
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring daily efficiency and societal norms through technology and fashionTechnology enhances daily tasks and societal norms have evolved throughout history, impacting fashion and personal preferences.

      Technology, like Voice Over on the iPhone, can make daily tasks more accessible and efficient. Meanwhile, the discussion also touched upon the evolution of fashion and undergarments throughout history, revealing interesting insights into how societal norms have changed. Another intriguing topic that emerged was the topic of bra sex, sparked by a reference to a scene in the TV show "True Detective." The conversation emphasized the importance of individual preferences and the role aesthetics play in our experiences, whether it's through technology or personal choices. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the versatility of the English language and the endless opportunities it provides for exploration and learning.

    • Portrayal of sex and underwear in mediaDiscussion explored comfort, preference, and accuracy in depicting intimacy and undergarments in media, with personal experiences and differing opinions shared.

      The representation of sex and underwear in media continues to be a topic of discussion and debate. During a podcast conversation, the hosts and their guests shared their thoughts on the portrayal of sex scenes and the use of undergarments in TV shows. While some argued that it's unlikely for actors to keep their bras on during sex scenes due to the nature of the scenes, others shared personal experiences of keeping their bras on during intimate moments for comfort and preference. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the accuracy of TV shows in depicting fashion trends from past decades. The conversation also included a listener email about romance scams and another one sharing a humorous experience during a medical appointment. Overall, the podcast episode highlighted the complexity and diversity of experiences and perspectives when it comes to intimacy and media representation.

    • Dealing with Suspicion of Online Romance FraudApproach with sensitivity, encourage open communication, and offer support when dealing with suspicion of online romance fraud.

      Online romance fraud can be a hidden and shameful issue for victims, often leaving families feeling helpless and concerned. The secrecy surrounding these relationships can raise alarm bells and lead to suspicion, especially when unusual behavior and financial transactions are involved. Power of attorney may provide some access to bank accounts, but it's unclear if it's effective in preventing or detecting scams. It's essential to approach the situation with sensitivity and understanding, acknowledging that the victim may be embarrassed or defensive. Encouraging open communication and offering support can be crucial in addressing the issue and helping the victim navigate the situation. If you have experience dealing with online romance fraud in your family, sharing your story and advice can be invaluable for others facing similar challenges.

    • Staying Vigilant Against ScamsBe aware of new scams, report suspicious activity, double-check communications, and don't feel ashamed if you fall for one.

      We all need to be vigilant against scams, especially towards older individuals. A family member of the speaker fell victim to a scam, losing a significant amount of money, despite believing the interaction was over. Scammers are becoming more sophisticated and cruel, and they can easily trick even the most cautious individuals. It's essential to be aware of new scams and to report any suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities. Even replying to a text or email can potentially lead to involvement in a major scam. Always double-check any communication before taking any action. Lastly, never feel embarrassed or ashamed if you fall for a scam. Instead, seek support from loved ones and report the incident to the relevant authorities. Remember, no one is immune to these scams, and they can happen to anyone.

    • Recognizing a Relationship's EndDon't invest in relationships that don't value or respect you. Prioritize your own happiness and well-being by surrounding yourself with people who care.

      Being in a relationship where you feel like you're the second priority and your feelings aren't being respected is not worth the time and energy. The speaker in this text has been in a long-term relationship where her partner has been unfaithful and has moved out, leaving her feeling lonely, heartbroken, and unsure of her future. Despite his promises and requests for patience, she has found evidence of his infidelity and feels that she deserves better. It's important to recognize that difficult situations, especially those involving relationships and family, can be even more challenging for women, particularly during crucial life stages like starting a family. If you find yourself in a similar situation, it may be time to consider your own happiness and well-being and make a change. Don't waste your time and energy on a relationship that doesn't value you. Instead, surround yourself with people who respect and care for you, and remember that you deserve to be treated with love and respect.

    • Focus on possibilities, not sadnessEmbrace personal growth and seek out positive experiences after difficult times, as everyone's future behavior isn't defined by past actions.

      During difficult times, it's essential to focus on the possibilities of what comes next rather than dwelling on the sadness. Although it may be challenging to believe, there's always a chance to meet someone new who could bring happiness and fulfillment. The speaker emphasizes that people's actions don't necessarily define their future behavior, and it's important to remember that everyone's experiences are unique. While some may have had successful relationships after an affair, others may struggle with trust. Ultimately, it's essential to prioritize personal growth and seek out positive experiences. As the speaker suggests, "it's what comes next that defines a decision."

    • Tim Key's Inspiration for 'I'm Your Nick' PoemTim Key draws inspiration from everyday experiences and conversations for his poetry, resulting in relatable and humorous pieces.

