
    Bedroom Goals & Relationship Roles with Lisa Bilyeu

    enJanuary 04, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Power and Iconic Status of the Magic Wand Sex ToyThe Magic Wand sex toy is a powerful and iconic sex toy, with various iterations available, providing the same powerful rumble that made it famous. Communication, goal setting, and using pleasure enhancing products can help enhance sexual experiences during summer.

      The magic wand, a iconic sex toy, offers powerful and unapologetic pleasure, earning it accolades as a culture icon and trusted confidant for many. With various iterations available, it continues to provide the same powerful rumble that made it famous. Additionally, Promescent's lineup of pleasure enhancing products, such as the delay spray and warming arousal gel, can help enhance sexual experiences for both men and women during the sexiest season of summer. Communication and goal setting are crucial in relationships, and regular check-ins can ensure a healthy partnership. And remember, everyone has unique needs and desires, so it's important to understand and meet them with your partner.

    • Discover Hero Bread: Delicious, Low-Carb AlternativeEnjoy guilt-free bread with Hero Bread's impressive nutritional stats: 0-1 net carbs, 0g sugar, high fiber, and protein. Soft, airy texture perfect for sandwiches, tacos, and enchiladas.

      You can enjoy your favorite bread products without the guilt of excessive carbs and sugar by trying Hero Bread. This bread offers impressive nutritional stats, including 0 to 1 net carbs per serving, 0 grams of sugar, and high fiber and protein content. The texture is soft, airy, and toasts up perfectly, making it a game changer for various dishes like sandwiches, tacos, and enchiladas. Hero Bread is ideal for those with health goals, and its great taste adds to its appeal. Additionally, Lisa Billie, a dear friend of Emily's and a successful entrepreneur, shares the importance of supporting friends and bringing people together. She once surprised Emily with toys during a podcast interview, showcasing her thoughtfulness and generosity.

    • Embracing Failures and Insecurities as Opportunities for GrowthSuccessful women often face failures and insecurities, but they use these experiences as opportunities to learn and grow.

      Failure and insecurities are common experiences among successful women. This insight was shared during a conversation about a magical toy, the "magic wand," which brought joy and convenience to a woman's vacation. The magic wand, which was once tethered to a wall with cords, is now wireless, symbolizing the progress and transformation in various aspects of life. The speaker, who started the Women of Impact platform, emphasized the importance of surrounding oneself with positive and supportive friends. She shared that she values her friendships deeply and has learned to identify and distance herself from toxic relationships. During her interviews with impactful women, she noticed a common thread: all of them had experienced failures and insecurities in their journeys to success. This realization underscores the importance of embracing setbacks and insecurities as opportunities for growth.

    • Handling setbacks and building successful relationshipsSuccessful people bounce back from failures by defining roles and goals in relationships and businesses.

      Successful people, including celebrities, have faced failures and insecurities, but it's how they handle those setbacks that sets them apart. Sharing techniques and tactics for overcoming failures can resonate with different individuals. Regarding relationships, more women are working with their partners to build businesses. Lisa and Tom, for instance, built a $1,000,000,000 company together and continue to work side by side. Their success stems from establishing roles and goals in both their personal and professional lives. They wrote out what each person was responsible for, creating a clear division of labor. Initially, Lisa was a traditional housewife, but when she joined Tom's business, they reassessed their roles and goals, leading to Tom focusing on earning money and Lisa managing the business operations. By defining their roles and goals, they were able to build a successful business and maintain a strong partnership.

    • Communication and adaptation in relationshipsEffective communication and adaptation are essential for maintaining a healthy relationship during periods of personal growth and change. Openly discuss changing needs and desires, acknowledge past roles or identities, and be open to new experiences.

      Effective communication and adaptation are crucial in maintaining a healthy relationship, especially during periods of personal growth and change. The speaker shared an experience of transitioning from a nurturing spouse to an entrepreneur, which led to a shift in their relationship dynamics. They emphasized the importance of having an open and honest conversation with their partner about their changing needs and desires, and the need for both parties to be receptive to the other's feelings. The speaker also highlighted the importance of acknowledging and mourning the loss of past roles or identities, while also being open to new experiences and ways of being in the relationship. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that relationships require ongoing effort and adaptation, and that open communication and a willingness to change are essential for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling partnership.

    • Balancing Love and EntrepreneurshipEffective communication and understanding are crucial in maintaining a successful relationship, even when roles and priorities shift.

      Successful relationships require balance and open communication. A couple must understand and respect each other's needs and passions, even if they differ. In this discussion, the wife shared her experience of balancing her role as a wife and a businesswoman. She acknowledged her husband's shift in focus towards his entrepreneurial pursuits and the impact it had on their romantic relationship. Instead of expecting him to fulfill her romantic needs without communication, she took the initiative to express her desires and find a solution that worked for both of them. This involved compromising on certain aspects, such as weekend cooking, while also finding creative ways to bring romance back into their relationship. Ultimately, the key to their success was open communication, understanding, and a willingness to adapt and find balance in their dynamic.

    • Communicating effectively in relationshipsBe specific about needs, remember uniqueness, take initiative, and be open about expectations for stronger connections.

