
    AT THE WINNERS' TABLE: An MFCEO Q&A Show, with Andy Frisella - MFCEO271

    enNovember 07, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Emphasizing Practical Effort and Learning from Others for SuccessSuccess in life isn't about idealistic concepts or holding back from challenges. Instead, it requires practical effort, learning from others, and applying knowledge in various areas of life including business, relationships, friendships, and fitness.

      Success in life isn't about idealistic concepts or holding back from challenges. It requires practical effort and a willingness to learn from others. Andy, the CEO of the MFCO project and host of the podcast, emphasizes the importance of real-world knowledge and experience over idealistic notions. He believes that success in various areas of life, including business, relationships, friendships, and fitness, requires similar concepts. The podcast aims to help listeners understand the practical steps to achieving success, and the community of listeners is an essential part of its success. The podcast doesn't have ads or feel-good nonsense, but instead focuses on providing valuable information that listeners can use to improve their lives. The podcast's success is a result of its loyal audience, who share the podcast and pay the "fee" by implementing what they learn. The podcast's co-host, Vaughn, also shared a light-hearted moment about his wife discovering the original Magnum PI and giving him a new nickname, Vaughn Jeremy.

    • Focus on personal branding in real estateIdentify a niche, build a personal brand, use social media effectively, and stay updated with trends to stand out in the real estate industry

      In order to stand out in the overcrowded real estate industry, it's important to focus on modern branding strategies rather than relying on outdated techniques. During a conversation at a conference, Andy emphasized the importance of understanding why you're using certain branding methods and not just following the crowd. He advised a young professional named Carly to identify her specific niche in real estate and build a personal brand around it. By utilizing social media effectively and staying up-to-date with current trends, Carly can make herself unique and successful in the industry. Additionally, it's essential to recognize that what worked for real estate professionals 20 years ago may not be effective now. Instead, individuals should adapt and innovate to make their mark in the modern real estate market.

    • Leverage technology for a competitive edge as a new real estate agentUse tech-savvy approaches to create engaging video tours, tell compelling stories, and sell properties faster in the real estate industry

      As a new real estate agent, leveraging technology and creating compelling content to convey unique stories about properties is a significant advantage over older agents. The real estate industry is heavily focused on accumulating listings, and having a young, tech-savvy approach can help generate more interest and sell properties faster. Instead of relying solely on experience, use your proficiency with technology to create engaging video tours, tell stories about each room, and paint a vision for potential clients. Ultimately, the real estate business is about selling hope or convenience, and being able to effectively communicate these aspects through captivating content is essential for success.

    • Selling the dream and potentialAgents should focus on instilling hope and a compelling story in buyers, rather than just selling physical features. Using innovative technology and techniques can help agents stand out and effectively connect with consumers.

      People don't necessarily need to win or have the best product to sell, but rather, they need to instill hope and a compelling story in their consumers. Using the example of the St. Louis Cardinals consistently selling out games despite being in a small market, the speaker emphasizes that being competitive and having a chance to win is what drives attendance. This concept can be applied to real estate sales as well. Agents should focus on selling the dream and potential of what the property can offer to buyers, rather than just the physical features. Additionally, learning how to use innovative technology and techniques can help agents stand out in a crowded market and stay competitive. Ultimately, it's important for agents to question why they're doing what they're doing and whether they're effectively connecting with their consumers.

    • Payment terms in service businessesDeciding between net terms and payment up front impacts ops. Personal experience led to pay on delivery for wholesale accounts, but industry standards vary (net 30 common, net 60 in healthcare).

      Running a service business involves dealing with payment terms, and deciding whether to offer net terms or insist on payment up front can significantly impact your operations. The speaker shared his personal experience of dealing with customers who didn't pay on time despite net terms, leading him to adopt a policy of pay on delivery for his wholesale accounts. He acknowledged that this approach might result in losing some clients, but he believed it was worth it to avoid the time and resources spent on chasing unpaid invoices. The speaker also noted that the industry standard for payment terms varies, with net 30 being common for most service companies and net 60 being typical in the healthcare sector. Ultimately, the decision of whether to offer net terms or insist on payment up front depends on the business owner's priorities and resources.