      Tim Key, an actor and comedian, uses everyday experiences and situations for inspiration in his poetry. During an interview, he shared a poem he wrote about auditioning for the role of former BBC Royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell in The Crown. The poem, titled "I'm Your Nick," came from a conversation with a friend about the possibility of him playing the role. Key's poetry is known for its dry humor and lack of rhyming. Throughout his career, he has had various acting roles, including as Steve Coogan's sidekick on North Norfolk Digital and in the BBC 2 comedy, The Witch Finder. The interview provided insight into Key's creative process and the relatable experiences that inspire his poetry.

    • Fear and determination lead to new creative avenuesEmbrace fear and explore new creative outlets, drawing inspiration from past experiences and everyday life.

      Fear and determination can lead individuals to explore new creative avenues, even if they initially seem daunting. The speaker in this conversation shares her experience of transitioning from stand-up comedy to poetry performance, despite feeling intimidated by the prospect of standing alone in front of an audience. She found inspiration in her past experiences and the desire to challenge herself, ultimately discovering a new passion for poetry. Additionally, the speaker mentions that her poetry is influenced by a diverse range of subjects, from the mundane to the surreal, and that she often finds inspiration in her surroundings and everyday life. Through this conversation, we can appreciate the importance of embracing fear and exploring new creative outlets, as well as the power of observation and imagination in inspiring art.

    • Beyond initial impressionsLook past surface-level judgments to discover the unique charm and history of places and people

      First impressions can be deceiving. The discussion touched upon the perception of certain places and brands, like "Fat Face" and Canterbury, which may seem unremarkable or even negative at first glance. However, upon closer inspection, they hold unique charm and history. This was exemplified through the speaker's experiences with Cambridge Footlights, where he initially felt like an outsider due to his email address, but ultimately found success. The city of Canterbury, despite its rough patches, has a rich history and cultural significance. The speaker's anecdotes about witnessing violence in the city center and the presence of a cathedral illustrate this complexity. Ultimately, it's important to look beyond initial impressions and explore the depth and nuance of people, places, and experiences.

    • From outsider to insider in Cambridge FootlightsThe speaker's experience in Cambridge Footlights led him to form close friendships and find success in acting, despite the contrasting attitudes towards performing arts at Sheffield University and Cambridge.

      The speaker's experience in the Cambridge Footlights, a comedy society, was transformative. He started as an outsider, but through chance encounters and opportunities, he became part of a close-knit group of friends and even found success in acting. However, the speaker also noted the stark contrast between the casual attitude towards performing arts at Sheffield University and the more elite and entitled atmosphere at Cambridge. Despite the challenges, he didn't express anger but rather a sense of observation and acceptance. Another significant development in the speaker's career was the film project he worked on with Carey Mulligan. The film, which was about a millionaire hosting his favorite musician on an island, had been filmed, but its release was predicted to still be some time in the future. The speaker also shared that they were currently dealing with a title dispute, adding to the uncertainty of the project's timeline.

    • Tim Key discusses his poetry and experiences in the entertainment industryTim Key shares stories about working with notable figures, expresses uncertainty about poetry label, and plans to share new poems inspired by dog walks during pandemic

      Learning from this conversation with Tim Key is his experiences working in the entertainment industry and his reflections on poetry. During the discussion, he mentioned his ongoing project, "Chapters," and the upcoming release of his poetry. He also shared stories about working with notable figures such as Steve Coogan and his experiences with intimidating yet unimpressive individuals. Key expressed his uncertainty about what constitutes poetry and his lack of confidence in labeling his own work as such. Despite these uncertainties, he plans to share some of his poems, inspired by his dog walks during the pandemic, in future interviews. Additionally, he shared an amusing anecdote about an author, Helene Tursten, whose name he had difficulty pronouncing during a previous interview. Overall, the conversation provided insights into Key's perspective on his creative process and his experiences in the entertainment industry.

    • Book club members share contrasting opinions on 'An Elderly Lady Is Up to No Good'Some found Helene Tursten's book disappointing, while others appreciated its cleverness and layers, sparking a lively discussion about scam situations and relationships.

      The book "An Elderly Lady Is Up to No Good" by Helene Tursten has sparked divided opinions among book club members. While some found it disappointing, others appreciated its cleverness and layers, comparing it to the film "American Fiction." The group also shared a humorous experience during a road trip, expressing their disbelief and disgust towards men who urinate on the motorway. The discussion then shifted to offering advice for those dealing with potential scam situations involving elderly parents or being trapped in an affair. Overall, the episode showcased the diverse perspectives and experiences of the book club members.

    • Expressing gratitude and inviting listeners to explore more contentJane and Fee thank their listeners for tuning in and recommend checking out Times Radio for more content. They also share their gift-giving tip using Celebrations Passport from 1-800-Flowers.com for free shipping and rewards.

      Jane Garvey and Fee Glove, the hosts of the Off Air podcast, express their gratitude to their listeners for tuning in and invite them to listen to Times Radio for more content from Monday to Thursday. They also mention Rosie Cutler as their producer and Henry Try as the podcast executive producer. Additionally, they share a tip about using IOS to control app access to your location. Furthermore, they highlight their gift-giving skills and recommend Celebrations Pass from 1-800-Flowers.com as their go-to site for shopping. With Celebrations Passport, they enjoy free shipping on thousands of gifts and earn more perks and rewards with each purchase. To learn more and enhance your gift-giving experience, visit 1800flowers.com/acast. In essence, Jane and Fee appreciate their audience and share valuable insights on podcast listening and gift-giving. They encourage listeners to explore more of their content and make their gift-giving journey more rewarding.

