayers are stuck paying either way. If the payments stop, insurance companies may raise premiums, leading to more government funding for subsidies. This strategic move by the architects of Obamacare allows them to profit while continuing to criticize health insurance companies. The only solution, according to the speaker, is to repeal Obamacare entirely. Despite the fact that taxpayers are subsidizing these companies due to Obamacare, liberals continue to support the law and attack health insurance companies. It's a lose-lose situation for taxpayers.

    • Appreciation for audience support amidst challengesDespite censorship and blacklisting, the speaker remains committed to providing conservative content through CRTV and encourages audience to subscribe. Frustrated by inconsistent content moderation policies, he emphasizes the importance of fighting for free speech.

      The speaker is deeply grateful for the support of his audience, especially in the face of perceived censorship and blacklisting of conservative content. He was humbled by the large number of responses to a survey and the positive reviews on iTunes for his podcast. Despite these challenges, he remains committed to providing high-quality conservative content through CRTV and encourages his audience to subscribe. He also expressed frustration with the inconsistent application of content moderation policies by platforms like Facebook, where a fake page impersonating him was allowed to post hateful content while real conservative content was being removed. The speaker believes it's important to fight for free speech and fair treatment, even if it comes with personal risks.

    • Double standard in enforcing social media rulesSocial media platforms have inconsistently applied rules, allowing some groups to advocate for violence while removing others based on political affiliation, raising concerns about fairness and equality.

      There seems to be a double standard when it comes to enforcing rules on social media platforms, specifically regarding conservative and left-leaning groups. The speaker expresses frustration over the removal of a conservative group, Facebook Anonymous, while groups advocating for violence or controversial causes are allowed to remain. He believes that advocating for violence should result in immediate removal, regardless of political affiliation. The speaker also points out the hypocrisy of allowing certain groups to be absolved of responsibility due to their perceived resistance or cause. This inconsistency in application of rules raises concerns about fairness and equality on these platforms.

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