    • Balancing client relationships and payment policiesTo attract and retain business, be faster, better, and more organized than competitors. Hire a bookkeeper or accountant for financial management, and consider socially responsible initiatives like free laundry services for the homeless.

      Running a successful service business involves a balance between maintaining good relationships with existing clients and implementing effective payment policies for new clients. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being faster, better, and more organized than competitors to attract and retain business. He also suggests hiring a bookkeeper or accountant to help manage finances and improve financial literacy. For those looking to make a bigger impact, the speaker proposes a solution to help the homeless by providing free laundry services using vans equipped with washers and dryers. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of being proactive, organized, and socially responsible in the service industry.

    • Staying true to convictions leads to successAuthenticity in beliefs leads to personal and business growth. Success is not just about financial gain, but also giving back to others.

      Staying true to your convictions and beliefs is essential for personal and business growth. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being authentic and not just saying things to resonate with others for financial gain. He shares his frustration with events that confuse and do not educate attendees. The speaker believes that being convicted in one's beliefs leads to success and the ability to give back to others. He uses his own experiences and the success of his company as an example. In essence, the speaker encourages staying true to oneself and using success to help others, rather than just focusing on financial gain.

    • Unexpected opportunities to help othersSuccess can lead to impactful experiences and the chance to make a difference in someone's life

      Success can lead to unexpected changes and opportunities to help others. Carmella Gosler, a business owner in Arizona, shared her story of becoming a surrogate for a long-time client who had struggled with infertility for years. The experience allowed Carmella to make a significant impact on someone else's life, and she saw it as an opportunity to help as many people as possible. Despite the challenges and commitments, she found it fulfilling and meaningful. The conversation also touched on the importance of authenticity and staying true to one's beliefs, even when faced with disingenuous behavior. Ultimately, the discussion highlighted the potential for personal growth and making a difference in the lives of others through unexpected circumstances.

    • From striving to be the best to making a positive impactFocusing on making a difference in people's lives is more rewarding than just being the best.

      Success is not just about being the best, but making a positive impact on people's lives. Andy, the podcast guest, shared how he used to focus on being the best to prove himself, but after reaching the number one spot on iTunes, he realized that what truly matters is the ripple effect of his actions on others. He no longer feels the need to prove himself and instead focuses on making a difference in people's lives through his work and connections. Andy's vulnerability and humility, as well as his ability to help others, have inspired him to continue his personal growth and make a positive impact in the world.

    • Selflessness and integrity lead to meaningful impactStepping back to let others lead and staying true to values leads to greater reward and impact on others, as emphasized by the Old Testament proverb of the righteous being bold as a lion.

      Selflessness and integrity are key to making a meaningful impact. The speaker shares how he has stepped back to let his brother take the lead, finding greater reward in seeing him grow and develop as a leader. He also reflects on the importance of staying true to one's motivations and values, and letting go of the need for external validation. The Old Testament proverb of the righteous being bold as a lion is referenced, emphasizing the strength that comes from moral alignment and detachment from corrupting motivations. The speaker's observations of others in the industry highlight the importance of actions aligning with words, and the need to focus on impacting others rather than seeking recognition for oneself.

    • Vulnerability and humility in personal growth and connecting with othersRecognizing vulnerability and humility in successful people can calm self-doubt and inspire learning and improvement. Authentic vulnerability is important, not just a show. Embrace struggles and share them with others to inspire and help them feel less alone.

