
    Baby-Making Facts & Holistic Hacks with Denise Wiesner

    enAugust 20, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Pleasure and Connection in SummerSummer is a time for passion and pleasure. Promescent's delay spray and arousal gel enhance experiences, while the Magic Wand is a powerful tool for reaching orgasms. Connecting heart and reproductive organs through practices like acupuncture, herbs, and aromatherapy can also enhance experiences and aid in conception.

      Summer is the season of passion and pleasure, and Promescent's line of pleasure enhancing products can help enhance the experience. Their legendary delay spray helps men last longer, while their warming arousal gel for the women increases sensation and pleasure. The Magic Wand, an iconic sex toy, is also mentioned as a powerful tool for reaching orgasms. Additionally, the discussion touches on the importance of connecting heart and reproductive organs, and how practices like acupuncture, herbs, and aromatherapy can help when trying to conceive. The overall message is that sex and pleasure are important aspects of life, and there are tools and practices available to help enhance these experiences.

    • Discovering Delicious, Low-Carb Bread and Improving Sex LivesLearn about low-carb Hero Bread and enhancing relationships through expert insights from a traditional Chinese medicine specialist and certified sex coach

      Sex and health go hand in hand, and it's possible to enjoy delicious bread without the guilt of carbs. During this episode of "Sex with Emily," the host discussed her discovery of Hero Bread, which offers fluffy, tasty bread options with minimal to no net carbs, sugar, and high fiber and protein content. Meanwhile, guest Denise Weisner, a traditional Chinese medicine specialist, certified sex coach, and author of "Conceiving with Love," shared her expertise on improving sex lives, connecting couples, and understanding sexuality practices from both Western and Eastern perspectives. Her book offers valuable insights for those looking to enhance their relationships, heal from trauma, or simply learn more about sexuality. Whether you're trying to conceive or just looking to improve your overall well-being, the combination of these two topics offers something for everyone. So, remember, you can enjoy a great sandwich or bun without the carb guilt, and exploring your sexuality can lead to deeper connections and understanding.

    • Creating a Relaxing Environment for Intimacy During PregnancySetting aside time, decluttering, and avoiding electronics enhance intimacy during pregnancy, while Chinese medicine offers a holistic approach to improving fertility

      Creating a relaxing and intimate environment for sex, especially during pregnancy, is crucial for reducing stress and increasing enjoyment. This includes setting aside time for regular intimacy, decluttering the bedroom, and avoiding electronics. Many women seek help from Chinese medicine, which includes acupuncture and herbs, when trying to conceive, whether through natural methods or after multiple failed IVFs. These women often feel overwhelmed and desperate, and Chinese medicine can provide a holistic approach to improving fertility and reducing the pressure surrounding conception.

    • Understanding the whole body for fertility and healthChinese medicine offers a holistic approach to fertility, considering emotional wellbeing, digestion, sleep, and reproductive signs. Practitioners recommend dietary changes, herbs, and lifestyle adjustments based on individual needs.

      Chinese medicine approaches fertility and overall health by examining the whole body, including emotional wellbeing, digestion, sleep, and reproductive signs. Practitioners may recommend dietary changes, herbal remedies, and lifestyle adjustments based on individual needs. For instance, a woman with excessive body heat might be advised to eat cooling foods, while a cold woman could benefit from warming her diet. By considering various signs and symptoms, Chinese medicine can provide a more holistic approach to addressing fertility issues, often in conjunction with Western medical tests and treatments. The speaker's personal experience with infertility and the lack of integrated care inspired her to help others navigate their fertility journeys with a focus on sexuality, intimacy, and the marriage of Western and Eastern practices.

    • Exploring Fertility Solutions for Men and WomenBoth genders can face fertility issues and should consider natural methods, medical interventions, age, and lifestyle changes to improve chances. Avoid vices and manage stress for optimal reproductive health.

      Both men and women facing fertility issues should consider various factors and treatments. While some may opt for medical interventions like Clomid or testing, others might benefit from natural methods like acupuncture or lifestyle changes. Women's age plays a role in determining the best approach, as those in their 30s and younger might first try natural methods for a year before seeking medical help. Men's fertility is also becoming a concern due to low sperm counts, and treatments for both genders are available. Avoiding smoking, vaping, and cannabis use can improve fertility chances. Stress management through yoga, meditation, and healthy eating is essential as high stress levels can negatively impact reproductive health.

    • Making a Sexual Relationship Enjoyable and Stress-FreeIncorporate toys, games, and vacations to make sex enjoyable. Men can improve performance through sleep, meditation, and breathing techniques. Avoid refined foods, sugars, dairy, and alcohol. Practice Tantra and Taoism to deepen emotional and physical connection.

