
    Are Vtubers Authentic? | Interview with Ironmouse!

    en-usMay 16, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing internal growth for connectionFinding supportive communities and embracing who we are, even in unconventional ways, can lead to meaningful connections and personal growth.

      Focusing solely on changing the outside aspects of ourselves to connect with others may not be the most effective solution. For those struggling with feelings of loneliness and self-acceptance, it's important to recognize that internal growth can be just as important as external changes. Ironmouse, a VTuber, shares her personal journey of using virtual streaming as a means to overcome her health issues and social anxieties. She initially started streaming as a character to make friends and found comfort in the online community. The pandemic further isolated her, but it also brought more people online, leading to a significant growth in her audience and the ability to make a living through streaming. Ironmouse's story highlights the importance of embracing who we are and finding supportive communities, even if it means stepping outside of our comfort zones in unconventional ways.

    • Streaming as a tool for personal growth and connectionStreaming can help individuals with health issues or other challenges find community, express themselves, and build meaningful relationships, leading to personal growth and a newfound sense of identity.

      Community and self-expression through streaming can lead to personal growth and a newfound sense of identity and connection for individuals who may have previously felt isolated and embarrassed due to health issues or other challenges. The speaker, who has a primary immune deficiency disease called CVID, shared how they have felt like an outsider and an alien due to their condition, which made it hard for them to feel normal and connect with others. However, through streaming, they have been able to communicate more effectively, build meaningful relationships, and feel less judged based on their medical devices or differences. This experience highlights the potential for technology to provide new avenues for self-discovery and connection, especially for those who may have previously felt marginalized or excluded from mainstream society.

    • Feeling isolated and not normal with chronic illnessChronic illness can lead to feelings of isolation, shame, and not fitting in. Society's expectations can add to the trauma, but introspection and acceptance are crucial parts of the journey.

      Living with a chronic illness can lead to feelings of isolation and not fitting in with societal norms. This can result in a sense of not being normal and even shame or self-deprecation. Society places value judgments on milestones in life, and when individuals are unable to meet these expectations, they may be judged or ostracized. People with chronic illnesses often have a lot of time to reflect on their experiences and identity, which can lead to deep introspection and self-discovery. However, the process of dealing with a chronic illness can be traumatic, as individuals may feel like they're losing their freedom and abilities. Acceptance and adapting to the changes that come with a chronic illness can be challenging, but it's an essential part of the journey.

    • Embracing loss and finding new sources of happinessThough loss and adversity can be difficult, with time and determination, it's possible to find new sources of happiness and fulfillment. Acceptance and focusing on what we can control are key to moving forward.

      Experiencing loss and adversity can be a challenging and scary process, but it can also lead to growth and self-discovery. As shared in the conversation, when faced with the loss of something meaningful, such as a dream or a part of oneself, it can be difficult to accept and move forward. However, with time and determination, it's possible to find new sources of happiness and fulfillment. For instance, the speaker in the conversation had to give up her dream of becoming an opera singer due to her condition, but she found solace in streaming and connecting with others. She learned to accept her situation and focus on what she could control, ultimately leading her to find joy in unexpected ways. This experience highlights the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of staying open to new possibilities.

    • Exploring the Complexity of Ordinary People through Virtual PersonasVirtual personas allow individuals to express their true selves and explore emotions, even when they feel trapped or disconnected in reality.

      Our experiences, whether real or perceived, shape who we are and how we express ourselves. The speaker, who uses the persona of a mouse as a VTuber character, shares how she has felt trapped and disconnected from the world, much like her character being trapped in a box in hell. However, she has found a way to connect with others and live her best life through her streaming persona. This blurring of lines between reality and fiction allows her to explore her dark humor and emotions, which she feels are often heightened in her virtual persona. Ultimately, she encourages us to consider the depth and complexity of seemingly ordinary people and the ways in which we all grapple with our own unique struggles and desires.

    • Pressure to be healthy in a Catholic householdGrowing up in a religious household intensified the speaker's feelings of guilt and responsibility for her parents' emotional well-being due to their expressiveness and cultural beliefs.

