
    Ayelet Fishbach || How to Motivate Yourself

    enJanuary 20, 2022
    What factors influence long-term motivation according to the text?
    Who are some key figures in motivation science?
    How does Maslow's hierarchy of needs relate to motivation?
    What is the discrepancy theory in motivation?
    What are multi-final activities and their importance?

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the Complexity of MotivationMotivation is a complex force driving goal achievement, involving goal identification, need fulfillment, resistance to temptations, social support, and sustained effort.

      Motivation is a complex internal force that drives people to achieve their goals. It's not just about basic needs, but also about identifying the right goals, avoiding the middle, resisting temptations, seeking social support, and sustaining motivation for longer periods of time. In the field of motivation science, there are many key players, including Ayellet Fischbach, Angela Duckworth, Katie Milkman, Jakob Chopin, Ari Kovalinski, Walter Michelle, Tory Higgins, and others. Abraham Maslow is also considered an originator of the field, as he identified that people have different motivations and that they're not always fulfilled in a particular order. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a well-known model, but it's not without criticism, as some argue that needs are not always fulfilled in a specific order and that safety can be as basic as other needs. Overall, motivation science is the study of what gets people going and achieving their goals.

    • Understanding the importance of individual priorities in goal settingSet goals that resonate with personal values and desires for effective behavior change, avoidance goals may bring to mind what to avoid and be less effective, intrinsic motivation is crucial in latest motivation science.

      The order and necessity of prioritizing money, interest, and personal fulfillment in choosing a career or setting goals is individual and not set in a particular order. Choosing a goal that is powerful, specific, and intrinsically motivating is essential for successful behavior change, but avoidance goals or goals focused on what not to do can be less effective as they may bring to mind the thing to be avoided. The latest motivation science emphasizes the importance of intrinsic motivation and setting goals that resonate with personal values and desires. For instance, instead of setting a goal to apply for a job, setting a goal to have a fulfilling career can be more inspiring and motivating. Additionally, the speaker mentioned that they ended up in a business school instead of a psychology department due to circumstance, but there is great synergy between the fields in understanding human motivation.

    • Impact of goals on motivation and successChoosing the right goals, based on personal motivations and clear, quantifiable objectives, can lead to greater motivation and success. Avoidance goals may not be as effective as approach goals in achieving these outcomes.

      The goals we choose to pursue significantly impact our motivation and eventual success. Avoidance goals, which focus on what not to do, can bring unwanted attention to the thing we're trying to avoid and may not be as intrinsically motivating as approach goals. Maslow's quote, "What's not worth doing is not worth doing well," summarizes this idea. Choosing the right goals involves considering our personal motivations and putting a clear, quantifiable number to our objectives, which can be highly motivating and help us feel a sense of achievement when reached. Additionally, understanding the difference between approach and avoidance goals can help us make more effective choices in our personal and professional lives.

    • Maintaining a healthy perspective on goals and incentivesGoals and incentives can motivate, but it's important to evaluate progress and not become overly fixated on them. Understand the complex interplay of various factors in motivation.

      While having specific goals and targets can be motivating, it's important to maintain a healthy perspective and not become overly fixated on them. The distribution of marathon finishing times illustrates this, as many runners are motivated to finish just under a certain time, even if it's only a minute or two faster. However, for some goals, reaching the target is essential, and incentives can play a role in maintaining motivation, both intrinsically and extrinsically. Incentives don't necessarily undermine intrinsic motivation, but they can affect our understanding of why we do what we do. It's crucial to evaluate performance based on progress towards goals rather than uncertain incentives, and to remember that motivation is influenced by many factors beyond a simple list of SMART goals. Ultimately, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to motivation, and it's essential to understand the complex interplay of various factors.

    • Understanding motivation's complexityMotivation is complex and multifaceted, intrinsic and extrinsic factors can influence it, and individual differences matter.