      Vulnerability and humility are essential for personal growth and connecting with others. The speaker shared how recognizing the vulnerability and humility of successful people can help calm our own self-doubt and inspire us to keep learning and improving. He emphasized the importance of authentic vulnerability, not just a show for the public, and warned against being overly influenced by those who seem to have it all figured out. The speaker also encouraged embracing our struggles and sharing them with others, as it can help others feel less alone and inspire them to keep going. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized the importance of recognizing that everyone, including those we look up to, is still learning and growing.

    • Navigating the paradox of humility and confidenceSuccessful people switch between humility and confidence to find balance and navigate complex situations.

      Success often involves embracing contradictions and finding the right balance between humility and confidence. Both the speaker and Vaughn acknowledged their fears and insecurities, but also recognized the importance of believing in themselves and their abilities. The most successful people, they argued, are those who can navigate this paradox, switching between humility and confidence as the situation demands. The speaker admitted to struggling with self-doubt, but also recognized the impact of their podcast and the value of sharing their experiences with others. Ultimately, they emphasized that everyone is on a journey of self-discovery and growth, and that it's okay to have moments of doubt and uncertainty along the way.

    • Sharing personal experiences and vulnerabilities can build a strong connectionStarting small, embracing vulnerability, and focusing on authenticity can lead to growth and skill development as a content creator

      When feeling uncertain or unmotivated about sharing valuable content, it's essential to remember the context and the expectations of the audience. Speaking transparently about personal experiences and vulnerabilities can resonate deeply with people and help build a strong connection. This was emphasized through the speaker's experiences as a pastor and a content creator. Starting small and making mistakes in front of a smaller audience can lead to significant growth and skill development. Additionally, the importance of embracing vulnerability and authenticity, without the need for extreme emotional expression or adhering to current trends, was highlighted.

    • Providing exceptional customer service leads to business growthFocusing on customer experience and building a strong foundation can result in significant revenue growth and word-of-mouth referrals

      Providing exceptional customer service, regardless of the financial transaction, can significantly grow a business. Dr. Tom Rucher, a successful audiologist from Long Island, shared his experience of implementing this principle in his practice, leading to a 400% increase in revenue within a year. He emphasized that this approach may seem simple, but it's essential to have a strong foundation within the business before external marketing efforts yield results. Word-of-mouth referrals played a significant role in Dr. Rucher's business growth within the Guyanese community in Queens, New York. Another anecdote he shared was about his brother's experience with a new hot water heater, which led to an opportunity to expand his business offerings through the RTA accelerator program. Overall, the importance of focusing on the customer experience and building a strong foundation for a business cannot be overstated.

    • Limiting relationship with customers on AmazonBuilding relationships with customers outside Amazon is crucial for sustainable business growth.

      Building a brand solely on Amazon can limit your ability to own the relationship with your customers, which is the most valuable aspect of a business. The speaker shared his personal experience of starting a business with his brother on Amazon and how they were impressed by the platform's ability to drive traffic. However, they came to realize that Amazon owned the relationship with their customers and could potentially shut down their business at any time. The speaker emphasized that for brands looking to transition away from Amazon, owning the relationship with the end consumer is crucial. He shared that joining the RTA Accelerator group has allowed him to connect with local businesses and build relationships with them, leading to potential opportunities for growth. The speaker's advice for brands looking to transition away from Amazon is to focus on building relationships with their customers outside of the Amazon platform. This can be achieved through various channels such as social media, email marketing, and building a strong brand identity. By doing so, brands can create a loyal customer base and build a sustainable business that is not reliant on a single platform.

    • Transitioning from Amazon to direct salesTo build a direct relationship with consumers, invest in technology, clearly communicate brand offerings, and reduce reliance on Amazon through marketing efforts.

      Transitioning from selling on Amazon to building a direct relationship with consumers is a significant investment. It means accepting that you'll likely lose sales initially but viewing it as an investment in your brand's future. To make this transition, you need to have the technology and means to service customers directly. Additionally, clearly explaining what your brand, Dapper Effects, offers is crucial for effective marketing. This can be done through influencer marketing, Facebook advertising, and building a compelling brand story. Ultimately, the goal is to reduce reliance on Amazon and build your brand independently.

