
    Artificial intelligence for LinkedIn

    enApril 26, 2023

    About this Episode

    Artificial intelligence is a hot topic and is being used on LinkedIn by many users. Listen to
    @BRUCE Bixler and I discuss this new aspect for generating content. This 15-minute episode of B² Discuss LinkedIn will help introduce you to artificial intelligence.
    #jobseekers #careers #personaldevelopment

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    AI take 3

    AI take 3
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    #artificialintelligence #careers #personaldevelopment


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    @Bruce Bixler and I discuss this option for your profile. This 10-minute episode of B² Discuss LinkedIn will help decide whether to add this element to your job search. Send us a message If you have a question or topic you would like us to discuss,
    #jobseekers #careers #personaldevelopment

    Banner Background

    Banner Background
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    @Bruce Bixler and I discuss this element to promote your profile. This 12-minute episode of B² Discuss LinkedIn will help you add this important element. Send us a message If you have a question or topic you would like us to discuss,
    #jobseekers #careers #personaldevelopment

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    #socialmedia #careers #personaldevelopment

    Using Hashtags in Posting Activity

    Using Hashtags in Posting Activity
    Posting activity on #LinkedIn can be a great platform to get your message out. But do you take advantage of utilizing a relevant # and/or tagging an individual or company? A #LinkedIn feature that is helpful is discussed by @Bruce Bixler and me important topic to take your profile visibility to the next level in this episode of B² Discuss LinkedIn.