
    About this Episode

    While it is natural to want to avoid painful emotions, the truth is that they can teach us valuable lessons about ourselves and the world around us.

When we learn to deal with our emotions in a healthy way, we can become emotionally stronger and more resilient.  Learn how to raise the bar on dealing with your emotions!

    Recent Episodes from Transformation with Martine': Conquer Everything, Compromise Nothing

    Out of the broom closet into your truth

    Out of the broom closet into your truth

    A lawyer and a former law enforcement officer ... they will share how they both pretended to be someone other than who they are before stepping in to the real world, their psychic skills, the truth about being psychics, mediums, human lie detectors, shamans, and more.


    Watch Here: https://youtu.be/exS7-KwW4i4


    I turned my crawl into a Soar

    I turned my crawl into a Soar

    When Elizabeth was at life's lowest, which felt as if she had fallen flat on her face, it was through that time she heard a voice that said "get up", and get up she did. However, being so broken, she had to learn how to crawl, and it was through crawling that Elizabeth learned some of the most valuable lessons about herself. 


    Watch Here: https://youtu.be/nSKnaHd_PUc


    Living A Grateful Life

    Living A Grateful Life

    Ever faced challenges that seemed insurmountable? Let's unravel the profound connection between gratitude and resilience.


    Hear inspiring stories of triumph over adversity, gain practical insights on turning challenges into stepping stones, and learn how to cultivate a mindset that fosters resilience and fulfillment.


    Prepare to be motivated and empowered as Martiné shares transformative lessons on navigating life's complexities.


    Watch Here: https://youtu.be/_hgpcNzLq98


    Answer The Call - Following your gifts, talents and pursuing your life's purpose.

    Answer The Call - Following your gifts, talents and pursuing your life's purpose.

    Are you struggling to find a new direction in your life after facing tragedy? Do you wonder how you can reinvent yourself and pursue your dreams despite the challenges that life has thrown your way? If so, you’re not alone. Jorge will share his personal journey of reinvention and will offer practical insights on how you can do the same. After spending two decades perfecting his craft, Jorge was faced with a disability that left him unable to continue working in his chosen field. But rather than succumbing to anger and grief, he drew inspiration from his family’s legacy of taking calculated risks and pursued a new path forward.






    The human spirit can shine brightly even in unimaginable adversity

    The human spirit can shine brightly even in unimaginable adversity

    Discover how Danielle transformed the pain of her loss into a mission of hope and encouragement, touching the lives of many along the way. Her story is a reminder that even in the face of unimaginable adversity, the human spirit can shine brightly.


    Watch Here: https://youtu.be/K7XAILv0cR8