    • Creative and Satirical Marketing for Lifestyle ProductsEffective marketing for lifestyle products requires creativity, authenticity, and an understanding of the target audience.

      Utilizing creative and satirical marketing through social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube can significantly increase the appeal of a product and help attract potential customers. The speaker emphasizes the importance of making a strong first impression and creating a desirable image to appeal to consumers, particularly in the context of selling products related to lifestyle and self-improvement. The speaker also suggests that there is a potential for a larger brand to be built around this concept, providing a one-stop solution for men looking to enhance their sophistication and appeal to potential partners. The speaker's approach emphasizes being authentic and classy, rather than relying on overtly sexual or crass marketing tactics. Overall, the key takeaway is that effective marketing requires creativity, authenticity, and an understanding of what appeals to the target audience.

    • Control consumer relationships for long-term successFocusing on direct customer relationships can lead to long-term business growth, despite initial investment. Don't solely rely on marketplaces for sales, build strong connections with your audience.

      Controlling the end consumer relationship is a valuable long-term play in business, even if it requires additional investment in the short term. The speaker emphasized the importance of not relying solely on marketplaces like Amazon for sales, but rather cultivating direct relationships with customers. He shared his experience of how focusing on this aspect helped his business thrive, while competitors who didn't control their consumer relationships ultimately faced challenges. He encouraged listeners to think beyond short-term gains and consider the potential benefits of building strong, lasting connections with their audience.

    • Exploring Productivity Tools with Andy ForsalaCheck out Andy's Power List for productivity and visit episode 107 of his podcast for a valuable starting point.

      It's important to focus on productivity tools that can help improve your life and work efficiency. The speaker mentioned Andy's Power List as a valuable resource worth checking out. Despite some disagreement about what was seen during a specific event, the group remained focused on sharing valuable information with their audience. For new listeners, the speaker recommended starting with episode 107 of the podcast and visiting AndyForsala.com to explore the Power List. This productivity tool is essential for "crushing it" and managing the overwhelming amount of podcast episodes.

    Recent Episodes from REAL AF with Andy Frisella

    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    In today's episode, Andy and DJ are joined in the studio by comedian Tim Young. They discuss the Supreme Court's dismissal of the Social Media Censorship case, the congressional report that showed interference in 2020, and what we know about the 2 Venezuelan men accused of killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by the translucent Pastor of Disaster, Vaughn Kohler. They discuss the upcoming Trump and Biden debates, Julian Assange dropping $500k for a flight to a remote island to avoid setting foot on the US mainland, and a bankruptcy court trustee filing a motion to liquidate Alex Jones' Infowars.

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    This week’s episode is supported by FitKit. FitKit offers a number of different wellness products for both mind and body that make healthy living easy. I love their products and use them, especially when traveling. All of the kits are portable and packable, fit right in a carry on and most come with bands and tubes, a jump rope, 250 exercises and other great tools and resources. So, no excuses! Especially when it includes a 6 week nutrition and fitness plan as well as 24/7 email access to their dietitians and trainers to ask all your burning questions. All the kits range in price from $10-$40 but if you use the code FTN, you get 20% during the month of January. Whichever kit you chose, you can take comfort in knowing they have been created by fitness, nutrition and wellness experts with the sole purpose helping you get healthy and fit. Not only are the FitKits great for individuals, but every organization should get these for their employees or clients. Each Kit can be fully branded with your logo, they offer volume pricing and starting at just $4, there is a FitKit for every budget. Companies like Keurig, Marriott, Dell New York Presbyterian Hospital among others have branded the FitKit products as a creative way to encourage health while at the same time promoting their brand. Win – Win. The best part….people love receiving them! You can get more information at fitkit.com. Check them out. I love them.

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    Here's a link to the article Donny discussed in today's episode:
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