
    Asgardians: Odin, with George O'Connor

    enMarch 26, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Building connections within communitiesEmbrace resources and connections within communities to create social bonds, support each other through challenges, and pursue personal passions leading to growth and a more connected world.

      Building meaningful connections within your community can bring about a sense of security and preparedness, especially during uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer's network, emphasizes the importance of relying on the people around you to create social bonds and support each other through various challenges, including natural disasters. Author and illustrator George O'Connor shares a similar sentiment about the power of lifelong passions and interests, which can lead to incredible ventures, like his new graphic novel series about the gods of Asgard. Both Neighbor to Neighbor and O'Connor's work demonstrate the significance of embracing the resources and connections within our own communities and pursuing our passions, leading to personal growth and a more connected world.

    • Discovering Greek and Norse mythologies in childhood and being inspired by comicsThe speaker's fascination with Greek and Norse mythologies began in childhood and was fueled by their discovery of comic books featuring these mythologies, inspiring them to create their own series and pass on their love for mythology to their son.

      The speaker's deep interest and love for Greek and Norse mythologies were intertwined and fueled by each other during their formative years. The speaker was first introduced to Greek mythology in third grade and Norse mythology in sixth grade. Simultaneously, they discovered superhero comics, specifically Thor, which brought the mythologies to life in an exciting and engaging way. The speaker's fascination with these mythologies led them to read extensively about them and later inspired them to create comic book series based on the gods of both mythologies. The speaker's son also developed a strong interest in Greek mythology during the pandemic and the speaker wished they had had more resources available to them growing up. Overall, the speaker's love for mythology and comics were deeply interconnected and influenced each other throughout their life.

    • The D'Lairs' retelling of Greek mythology inspired the author's Olympians seriesThe author was captivated by the vibrant illustrations and cohesive narrative in the D'Lairs' book, which inspired him to reimagine Greek mythology in his own style and create the Olympians series

      The D'Lairs' retelling of Greek mythology in their illustrated book was a game-changer for the author, who was captivated by the vibrant illustrations and the cohesive narrative that brought together disparate threads of the myths. As a kid, the author struggled with understanding the complex stories and characters, so he redrew the myths in his own style, which later inspired his Olympians series. The D'Lairs' version of Greek mythology stood out from the stuffy, text-heavy books that failed to engage children. The author's son also appreciated the accuracy of the Olympians series compared to other adaptations, such as the MCU Thor movies. The author's upcoming books, Odin and Thor, promise to offer unique takes on the mythological characters, with Odin's book being a deeply weird and grim tale, while Thor is depicted as a delightful but muscled brute who loves to smash things. Overall, the D'Lairs' book sparked the author's fascination with Greek mythology and influenced his approach to retelling these ancient stories.

    • Odin's relentless pursuit of knowledgeIn Norse mythology, Odin, the god of wisdom, sacrifices an eye and hangs himself on a tree to gain knowledge, demonstrating his unquenchable thirst for wisdom.

      Odin, the Norse god, is defined by his insatiable thirst for knowledge. He goes to extreme lengths to gain wisdom, including sacrificing an eye and hanging himself on a tree. Norse mythology's wild and surreal elements, such as the creation story involving Ymir, can be challenging to interpret and visualize. However, they come together to form compelling stories, like the one about Odin's quest for knowledge. Unlike Greek mythology, Norse mythology has limited surviving material, mostly from the Christian era. The Poetic Edda and Prose Edda are the primary sources, and Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda provides unique storytelling perspectives. In the book "Odin," the reader is the protagonist, experiencing the mythology firsthand, adding to the immersive storytelling.

    • Bringing Norse Mythology to Life with Unique NarratorsNeil Gaiman's 'Norse Mythology' uses three distinct narrators to add depth, humor, and accessibility to ancient myths, making Odin's gods more relatable and memorable for modern audiences.

      The Norse mythology's concept of Valhalla, a heaven-like place for warriors, is brought to life in a unique way in the book "Norse Mythology" by Neil Gaiman. The authors' use of three distinct narrators, named High, Just as High, and 3rd, adds depth and personality to the myths, making the gods more relatable and memorable. These narrators, inspired by EC Comics characters and old illuminated manuscripts, provide different perspectives on the stories, highlighting various aspects of Odin's personality. The use of these narrators adds a sense of humor and intrigue to the tales, making the ancient myths more engaging and accessible to modern audiences. Additionally, the podcast episode features a community-building initiative called Neighbor to Neighbor, emphasizing the importance of building connections within neighborhoods. Astepro, a sponsor of the episode, is introduced as a fast-acting, steroid-free allergy spray that offers full prescription-strength relief from nasal congestion, runny and itchy nose, and sneezing within 30 minutes.

    • Filling in the gaps of ancient mythologiesCreativity and research are essential when dealing with missing pieces in storytelling, whether it's ancient mythologies or restoring old cars.