      Motivation is complex and multifaceted, and it's important to understand that different things can motivate us in different ways. The SMART acronym (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound) is a useful tool for setting goals, but it doesn't capture the full complexity of motivation. Intrinsic motivation, which refers to doing something for the sake of doing it and finding value in the activity itself, is an important aspect of motivation. However, it's not the only aspect, and different people may be motivated by different things at different times. For example, someone might find long-term health goals intrinsically motivating even if they don't enjoy the specific actions required to achieve those goals. Similarly, someone undergoing chemotherapy might be extrinsically motivated to complete their treatment because they want to get better, even if they don't enjoy the process itself. It's important to recognize that individual differences matter, and that people may be motivated by a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Psychologists like Richard Ryan have conducted important research on intrinsic motivation and the internal motives that drive people to pursue goals for their own sake.

    • The importance of engagement and discomfort in learningEmbracing discomfort and focusing on engagement can lead to successful learning experiences, as progress and feedback fuel motivation and the feeling of flow provides meaningful experiences

      The feeling of engagement and intrinsic motivation in learning new skills or activities is crucial for sustaining motivation, even if the feeling isn't always pleasant or fun. Feeling uncomfortable while learning, for instance, can be a sign of progress and a motivation booster. Seeking feedback on performance is essential for evaluating progress and staying motivated, as it provides valuable information on areas for improvement. Additionally, the concept of flow – the feeling of being fully immersed and absorbed in an activity – can lead to meaningful experiences, even if the feeling itself is neutral. Overall, embracing the discomfort and focusing on the feeling of engagement and progress can lead to successful learning experiences.

    • Understanding motivation through looking back and looking aheadLooking back at accomplishments and discrepancies, and finding new beginnings can help maintain motivation and reach goals.

      Maintaining motivation can be achieved by looking back at what has already been accomplished or looking ahead to the discrepancy between where we are and where we want to be, depending on our level of commitment. The former approach, known as the discrepancy theory, can help keep us motivated when we're uncertain or unsure of our progress. However, in the middle of a goal, when motivation may start to wane, it's essential to keep the duration of the goal short and find new beginnings to reignite our commitment. For instance, instead of setting annual saving goals, consider making them monthly or weekly. Additionally, the fresh start effect, which involves choosing random dates as new beginnings, can help us stay motivated and focused on our goals. Overall, understanding the importance of looking back, looking ahead, and finding new beginnings can significantly impact our ability to maintain motivation and reach our targets.

    • Managing Multiple Goals: Juggling Priorities and Making Trade-OffsTo manage multiple goals, prioritize, find multi-final activities, and build self-control and patience.

      Setting and achieving multiple goals requires juggling priorities and finding the right balance. This can be challenging as we often have conflicting goals and limited resources. To manage this, we need to make trade-offs and prioritize. One effective way is to look for activities that help us achieve more than one goal, known as multi-final activities. However, these activities may not always seem as efficient as those that serve only one goal. Building self-control and patience are essential in managing multiple goals. It's important to remember that the self-control metaphor is just that - a metaphor. While self-control does require effort and practice, it's not solely a matter of physical resources. Instead, mental fatigue and a lack of motivation can also play a role. To build self-control, focus on understanding the metaphor and practicing mental endurance, rather than seeking overly complex explanations.

    • Understanding temptations for better self-controlAwareness and preparation are key to resisting temptations and improving self-control. Thinking about decisions multiple times and anticipating future encounters can help us make better choices.

      Identifying temptations is a crucial step in exercising self-control. It's easy to give in to small indulgences once in a while, but it's the repetition of these actions that can lead to negative consequences. By broadening our decision frames and considering the long-term implications of our choices, we can better resist temptations. Studies have shown that simply thinking about making a decision multiple times can help us exercise more self-control. Additionally, anticipating temptations can make us better prepared to resist them. It's important to remember that mindfulness and awareness are valuable tools in the pursuit of self-control. Another study found that people are more likely to resist workplace temptations when they consider the number of times they may encounter the situation in the future. Overall, being aware of our temptations and preparing for them can help us make better choices and improve our self-control.