      Clear communication is essential in a relationship. Instead of issuing demands or expecting our partners to read our minds, we should be specific about our needs and desires. It's important to remember that everyone is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Taking the time to identify what we truly want in a partner and being honest about it can lead to greater satisfaction and understanding in the relationship. Additionally, relying on our partners to make us feel good about ourselves can be problematic. Instead, we should take initiative and communicate our needs directly. This can help prevent misunderstandings and build stronger connections. Furthermore, it's important to remember that no one wants to inherently disappoint their partner. By being open and clear about our expectations, we can give our partners the keys to the kingdom and help them avoid unintentional disappointments. In essence, effective communication and taking initiative in expressing our needs and desires can lead to healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

    • Expressing needs effectively in relationshipsUse 'I' statements, focus on feelings, choose right timing, acknowledge emotions, ask partner what they need to feel opposite to strengthen connections.

      Effective communication is key in any relationship, especially when it comes to expressing and addressing needs. The way conversations are initiated and approached can significantly impact the outcome. Instead of focusing on blame or accusations, it's essential to express how we feel and what we need without putting our partners on the defensive. Timing and language are crucial factors. Conversations should be had when both parties are relaxed and open to listening. Using "I" statements and focusing on feelings rather than facts can help keep the conversation productive and avoid arguments. Additionally, acknowledging that our emotions may be influencing us can help prevent misunderstandings. By leading with our feelings and asking what would make our partners feel the opposite, we can work together to find solutions and strengthen our connections.

    • Effective communication is crucial for a satisfying sexual relationshipApproach sexual desires with warmth and curiosity, have ongoing conversations, and express needs honestly to strengthen your sexual relationship.

      Effective communication is key in maintaining a satisfying sexual relationship. During the podcast discussion, it was mentioned that wearing something that makes you feel sexy and engaging in activities that get you in the mood are important. However, it's crucial to approach these topics with your partner in a warm and curious way, rather than just dropping a suggestion out of the blue. In the email segment, a listener expressed his desire for more adventurous sex with his wife, but found that his suggestions were met with resistance. Emily advised that having an open and ongoing conversation about sexual desires and needs is essential for both partners to feel heard and satisfied. Additionally, the listener brought up the issue of infrequent oral sex, which Emily suggested addressing by expressing how much it means to him and asking his wife about her own preferences and concerns. Ultimately, the ability to communicate openly and honestly about sexual desires and needs can lead to a stronger and more fulfilling sexual relationship.

    • Navigating Relationship Challenges: Communication is KeyHonest conversations are vital in long-term relationships, especially when dealing with incompatibilities or concerns like having children or anal sex. Proper communication and understanding can help couples make informed decisions together.

      Communication is key in navigating relationship challenges. For the woman who fears incompatibility with her boyfriend's desire for biological children, it's essential to have open and honest conversations. Decisions about having children should not be based on a single conversation, especially in a long-term, loving relationship. Instead, couples should discuss their feelings, reasons, and options, allowing them to make informed decisions together. In the case of anal sex concerns, proper hygiene practices are crucial to prevent infections and diseases. Using separate toys or fingers, or cleaning thoroughly between acts, can help reduce risks. Overall, clear communication and understanding can help couples overcome challenges and make decisions that work for both parties.

    • Communication and safety in sexDiscuss sex positively, switch condoms for anal sex, clean hands, share fantasies, and maintain open communication to enhance intimacy and prevent boredom.

      Communication and safety are crucial elements in exploring different sexual activities. When engaging in anal sex, it's essential to switch condoms and clean hands to prevent infections. Regarding discussing sex in relationships, there's no such thing as too much as long as the conversation is positive, constructive, and enhances the intimacy between partners. Sharing fantasies, trying new things, and maintaining open communication can help prevent boredom and keep the sexual relationship exciting. Remember, the focus should be on the quality of the sex talk rather than the quantity.

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    What We Discuss:

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    Episode Resources

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    Ep. 107 | 2 Bears 1 Cave w/ Tom Segura & Bert Kreischer
    SPONSORS: - Download the DraftKings Sportsbook app now, use promo code BEARS, bet ONE DOLLAR on either team to score and win ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS IN FREE BETS. - Earn your bragging rights with Zingeroo by going to https://apps.zingeroo.com/2Bears - Head on over to https://Stance.com and pick out whatever styles you like. Enjoy the color and comfort of a life less ordinary… with Stance. - Head to https://PolicyGenius.com/CAVE to get started right now. Policygenius. When it comes to insurance, it’s nice to get it right. - Get 20% off your order at https://BuyRaycon.com/bears - Go to https://WHOOP.com and use code “CAVE” at checkout to save yourself 15% off today. - Get 10% off your first month of online therapy at https://BetterHelp.com/BEARS. - Go to https://DietSmoke.com and use the promo code “BEARS” for 20% off your order. Pretty wild episode of 2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura and Bert Kreischer this week! Bert went to ye olde sex shoppe in Austin and brought back a bunch of toys for the bears to try out and review! Pumps, plugs, and mold of Christy Mack! Do we need to get Christy's permission to use it? Lets reach out either way! Bert realizes that him and Tom live VERY different lives on the road. We try and figure out how Bert is still alive and if a perspective adjustment is in order. We get into all the insecurities that come with being a comedian and how some people handle them. We then get back into ladies that worked in the adult industry for a couple months that blew up from that. The bears share the difficulties doing improv podcasts and radio appearances. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices