
    Become a Wordslut w/ Amanda Montell

    enMay 27, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Explore your pleasure this summerTry new products, communicate openly, and prioritize pleasure for a satisfying sex life. Use accurate language to enhance communication.

      Summer is the season of passion and exploration, and enhancing your sex life can be as simple as trying new products or changing the way you communicate about sex. Promescent's line of pleasure enhancing products, like their legendary delay spray and warming arousal gel, can help extend the fun and ensure a satisfying climax. The iconic Magic Wand vibrator, praised for its powerful rumble and cultural significance, is another tool to add to your pleasure arsenal. Moreover, the words we use to discuss sex can shape our attitudes and experiences. According to Amanda Montel, author and podcast host, using accurate and empowering language can lead to better communication and improved sex lives. So, this summer, try new things, communicate openly, and prioritize your pleasure. Check out promescent.com/emily for a discount on Promescent products and sexwithemily.com/magicwand for the Magic Wand.

    • Language and Sex: How Words Shape Our PerceptionsUsing mindful language can challenge harmful stereotypes and reframe sex in a more positive and inclusive way.

      Language plays a significant role in shaping our perceptions and attitudes towards sex. Amanda Montell, a linguist and author, discusses how certain words and phrases, such as "guys" and terms used to describe sex, reflect and perpetuate default maleness and negative attitudes. For instance, the use of "guys" as a second person plural pronoun is a relatively recent phenomenon, filling a lexical gap in English. The way we frame sex in language, such as using terms like "penetration" and "boning," can also reinforce harmful stereotypes. Montell suggests using alternative terms, like "envelopment" or "clit smashing," to challenge these perspectives. By being more mindful of the language we use, we can start to reframe and rebrand sex in a more positive and inclusive way.

    • Language shapes our understanding of sex and bodiesReflecting on language and using terms that better represent individual experiences can lead to a more empowering and inclusive understanding of sex and sexuality

      Language and the words we use to describe our bodies and sexual experiences can reinforce power structures and social norms. The speaker discusses how medical definitions and slang can be biased and not reflective of individual experiences. For example, the clitoris, which is more similar to the penis than the vagina, is often labeled as a female organ that receives the penis. The speaker argues that this is not an objective way to classify the body part and that language shapes our thinking about sex. She also mentions how some medical definitions and slang for female genitalia are not complimentary and can be controversial. Transgender and gender non-conforming communities have challenged these heteronormative genitalia words and come up with their own terms. The speaker encourages individuals to reflect on the language they use and consider alternatives that better represent their experiences and bodies. This can lead to a more empowering and inclusive understanding of sex and sexuality.

    • Language and words matter in shaping our perception of bodies and sexualityChoose language that feels authentic and empowering to challenge societal norms and reclaim our sexuality and bodies

      Our language and the words we use to describe our bodies and sexuality can be limiting and perpetuate harmful stereotypes or empower and challenge societal norms. The use of euphemisms and cutesy terms, while seemingly harmless, can actually reinforce the stigma and shame surrounding sex. For instance, the term "vajayjay" was coined as a female-friendly alternative to the word vagina, but it can still be seen as diminutive and disempowering. Similarly, terms like "girl boss" can highlight the fact that women have to work harder to hold positions of power in a male-dominated society. By using language that feels authentic and empowering to us, we can challenge these norms and reclaim our sexuality and bodies. It's important to remember that we are not yet in a culture where we can use whatever language we want without causing offense or perpetuating harm. Language can be a powerful tool to either reinforce or challenge problematic sex standards, and we should choose our words carefully.

    • Reclaiming derogatory wordsConsider the historical and cultural context of words, reflect on language use, and reclaim derogatory terms to challenge societal norms and promote gender and sex equality.

      Language and words have the power to harm or empower, and it's essential to be aware of the historical and cultural context behind certain words. The speaker advocates for the reclamation of words like "slut" and "queer," which have been historically used as derogatory terms, but can be reclaimed and used in positive contexts to challenge societal norms and promote gender and sex equality. Creating a safe and consensual space in personal relationships can allow for the use of language that may be considered taboo or offensive in other contexts. The speaker encourages everyone to reflect on their language use and make conscious decisions about how they want to use words moving forward, with the goal of eventually reorienting society to use words only in positive contexts, ultimately leading to a more equal and empowering culture for all. The speaker's personal mission is to empower individuals to own their voices and challenge the patriarchal standards reflected in language.

    • Language shapes perceptions and beliefsBe mindful of gendered language and avoid using derogatory terms. Empowering language uplifts and diminishes, impacting self-perception and cultural values.

      Language is a powerful tool that can be used to assert social power, especially for women and gender nonconforming individuals. It's important to avoid using gendered terms of abuse and instead be specific and accurate in our language. Slang terms like "bitch" and "slut" have negative connotations and are derived from a culture that doesn't give women and gender nonconforming folks enough ways to assert their power. Newer slang terms like "simp" reflect our larger cultural values and can be seen as a man who is too complimentary towards women. However, language is always evolving, and it's important to remain open-minded and curious instead of being judgmental. Additionally, the words we use for children, even unintentionally, can have a significant impact on their self-perception. It's essential to be mindful of the language we use towards children and strive for balance and accuracy. Language shapes our perceptions and beliefs, and it's up to us to use it in a way that empowers and uplifts rather than demeans and diminishes.

    • Language and Gender: The Complex HistoryLanguage shapes gender roles and stereotypes, with historically masculine terms excluding women. Montel's book encourages challenging and expanding language use, discussing historical singular pronouns and current default masculine language forms. Montel also emphasized respect and the importance of good sex and relationships.

