
    #AskGaryVee Episode 187: Communication Between Co-Founders & Understanding My Business Competition

    enMarch 01, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Gary Vaynerchuk's gratitude and book promotionBuying Gary Vaynerchuk's new book in its first week of release helps with Amazon's ordering and promotion process. Check out DailyVee for new content and consider reading 'Thank You Economy'.

      Gary Vaynerchuk, despite being under the weather, expressed his gratitude to his audience for their support in the upcoming release of his new book. He emphasized the importance of buying the book in the week leading up to its release, as it significantly impacts Amazon's ordering and promotion process. He also shared some insights about his past books and joked about their sizes. Despite feeling unwell, Gary remained enthusiastic and engaging throughout the episode. Additionally, he mentioned his love for his book "Thank You Economy," which he feels is often overlooked, and encouraged listeners to check out his YouTube channel DailyVee for new content.

    • Focus on revenue and people for hyper-growthEmphasizing revenue generation and investing in people leads to excess capacity for hyper-growth. Prioritize growth over profits to build a company that's not for sale.

      The ability to sell and generate revenue, combined with a focus on people and HR, are key drivers for scaling a business rapidly. Gary Vaynerchuk, in the AskGaryVee episode, emphasized that his role as a top line revenue driver has allowed him to over-invest in the organization, leading to excess capacity. Instead of driving down capacity to increase profits, he prioritizes growth and caring for his team. This approach, according to Vaynerchuk, is the combination for building a hyper-growth company. He also mentioned that he's not building the company to sell, allowing him to pour more resources into the business and its people.

    • Authenticity and hustle are essential in businessBe truthful, even if it exposes weaknesses, and hustle to attract clients. Use growth hacking, underpricing, and generating case studies to build awareness and gain clients.

      Authenticity is key in business, especially when trying to attract paying clients. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized that if he were trying to sell his company, he wouldn't add unnecessary capacity or open up new locations. Instead, he would focus on organizing the business to appeal to potential buyers. When it comes to advertising or sharing past experiences, Vaynerchuk cautioned against using it to deceive clients. He advised against posing as an expert without the necessary experience. Instead, he encouraged telling the truth and exposing any areas that might be lacking. Bobby, a listener, asked for advice on selling custom animated Instagram videos to companies. Vaynerchuk recommended using growth hacking and hustling to gain clients, and offering a low price to the VaynerNation community to generate case studies and build awareness. He also suggested reaching out to popular Instagram accounts and using hashtags to find potential clients. In summary, authenticity and hustle are essential in business. Telling the truth, even if it exposes weaknesses, is better than trying to deceive clients. And, when selling a new or innovative product or service, underpricing and generating case studies can help build awareness and attract clients.

    • The power of persistence and hustle in business developmentReach out extensively on social media, build relationships, provide value, and grind through the process for successful business development. Determination, hard work, and communication are essential.

      Persistence and hustle are key in business development. The speaker shared his experience of reaching out to various individuals and businesses through extensive research on social media platforms, even when there was no clear contact information available. He emphasized the importance of putting in the work and grinding through the process, one connection at a time. Even when starting a venture like Wine Library TV with minimal initial exposure, he advocated for reaching out to smaller blogs and sites, building relationships, and providing value to secure exposure. Additionally, the speaker advised that if a co-founder lacks the same level of ambition, it may be best to reconsider the partnership and end it early to minimize emotional baggage. Overall, the importance of determination, hard work, and communication in business development and relationships was a recurring theme in the discussion.

    • Importance of open communication in partnershipsEffective communication leads to renegotiations and mutual growth in partnerships. Stay informed about competition, but don't let it dictate your direction.

      Effective communication is essential in any relationship, be it personal or professional. The speaker shares an experience of a business partnership where one party recognized the other's greater ambition and energy, leading to a renegotiation of their ownership shares. However, the conversation could only happen through open and truthful communication. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having such conversations, despite the fear and discomfort they may bring. Another question was about competition, and the speaker advises keeping an eye on the industry landscape but not allowing it to dictate one's mentality or direction. Effective communication and self-awareness are crucial in navigating partnerships and staying informed about the competition.

    • Staying Informed About Competition: Different ApproachesEntrepreneurs can choose to focus on industry news and competitors or prioritize their own path. Self-awareness is crucial to determining the best approach for each individual.

      Entrepreneurs have different approaches to staying informed about their competition. Some entrepreneurs, according to the speaker, spend a lot of time following industry news and competitors to stay informed and improve their business. Others, like the speaker, prefer to focus on their own path and not allocate time to competitors out of disrespect and a desire to differentiate themselves. Ultimately, self-awareness is key to determining which approach is best for each individual entrepreneur. The speaker encourages introspection to identify personal strengths and weaknesses, and to find a balance that works best for each person. The biggest thing the speaker has learned about herself this year is that she used to believe she always needed to be around people constantly due to her extroverted nature. However, she has since realized that she doesn't need constant social interaction and can be productive on her own.

    • Staphon's Solitude and Self-DiscoveryStaphon cherishes alone time, finds focus and solace in it, and is learning the importance of hustle and hard work.

      Staphon values his alone time significantly more than most people might expect. He finds solace and focus in being by himself, whether it's while making art, flying, taking a shower, or performing on stage. This preference for solitude is a surprising aspect of his personality, and Staphon is learning to embrace it fully. Another key takeaway is that Staphon is learning the importance of hustle and what it truly means to work hard. He's discovering that putting in the effort and staying focused can lead to great rewards. Overall, Staphon's introspective reflections reveal the importance of understanding and respecting one's own unique needs and desires.

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    Rdv sur toutes les plateformes d’écoute (Spotify, Deezer etc.) pour la version audio !

    C’est quoi l’info que vous ne connaissiez pas sur le sujet?

    Donnez un max de force en vous abonnant et en partageant le podcast !!

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