
    Ask Me Anything Keto & Fasting - With Ben Azadi

    enJune 27, 2022
    What is the significance of the ketogenic diet?
    How can one transition into ketosis faster?
    What should you do if weight loss isn't the goal?
    Why is nourishing the liver important in fasting?
    What does Dr. Mindy's Reset Academy offer to members?

    • Optimizing Health with Ketosis and FastingThe ketogenic diet and fasting can help you burn fat, enter a healing state of ketosis, and nourish the liver. Learn when to stay in ketosis, when to come out, and how to make a fast transition. Join Dr. Mindy's Reset Academy for comprehensive support.

      Prioritizing health is crucial, and the ketogenic diet and fasting are effective tools to optimize your body's ability to burn fat and enter a healing state of ketosis. In this podcast episode, Dr. Mindy and Ben Azadi answered common questions about these topics, including when to stay in ketosis and when to come out, what to do if weight loss isn't the goal, and how to make the fastest transition into ketosis. They also discussed the importance of nourishing the liver and being a better fat burner. This information is valuable for anyone interested in building a fasting lifestyle, whether or not they follow the ketogenic diet. For comprehensive support and guidance on customizing a fasting lifestyle, consider joining Dr. Mindy's Reset Academy.

    • Unlocking Full Potential with the Health AcademyJoining the health academy grants access to exclusive insights, empowers individuals to adopt a lifestyle for noticeable improvements, and invests in personal growth through fasting and a ketogenic diet.

      Joining the health academy not only grants access to exclusive insights and guidance towards health goals but also an investment in personal growth. The academy, led by Doctor Middypels, empowers individuals to unlock their full potential through a lifestyle that includes fasting and a ketogenic diet. This approach taps into the body's innate healing power and offers practical tools for noticeable improvements. The focus is on being intentional with health and understanding that there are no shortcuts. The ketogenic diet and fasting are just a few of the many effective strategies to enhance overall well-being.

    • Achieving metabolic flexibility with the ketogenic dietThe ketogenic diet offers weight loss and anti-aging benefits by promoting metabolic flexibility, allowing the body to use both glucose and ketones as fuel sources. Focus on sustainable lifestyle changes for optimal results.

      The ketogenic diet is not just about weight loss, but also about achieving metabolic flexibility and utilizing both glucose and ketones as fuel sources for optimal health and anti-aging benefits. The goal is not to be a "ketone chaser," but rather to celebrate reaching a state of ketosis and the benefits it brings, such as burning fat instead of sugar and lowering inflammation in the body. It's important to remember that everyone's body responds differently, and there's no need to strive for the highest ketone levels. Instead, focus on making sustainable lifestyle changes, such as incorporating intermittent fasting and MCT oil, to support your body's ability to use both fuel sources effectively.

    • Focus on the journey and learning experience in ketosisIdentify and address the root cause of obstacles to deepen your state of ketosis, rather than solely focusing on achieving a specific number.

      The focus should be on the journey and learning experience rather than solely on achieving a specific ketone level. Everyone's journey is unique, and there's nothing wrong if you're not reaching the same numbers as others. Instead, consider what might be interfering with your ability to reach a deeper state of ketosis, whether it be physical, emotional, or chemical factors. By asking this empowering question, you'll be able to identify and address the root cause, making the process more enjoyable and productive. Remember, the goal is not to hit a specific number, but to learn and grow along the way.

    • Failures and setbacks are opportunities for growthInstead of dwelling on negatives, ask questions, seek solutions, and learn from setbacks. Focus on health over weight loss, celebrate non-scale victories, and revisit fundamentals. If needed, explore hormonal imbalances or toxic load.