      The speaker's awareness of being alive and the impact of her condition on her family began when she was around 4 years old. Growing up in a Catholic Puerto Rican household, she felt a lot of pressure to be healthy and alleviate her parents' worries due to their emotional expressiveness and Catholic guilt. Her parents tried various methods to heal her, but their desperation and increasing anxiety only added to her guilt and sense of responsibility for their stress. The speaker now takes care of her parents to make their old age comfortable as a way to make up for her difficult childhood.

    • The complex journey towards self-love and acceptanceConnecting with others and learning to accept ourselves can be powerful steps towards self-love. Self-love is a journey, not a destination, and focusing on reactions to things beyond our control can help us move towards a more positive mindset.

      The journey towards self-love and acceptance is not always a straightforward process. It can be a long and complex journey, especially when we are met with external pressures to fix ourselves or be a certain way. This pressure can sometimes reinforce feelings of brokenness and self-hatred, making it even harder to love ourselves. However, connecting with others and learning to accept ourselves for who we are, despite our imperfections, can be a powerful step towards self-love. It's important to remember that self-love is not a destination, but a journey, and it's okay to be in the middle of it. Additionally, accepting the reality that sometimes things are out of our control and focusing on how we react to them can help us move towards a more positive mindset. The process of self-love and acceptance may be challenging, but it's a worthwhile journey towards greater self-compassion and happiness.

    • Finding Authenticity WithinThrough the struggles of life, some people find authenticity by looking within themselves instead of trying to change their external appearance to fit in.

      Despite the challenges and struggles we face in life, some people are able to find authenticity and connection by looking within themselves, even when external changes are not an option. The speaker admires the interviewee, or "Mouse," for their ability to be authentic behind a mask as a VTuber, and how they've managed to turn the concept of hiding behind a mask on its head to reveal their true selves. The speaker also acknowledges the universal human experience of suffering and feeling like an outsider, and how some people may get stuck in negative patterns, such as focusing on changing the outside to fit in. However, the speaker admires how Mouse has gone internally to find acceptance and move past feelings of loneliness and self-upset. This internal journey is a reminder that sometimes the only place to look for change is within ourselves.

    • Forming Connections in the HospitalDespite challenges, hospital experiences can lead to meaningful connections, fostering personal growth and alleviating feelings of isolation.

      Despite going through challenging experiences, such as extended hospital stays, people can form meaningful connections with others, even if they feel like outsiders at the time. These connections can have a profound impact on personal growth and development. The hospital environment, with its unique dynamics, can create powerful bonds between individuals, but the transient nature of such encounters can make them feel like a parallel universe. Despite feeling different or being unable to do certain things, recognizing and cherishing these connections can help alleviate feelings of isolation and suffering.

    • Authenticity and vulnerability lead to deeper connectionsExpressing emotions authentically can lead to deeper connections and a sense of belonging, despite societal norms and limitations.

      Authenticity and vulnerability can lead to deeper connections and a sense of belonging. The speaker shared their experiences of living with illness and the challenges of expressing their emotions, especially in public spaces. They mentioned the societal norm of asking "how are you?" and responding with a generic "I'm good," which can hide the complexities and struggles of human experiences. The speaker also discussed the desire for physical connection, like hugs, and how societal rules can limit that expression. Despite these challenges, the speaker emphasized the importance of being authentic and sharing experiences, which can lead to deeper connections and a reduction in feelings of loneliness.

    • Navigating faith, identity, and community online and offlineOnline communities can provide authentic connections and a deeper sense of self, even amidst differences in beliefs. Personal experiences and expectations can shape our sense of identity and connection to others.

      Despite the challenges and hardships faced in life, some individuals find solace in the authentic connections formed through online communities. These connections can even lead to a deeper sense of self and a belief in something greater, even if one's beliefs differ from others. The speaker shares her personal experience of feeling disconnected from her family's religious beliefs but still holding onto a belief in something beyond herself. She also reflects on the impact of being told she would always be "okay" by her parents, which left her feeling sad and disconnected from their expectations for her. Ultimately, the speaker's experiences highlight the complex ways in which individuals navigate faith, identity, and community, both online and offline.

    • The Absence of Parental Expectations: A Double-Edged SwordClear expectations and goals are vital for personal growth and motivation, while their absence can leave one feeling aimless and despairing.

