
    About this Episode

    “The strategies and avoidance around the experience of “not being” or death are what keep you from the experience of eternal life.”

    As a young boy of 16, Ramana chose to stop running from what he feared and turned to face death directly. In that moment of inquiry, he opened his mind asking, “Who dies?”  All of us share that same opportunity to stop running and inquire into what we fear most—the end of “me.” In the willingness to investigate death itself, we can discover what cannot die, we can truly rest in the peace that is present here and now.


    Learn more about Gangaji at gangaji.org

    Recent Episodes from Gangaji Podcasts

    Being Yourself | Consciously Opening to Emotional Pain

    Being Yourself | Consciously Opening to Emotional Pain

    “There is no problem with pain. There is pain. If you are seeking something to avoid pain, that’s the suffering. That’s the search that must be called off.”

    It takes effort to avoid our emotional pain. We can try to avoid it, but ultimately the common strategies of withdrawing, protecting, and dissociating from feelings of hurt actually turn emotional pain into unnecessary suffering. This lively exchange taken from the Gangaji archives offers a clear demonstration of how we can recognize the strategies we use and then choose to give up the power to suffer.


    Learn more about Gangaji, her in-person and online events, Prison Program, and more at gangaji.org. 

    To make a donation to support this podcast or other programs that support the recognition of the inherent peace alive in all being and the ending of unnecessary suffering, please visit our giving page. 

    With gratitude..

    Being Yourself | Necessary Pain, Unnecessary Suffering

    Being Yourself  |  Necessary Pain, Unnecessary Suffering

    “If you stop thinking about how to get out of the body that may be painful or how to keep the body that is pain free, you get to experience the truth.”

    Physical pain is an essential aspect of life that serves the survival and well-being of the body, but we can easily turn that necessary pain that alerts us to injury and illness into unnecessary suffering. What is the difference between pain and suffering? What can physical pain reveal to us when we meet it directly?


    To learn more about Gangaji visit gangaji.org


    Being Yourself | How Can Your Life Be Truly Lived?

    Being Yourself |  How Can Your Life Be Truly Lived?

    Where is the life you want?

    As much as we can fear death, we can also fear living a full and vibrant life. In this exchange, Gangaji helps a woman get to the root of what keeps her fear of vibrancy running. This conversation demonstrates how each of us has the capacity to discover how to live a true and full life.   


    Learn more about Gangaji at gangaji.org



    Being Yourself | Facing Death is Facing Life

    Being Yourself | Facing Death is Facing Life

    “The strategies and avoidance around the experience of “not being” or death are what keep you from the experience of eternal life.”

    As a young boy of 16, Ramana chose to stop running from what he feared and turned to face death directly. In that moment of inquiry, he opened his mind asking, “Who dies?”  All of us share that same opportunity to stop running and inquire into what we fear most—the end of “me.” In the willingness to investigate death itself, we can discover what cannot die, we can truly rest in the peace that is present here and now.


    Learn more about Gangaji at gangaji.org

    Being Yourself | Celebrating 30 Years of Love in Action

    Being Yourself | Celebrating 30 Years of Love in Action

    “It was a fire. It was really a fire because it was a razor’s edge. All of sudden there are these huge groups. And if I identified even the slightest negatively or positively…I am sliced on this razor I am living on. It was really a necessary fire. I had to be quiet. I had to be still.”

    This month we share the soundtrack to a special 30th anniversary video honoring the community of volunteers and donors. The video begins with Gangaji’s first meeting with Papaji in 1990. After Gangaji speaks about her earliest experiences of teaching, we see what unfolded through community efforts in the years that followed. Includes featured music from Jami Sieber, Kirtana, and Amber Terrell.


    To watch the video version or learn more about Gangaji and the Gangaji Foundation visit  gangaji.org. 


    Being Yourself | The Yoga of Naturally Being Yourself

    Being Yourself | The Yoga of Naturally Being Yourself
    “It’s a lie that any thing gives you fulfilling, true, deep joy. Joy is your nature.”

    We can feel deeply conflicted when following our hearts doesn’t line up with what we or others think we should be doing. When we reach the proverbial and often frightening “fork in the road,” we have a choice to be true to ourselves. Gangaji begins this meeting speaking about the difference between being normal and being natural, and then shares one of the key “fork in the road” moments she experienced in her life.
    Learn more about Gangaji at gangaji.org

    Being Yourself | The Direct Experience of Certainty

    Being Yourself | The Direct Experience of Certainty
    “Universal, absolute awareness is who you are."
    How is it possible to be “certain” of who we are? In the wake of an essential and undeniable experience of our true nature as pure consciousness, doubt usually arises—“Did that really happen? Is it real?” Then, we often look to our thoughts for the answer. In this powerful dialogue, Gangaji helps us see past the efforts of the rational, conditioned mind to grasp to the doubtless recognition of what is always here.
    Learn more about Gangaji, her events, and programs at gangaji.org. 

    Being Yourself | Entangled in the Search for a Better Identity

    Being Yourself | Entangled in the Search for a Better Identity

    “The error is that you are not what can be thought, or perceived, or felt.  You are that in which all thoughts, all perceptions, all feelings, appear in.”

    In countless ways, we search for a “better” identity to replace who we think we are. This month, Gangaji speaks to the trap of misidentification. How is it possible to see your true face? Where are you looking for yourself?


    Learn more about Gangaji at gangaji.org

    Being Yourself Podcast Extra | Finding Freedom in the Darkness

    Being Yourself Podcast Extra |  Finding Freedom in the Darkness

    “Incarcerated for life in a maximum security prison in Alabama and not using that as an excuse, refusing to use that as an excuse.  In fact, using that as a vehicle.”

    Gangaji reads a powerful letter of realization from a prisoner serving life without parole in an Alabama prison.

    Learn more about Gangaji at gangaji.org

    Support/Learn more about the Gangaji Foundation Prison Program here