      Failures and setbacks are opportunities for growth and learning. Instead of focusing on the negative event itself, ask questions, keep searching for solutions, and embrace the lesson that comes from it. When it comes to weight loss, it's important to remember that the body prioritizes health over weight loss. Focus on non-scale victories, such as improved energy levels, better skin complexion, and fitting into clothes more comfortably. Additionally, revisit the fundamentals of health, like getting enough sleep, moving your body, and managing stress. Instead of fixating on the number on the scale, listen to your body and work with it to understand what it needs. If you're struggling with weight loss despite following a healthy lifestyle, consider exploring hormonal imbalances or toxic load. In essence, failures and setbacks are temporary, but the lessons we learn from them can last a lifetime. When it comes to weight loss, trust the process and focus on overall health and well-being.

    • Considering toxins and gut health on a ketogenic dietWhile the ketogenic diet can aid weight loss, it's crucial to consider potential toxin release and gut health to maintain progress.

      While following a ketogenic diet can help with weight loss, it's important to consider other factors such as toxicity and gut health. Toxins can be stored in fat cells, and when these cells are burned for energy, the toxins can be released, potentially slowing down weight loss. Additionally, it's possible to gain weight on a ketogenic diet by increasing caloric and protein intake, making sure to focus on healthy sources of protein and fats, and prioritizing gut health, strength training, and quality sleep. For those concerned about weight gain or who have been advised against the ketogenic diet by their doctor, it's important to do thorough research and consider these factors before making a decision.

    • Learning to Burn Stored Fat for EnergyThe ketogenic diet is about teaching your body to burn stored fat for energy. Once fat-adapted, reduce dietary fat and rely on your own body fat stores. Fasting and bitter foods support liver health and optimize weight loss.

      The ketogenic diet is not just about consuming large amounts of dietary fat, but rather, it's about teaching your body to burn stored fat for energy. In the initial stages of the diet, increasing healthy fats is essential to help your body adapt. However, once you become fat-adapted, typically within 14-21 days, you can start reducing dietary fat and rely on your own body fat stores. Fasting is an effective tool to facilitate this process and boost ketone production. It's essential to remember that the liver, not the thyroid, is the primary organ responsible for weight loss and fat burning. To support liver health and optimize weight loss, incorporating bitter foods into your diet can be beneficial. Symptoms such as weight gain, high cholesterol, and bloating are not necessarily signs that the ketogenic diet is not suitable for you, but rather, indicators of potential liver issues. Embracing these symptoms as valuable messages from your body can help guide you towards addressing any underlying liver congestion.

    • Supporting liver health for successful keto dietIncrease bitter foods, stay under 50g carbs, consume MCTs, address liver symptoms, and consider palatable alternatives for bitter foods to aid in keto diet success.

      Taking care of your liver is crucial for a successful keto diet. Symptoms of a sluggish liver, such as feeling worse on the diet, should be addressed rather than ignored. Increasing bitter foods in your diet, like apple cider vinegar, coffee, and radicchio, can help support liver health and bile production. Staying under 50 grams of total carbs per day and incorporating MCTs from goat or sheep dairy can also help maintain ketosis. Remember, your body's symptoms are clues to potential issues, so treat them as valuable information. And don't forget that hating the taste of something like apple cider vinegar capsules doesn't mean you have to suffer through it – there are alternatives, like capsules, that can make the process more palatable.

    • Add fiber to coffee for microbiome support and improved ketosisAdding fiber to coffee with prebiotics can support microbiome and help enter/maintain ketosis, reducing hunger and improving overall health.

      Adding fiber to your coffee, specifically prebiotic fibers, can help support your microbiome and improve your body's ability to enter and maintain ketosis. This can lead to reduced hunger and better overall health. Some people recommend adding a fiber supplement, like FBR from Systemic Formulas, to your coffee and blending it with coffee and MCT oil for optimal results. Additionally, consider trying a fitness program like PowerSync 60, which was designed with hormonal health in mind and includes a customizable meal plan and fasting components. It's important to note that the goal of using ketosis as a tool is not to always be in that state, but rather to reset your metabolism and address the keto deficiency that many people experience due to a high carb diet. This deficiency is not a new phenomenon, and ketosis and fasting are ancient healing strategies that have been used for centuries.