      The absence of parental expectations and the pressure to achieve can be devastating for a child, leading to feelings of terror and hopelessness. The speaker shares their personal experience of growing up with high expectations and then suddenly having them removed, which left them feeling lost and unmotivated. They felt compelled to work harder than average to prove their worth and feared the consequences of complacency. Despite the challenges, the speaker found solace in streaming and VTubing, which provided them with a new goal and a sense of community. In essence, having clear expectations and goals can be essential for personal growth and motivation, while their absence can lead to feelings of aimlessness and despair.

    • Embracing Unique Circumstances for Personal GrowthAccepting ourselves and our circumstances, believing in others' potential, and practicing self-care can lead to personal growth and happiness.

      Embracing our unique circumstances and abandoning the pressure to conform to societal norms can lead to personal growth and happiness. The speaker's journey of dealing with health issues and finding self-care despite the challenges is a powerful reminder that we don't have to be perfect to live meaningful lives. Moreover, giving up on people and their potential can be devastating, while providing them with responsibilities and believing in their abilities can lead to positive changes. The speaker's experience with her parents also highlights the importance of being there for those who have supported us, even when roles reverse unexpectedly. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of self-acceptance, resilience, and empathy.

    • Navigating changing family rolesAs children grow up and parents adjust to new roles, communication and understanding are key to maintaining healthy relationships. Parents and children can become 'colleagues' or equals, but this transition can be difficult for both parties to accept. Developing a healthy relationship with anger is also important in family dynamics.

      As children grow up and become more independent, it can be challenging for parents who have always been the caretakers to adjust to new roles. This is especially true when the child's success or independence comes as a surprise. The speaker in this conversation expresses gratitude for her parents' love and care, but also feels confused about how to show her love and appreciation without taking care of them in the same way they have always done. The concept of parents and children becoming "colleagues" or equals in a relationship can be difficult for both parties to accept, especially when the parent has spent a long time in the caretaker role. Additionally, the speaker mentions the importance of developing a healthy relationship with anger, which can be a complex emotion to navigate in family dynamics. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of communication and adjustment in maintaining healthy relationships as family roles shift over time.

    • Caregiving relationships and suppressed angerIn caregiving relationships, guilt and beliefs can suppress anger. It's important to acknowledge and express anger in a healthy way to prevent emotional buildup.

      In caregiver-care receiver relationships, particularly those where the care receiver grew up recognizing the impact of their health on their parents, anger is often absent due to feelings of guilt and the belief that expressing anger would be unfair or unloving. However, it's important to recognize that anger is a natural emotion and not expressing it can lead to emotional buildup. It's crucial to allow oneself to feel and express anger in a healthy way, without blaming oneself or others for having these feelings. Understanding the reasons behind the fear or discomfort with anger can help in normalizing and expressing it in a constructive manner.

    • Fear of intense emotions and dissociation as coping mechanismsIndividuals who fear certain emotions, like anger, may lack experience or familiarity with them. Dissociation, or feeling detached, can be a protective response to overwhelming emotions. Understanding these responses is normal, but addressing underlying causes and developing healthy coping mechanisms is important.

      Fear of certain emotions, such as anger, can stem from a lack of experience or familiarity with them. This fear can be particularly strong in individuals who grew up in environments where they were not taught how to deal with intense emotions. Dissociation, or the feeling of being detached from one's emotions or surroundings, can be a protective mechanism used to cope with overwhelming emotions. It's important to understand that these responses are normal and can be beneficial in helping individuals manage and process difficult emotions. However, it's also important to acknowledge and address the underlying causes of these fears and work towards developing healthy coping mechanisms. Additionally, seeking support from trusted individuals or professionals can be helpful in managing and overcoming these fears.

    • Understanding Dissociation and MeditationMental awareness and the ability to observe thoughts as separate entities from consciousness is crucial for good mental health. Dissociation, a state of detachment from one's mind, can be likened to meditation and is a sign of healthy mental functioning. However, excessive engagement in thoughts can lead to mental illness.