      Storytelling, whether it's through words or visuals, requires creativity and decision-making, especially when dealing with ancient mythologies and their missing pieces. For instance, when creating the "Asgardians" series, the author faced challenges in filling in the gaps of Norse mythology, such as the identities of Odin's brothers or the exact nature of the 9 worlds. These gaps can be frustrating but also offer opportunities for storytellers to use their imagination and research to create something new. Similarly, restoring an old car on eBay Motors requires elbow grease, patience, and a bit of creativity to ensure it runs smoothly and uniquely. Both endeavors require dedication and a willingness to explore the unknown.

    • The Myth of the War Between the Asgardians and the Vanir: A Tale of Two Gods and Their GoddessesAncient mythologies like Norse mythology offer room for interpretation, leading to unique variations of stories and gods, such as Freya and Frigg, from the Asgardians and Vanir.

      Mythologies, such as Norse mythology, are open to interpretation, and storytellers have the freedom to put their unique spin on these ancient tales. This is evident in the story of the Asgardians and the Vanir, two groups of gods with similarities but also distinct differences. The myth of the war between the Asgardians and the Vanir may have originated from the assimilation of two related groups of people who worshiped similar deities with slight variations in names. One intriguing aspect of this myth is the goddesses Freya and Frigg. Both are associated with the ability to see the future, and they share some similarities, leading some to speculate that they might be the same goddess. However, they are distinct entities in Norse mythology, with Frigg being the wife of Odin, the chieftain of the Aesir, and Freya being a goddess from the Vanir. This exchange of hostages after the war resulted in the presence of each other's gods in their respective realms, creating a multiverse-like concept where each realm represents a slightly different version of the same pantheon. By using this superhero logic, we can explore the richness and depth of these ancient mythologies and appreciate the creativity and freedom of interpretation that comes with storytelling.

    • Norse Mythology's Unique Afterlife for WarriorsNorse mythology's Valhalla offers an eternal battlefield for warriors, contrasting the Greek ideal of a peaceful afterlife.

      Norse mythology presents a unique and surreal world that is vastly different from our modern perspective. Unlike Greek mythology, which shares a relatable familial similarity, Norse mythology offers an alien and often violent universe. The Norse concept of Valhalla, an afterlife for warriors, is a prime example of this difference. While it may seem appealing to fight and feast every day, the eternal battle and constant violence may not be the ideal heaven for most people. The Norse gods and their actions, such as Tyr sacrificing his hand to bind Fenrir, offer intriguing insights into their beliefs and values. These stories illustrate the significance of these events within the larger context of the Norse pantheon and ancient Scandinavian culture. Despite the violence and bloodshed, these myths continue to fascinate and inspire us, offering a glimpse into a world that is both alien and captivating.

    • The magic of comics lies in their collaborative natureComics engage the reader's imagination and invite them to participate in the storytelling process, revealing new details and layers with each read.

      Storytelling, especially in comics, is a collaborative effort between the creator and the audience. The creator sets the foundation with words and illustrations, but the reader brings the story to life in their own unique way. This collaboration allows for a versatile and engaging storytelling medium that can be enjoyed on multiple levels, even by different age groups. The ancient Greek myths, for instance, were not just meant for entertainment, but also to explain the world around the people who believed in them. By sugarcoating or altering these stories, we risk losing their original meaning and significance. Instead, creators can use subtle hints and suggestions to convey complex themes without explicitly stating them. Moreover, a good comic is designed to be read multiple times, with each read revealing new details and layers. The first time, the reader might focus on the words, while the second time they might pay more attention to the illustrations. With each subsequent read, the reader discovers new connections and nuances, making the comic a rich and rewarding experience. In essence, the magic of comics lies in their ability to engage the reader's imagination and invite them to participate in the storytelling process. By recognizing the collaborative nature of comics, we can appreciate the depth and complexity of this unique storytelling medium.

    • Comics: The Interplay of Text and ImagesComics combine text and images for a unique storytelling experience, allowing readers to interpret the meaning through their own understanding of the interplay between words and pictures.

      Comics offer a unique storytelling experience by combining text and images into a single, cohesive whole. Unlike other media like novels or films, comics present the text and images together on the same page, allowing readers to experience both at once. This interplay between words and pictures creates a third pillar of understanding - the reader's interpretation based on both. Alan Moore's work, such as Watchmen, is a prime example of this, as the text and images often convey different meanings. The ability to easily flip back and forth between pages, as well as the use of page turns for dramatic reveals, further enhances the comic reading experience. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, serves as a reminder that building meaningful social bonds within our communities is essential, especially in uncertain times. For more information on how to get involved, visit caneighbors.com. Today's episode is brought to you by eBay Motors, your go-to destination for all your automotive needs.