    • Metabolic switching is key to weight lossAim for diet and health practice variation to maintain metabolic flexibility, allowing the body to switch between energy sources for optimal weight loss and health.

      Our bodies are designed for metabolic flexibility, not rigidity. While ketosis and fasting can be effective tools for weight loss and improved health, it's essential not to stay in that state indefinitely. Instead, we should aim for variation and balance, allowing our bodies to switch between different energy sources. For women, it's crucial to consider menstrual cycles when planning fasting. Overdoing it can lead to negative side effects, such as hair loss, anxiety, and poor sleep quality. The key is to find the right balance for your individual needs and listen to your body. As Mindy put it, "metabolic switching is the key to weight loss." So, don't be afraid to mix up your diet and health practices to maintain metabolic flexibility and enjoy the benefits of a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

    • Balancing Fasting and Autophagy for Optimal HealthFind balance between fasting and autophagy for optimal health, consume healthy low-calorie foods during a fast, and incorporate exercise in a fasted state to enhance benefits

      Finding the right balance between different health practices, such as fasting and autophagy, is crucial. Both have their benefits, but overdoing them can lead to negative effects. For instance, constantly being in the growth pathway (mTOR) can result in poor healing, while excessive autophagy can lower the immune system and cause muscle loss. Fasting and autophagy should be used in a balanced and varied way. Regarding the consumption of low-calorie foods during a fast, it's essential to understand that not all low-calorie foods are unhealthy. Pickles, bone broth, and sauerkraut are examples of healthy, low-calorie foods. Research suggests that a fasted snack, like a fat bomb, can help extend the fast and even lead to greater weight loss. This snack should consist mainly of healthy fats and minimal protein to avoid breaking autophagy. Incorporating exercise, such as high-intensity interval training (HIIT), into a fasted state can be beneficial. However, the definition of a fasted state can vary, from a simple 12-hour overnight fast to more extended fasts. The key is to listen to your body and find what works best for you. The flexibility to adapt your practices to your individual needs is essential for long-term success.

    • Working out in a fasted stateFasted workouts use stored fat for energy, leading to more efficient fat loss and muscle growth. Post-workout protein intake is crucial for muscle recovery and growth, while autophagy strengthens the immune system.

      Working out in a fasted state can lead to more efficient fat loss and muscle growth. During a fasted workout, your body uses stored fat as energy instead of the recently consumed food. This not only leads to more fat loss but also allows for a stronger muscle-building process. However, it's important to note that after a fasted workout, consuming around 20-30 grams of protein is crucial for muscle recovery and growth. The protein helps rebuild healthier, more robust protein, and the body doesn't lose the damaged protein as some people might think. Additionally, working out in a fasted state can lead to a stronger immune system due to autophagy, which is the body's process of breaking down and recycling damaged cells. Overall, the benefits of working out in a fasted state can lead to better performance, increased fat loss, and improved muscle growth and immune function.

    • Track sleep and practice gratitude for better healthUsing a device like the Oura ring for accurate sleep tracking and practicing gratitude are simple yet effective ways to improve overall health and wellness.

      Investing in a device like the Oura ring for accurate sleep measurements or using a free practice like gratitude can significantly impact one's health. The Oura ring provides valuable data on sleep stages, heart rate variability, and overall sleep quality. On the other hand, practicing gratitude is a powerful and cost-effective way to improve mental and physical health. Additionally, simple actions like getting enough sunlight and building a supportive community can also have a profound impact on overall well-being. These free practices, along with using advanced technology, can lead to meaningful improvements in health and wellness.

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep251

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep250

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep249

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep248

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep247

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep247

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    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    * Warning: Dr. Mindy uses some explicit language, so listener beware ;)

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep245

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep244

    Considered one of the most impactful speakers of his generation, he reaches over 60 million people weekly through hard-hitting videos and unprecedented engagement. He started creating YouTube videos with his words of wisdom and courage, pushing others to find their inner strength.

