
    #AskGaryVee 294 LIVE With Shonduras & Sean Holladay

    enOctober 09, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • From Snapchat Pioneer to Talent Manager: Shonduras' Journey to SuccessDedication, authenticity, and a forward-thinking approach are key to success in social media.

      Persistence, authenticity, and early adoption in social media can lead to significant success and the ability to build a business around it. Gary Vaynerchuk highlighted Shonduras, a social media pioneer who started on Snapchat, built a community, and diversified into other areas like YouTube and talent management. Shonduras' journey began with a lack of knowledge about the potential of social media for business but a clear goal to make money and scale. He started with a focus on PewDiePie and expanded to work with other influencers, eventually building a talent management agency called Space Station Integrations. Traditional startup guy Holiday joined Shonduras two years ago, also driven by the goal to make money and scale. Together, they've built a successful business by capitalizing on opportunities and connections provided by influential figures like Gary Vaynerchuk. The key takeaway is that success in social media requires dedication, authenticity, and a forward-thinking approach.

    • From selling snowboards online to discovering SnapchatStart with inspiration, pivot when necessary, and leverage social media for business success

      The internet presents endless opportunities for innovation and disruption, but understanding the steps to harness its power requires deliberate action. As shared by the speaker, his journey began with reading Gary Vaynerchuk's "Crush It!" which inspired him to start his own business. However, selling snowboards online proved to be a harder, not smarter, approach. Instead, he pivoted to selling jewelry online through Facebook, learning valuable lessons about building a business and the power of social media. From there, he scaled his business, sold it, and used the proceeds to invest in social media and discover Snapchat. His chance encounter with Snapchat founder, Sean, led to further learning and collaboration. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes the importance of being open to new opportunities, taking calculated risks, and leveraging the power of social media to build a successful business.

    • Learning from Gary: Building Meaningful RelationshipsEngage in 5-minute conversations, be genuinely interested, attend niche events, and people are the best investment for personal and professional growth

      Building meaningful relationships is crucial for personal and professional growth. The speaker shared his experience of learning public speaking from Gary, who helped him get started without expecting anything in return. He emphasized the importance of connecting with people in person, especially at events, and having meaningful conversations. The speaker's approach involves engaging in 5-minute conversations, being genuinely interested, and then moving on to meet new people. He also suggested that attending niche events can be more effective than broad networking events. Ultimately, the speaker believes that people are the best investment and that building relationships is a valuable skill that can lead to unexpected opportunities.

    • Discovering a deep interest and adding valueFinding long tail interests and interacting deeply with like-minded individuals can lead to significant business opportunities and growth.

      Building a personal brand can lead to significant business opportunities and growth, even if it starts small and requires help from others. The speaker shared his personal experience of discovering a deep interest in a niche area and using it to add value to someone else's business, eventually leading to a career transition and collaboration. He emphasized the importance of finding your long tail interests and interacting deeply with like-minded individuals, even in smaller groups. The maturity of building a personal brand is remarkable, and the potential for building successful businesses around individuals is vast. The speaker encouraged the audience to think about their personal brand and ask questions related to that theme.

    • Delegating for Business GrowthFinding trusted team members and delegating effectively are essential for scaling a business. Look for team members who share the same vision and culture, and give them autonomy to succeed. Trust and familiarity are key in building successful teams.

      Effective delegation and finding the right team members are crucial for scaling a business from its initial stages to greater heights. The speaker, Sean, shares his experience of letting go of creative control and giving full autonomy to a trusted team member, who ended up growing one of his businesses more successfully than he could have imagined. He emphasizes the importance of having team members who share the same vision and culture, and who are deeply ingrained in the organization. Sean also highlights the importance of knowing when to keep control and when to let go, and the need for individualized approaches to scaling. He shares a personal anecdote about working with a long-time friend and team member, illustrating the importance of trust and familiarity in building a successful team.

    • Focus on unique strengths and build a complementary teamEntrepreneurs should embrace their unique strengths and build a team that complements those skills, rather than trying to be a jack-of-all-trades or striving for unrealistic perfection.

