
    Are You a Young Artist Looking For a Path? Listen to this... w/ Lil Yachty

    enOctober 14, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Believe in yourself and be your own biggest fanSelf-confidence is crucial for success, but it's important to respect the market and find a balance between belief in oneself and market realities.

      Believing in yourself and being your own biggest fan is crucial for success. According to Gary Vee, once you have self-esteem and don't care about the cheering or booing, you've won. However, it's important to respect the market and find a balance between self-confidence and market realities. Many people desire fame and wealth, but not everyone truly believes they can achieve it. In fact, there are likely more people who hold themselves back than those who genuinely believe in their abilities. Ultimately, true positivity comes from within and requires a healthy balance of self-confidence and market awareness.

    • Misconception of Money and Fame bringing HappinessMoney and fame do not guarantee happiness and can't cure deeper emotional struggles. Focus on self-love, positivity, and self-worth.

      Money and fame do not guarantee happiness and can actually expose deeper emotional struggles. People often misunderstand this concept, believing that having wealth or recognition will solve their sadness or negativity. However, this is not the case. Depression and negative thoughts can affect anyone, regardless of their financial situation or public image. It's essential to recognize that these feelings are often instilled in us by external influences, such as family or societal expectations. To overcome these thoughts, it's crucial to understand that you are not the negative self-talk in your head. Instead, it's essential to be your biggest fan and work on self-love and positivity, regardless of external validation or criticism. Remember, people don't fully know you, and their opinions should not define your worth. Lastly, it's important to be aware of the potential downside of admiration, as it can make us vulnerable to the negative reactions that come with fame or success. Instead, focus on staying true to yourself and maintaining a strong sense of self-worth.

    • Stay true to yourself for authentic creative workFind balance between confidence and humility, take risks, and remember success doesn't come overnight. Stay authentic and vulnerable for best results.

      Staying in your creative "pocket" and being true to yourself is crucial for producing great work. This means finding the right balance between confidence and humility, and being willing to take risks even if it means potential failure. The first projects or creative endeavors often resonate so much because they come from a place of authenticity and vulnerability. However, for those who are struggling and feeling impatient, it's important to remember that success doesn't come overnight. Consider how long you've been at it and how many attempts you've made. It's also possible that you might not be good at it yet, and that's okay. The world of entrepreneurship can be deceiving, as not everyone is transparent about their wins and losses. Keep pushing forward, stay true to yourself, and keep putting yourself out there.

    • Staying true to yourself is crucial for success in music and entrepreneurshipIn music and entrepreneurship, staying original and focused on your unique vision is essential for success. Diversify your inspirations and collaborate with industry legends to broaden your horizons and stand out.

      In both music and entrepreneurship, staying original and focused on your unique vision is crucial for success. Currently, we're in the early stages of entrepreneurship, much like the honeymoon phase of rap, where people are more concerned with appearances and less focused on substance. However, this will change, and the emphasis will shift to tangible results and profitability. Similarly, in music, it's essential to find a balance between being inspired by others and remaining original. Listening to a diverse range of genres can broaden your horizons and prevent you from sounding like a copycat. Additionally, reaching out to industry legends could lead to unexpected collaborations and opportunities. Ultimately, staying true to yourself and your vision is the key to standing out in any field.

    • Unexpected collaborations between artists from different genres and generationsCollaborating with legends can expand fan bases, create a global reach, provide personal fulfillment, and leave a lasting legacy. These collaborations can lead to unexpected and memorable results.

      Collaborations between artists from different genres and generations, especially those considered legends, can lead to unexpected and impactful results. These collaborations often expand fan bases and create a global reach, as seen with artists like Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga, or K-pop and Latin trap artists. Collaborating with legends can also provide personal fulfillment and create a lasting legacy. The unexpected nature of these collaborations can lead to a sense of excitement and wonder, making them memorable and impactful. It's important to remember that legends are legends for a reason, and their contributions to music are invaluable. Collaborating with them can lead to a fun and rewarding experience, both personally and professionally. So, don't be afraid to reach out and try to make those unexpected collaborations happen. You never know what kind of magic you might create.

    • Understanding audience opinions shapes decisionsEmpathy and listening to audience trends can lead to identifying emerging opportunities and success

      Successful individuals, like the speaker in this conversation, often rely on understanding the opinions and trends of their audience to inform their decisions and actions. This can be seen in the speaker's approach to consuming comments on social media before listening to new music or jumping into a trend, such as buying sports cards. By paying close attention to the thoughts and perspectives of others, the speaker is able to identify emerging trends and capitalize on them before they become mainstream. This approach requires empathy and a willingness to listen, but can lead to significant opportunities and success. The speaker's ability to identify the intersection of gambling, fatherhood, and sneaker culture in the sports card market is a prime example of this strategy in action.

    • The allure of finding hidden gems and making profits in collectingCollecting has become a profitable hobby, with people constantly seeking valuable items to buy and sell in sports cards, sneakers, art, and technology. The excitement of the chase and potential for huge profits motivate this trend.

      The world of collecting, particularly sports cards and sneakers, has become a significant part of our entrepreneurial culture. People are constantly on the lookout for valuable items to buy and sell, turning a hobby into a potential source of income. The allure of finding a hidden gem and making a profit is a powerful motivator. This culture is not limited to sports cards and sneakers, but also extends to other areas such as art and technology. The potential for huge profits, the excitement of the chase, and the desire to flex and show off are all factors that contribute to the popularity and growth of this trend. The next step may be the rise of social media as a platform for showcasing valuable collections, much like MTV Cribs or Instagram stories, where a single cosign from a prominent figure could send the value of a collectible item soaring.

    • Investing in Rare Pokemon Cards: A Lucrative MarketLimited supply and high demand for rare Pokemon cards can lead to substantial returns. Gradings determine value, and the market is currently underpriced for certain players.

      Investing in rare Pokemon cards, similar to baseball cards, can potentially yield significant returns due to their limited supply and high demand. The value of these cards is determined by grading companies and can increase drastically over time. The speaker sees potential in this market because of the hype surrounding sports and the desire for collectors to "flex" their possessions. Rare basketball cards, such as Michael Jordan's rookie card, have already shown substantial price increases and could continue to do so. Additionally, the speaker believes that the market for these cards is currently underpriced for players like Magic Johnson and Shaquille O'Neal.

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    Check Out or Host/Guest:

    YouTube: Aarthi and Sriram's Good Time Show

    IG: @aarrhir and @sriramk

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    P.S. It might be time to bring back Tea with GaryVee. Tweet me and let me know your thoughts!

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    Text Me: 212-931-5731

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    Thank you!