
    Podcast Summary

    • Differentiate Your Business with Unique ValueFocus on providing value beyond similar products/services by saving time, clear value proposition, and unique approaches to content and presentation.

      In order to stand out from competitors and avoid being commoditized, it's essential to focus on providing value beyond just a similar product or service. This can be achieved by saving customers time through efficient organization and technology, as well as having a clear and articulate value proposition. It's important to remember that consumers don't care about the behind-the-scenes aspects of a business, they're looking for a better option that meets their needs. By understanding and communicating the unique value that your business offers, you can differentiate yourself and attract more customers. Additionally, continually challenging yourself to try new approaches to content and presentation can help keep your business fresh and engaging.

    • Adding value beyond the basicsStrive to exceed customer expectations by adding value and justifying pricing through innovation and differentiation

      Focusing on providing value and understanding why customers would pay for your product or service at a certain price is crucial for business success. The speaker emphasized the importance of challenging yourself to add value beyond the basics, and using examples like live streaming sports games on Twitch to illustrate this concept. He also suggested looking to local colleges or universities with sports broadcasting programs for potential content and talent. The cost of providing these additional values can be minimal or even free, making it a worthwhile investment for businesses. The speaker's experience in understanding the importance of price and value from his childhood experiences in a liquor store and baseball card business shaped his perspective on business and innovation. Overall, the key takeaway is to always strive to add value and exceed customer expectations to justify your pricing and differentiate yourself from competitors.

    • Justifying Price Increases: Unique Services, Untapped Markets, and New OpportunitiesExplore existing opportunities before pursuing new ones, offer unique services or products, identify untapped markets, leverage a business as a platform for discovery, and manage costs and time effectively to justify price increases

      There are various ways to justify raising prices in a business, such as offering unique services or products, and identifying untapped markets or opportunities. For instance, in the context of sports broadcasting, providing detailed stats and trading cards for athletes could add value and justification for higher prices. Another opportunity lies in leveraging a business as a platform for discovery, like showcasing local restaurants to a captive audience. Expanding into new markets, despite the challenges, can also lead to growth and increased revenue. Ultimately, it's essential to fully explore and maximize the potential of existing opportunities before pursuing new ones. Additionally, understanding the cost of goods and perceived value, as well as managing time effectively, are crucial elements for business success.

    • Unexpected opportunities through networking and open-mindednessStay open-minded and approachable to meet new people and discover unexpected opportunities. Persist through challenges and remain committed to personal growth.

      Networking and open-mindedness can lead to unexpected opportunities and significant personal growth. The speaker shared a personal story about discovering his love for the New York Jets through a chance encounter and later attending a Gary Vaynerchuk event, which had a profound impact on him. He emphasized the importance of being approachable and engaging with everyone, regardless of their perceived importance, as you never know who you might meet or what opportunities might arise. The speaker also highlighted the importance of staying focused and persistent through challenges, as he faced legal issues in the premium SMS industry which took him out of the game for six years, but eventually led him to work with a Harvard neuroscientist and focus on personal development. Overall, the speaker's message was to embrace new experiences and connections, and to stay committed to personal growth, even during difficult times.

    • Maximizing revenue through personalized interactionsUnderstand the value of each interaction, utilize data to optimize revenue, build a team of individuals who can deliver high-value interactions, and remain adaptable to industry changes.

      Success in business, especially in the digital content creation space, comes down to understanding the value of each interaction and utilizing analytics to maximize revenue. This was evident in the speaker's experience of helping a struggling content creator make a significant income through personalized guidance and intellectual conversations. However, as the industry evolved and the speaker's company grew, they faced new challenges in maintaining that success with a larger, more mature audience. The speaker emphasizes that in the face of these challenges, it's important to go back to the basics and focus on the micro-level interactions that drive revenue. This can be achieved by building a team of individuals who can replicate the speaker's approach and consistently deliver high-value interactions with audiences. The speaker also highlights the importance of being adaptable and willing to go back to the roots of what made the business successful in the first place. Ultimately, success in business comes down to understanding the value of each interaction and utilizing data to optimize revenue, while remaining adaptable and willing to evolve with the industry.