      It's important for entrepreneurs to focus on their unique strengths and build a team that complements those skills, rather than trying to be like someone else or striving for an unrealistic level of organization. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasizes the importance of understanding your ambitions and values, and building a team around you that aligns with those goals. He also stresses the importance of being true to yourself and not letting ego hold you back. Vaynerchuk shares that he values niceness and efficiency in his team members who are like him, while delegating other tasks to those who excel in areas where he is less effective. Ultimately, entrepreneurs should embrace their unique strengths and focus on creating a team that complements those skills, rather than trying to be a jack-of-all-trades or striving for an unrealistic level of perfection.

    • Embrace personal branding and focus on actionsFocus on your strengths, build infrastructure, and let actions define your brand, rather than worrying about labels or DNA.

      Focusing on what you do best and building infrastructure around it is more productive than worrying about DNA or negative self-criticism. The speaker emphasizes the importance of personal branding and argues that actions define a brand more than a fixed label. He shares his own experience of transitioning from being known as a wine expert to an entrepreneur, despite initial criticism. He also highlights the arbitrary nature of brand names and encourages people not to overthink it, as the execution ultimately defines the brand. The speaker values context and personal relationships when giving advice, and he sees flexibility as a key advantage of branding oneself as an individual. He finds inspiration in the stories of individuals who have successfully rebranded themselves over time.

    • From lawyer to clown to bourbon expert - it's the skills that matterAdaptability, trusting your team, and executing skills are crucial for building a strong brand, even if it means transitioning from unexpected roles or industries.

      Building a strong brand is not about a name or initial appearances, but rather the execution of your skills and the ability to adapt and trust your team. The speaker shares his personal experience of transitioning from a lawyer to a clown and eventually becoming an expert in bourbon. He emphasizes that it's the skills and talent that define the outcome, not the name or initial perception. He also discusses the struggle of scaling a business and the importance of building a team and giving creative control to trusted team members. Another challenge he faced was the decision to let someone film him constantly to create content for a media company. Despite initial reservations, he saw the potential for unlimited content and the opportunity to become a media company. Ultimately, it's the ability to adapt, trust your team, and execute your skills that leads to a successful brand.

    • Balancing macro and micro decisions for business successSuccess in business requires balancing long-term strategies with daily tasks, understanding societal expectations, and consistently engaging your audience

      Entrepreneurship involves balancing the macro and micro aspects of the business world. Macro decisions, such as business ideas and strategies, may not always align with societal expectations, but they are essential for long-term success. Micro decisions, on the other hand, involve managing daily struggles and time effectively to make the most of limited resources. For instance, if you have a job, you need to determine how many hours you have left in a week to focus on building your brand. Legacy and financial goals are important considerations, and finding success often involves understanding what resonates with your audience and consistently delivering content that engages them. For instance, a chef with 27 years of experience might consider building a strong social media presence to reach a wider audience and eventually retire with a focus on brand building. Ultimately, success requires a combination of strategic planning, persistence, and a willingness to adapt to changing circumstances.

    • Identifying and catering to audience interestsFocus on what resonates with your audience, adapt to platforms, monetize with free time, and persevere to build a successful personal brand

      Finding and catering to your audience's interests is key to building a successful personal brand. Gary Vaynerchuk's example of creating the 62nd Club on Facebook shows how focusing on what resonates with your audience and adapting to the platform's algorithm can lead to significant growth. Similarly, Dennis' success as a chef influencer came from consistently sharing burger content that resonated with his audience. Furthermore, the speaker emphasizes that monetization doesn't have to mean quitting your current job right away. Instead, you can use your free time to build your personal brand and earn additional income. For instance, if you're a chef, you can sell items on Etsy or Craigslist during your off hours. Once you reach a certain level of success, you can then decide to focus full-time on your personal brand. Vaynerchuk also shares his personal experience of starting VaynerMedia with no initial capital, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and relying on existing income while building your brand. Overall, the key takeaway is to identify your audience's interests, cater to them, and use your free time to build your personal brand and earn additional income.