      Creating a sexually fulfilling and healthy relationship involves making it enjoyable and stress-free. This includes incorporating toys, games, and vacations, and not making it solely about ovulation or performance pressure. For men, maintaining good sleep, meditation, and breathing techniques can help improve performance. Regarding diet, it's essential to avoid refined foods, sugars, dairy (especially for those with PCOS), and alcohol, and focus on whole foods grown as close to their natural state as possible. In Chinese medicine, the focus is on the connection between the heart and reproductive organs, and practices like Tantra and Taoism aim to move and circulate energy between partners. These practices can help deepen the emotional and physical connection in a relationship.

    • Maintaining Sexual Energy for ConceptionRegularly ejaculating within the fertile window is essential for men trying to conceive, while reducing stress and addressing sexual health issues can help improve arousal and desire for both partners.

      During the process of trying to conceive, it's important for men to maintain their sexual energy and ejaculate regularly within their fertile window. This contrasts with the idea of conserving sexual energy in tantric practices, which can be beneficial for couples not trying to conceive. Sexual connection and energy flow are crucial for both partners, and many women struggle with low sex drive or difficulty getting aroused. Addressing these issues can involve education on the differences between arousal and desire, as well as finding ways to reduce stress and improve overall sexual health.

    • Creating arousal for a healthy sex lifeEffective communication, exploring desires, and creating arousal daily can help maintain a healthy and satisfying sex life, despite hormonal changes or other challenges.

      Arousal plays a crucial role in increasing desire for sex. Women may not always be in the mood, but if their partners can create arousal, they may become more interested. Foreplay doesn't have to stop after orgasm; it can continue throughout the day through texts, hugs, kisses, and other intimate activities. Couples should have open conversations about their sexual desires and work on rekindling the connection and exploration in their relationship. Birth control pills can impact women's hormonal balance and reproductive health, leading to a decrease in sex drive and even the absence of periods. Acupuncture and herbs can help reconnect the hypothalamus, pituitary, and ovarian access to restore menstrual cycles. Overall, communication, exploration, and finding ways to create arousal are essential for maintaining a healthy and satisfying sex life.

    • Understanding the Root Causes of Sexual and Reproductive IssuesExplore underlying causes such as physical conditions, emotional traumas, and medications for sexual and reproductive issues. Consider holistic approaches like acupuncture and trauma therapy to address both physical and emotional factors.

      There are various underlying causes for sexual and reproductive issues in both men and women. These causes can range from physical conditions like autoimmune disorders and hormonal imbalances to emotional traumas and unprocessed emotions. In some cases, medications like antidepressants or blood pressure medications can also impact sex drive and performance. For women, there's an increasing trend of premature ovarian failure in younger generations, and the reasons for this are still unclear. Trauma, particularly emotional trauma, is a significant contributor to reproductive issues, and addressing it through methods like brain spotting, EMDR, trauma yoga, or even simple self-soothing techniques can be helpful. Acupuncture can also be an effective way to release trauma and pain in the body. Overall, it's essential to approach sexual and reproductive health holistically, considering both physical and emotional factors.

    • Taking care of vaginal health holisticallyAddress hormonal balance, lubrication, exercise, emotional well-being, use natural remedies, and practice self-exploration for optimal vaginal health.

      Taking care of vaginal health involves a holistic approach that goes beyond just medical treatments. It requires addressing various aspects, including hormonal balance, lubrication, regular exercise, and even emotional well-being. Using natural remedies like rose oil and practicing self-exploration through masturbation can contribute significantly to maintaining vaginal health. It's important to remember that everyone's experience is unique, and there's no shame in seeking help or asking questions. Furthermore, cultural norms and personal beliefs can impact how women approach their sexual and reproductive health, making it crucial for healthcare providers to create a safe, judgment-free space for open communication.

    • Impact of IVF on Women's SexualityDuring IVF, women may experience changes in sexual desire and safety concerns. Communication with doctors and safe practices like clitoral stimulation and pelvic floor exercises can help improve sexual function and overall well-being.

      During In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), women's bodies go through significant changes that can impact their sexuality. While some women may feel less sexual due to bloating and hormonal fluctuations, others may experience increased sexual desire due to elevated estrogen levels. However, there is often a lack of clear guidance from doctors regarding safe sexual activities during this time. Some doctors recommend avoiding intercourse due to concerns about dislodging the embryo, but there is limited research to support this. Clitoral stimulation and other forms of sexual activity, such as kissing and hugging, are likely safe but are often overlooked. It's essential for women to communicate openly with their doctors about their concerns and ask for clarification on what sexual activities are safe during IVF. Additionally, practices like breathing exercises and pelvic floor exercises can help improve sexual function and overall well-being.

    • Reconnecting with the body for deeper intimacyTaoist practices, like focusing on breath and energy circulation, can help individuals reconnect with their bodies, overcome shame, and improve intimacy in relationships, leading to increased pleasure and even pregnancy.

