
    Best of Episode: Kail gets Tyler Baltierra to react to the trolls

    en-usOctober 21, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • A girl dad's experiences and growth in parenthoodDespite the challenges, being a parent, especially a 'girl dad', can lead to personal growth and rewarding experiences.

      Kale Lauer, a frequent podcast guest, discussed her experiences as a "girl dad" and her decision to undergo permanent birth control. She shared that being a parent, especially a girl dad, can be challenging and unpredictable, but also rewarding. Lauer expressed that she's learned to adapt to the new responsibilities and has grown to love the experience, despite the initial challenges. She also shared her thoughts on the newborn phase and the sleep deprivation that comes with it, and her decision to undergo permanent birth control, feeling that she's "done" having children. Overall, Lauer's conversation highlighted the unique experiences and challenges of parenthood and the personal growth that comes with it.

    • Amber and Kate miss Teen Mom Reunion due to their babiesDespite missing the Teen Mom Family Reunion, Amber and Kate look forward to future opportunities within the franchise

      The Teen Mom cast members, specifically Amber Portwood and Kate Maloney, were unable to attend the Teen Mom Family Reunion due to unforeseen circumstances with their young babies. Raya, Amber's daughter, missed her flight by just a few days, making it impossible for them to travel with her as they required a baby nanny to ensure her safety and wellbeing. The cast members took this as a sign that it wasn't meant to be for them to participate in this season. Despite their absence, they expressed their excitement for the possibility of joining the next season and meeting the other cast members from different Teen Mom shows. Additionally, Chelsea Houska, a former Teen Mom cast member, was announced to have her own show on HGTV, which was a surprising but exciting development for the franchise. Overall, the cast members remain committed to the Teen Mom franchise and are open to new opportunities and experiences.

    • Teen Mom Stars Find Success in Real Estate Through House FlippingReality TV stars Zach and Caitlin have found financial success in real estate by flipping houses, enjoying the process and continuously looking for new opportunities.

      Zach and Caitlin from "Teen Mom" have found success in real estate by flipping houses, and they currently live in their forever home but continue to explore potential flipping opportunities. Zach shared that he enjoys the process of buying, remodeling, and selling houses, but he prefers not to start from scratch and build a house from the ground up. He has completed two house flips and is currently looking for more opportunities. While they don't have a reality TV show focused on their real estate ventures like some other celebrities, they have found financial success and enjoyment in this business. Their style may differ from others in the industry, but they continue to pursue it with excitement. House flipping has proven to be a lucrative business for them, and they take their time to ensure that each project is done well. Despite already having a home, they continue to browse Zillow for potential opportunities, demonstrating their passion for this business.

    • Building a custom home: Unexpected challengesBuilding a custom home can bring unexpected challenges such as tile and countertop selections, permit issues, and supply chain disruptions, making the process less enjoyable than anticipated.

      Building a custom home can be a challenging and unpredictable process, filled with unexpected delays and changes. The speaker, despite loving her builder, found the experience to be less enjoyable than anticipated due to the numerous hurdles she encountered along the way. These included tile and countertop selections, permit issues, and supply chain disruptions caused by COVID-19. Despite the difficulties, she remains open to the possibility of building again in the future, but only when she is ready for a new challenge and not for the next two decades. Additionally, she shared an update on Butch, her father, who is currently in Texas working on fence projects and in a toxic relationship with a wealthy woman who enables his addictive behaviors.

    • Impact of Parental Addiction on Teen Mom Cast MembersGrowing up with addicted parents can shape Teen Mom cast members' lives, helping them make better decisions and mature faster. Exploring addiction's impact on families could expand the franchise's reach and help more people.