    Recent Episodes from Off Air... with Jane and Fi



    Jane and Fi are away all this week so we're bringing you a special two-part live episode from their show at The Crucible Theatre in Sheffield. In this half, they answer audience questions and discuss retirement, worst interviewees and hand out some highly-coveted tote bags.

    Jane will be back on Monday with a special guest presenter (normal service resumes on Tuesday)...

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    LIVE AT CROSSED WIRES FESTIVAL: Part One (with Richard Coles)

    LIVE AT CROSSED WIRES FESTIVAL: Part One (with Richard Coles)

    Jane and Fi are away all this week so we're bringing you a special two-part live episode from their show at The Crucible Theatre in Sheffield. They're joined on stage by Richard Coles to discuss his latest novel 'Murder at the Monastery'. They discuss fake tan, who God would vote for and getting mistaken for Dumbledore...

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    60 is just a number and a Freedom Card (with Tom Bower)

    60 is just a number and a Freedom Card (with Tom Bower)

    Jane and Fi are about to break up for their summer holidays but there's much to cover before that... In this episode Jane and Fi discuss funeral flowers, Dora's needs and Colin and Connie. Plus, Mystic Garv makes one more appearance before Jane goes on her holidays... Sit tight for that.

    Also, Jane speaks to biographer and journalist Tom Bower about his new book 'The House of Beckham: Money, Sex and Power'.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Not in birthday month, please. (with Jill Halfpenny)

    Not in birthday month, please. (with Jill Halfpenny)

    The festivities continue for Jane's impending birthday with several Colins en route - no expense has been spared! After she's finished opening some cards, they discuss blushing, draughts and Jane's toes.

    Plus, Jane speaks to actress Jill Halfpenny about her memoir 'A Life Reimagined: My Journey of Hope in the Midst of Loss'.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    But Princess Anne never did sidesaddle! (with Ashley John-Baptiste)

    But Princess Anne never did sidesaddle! (with Ashley John-Baptiste)

    Jane is reflecting on her upcoming birthday and Fi has some hard truths about the milestone... They also chat riding sidesaddle, cruises and retirement plans.

    Plus, Fi speaks to BBC reporter Ashley John-Baptiste about his memoir 'Looked After: A Childhood in Care'.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Making noises getting off the sofa...

    Making noises getting off the sofa...

    Mystic Jane is defending her predictions after a weekend of football. More to come on that front... They also discuss milestone birthdays, pro and cons of France and the lunch hour.

    Plus, Fi speaks to leading human rights barrister Susie Alegre about her book ‘Human Rights, Robot Wrongs’.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Your History: A new podcast from The Times

    Your History: A new podcast from The Times

    This Friday we're sharing an episode of a brand new podcast from The Times.

    It's called Your History, and each week it uses the obituary pages of The Times to tell the stories of important and fascinating lives. This week Anna Temkin, deputy obituaries editor at The Times, explores the lives of TV doctor Michael Mosley and pioneering astronaut Bill Anders.

    You can hear future episodes by following Your History wherever you listen to Off Air...with Jane and Fi.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    I think the orgy was in Welsh... (with Andi and Miquita Oliver)

    I think the orgy was in Welsh... (with Andi and Miquita Oliver)

    Jane and Fi are 'bigging up Britain' and some of their suggestions are a bit of a stretch... Do get in touch if you can do any better! They also cover wild wees, mass risotto and sizzling sausages.

    Plus, mother-daughter duo Andi and Miquita Oliver discuss the new series of their podcast 'Stirring It Up'.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Residents of Basingstoke! Consider Winchester!

    Residents of Basingstoke! Consider Winchester!

    Jane survived Redcar and she has some thoughts she'd like to share... brace yourselves! Then there's more motor-home tales, advice on ticks and a tiny bit of political chat (despite promises to the contrary).

    Plus, art historian Katy Hessel joins Jane to discuss her podcast 'Death of an Artist'.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Warning: May contain some politics (with Matt Chorley)

    Warning: May contain some politics (with Matt Chorley)

    In case you haven't heard (you must be the only one), Jane is in Redcar on the election bus. Times Radio's Matt Chorley fills in today as a double threat: co-presenter and guest. Fi and Matt chat wrap-around ads, shy righties and Trump.

    Our next book club pick has been announced! 'Missing, Presumed' is by Susie Steiner.

    If you want to contact the show to ask a question and get involved in the conversation then please email us: janeandfi@times.radio

    Follow us on Instagram! @janeandfi

    Podcast Producer: Eve Salusbury

    Executive Producer: Rosie Cutler

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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