      Language plays a significant role in shaping gender roles and stereotypes, with terms like "guys" and "y'all" being historically masculine and excluding women. The evolution of language, including the use of singular they and the rise of "you guys," reflects the complex history of gender and language. Amanda Montel's book, "Word Slut," sheds light on these issues and encourages readers to challenge and expand their language use. Montel also discussed the historical use of singular pronouns and the current problem of default masculine language forms. In our quickie questions segment, Montel shared her turn-ons, turn-offs, and insights on good sex and relationships. Additionally, she highlighted the importance of respect and the fact that sex is supposed to be weird. Finally, Montel introduced Hero Bread, a low-carb bread alternative that allows individuals to enjoy bread while maintaining their health goals.

    • Honesty in Food and RelationshipsBeing honest about food preferences and practicing safe habits in relationships can lead to healthier and more fulfilling experiences.

      Honesty is key in all aspects of life, whether it's about food or relationships. In the food discussion, hero bread offers a variety of options for everyone, including those with lower carb needs. The monthly small batch drops offer unique and delicious finds. In the relationship discussion, being upfront about intentions and practicing safe sex are important for maintaining healthy relationships and personal well-being. The conversation highlighted the importance of open communication and mutual respect in establishing boundaries and ensuring safety. It's essential to approach dating with integrity and honesty, and having the STD talk can be a tactful way to ensure safety while keeping things hot and consensual. Ultimately, being clear about what you want and practicing safe habits can lead to healthier and more fulfilling experiences in both food and relationships.

    • Understanding the influence of emotional intimacy on sexual pleasureEmotional intimacy enhances sexual pleasure by shifting focus towards loving and worshiping your partner during sexual acts, challenging limiting beliefs, and focusing on the emotional connection and pleasure of giving.

      The enjoyment and pleasure of giving sexual acts, such as blowjobs, can be influenced by emotional intimacy and personal beliefs. For some individuals, like Karen from the discussion, growing up in conservative environments where sex was not openly discussed or encouraged can lead to conflicting feelings towards sex. To overcome this, it's essential to challenge limiting beliefs and focus on the emotional connection and pleasure of giving to your partner. By shifting the mindset towards worshiping and loving your partner during sexual acts, the experience can become more fulfilling and enjoyable for both parties. Emotional intimacy plays a significant role in enhancing sexual pleasure and understanding the appeal of giving sexual acts.

    • Exploring sex as a continuous journeyCommunication, adaptation, and constant effort are essential for maintaining a satisfying and exciting sex life. Tools like vibrators and mutual arousal can enhance the experience for both partners.

      Approaching sex as a continuous journey of learning and exploration, rather than a destination, can lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying experience for both partners. Using tools like vibrators or focusing on mutual arousal can help ensure that both individuals are engaged and enjoying the experience. The importance of communication and asking for needs to be met cannot be overstated. Sex is not a skill set that can be mastered and forgotten, but rather, it requires constant attention and effort to keep it exciting and meaningful. Relationships, like sex, are subject to change and it's essential to adapt and try new things to keep the spark alive. Remember, every relationship starts off well, but it's natural for it to evolve and face challenges. The key is to work through them and keep the communication open.

    • Effective communication in relationshipsUnderstand past relationships, ask about conflict resolution in potential partners, recognize relationship ups and downs, focus on personal growth, and improve communication skills for healthier relationships.

      Every relationship will encounter conflicts, and it's essential to communicate effectively to navigate through them. While it's impossible to find a utopian relationship free from conflicts, understanding your role in past relationships and learning from them can help improve future relationships. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being good communicators and finding a partner whose "stuff" you can work with. Vetting potential partners by asking about how they handle conflicts can provide valuable insights. Moreover, recognizing that relationships have ups and downs and avoiding the deep, dark pits of despair is crucial. Ultimately, self-reflection and learning from past experiences are vital in creating healthier relationships. Instead of blaming external factors, focusing on personal growth and improvement can lead to more fulfilling relationships.

    • Effective communication and handling conflicts are essential for strong relationshipsLearning to navigate conflicts through active listening, understanding perspectives, and calming down can lead to stronger connections. Recognize personal shortcomings and be open to feedback for resilient relationships.

      Effective communication and handling conflicts are crucial for maintaining healthy relationships. The speaker emphasizes that conflicts are inevitable and learning to navigate them can lead to stronger connections. They suggest that people should listen actively, understand the other person's perspective, and practice calming down during heated moments instead of avoiding them. The speaker also highlights the importance of recognizing personal shortcomings and being open to feedback from partners. By addressing conflicts in a healthy and productive manner, relationships can grow and become more resilient.

    • Prioritize personal growth for healthy relationshipsLearn effective communication and conflict resolution skills for healthy relationships, and it's never too late to start with therapy.

      It's essential to work on personal growth, particularly in areas related to communication and conflict resolution, to build and maintain healthy relationships. While it may be tempting to believe that perfect relationships never involve disagreements, the reality is that the ability to handle conflicts healthily is crucial for long-term success. It's never too late to learn these skills, and therapy can be an excellent resource for personal growth. As the podcast host, Emily, emphasizes, "if you don't know how to have healthy conflict, it's not gonna last." So, prioritize your personal growth, learn to communicate effectively, and embrace the value of healthy conflict in your relationships.

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    Remember that amazing free gift Destin mentioned? You know you want it! Click HERE for Destin’s Free Gift ‘Enticing Desire'

    Schedule a 20 minute complimentary session with Destin by clicking HERE!

    Evolved Masculine Blueprint HERE.


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    Photo of Miriam

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    snapchat: @EmpireI