    • Identifying profitable opportunities through self-awareness and creativityExplore thrift stores for unique items, leverage self-awareness and creativity to identify profitable opportunities, and consider personal ventures for excitement and potential profits.

      There are various ways to make significant income, and the key is to identify your unique talents and opportunities. The speaker shares his experience as a live-in chef who found success in thrift flipping due to his eye for vintage and retro items. He emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and creativity in identifying profitable opportunities. The speaker also mentions the example of his friend who buys and sells snowplows and snow blowers, and the potential for large profits in retail arbitrage. He encourages creative individuals to explore opportunities in buying and selling, particularly in thrift stores, and emphasizes the excitement and thrill of the hunt. The speaker also acknowledges the potential for large profits in retail arbitrage but expresses a preference for smaller-scale, more personal ventures. Overall, the takeaway is that there are various paths to financial success, and it's essential to identify your unique talents and opportunities to make the most of them.

    • Creatively Monetizing Hobbies and PassionsWith creativity and effort, you can turn hobbies or passions into profitable businesses, even through reselling items on platforms like Amazon Marketplace.

      With creativity and determination, there are opportunities to make significant income through reselling items, even if it means stepping outside the traditional paths. The speaker shares his experience of making a potential million dollars by buying and selling trucks, as well as learning to sell items on Amazon Marketplace. He emphasizes that everyone has the potential to find and love something to sell, whether it's waffle makers or calculators. He also mentions his past experiences, such as starting a jewelry boutique with a small budget and turning it into a business. The speaker encourages not to be discouraged by fees or shipping costs, as they can be passed on to the customer. Overall, the key takeaway is that with creativity and a willingness to put in the work, there are opportunities to make a profitable business out of one's hobbies or passions.

    • Starting small and overcoming excusesMinimal resources and seemingly 'dirt' work can lead to successful personal brands or businesses. Don't let fear or excuses hold you back, create content, utilize opportunities, and learn from successful individuals.

      Starting a personal brand or business can be done with minimal resources and even seemingly "dirt" work. The speaker shares her experience of starting with selling necklaces to check their quality, making small orders, and eventually growing her business. She emphasizes that those with the least ability to be fancy are often the most successful, encouraging people to take action and not make excuses. The speaker also highlights the importance of creating content and utilizing opportunities, especially for minority women, as there is a high demand and interest in their perspectives. Additionally, she shares her admiration for successful individuals and the importance of learning from them, even if it's just through occasional interactions. Overall, the message is to not let fear or excuses hold you back from starting and growing a personal brand or business.

    • Unexpected success from authentic content creationCreating authentic content about various interests can lead to a larger following and win over more fans

      Seizing opportunities and creating content authentically can lead to unexpected success. The speaker shares his experience of focusing on real estate content and unexpectedly gaining a large following. He encourages creating content about various interests to attract a wider audience. He also emphasizes that people appreciate authenticity and the layers of one's personality, rather than being pigeonholed by ideology or a specific niche. By embracing creativity and being true to oneself, one can potentially gain a larger following and win over more fans than those who limit themselves to a single topic.

    • Being authentic builds a loyal audienceEmbrace unique layers, build rapport, and stay true to oneself to attract and retain followers

      Being authentic and showcasing all aspects of one's personality can help build a loyal audience. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not trying to be vanilla or one-dimensional, but rather, selling the unique layers that make an individual or brand stand out. He encourages creators to build a rapport with their audience and then transition them to new content, as people are more likely to follow and engage when they feel a personal connection. The speaker also emphasizes that nobody gives a fuck in the sense that people will move on to new things, so it's important to stay true to oneself and navigate each day with humility and confidence. The magic lies in the contradiction of being authentic while also having the confidence to try new things.