    • Respecting confidentiality, acknowledging tech impact, and innovating are key in businessConfidentiality, acknowledging AI's impact, continuously innovating, and considering consumer products are essential strategies for business success

      In business, particularly in the content creation industry, there are several important considerations when it comes to sharing knowledge and strategies. Firstly, respecting confidentiality and not revealing too much information to competitors is crucial to avoid being "out of business" before someone else does. Secondly, acknowledging the potential impact of technology, specifically AI, on the industry is essential. Lastly, continuously innovating and adapting to changing market conditions is vital for long-term success. Additionally, considering starting a consumer product and navigating the transition from a niche, high-end service to a more widespread distribution model were suggested as potential areas of focus. The speaker's experience and success in the industry, as evidenced by working with high-profile clients, demonstrate the importance of these strategies.

    • The Future of Content Creation is DecentralizedDecentralized platforms like the blockchain will dominate content creation and brand building as creators prioritize autonomy and avoid censorship on centralized platforms.

      The future of content creation and brand building lies in decentralized platforms like the blockchain. Centralized platforms like Twitch and Facebook will continue to exist but the best will eventually shift to decentralization as they extract attention from centralization. This is due to the fear of being banned and the inevitable outcome of the world's media landscape. Emily, who has been in the service business for a long time, emphasizes that creators should have good spatial awareness and prioritize their time wisely. She also shares her experience of building a personal brand in the real estate space and the challenges of scaling in that industry. Now, she's exploring podcasting as a new avenue for growth. Decentralization is the future, and it's a trend that creators and brands should keep an eye on.

    • Expanding Beyond Your NicheDecide on focus based on passion or knowledge, expand reach, communicate value, and explore new opportunities while staying true to core message.

      As a content creator or personal brand, it's essential to understand your unique capabilities and communicate effectively about various topics. Gary Vaynerchuk, for instance, started making content about more than just wine, leading him to insights about human behavior and communication. He emphasized that individuals should decide what they want to focus on based on passion or knowledge, and that having a clear niche doesn't mean being limited to it. Instead, creators can expand their reach and integrate various interests while still maintaining their core expertise. The Renaissance man or woman approach is valid, and individuals should not worry about being too diversified as long as they can effectively communicate their value to their audience. Additionally, there are always new opportunities and platforms emerging, and creators should be open to exploring them while still staying true to their core message.

    • Exploring new industries through unconventional meansA money manager's podcast leads to new business opportunities in social media portfolio management, demonstrating the importance of adapting and embracing change.

      Expanding a business into a new industry can present a significant opportunity, even if it seems unconventional. A money manager, who has seen success through a podcast, is looking to scale his business and bring in a partner. The podcast has unintentionally led to him signing up new clients each week. Despite initial concerns about potential competition and crossover, the lack of competition in the social media space for portfolio management is seen as a white space opportunity. The consumer's perception and acceptance of a brand can outweigh past experiences or perceived conflicts of interest. Ultimately, individuals can evolve and adapt, both personally and professionally, and should not fear change or the potential confusion it may bring. The clarity and observation gained through conversation can provide valuable insights and help individuals make informed decisions about their future.

    • Maximizing attention through day trading and storytelling on LinkedInConsistently film and post-produce content, stream live on LinkedIn, utilize storytelling, and consider paid advertising for increased reach and measurement.

      Maximizing attention and reaching a wider audience involves day trading attention by being consistent, filming and post-producing content, and streaming it live, especially on LinkedIn. This social media platform, which is often underutilized, offers organic reach and a unique business-minded audience. Storytelling remains key in growing a brand, and while organic content has been successful for many businesses, paid advertising is now being explored for added reach and measurement. Streaming platforms like Twitch and Netflix have shown significant results in increasing awareness and maturing a brand.

    • Navigating Business Shifts Amidst Changing LandscapesExplore new opportunities on social media for growth, commit fully, and maintain a balance between organic and paid reach.