    While Trent seemingly achieved his childhood dream, his NFL career ended prematurely, inevitably giving him the space and determination to re-evaluate his values and life’s purpose. As a way to hold himself accountable, Trent picked up his mobile phone and began recording two-minute video segments of his daily progress and posting them onto social media. The engaging, hard-hitting, yet always uplifting messages resonated with millions around the globe.

    In the years that followed, Trent founded the RehabTime Organization, a nonprofit with a mission to serve a worldwide community by demonstrating that change starts from within— through the development of faith, mindset, self-care, relationship building, and leadership.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

    Related Episodes

    How The Ketogenic Diet Supports Metabolism, Cancer Therapy, And Mental Health

    How The Ketogenic Diet Supports Metabolism, Cancer Therapy, And Mental Health

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, AG1, and Paleovalley

    While the ketogenic diet is often thought of as a diet to help people lose weight, it has a much broader application with therapeutic benefits that help to reset metabolism and restore mitochondrial function. 

    Researchers have found that a ketogenic diet can be a potent tool in cancer treatment as well as in neurodegenerative disorders and mental illness.

    In today’s episode, I talk with Mark Sisson, Dr. Sarah Hallberg, Dr. Christopher Palmer, and Dr. Patrick Hanaway about how a ketogenic diet can be used as a treatment for serious health conditions.

    Mark Sisson is the founder of the popular daily health blog Mark’s Daily Apple, godfather to the Primal food and lifestyle movement, and the New York Times bestselling author of The Keto Reset Diet. His latest book is Keto for Life, where he discusses how he combines the keto diet with a Primal lifestyle for optimal health and longevity.

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    Dr. Christopher Palmer is a psychiatrist and researcher working at the interface of metabolism and mental health. He is the Director of the Department of Postgraduate and Continuing Education at McLean Hospital and an assistant professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. For over 25 years, he has held leadership roles in psychiatric education, conducted research, and worked with people who have treatment-resistant mental illnesses.

    Dr. Patrick Hanaway is a board-certified family physician and trained at Washington University. After 10 years as Chief Medical Officer at Genova Diagnostics, Dr. Hanaway became the Chief Medical Education Officer for the Institute for Functional Medicine. In 2014, Dr. Hanaway was the founding Medical Director of the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine.

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, AG1, and Paleovalley.

    Access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests with Rupa Health. You can check out a free, live demo with a Q&A or create an account at RupaHealth.com today.

    Head to drinkAG1.com/HYMAN to receive 10 FREE travel packs of AG1 with your first purchase.

    Paleovalley is offering my listeners 15% off their entire first order. Just go to paleovalley.com/hyman to take advantage of this deal.

    Full-length episodes of these interviews can be found here:

    Mark Sisson

    Dr. Sarah Hallberg

    Dr. Christopher Palmer

    Dr. Patrick Hanaway

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    Pauline Cox - Intermittent Fasting with Midlife Hormones

    Pauline Cox - Intermittent Fasting with Midlife Hormones

    Pauline has extraordinary knowledge of the human body and women’s health. How we operate and what we need to operate at our best, is her day to day and she is clearly passionate about every aspect of what she does.

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    As a heads up, we talk in some depth about emotional eating as a coping mechanism from adverse childhood experiences and eating as filling an emotional gap all of which is a sensitive subject for many.

    “It’s not you. You’re fighting a primal instinct.”

    And as a friendly reminder to everyone, the best of you is yet to come.

    You can find Pauline on her website https://sowandarrow.com

    @paulinejcox on IG

    Pauline Cox - Intermittent Fasting with Midlife Hormones

    Pauline Cox - Intermittent Fasting with Midlife Hormones

    Pauline has extraordinary knowledge of the human body and women’s health. How we operate and what we need to operate at our best, is her day to day and she is clearly passionate about every aspect of what she does.