    • Maintaining a positive attitude despite challengesEmbrace setbacks, focus on present tasks, and express gratitude for opportunities and support

      No matter how many challenges or obstacles come your way, there's always more opportunities to succeed. The speaker in this conversation expresses a nonchalant attitude towards setbacks, acknowledging that there are endless possibilities and resources available. This mindset allows them to move forward with confidence, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable odds. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of staying focused on the present task at hand, even if it's as simple as buying and flipping Barbies. Every opportunity, no matter how small, can lead to significant gains. And finally, the speaker expresses gratitude to their audience and community for their support, recognizing that they are not alone in their journey. Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of maintaining a positive attitude, staying focused, and being grateful for the opportunities and resources available to us.

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    • Don’t wait for the last minute for your best ideas to percolate—take note of the little ideas that spring into your head every day.
    • When in doubt, change up your setting.
    • Email your own techniques for getting over writer’s block to brandon@brandonbrands.com (subject line: Ideas)!


    “The simple solution to getting through [writer’s block] is talking about the struggle you’re having in the moment.”

    “If you’re committed to being someone who creates content, doing it consistently every week is the work.”

    “Look for little inspirations throughout your week, every week.”


    Brand Growth Live - http://www.brandonbrands.com/live/

    The Online Branding Checklist - http://www.brandonbrands.com/checklist/

    Visit Brandon’s website at www.BrandsOnBrandsOnBrands.com

    Join the Brand Growth Now Community on Facebook at www.brandonbrands.com/community

    And please leave a rating and review on iTunes!

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    “If you’re stuck at a certain plateau in your business for any period of time, there’s something you’re not seeing.”

    “There’s no time for scrolling if you actually want that to convert into a viable income stream for you.”

    “I never had anything handed to me and I think that’s the best thing that ever happened to me.”

    “You were given the dreams that you were given because you were intended to achieve them.”

    “If you show up for people, they’ll show up for you.”

    Guest Links:

    Kelly’s homepage - https://kellyroachcoaching.com/

    Unstoppable Success Radio podcast - https://kellyroachcoaching.com/unstoppablesuccessradio/

    Tribe of Unstoppables Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/2080754075505322/

    Visit Brandon’s website at www.BrandsOnBrandsOnBrands.com

    Join the Brand Growth Community on Facebook at www.brandonbrands.com/community

    And please leave a rating and review on iTunes!

    #049 Freestyle Friday - Growth and Success in Podcasting

    #049 Freestyle Friday - Growth and Success in Podcasting

    Once you have the topical and technical aspects of your podcast taken care of, how do you get the word out? How do you make both your show and yourself known quantities? If you want people to listen to your show, it absolutely helps for people to know who you are and what you can speak confidently about. Thankfully networking, Apple Podcasts categorization and simply being a guest can go a long way to making your personal podcast brand stick out.

    In this episode, Brandon considers a few ultimate podcast formats that may draw in different kinds of listeners, asks for your help in defining this podcast’s community, and explains how you can be an engaging and sought-out podcast guest.

    The Finer Details of This Episode:

    • Brandon’s exciting announcement about Brands on Brands on Brands’ latest ranking—and the best thing you can do to support the show.
    • Taking a closer look at how Apple Podcasts categories have changed and what that means for this show and your own.
    • Email Brandon at brandon@brandonbrands.com if you have any ideas for what he should call the Brands on Brands on Brands community of listeners!
    • How going on other people’s podcasts can help you become a “person of interest” others want to seek out.
    • Figure out which topics you can speak authoritatively on and make that your hook as a guest.
    • Some alternate episodes Brandon is considering to bring more value to you listeners.


    “Continue to engage and I’ll continue to bring everything I can to help you guys move forward.”

    “It’s hard to be found if you’re not actually putting yourself out there to new places to be discovered.”

    “You have to actually put yourself where the opportunity happens.”


    Brand Growth Live - http://www.brandonbrands.com/live/

    Sign up for coaching at www.BrandsOnBrandsOnBrands.com/apply

    Live Facebook FAQ every Wednesday @ 1PM PST https://www.facebook.com/brandonbrandsinc

    Visit Brandon’s website at www.BrandsOnBrandsOnBrands.com

    Join the Brand Growth Now Community on Facebook at www.brandonbrands.com/community

    And please leave a rating and review on iTunes!

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