      The experiences of growing up with parents who are addicts and alcoholics, a common thread among some Teen Mom cast members, can have a profound impact on their lives. These experiences can serve as a powerful moral compass, helping them make better decisions and grow up faster. The MTV franchise could explore this theme further by focusing on addiction and its impact on families, which could potentially reach and help a larger audience. The fact that some Teen Mom cast members have managed to avoid substance abuse despite their upbringing is a testament to the unpredictability and indiscriminate nature of addiction. It's not just about teen pregnancy; it's about the deeper, often hidden struggles that many families face.

    • Family dynamics and societal expectations impact individualsAccept complex family situations and focus on raising children, societal expectations can limit creativity, especially for boys, and historical roles of artists have evolved

      Family dynamics can be complex and affect individuals in various ways. The speaker's mom, who is somewhat estranged from the family, serves as an example of this complexity. The speaker has learned to accept the situation and focus on being a mother to her own children. Society's expectations, particularly regarding gender roles and creativity, can also impact family dynamics. The speaker appreciates the support and encouragement she receives for fostering her son's creativity, which she feels is not always afforded to boys. The conversation also touched upon the historical significance of artists and how their roles have evolved over time.

    • Nurturing Creativity in BoysEncourage boys' interests, ask questions, show interest, and consider creative outlets or workshops to help boost their creativity during middle school age.

      Encouraging children's creativity and interests, especially for boys, is crucial for their development. The speaker shares her experience of feeling pressured to conform to gender norms and suppress her own creativity as a child. She expresses her desire to help her son, Kale, avoid similar experiences by fostering his love for writing and engaging with him in his interests. The speaker acknowledges the challenges of middle school age and offers the advice of asking questions, showing genuine interest, and potentially seeking out creative outlets or workshops to help boost a child's creativity. The speaker also shares her own regret of not having such support as a child and the impact it had on her writing. Overall, the importance of creating a safe and supportive environment for children to explore their interests and express themselves cannot be overstated.

    • Encouraging meaningful connections through genuine interestEngaging with others and showing interest in their stories and passions can lead to valuable connections and opportunities. Encourage individuality and exploration, and be supportive and understanding.

      Engaging with others and showing genuine interest in their stories and passions can lead to meaningful connections and opportunities. This was highlighted in a conversation about publishing children's books, where a mother encouraged her son to improve his manuscript and appreciated his openness to constructive criticism. The importance of encouraging individuality and allowing children to explore their interests, rather than pressuring them to conform, was also emphasized. The conversation also touched upon the pressure parents face to ensure their children excel in certain areas and the importance of being supportive and understanding. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of being open-minded, encouraging, and interested in others, and allowing individuals to be true to themselves.

    • Reflecting on personal growth from '16 and Pregnant'Reality TV show offered opportunities for self-discovery, healing, and appreciation of relationships. Speakers believe they would have continued down negative paths without it, emphasizing importance of staying curious and seeking therapy.

      The reality TV show "16 and Pregnant" provided the speakers with valuable opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery. They were able to use the time and financial freedom gained from the show to heal from their past mistakes and figure out who they are. The show served as a reflective mirror, helping them to understand their paths in life and appreciate the people and relationships that have shaped them. The speakers also expressed the belief that they would have likely continued down a negative path without the show, possibly leading to jail or addiction. They emphasized the importance of staying curious about one's partner and the value of therapy in maintaining a long-term, committed relationship. Overall, the speakers shared a sense of gratitude for the experiences and lessons they gained from being on the show.

    • Learning to Communicate Effectively in RelationshipsEffective communication involves being assertive, authentic, respectful, and mature. Avoid using vulnerabilities as weapons and instead, create a safe space for honest expression.

      Effective communication is key in any relationship, and it's important to be respectful and considerate when expressing feelings and opinions. The speaker shares how they've learned to be more assertive and communicate authentically through therapy. However, it's equally important to avoid using vulnerabilities as weapons against each other. The use of low blows and intentional hurt can damage the relationship and make constructive dialogue impossible. The speaker emphasizes the importance of maturity in expressing emotions and delivering messages in a way that is productive and respectful. They also acknowledge their past mistakes and the role therapy has played in helping them improve their communication skills. Ultimately, the goal is to create a safe space where both parties can express themselves honestly without fear of retaliation or harm.