    This is another jam-packed episode. Here, Pauline gives us a thorough lesson in understanding the sex hormones oestrogen and progesterone in how they work and what they do for us. We discuss the ketogenic diet, metabolic flexibility, how to get the best from intermittent fasting, weight management and how to overcome the evening snack-attack.

    As you may agree, Menopause shines a light on how we take care of ourselves, where we need to alter our priorities and even where we need to heal. Pauline is all too aware of this and supports women through the process of cleaning this up, especially from their 40’s onwards.

    As a heads up, we talk in some depth about emotional eating as a coping mechanism from adverse childhood experiences and eating as filling an emotional gap all of which is a sensitive subject for many.

    “It’s not you. You’re fighting a primal instinct.”

    And as a friendly reminder to everyone, the best of you is yet to come.

    You can find Pauline on her website https://sowandarrow.com

    @paulinejcox on IG

    Why Counting calories Doesn't Work in the Long Term for Weight Loss

    Why Counting calories Doesn't Work in the Long Term for Weight Loss

    Episode Title: Why Counting Things Doesn't Work in the Long Term for Weight Loss


    • Greetings to Empowered Nutrition listeners.
    • Acknowledgment of those who have tried counting macros, carbs, calories, or points for weight control.
    • Introduction to the central theme: the physiological processes affecting appetite, hunger, and cravings.

    Main Points:

    1. Stable Blood Sugar:

      • Explanation of the importance of stable blood sugar for weight management.
      • Insight into the role of insulin and its impact on accessing stored energy.
      • Common misconceptions about normal blood sugar levels and the presence of subclinical insulin resistance.
      • Factors contributing to blood sugar spikes and potential solutions, including personalized patterns of fasting and carbohydrate intake.
    2. Microbiome and Metabolic Endotoxemia:

      • Discussion on metabolic endotoxemia and its prevalence.
      • Explanation of how low gut diversity and insufficient fiber intake can lead to dysbiosis.
      • Impact of compromised gut lining on satiety hormones, triggering hunger and cravings.
      • Strategies to nourish the gut microbiome, including probiotics, prebiotics, and polyphenols.
    3. Lean Mass and Muscle:

      • Emphasis on the significance of lean mass, especially for women.
      • Connection between muscle, metabolism, and blood sugar stability.
      • Importance of strength training in maintaining and gaining muscle.
      • Personal anecdote highlighting the possibility of building muscle at any age with dedication.


    • Recap of the three key factors influencing long-term weight management.
    • Reiteration that physiological factors play a crucial role, debunking the idea that weight issues are solely about willpower.
    • Encouragement to focus on stable blood sugar, a healthy microbiome, and building lean mass for lasting results.
    • Wishing listeners happy holidays and a preview of upcoming episode

    Lean for Life is now in the App Store!

    Heal your Metabolism with the Lean for Life app: https://empowered-nutrition.ck.page/193bb2cd67

    Help yourself feel aligned using our three phase approach: Lean for Life Membership called Heal, Optimize , and Refinewhere you will be empowered to reverse previous metabolic damage with the assistance of our team of Registered Dietitian Nutritionists. Check out more details on our website!

    Want to learn more about our one-on-one Empowered Nutrition coaching? Book a free chemistry call to discuss your story and see if we're a good fit.

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    EP 61: I Have Lost Over 200 Pounds, But I'm Not Special

    EP 61: I Have Lost Over 200 Pounds, But I'm Not Special

    Despite what others have told me and putting me on a pedestal in the fasting community, and despite my massive (over) 200-pound weight loss, I do not see myself as anyone special.

    My success on my journey is something ANYONE can achieve for themselves, and this week's episode goes into further detail on why I feel that is.

    Looking for fasting support on your journey? I can help! 

    Consults, Blog, & Official Handbook now available!



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