      During the discussion, it was revealed that the speaker's unique ability to understand dissociation during their psychiatric training was reminiscent of meditation. Dissociation is described as a state where one feels detached from their mind, similar to being on autopilot. The speaker also shared their personal experience of this feeling. They explained that consciousness and mental activity are separate entities, and the ability to observe one's thoughts is a sign of good mental health. However, when one becomes too engrossed in their thoughts, they risk developing mental illness. The speaker used the example of psychotic delusions, where a person's thoughts and reality become indistinguishable. As one's mental health improves, they gain the ability to recognize their thoughts as distorted and separate themselves from them. The speaker ended by sharing their fear of meditation due to past traumas and the fear of being overwhelmed by their thoughts. In essence, the discussion highlighted the importance of mental awareness and the ability to separate oneself from one's thoughts for good mental health.

    • Focus on personal growth before meditation for trauma survivorsTrauma survivors should prioritize personal growth and positive life direction before attempting meditation due to protective walls built in the mind.

      Everyone's internal landscape is unique and has its challenges. For individuals with a history of trauma, meditation may not be the best approach due to the mind's natural inclination to build protective walls. These walls serve as a defense mechanism against potential emotional turmoil. Instead, it's essential to focus on personal growth and ensuring that life is moving in a positive direction before considering delving deeper into introspection. This approach allows individuals to build a strong foundation and prepare themselves for potential emotional challenges. It's crucial to respect one's own pace and trust instincts when it comes to personal growth and self-care.

    • Understanding trust issues and fear of vulnerabilityTrust and openness take time and effort, but can lead to deeper relationships. Past experiences and societal expectations can cause trust issues and fear of vulnerability.

      Trust and openness in relationships can be challenging for some people due to past experiences and expectations. The speaker in this conversation acknowledges having trust issues and a fear of burdening others with their struggles. They've had past experiences where people have stopped supporting them during difficult times, leading to a fear of trusting and being vulnerable. It's essential to understand that these feelings are not uncommon and can stem from various reasons, including personal experiences and societal expectations. The key is to recognize these feelings and work on addressing them when the time is right, as the speaker plans to do by beginning to trust certain individuals in their life. It's essential to remember that building trust and openness takes time and effort, but the rewards can lead to deeper, more meaningful relationships.

    • Supporting friends through challengesBeing a compassionate friend means offering support and understanding, allowing friends to handle their own burdens while growing deeper connections.

      Being a compassionate friend doesn't mean shielding others from the challenges of life. It's natural to want to protect those we care about, but the reality is that we all face hardships and burdens. The price of friendship includes being there for each other through the ups and downs. It's important to remember that everyone has their own capacity to handle situations, and it's not our place to judge or hold them to unrealistic expectations. Instead, we should offer support and understanding, giving people the chance to show they're worth the investment. It's not always an easy journey, but trusting and being vulnerable with others can lead to deeper, more meaningful connections. Friendship isn't about making our lives better in a net sense, but rather about sharing the load and growing together.

    • Sharing imperfections builds relationshipsAuthenticity and vulnerability help build meaningful relationships by allowing others to accept us, even with our struggles and imperfections. Self-compassion is crucial in understanding our worth and deserving love and friendship.

      Being authentic and vulnerable with others, even when we feel scuffed or imperfect, is essential for building meaningful relationships. The speaker shares that when we only present the polished version of ourselves, we may never give others a chance to truly accept us. By sharing our struggles and imperfections, we can feel loved and accepted in return. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of self-compassion and understanding that we deserve love and friendship, regardless of our circumstances. The journey towards accepting this truth can be challenging, but ultimately, it is worth the effort.

    • Embracing Authenticity and ResilienceDespite life's challenges, stay true to yourself and find meaning in your experiences. Authenticity and resilience can help us overcome adversity and find purpose.

      Despite the challenges and struggles in life, it's important to stay authentic and keep pushing forward. The speaker in this conversation, Miles, shares his experience of feeling like an outsider and being denied a normal life due to his health conditions. However, instead of giving up, he found a unique way to connect with people and carve his own path through life as a VTuber. This conversation highlights the importance of authenticity and resilience in the face of adversity. It's a reminder that while life may not always go as planned, we can still find meaning and purpose in our experiences. So, even when it feels like the last boss is the toughest one yet, keep trying, keep getting good, and most importantly, stay true to yourself.

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