    • Embrace discomfort and experimentation like improvAdopt a learning mindset to effectively learn from negative feedback and use it as an opportunity for growth

      Treating life like improv and maintaining a positive outlook can lead to a more enjoyable and fulfilling life. Improv involves embracing discomfort and experimentation, which can help individuals become more comfortable with uncertainty. While maintaining a positive perspective is important, it's also crucial not to get too focused on the future and neglect celebrating achievements. Learning from negative feedback is essential for growth, but it's not always easy. Research shows that people and animals struggle with this, making it a valuable area of focus. To effectively learn from negative feedback, it's essential to adopt a learning mindset, which involves distancing oneself from the criticism and focusing on extracting useful lessons. By staying open to feedback and using it as an opportunity for growth, individuals can improve and reach new heights.

    • Learning from Negative FeedbackShift perspective, ask for learning, leverage social support, and learn from others' mistakes for growth.

      Learning from negative feedback requires deliberate effort and a shift in perspective. Instead of dwelling on mistakes, it's essential to ask what we can learn and how we can improve. A growth mindset can help us view negative feedback as an opportunity for growth. Additionally, learning from others' mistakes is more effective than our own. One way to do this is by distancing ourselves emotionally and giving advice to others. Research shows that giving advice can help us internalize our learning and increase motivation. Social support is also crucial when pursuing goals with others, as we cannot accomplish much on our own. By recognizing the value of learning from feedback, distancing ourselves from our mistakes, and leveraging social support, we can turn setbacks into opportunities for growth.

    • The Importance of Social Support for Personal Growth and Well-beingFeeling known and understood by others is crucial for relationship satisfaction, social support helps us grow, stronger relationships come from helping each other pursue goals, and social connections are vital for our physical health and overall well-being.

      Having social support and connections with people who understand and support our goals is crucial for our personal growth and overall well-being. According to the research discussed, relationship satisfaction is mainly predicted by how much we feel known and understood by our partners, friends, or colleagues. By supporting each other's goals, we help each other grow and strengthen our social connections. In the context of the current pandemic situation, where many people are feeling lonely, this research offers valuable insights on how we can restore and build more meaningful relationships. The work of psychologists like Eli Finkel and John Cacioppo emphasizes the importance of social connection for our physical health and overall well-being. By focusing on helping each other pursue our goals, we can create stronger, more fulfilling relationships.

    • The Importance of Social Connection for HealthPrioritize social connection for better health, especially for kids and older adults. Isolation can have negative effects, so make sure to address this issue.

      Social connection is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, especially for children and older adults. In today's modern world, where people often have more personal space, the lack of social interaction can be detrimental and even harmful. This is a major concern, especially during times like the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Fishback's research, as discussed in her book, is highly relevant to humanity as we all strive to be motivated and better ourselves. The importance of social connection is a universal theme that will always be timely for homo sapiens. It's crucial for kids and older adults to have social connection as part of their daily lives. The discussion emphasized the negative effects of isolation and the importance of addressing this issue. The podcast episode was an honor and a pleasure for the host, and they look forward to potentially meeting Dr. Fishback in person one day. For listeners, the takeaway is to prioritize social connection in their own lives and consider the potential negative consequences of isolation.

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    OK, just between you and me: have you ever done something that you knew you shouldn’t, but you did it anyway? Even if you knew that doing it would get in the way of accomplishing something else that you really wanted?

    If we’re being honest with ourselves, we’ve all probably done something that wasn’t in our best interest, even though we knew better. That my friend, is self-sabotage.  

    Self sabotage is defined as unwanted behavior that undermines one’s goals. That unwanted behavior can range from common things like procrastination (one I’m guilty of) to more extreme behavior like excessive drinking, risky sex or worse. 

    To try and understand why we sometimes behave in this counterproductive way, I reached out to today’s guest, Dr. Howard Farkas.

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    However, these insights on self-sabotage extend far beyond that experience and into other areas such as workplace culture, productivity, motivation, habit creation, and goal setting.

    This was a really an eye-opening conversation for me and I think you’re going to get a lot out of it as well. 


    Dr. Howard Farkas is a clinical psychologist based in Chicago. He is the founder and president of Chicago Behavioral Health, which in the past year has become a telehealth psychotherapy practice called Equipoise Teletherapy. He is also on the faculty of Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, where he teaches a course on Motivation and Self-control in Health Behavior. And he’s the author of the book, 8 Keys to End Emotional Eating.


    To connect with Howard:




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