      The business landscape has changed significantly since the pandemic, with services businesses experiencing a decline as people return to pre-pandemic activities. This shift has left many businesses, like a wine company in the speaker's father's case, struggling to maintain sales levels. However, there are opportunities for growth through organic reach on social media platforms like TikTok and LinkedIn. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being open to new opportunities and committing fully to them, as he regrets not going all-in on TikTok earlier. Additionally, while organic reach is important, it shouldn't be demonized to the point of ignoring paid advertising. Businesses should strive for a balance between the two and build their marketing capabilities internally when possible.

    • Embracing change and innovation in content creationStay adaptable and open to new ideas to keep up with changing consumer preferences and platform trends.

      Constantly questioning why your business is using certain platforms and finding new ways to create content is essential for success. The speaker emphasizes the importance of Pinterest and YouTube shorts for businesses due to their large user bases and search capabilities. He also mentions the challenge of adapting to new platforms like TikTok and the importance of trying different content styles to keep audiences engaged. The speaker encourages business owners to push past creative ruts and find new ways to distribute content, such as podcasts or audio recordings. He uses the analogy of introducing new characters to revitalize tired sitcoms to illustrate the need for change and innovation in content creation. Overall, the key takeaway is to remain adaptable and open to new ideas in order to keep up with changing consumer preferences and platform trends.

    • Staying true to your roots while growing a businessPatiently evolve while staying authentic, seize external opportunities, and maintain control of your projects.

      Growing a business involves adapting to new situations and learning from past experiences. Gary Vaynerchuk shares how he kept the core of his business, which started in 2005, while incorporating corporate strategies and structures as he grew. He emphasizes the importance of being patient and staying true to your roots, even as you evolve. Another key point is the value of external opportunities and evaluating when to bring things in-house. In the context of their conversation, they discussed the potential of starting a YouTube show and the importance of being prepared to seize external opportunities while maintaining control of your own projects. Additionally, they touched on the challenges of scaling a business, particularly in industries where small companies struggle to compete with larger holding companies.

    • Breaking down large offerings into smaller piecesSmall and large sales require similar effort, adaptability and pivoting are crucial, and gaining wisdom from older generations is valuable.

      The cost of entry and the size of a sale do not necessarily determine the effort and difficulty in making a sale. Both small and large sales require similar effort and dedication. However, breaking down larger offerings into smaller, modular pieces can provide clarity and help determine the viability of a business idea. The speaker also emphasized the importance of adaptability and pivoting when faced with challenges, using the example of Nintendo's shift from trading cards to technology. Additionally, the speaker shared his personal interest in wisdom and experience, and his intention to donate his time to retirement homes to capture valuable insights from older generations.

    • Reviving the Value of ExperienceEntrepreneurs should embrace experience, expand direct-to-consumer businesses, and adapt to market changes to thrive in a shifting market.

      We're entering an era where wisdom and experience will regain momentum in business, particularly for younger entrepreneurs. The speaker believes that trading on experience is about to become valuable again and encourages aggressive selling against the trend of modularization. He also suggests that entrepreneurs should consider repackaging their businesses in response to market changes, using the example of the shift from print Yellow Pages to digital search engines. The speaker, a 20-year digital veteran, emphasizes the importance of expanding direct-to-consumer businesses and improving user-generated content. Overall, the message is that change is inevitable, and entrepreneurs should be prepared to adapt and thrive in a shifting market.

    • Understanding and adapting to target markets through cohortsAdapt to evolving target markets by using cohorts for tailored strategies. Expand beyond email and content to paid ads, especially on social media, to stay competitive in digital marketing.

      Understanding and adapting to your target market through the use of cohorts is crucial for successful marketing. Cohorts are a flexible and evolving tool that allows businesses to tailor their approach based on quantitative and qualitative data. Initially, it may seem that a specific demographic is the target audience, but as feedback and data are analyzed, the cohort may expand or contract. It's important to remain open to new possibilities and adjust strategies accordingly. Additionally, while email marketing and content creation are essential, expanding into paid advertising, particularly on social media platforms, is crucial as attention shifts towards those channels. The era of digital marketing is rapidly evolving, and businesses that fail to adapt and create enough content risk being left behind. This shift can be compared to the transition from radio to television advertising, where companies that held on to outdated strategies missed out on significant growth opportunities.

