
    ASK101: How do I get JV finance for my project? PLUS: How does the long-term debt cycle relate to property?

    enAugust 15, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Identifying potential joint venture partners before seeking financingStart by identifying potential joint venture partners, present a clear vision and plan for the project, and establish the partnership before securing financing.

      When it comes to seeking joint venture financing for commercial-to-residential conversions, there isn't a clear-cut answer on the best approach. Gregory was unsure of whether to negotiate a deal with a potential joint venture partner first or seek financing first. Rob explained that this is a common issue, as you can't present refurbishment costs or plans for the property without having a deal in place. Rob suggested starting by identifying potential joint venture partners and then approaching them with a clear vision and plan for the project. It may be necessary to secure financing after the joint venture partnership is established. Rob emphasized the importance of clear communication and a solid business plan to make the partnership successful. Overall, the process can be complex, but having a clear vision and a solid plan can help overcome the challenges.

    • Understanding refurbishment costs in real estate negotiationsWhen negotiating real estate deals, having a rough estimate or worst-case scenario for refurbishment costs can help secure funding and demonstrate preparedness.

      When trying to secure funding for a potential real estate deal, it's essential to have a clear understanding of the refurbishment costs to make a competitive offer. However, determining the exact refurbishment costs upfront might not always be possible. In such cases, having a rough estimate or a worst-case scenario number can help in negotiations with potential JV partners. Additionally, securing bridging finance as a backup can provide confidence during negotiations and demonstrate the ability to proceed with the purchase. Ultimately, being well-prepared and informed about potential costs can help break the cycle of uncertainty and strengthen your position in negotiations.

    • Securing a lender's commitment before investing for peace of mindBuilding relationships and gaining experience increases chances of successful property deals. Let go of deals that aren't the right fit and stay confident and patient for future opportunities.

      Securing a commitment or approval from a potential lender or broker before investing in a property deal can provide valuable peace of mind and serve as a backup option, even if you don't end up using it. Building a network and gaining experience can help increase your chances of finding investors for joint ventures and make the process less uncertain. It's essential to remember that not every deal will work out, and it's okay to let go of a deal if it's not the right fit. The podcast hosts, Rob and Rob, emphasized the importance of staying confident and patient, as there will always be more opportunities in the property market. James, a listener, expressed his gratitude for the educational and entertaining nature of the podcast and the hosts' integrity.

    • Understanding the connection between Ray Dalio's long-term debt cycle and the 18-year property cycleRay Dalio's long-term debt cycle and the 18-year property cycle are interconnected, with the latter being a significant component of the former. Understanding both concepts is crucial for property investors as they impact economic patterns and the property market.

      Ray Dalio's long-term debt cycle theory and the 18-year property cycle are closely interconnected. Ray Dalio, a renowned hedge fund manager, explains the long-term debt cycle in a widely-available video, which is valuable for understanding economic patterns. This knowledge is essential for property investors, as the economy significantly impacts the property market. The 18-year property cycle and Ray Dalio's long-term debt cycle are linked, as the former is a significant component of the latter. London's perceived strong house price growth during the current reflationary period is a natural result of this long-term debt cycle. By understanding both concepts, investors can make informed decisions and adapt to economic changes. To learn more about these cycles, watch Ray Dalio's video and explore the resources on the 18-year property cycle.

    • Understanding the connection between 18-year property cycle and Ray Dalio's economic cyclesThe 18-year property cycle and Ray Dalio's economic cycles are related but distinct concepts, with the former primarily impacting real estate and the latter the wider economy and stock market. While they don't perfectly align, they offer valuable insights into market behavior for investors.

      The 18-year property cycle and Ray Dalio's economic cycles are related but distinct concepts. The 18-year property cycle primarily affects the real estate market, while Ray Dalio's cycles are more focused on the wider economy and stock market. Although they don't perfectly align, there are instances where the mid-cycle wobbles and major market crashes in both concepts coincide. For a clearer understanding, it's recommended to watch both explanations and observe how they interconnect. Ray Dalio's cycles offer valuable insights into the economy and the stock market, while the 18-year property cycle sheds light on real estate trends. Both theories provide essential context for investors and offer valuable insights into market behavior.

    • Understanding Property Cycles and the Economy with Ask Robin RobAsk Robin Rob offers valuable insights into property cycles and the economy through expert answers to listener questions, benefiting both the asker and the wider community.

      As an investor in property or any other asset class, it's essential to understand the specific factors influencing its movements, such as the 18-year property cycle. However, it's equally important to keep an eye on the wider economy. A great resource for gaining this knowledge is the videos on Ask Robin Rob, where investors can submit their questions and receive expert answers, benefiting not only themselves but also thousands of other listeners. By asking a question, investors are not only solving their own issues but also contributing to the collective learning community. So, don't hesitate to submit your question at propertyhub.net/ask. We'll be back with more insights and expertise on our property podcast every Thursday. Until then, take care!

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    As always, the content in this episode is for informational and entertainment purposes only and are the views of the host and guests. This information is NOT financial advice. Please speak to a professional advisor and do your own due diligence when looking to invest in property and business.

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