      Taoist practices, such as focusing on breath and energy circulation, can help reconnect individuals to their bodies and improve intimacy in relationships. This disconnect between mind and body, especially in the context of sexuality, can lead to issues like anxiety and shame. By practicing techniques like visualizing energy moving through the pelvic floor and circulating it, individuals can experience a deeper connection to their bodies and their partners. One example given was a man who struggled with ejaculation due to shame, but was able to overcome it through releasing the shame and trying different techniques. These practices can lead to increased pleasure and intimacy, and even result in pregnancy through methods like IVF. Ultimately, the focus on reconnecting with the body and overcoming shame can lead to a more fulfilling and enjoyable sexual experience.

    • Sharing vulnerabilities and desiresBeing open and honest about desires and fears can lead to greater intimacy and freedom from shame in relationships

      Sharing vulnerabilities and desires with your partner can lead to greater intimacy and freedom from shame. Whether it's discussing fantasies or exploring new experiences, being open and honest can bring couples closer together. The fear of rejection or judgment can hold us back, but the potential rewards are worth the risk. Communication and permission are key, and it's important to remember that everyone deserves to feel seen and desired. Life is short, and we should strive to keep our relationships and sex lives exciting and alive, whether that means trying new things, going on vacation, or simply switching up our routines. Ultimately, being unafraid to share our deepest desires and secrets can lead to greater connection and joy in our relationships.

    • Rebuilding Intimacy After Having a BabyCommunicate, make time, and prioritize the relationship to rekindle intimacy after having a baby. While methods like intercervical insemination exist, scientific evidence for their effectiveness is limited.

      After having a baby, both men and women may experience a decrease in sex drive due to exhaustion and hormonal changes. Women, in particular, may need extra help to rekindle their intimacy with their partners. Communication and making time for each other, including getting away from the baby, are crucial. While the theory exists that having an orgasm after intercourse can increase the chances of conception, it has not been scientifically proven. The use of tools like turkey basters for intercervical insemination is a method some couples may consider when trying to conceive. Ultimately, prioritizing the relationship and finding ways to connect intimately is essential for maintaining a healthy sexual relationship after having a baby.

    • Differences between Conceiving at Home and in a Medical SettingHome conception uses fresh semen, medical procedures use washed sperm. Cervical mucus is crucial, and lubes can help. Ideal mucus is egg white-like, stretchy, not sticky. Foreplay is necessary for arousal, orgasm, and conception. Tips like breast massage can enhance the experience.

      When trying to conceive at home versus in a medical setting, there are key differences. At home, you can use fresh sperm with the semen included, while medical procedures like IUI use only washed sperm. Additionally, cervical mucus plays a crucial role in conception, and using lubes can help if the body doesn't produce enough. The ideal cervical mucus is egg white-like, stretchy, and not sticky or tacky. It's essential to ensure enough foreplay and arousal for women, as they need to produce cervical mucus for the sperm to thrive. Foreplay is not just a suggestion but a requirement for pleasure, orgasm, and conception. Furthermore, some masturbation tips, such as breast massage, can enhance the experience for both partners. Remember, foreplay is essential for arousing women and stimulating the tissue in the breasts, which can lead to better chances of conceiving.

    • Exploring female sexual preferences goes beyond clitoris, focus on breastsExplore female sexual preferences through breast massage with essential oils and aphrodisiac foods like dark chocolate, goji berries, pumpkin seeds, oysters, garlic, pineapple, and asparagus.

      Exploring and understanding a woman's unique sexual preferences starts with focusing on areas beyond the clitoris, such as the breasts. Foreplay for women can involve breast massage with essential oils, which can help stimulate arousal and lead to self-discovery. Essential oils like frankincense, rose, sandalwood, geranium, and rose geranium can be used for this purpose. Additionally, aphrodisiac foods like dark chocolate, goji berries, pumpkin seeds, oysters, garlic, pineapple, and asparagus can enhance sexual experiences for both men and women by increasing blood flow and boosting hormonal balance. It's important for couples to experiment with these techniques and discover what works best for them.

    • Importance of reconnecting and reigniting passion in relationshipsCommunicate, experiment, and prioritize eye contact and light touch for a fulfilling sexual and relationship experience.

      Garlic and onions, while having health benefits like increasing blood flow, may not be everyone's preference when it comes to intimacy due to their strong odors. Denise Wiesner, the guest on the podcast, emphasized the importance of reconnecting and reigniting passion in relationships through her book and whole body approach. Her biggest turn on is eye contact and light touch, while her biggest turnoff is a lack of communication. She described her sex life and relationship life in three words as heart, mind, and love. Her advice to her younger self about sex was to have fun, enjoy oneself, and experiment. Her number one sex tip was to be a sexual adventurer. Overall, the episode emphasized the importance of communication, reconnection, and experimentation in sexual and relationship experiences.

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