    • Transforming challenges into opportunities for growthContinuously improve and innovate, like Odin, to discover new possibilities in technology through artificial intelligence.

      Just like transforming an old rusty car into something unique and personal, we can continuously improve and innovate, even in the face of challenges. Odin, the Norse god, exemplifies this by sacrificing himself to gain knowledge and understanding, leading to the discovery of the runes. Similarly, in the realm of technology, Intel is at the forefront of implementing artificial intelligence to create revolutionary advancements. Whether it's in medicine, retail, entertainment, or personal computing, the potential of AI is vast and ever-evolving. So, keep pushing boundaries, whether it's with your car or technology, and explore the possibilities that lie ahead. And remember, with eBay Motors, you can find the perfect parts for your ride, guaranteed to fit the first time, every time.

    • Bringing Static Scenes to Life in Comic BooksUse dramatic shots, extreme close-ups, acting through facial features, internal monologues, and color palettes to bring static scenes to life in comic books. Draw inspiration from mythology and unique character designs to distinguish your work.

      Bringing static scenes to life in comic books requires careful consideration and creative use of visual storytelling techniques. This can be achieved through a combination of dramatic shots, extreme close-ups, acting through facial features, and internal monologues. Even grim sequences can be made interesting if driven by curiosity and the relatability of the character. Another important aspect of comic book creation is the use of color palettes. While color was once an undervalued part of comics, it now plays a significant role in setting the tone and feel of a work. In the case of the "Asgardians" series, the creator made a conscious decision to work with an outside colorist to enhance the visual storytelling and bring new depth to the project. Additionally, drawing inspiration from mythology and mythological characters, the creator found a unique way to distinguish the Norns in "Asgardians" from their Greek counterparts by designing them to resemble the bog people, a European concept of preserved bodies with tanned leather skin found in peaty areas. This detail not only adds visual interest but also helps to distinguish the characters from their Greek counterparts.

    • Collaboration between writer and artist brings Norse mythology to life in AsgardiansClose collaboration between writer and artist results in visually stunning and faithful adaptation of Norse mythology in Asgardians series

      When creating a graphic novel series, such as Asgardians, the artist and writer collaborate closely to bring the vision to life. The writer provides detailed instructions on elements like color schemes and character appearances to convey the intended mood and reflect the mythology. For instance, in Asgardians, the writer requested that Asgardian skies never be blue, and that Thor have red hair and Odin have brown hair with gray streaks. These specific details help bring the Norse mythology to life in a unique way. Additionally, when coloring the giant Ymir, the artist aimed for a pale, pinkish hue to create an "enter zone" that wasn't completely alive or dead. Despite Norm O'Connor's inability to color the second book in the series, the collaboration between writer and artist resulted in a visually stunning and faithful adaptation of Norse mythology in Asgardians: Odin.

    • Upgrade your data management and car parts shoppingEmbrace the future by upgrading data management with Visible and shopping for affordable car parts on Ebay Motors

      It's time to upgrade your approach to data management and communication by switching to Visible@visible.com. Malcolm Gladwell from Revisionist History encourages us to embrace the new, and Visible offers a cost-effective solution. Meanwhile, if you're in the market for car parts, Ebay Motors is your go-to destination. With guaranteed fit and competitive pricing, you can breathe new life into your vehicle without breaking the bank. Whether you're in need of brake kits, LED headlights, or any other automotive essentials, Ebay Motors has you covered. And with their satisfaction guarantee, you can shop with confidence. So, whether you're revitalizing your data management practices or your beloved car, remember that the future is here, and it's time to embrace it. For more information on Visible's plans and terms, visit visible.com. And for eligible car parts, check out Ebay Motors at ebaymotors.com.

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    Links and resources:

    • Lobsterbird’s newest book: Level Up: Power Practices for Spiritual Superabundance by Sophia Remolde
    • The Spanish painter Salvador Dali remains one of the most controversial and paradoxical artists of the twentieth century, regarded by many people as synonymous with Surrealism itself. His famous works, quotes, and biography can be found here.
    • According to Norse Mythology for Smart People, Freya (Old Norse Freyja, “Lady”) is one of the preeminent goddesses in Norse mythology. Freya is famous for her fondness of love, fertility, beauty, and fine material possessions.
    • Sharing ancient medicine with the modern world, Liv Wheeler is a voice for the ancestors and the Kontomble. You can learn more about her work on Ancestorbridge.com.

    Music for this episode was contributed by Daniel Munkus and recorded in the Hudson River Valley at Subtle Soup Studios. For more info, visit: www.subtlesouprecords.com.

    Podcast management and creative copy provided by Sonya Louise, at the Cross Roads in Sweet Home Alabama. Sonya Louise is also the force of Nature behind Sacred Survivor Quest.

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    20:39 – Stage props for speakers

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