    • The Importance of Consistent Content for Organic Social Media PresenceConsistently producing unique and compelling content is key to building a strong organic social media presence. Opportunities for distribution on platforms like Walmart and Amazon exist for successful content creators.

      In today's digital world, having a compelling organic social media presence is crucial for business success. Traditional methods of gaining exposure through magazines or TV shows are no longer enough. The speaker emphasizes the importance of producing consistent content, particularly through a daily or weekly podcast, to engage audiences and build a strong online presence. He also highlights the opportunities for distribution through platforms like Walmart and Amazon, which now come to successful content creators. The speaker's advice is to focus on developing a unique and compelling social media presence, while also recognizing that being a public figure is not for everyone and that one can choose to be in and out of the public eye as desired. The speaker's belief is that the future lies in human-based content and that those who don't succeed in this area will be surpassed by similar businesses in the coming years.

    • Effective content creation requires effort beyond software toolsTo succeed in content creation, use software tools to streamline processes but also invest time in creating a content library, utilizing AI for clippings, or hosting a podcast. Remember, the real work comes from putting in the effort to create and distribute valuable content.

      While software tools can help streamline content creation and distribution, they don't do the work for you. The real key to success lies in producing a large volume of content consistently. This can be achieved through various means such as creating a content library, utilizing AI for clippings, or even hosting a podcast. However, it's essential to understand that software is just a tool, and the real work comes from putting yourself in a position to create and distribute content effectively. For instance, prepping for a podcast or gathering a social crew can help increase productivity. Remember, everyone is busy, and making time for meaningful connections, whether it's with friends or content creation, is crucial. So, while software can make the process more efficient, it's up to you to put in the effort to create and share valuable content.

    • Creating content with friends leads to opportunities and deeper connectionsCollaborating with friends on content creation fosters community and valuable content, while also allowing for quality time together.

      Creating content with friends can lead to unexpected opportunities and deeper connections. By setting up regular gatherings where everyone brings a specific item, such as a bottle of whiskey or a certain type of beverage, you can film content that resonates with your audience and foster a sense of community. This not only results in valuable content but also allows you to spend quality time with friends. It's essential to be self-aware and understand what puts you in the best position to create as much content as possible. While shoot days are important, it's equally crucial to find ways to supplement them with consistent content creation. Ultimately, content is your answer to building a strong online presence and engaging with your audience.

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    • Roger’s first job was as a boutique assistant when he was studying in London. He would go out and source accessories for the boutique to sell. He realised that there was a huge mark-up and he could be doing this himself and be making a lot more money. He started Mulberry with a singer sewing machine with his mother and girlfriend and he soon went global.

    • Pivoting is a key part to any successful business and entrepreneur and Roger has demonstrated this many times over, including riding the 1980s recession by creating collections based on what had previously worked and designing Mulberry home products when people started travelling less in the 80’s/90’s.

    • Key to Roger’s and Mulberry’s success was recognising that it wasn’t sustainable to be at the top of fashion season in, season out. What he did instead was create a brand and products that stayed with people. One of his biggest success stories was the Mulberry planner, as this meant people would see the Mulberry brand every day and would also come back to Mulberry each year for the new inserts.

    • Roger has had his own share of incredibly tough times, including be ousted from the brand he built and created.

    • You don’t have to ‘stay in your lane’ in business. Roger started in fashion, moved over to homewares, then hotels, onto food and more. Being able to adapt and do so with passion, energy and knowing your customers and audience is key.

    • Opportunities don’t often drop into your lap, you have to be creative and make them happen yourself. You can get through tough times by putting your ego aside and doing what it takes to come out the other side, keep adapting, keep improving and focus on the end goal.



    “The 70s are where everything changed and fashion became what we know today”


    “Belts were the handbags of today, every season they changed shape”


    “That was crippling none of us had experienced anything like it before”


    “How do I maintain control?”


    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com