    • The Challenges of Being in the Public EyeCrime investigators and reality TV personalities face immense pressure and emotional taxation from public scrutiny and personal struggles, requiring immense courage and strength.

      Being in the public eye, whether as a crime investigator or a reality TV personality, comes with immense pressure and challenges. For Paul Wagner, a crime investigator on the American Nightmare podcast, the scrutiny and dissection of his personal life, combined with the heavy burden of solving heinous crimes, can be exhausting and emotionally taxing. Similarly, for reality TV personalities like himself, the constant need to be liked or disliked based on their authentic selves can be even more challenging. Caitlin, another individual featured on the show, has faced her own personal struggles, including postpartum depression. Both Paul and Caitlin's experiences highlight the immense courage and strength it takes to put one's life on display for public consumption. With the added pressure of cancel culture, the stakes are even higher, making it crucial to be mindful of every word and action.

    • Partner's Role in Postpartum DepressionPartners can experience exhaustion and depression from caring for a loved one with postpartum depression, known as caretaking syndrome. Communication and seeking therapy early on can prevent resentment and maintain a healthy relationship.

      Postpartum depression not only affects the mother but also the partner, and it's essential for the partner to take care of themselves to avoid building resentment towards their loved one. The condition, known as caretaking syndrome, can lead to exhaustion and even depression for the support person. It's crucial for partners to communicate their feelings and seek therapy early on to prevent resentment and maintain a healthy relationship. Additionally, the support person can act as a better anchor for their partner during their recovery by taking care of themselves as well. Caitlyn, the speaker's partner, went through postpartum depression with their youngest child, Nova. While Nova's older siblings, Veda and Raya, were fine, Caitlyn's experience with postpartum depression led the speaker to realize the importance of self-care and seeking help for both partners in the family.

    • Modern relationships: breaking stereotypes and effective communicationEffective communication and flexibility are crucial in modern relationships, allowing partners to break stereotypes and thrive in their roles.

      Modern relationships are about breaking stereotypes and gender norms, and effective communication is key to making them work. In the conversation, Teresa Judas shares how she and her partner Caitlyn have defied traditional roles, with Teresa taking on the role of the stay-at-home parent while Caitlyn works. Teresa expresses her enjoyment of this arrangement and how it allows them both to thrive in their respective pursuits. They have also discussed the possibility of starting a podcast together to further explore topics related to gender norms and stereotypes. Additionally, Teresa addresses the issue of online trolls and how she and Caitlyn choose to ignore them rather than engage. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of open communication, flexibility, and understanding in creating a fulfilling and modern relationship.

    • Impact of Deceit on Personal Relationships and ConscienceHonesty and authenticity are crucial for healthy relationships and personal well-being. Deceit can lead to guilt, anxiety, and damage personal relationships and conscience.

      Both individuals in the discussions expressed the negative consequences of deceit and the impact it has on personal relationships and conscience. The first speaker shared his experience of the guilt and anxiety that comes with cheating, while the second speaker, Caitlyn Baltierra, addressed the constant rumors about her relationship and her dislike for clickbait. Both agreed that the moral reality behind these false narratives can be damaging and that it's important to clarify the truth when possible. The discussions also touched on the challenges of modern dating and the impact of social media on privacy and personal relationships. Overall, the conversations emphasized the importance of honesty and authenticity in maintaining healthy relationships and personal well-being.

    • Respecting Boundaries: Dealing with Unwanted AdvancesPeople should respect others' boundaries, especially in relationships, and unwanted advances are disrespectful and disturbing. Everyone, regardless of gender, engages in similar behaviors, but women may be more discreet. Prioritize essential needs during challenging times.

      People, regardless of gender, deal with unwanted advances and attempts to intrude on their relationships. Caitlin Moles, from the podcast, shares her experiences with receiving unsolicited messages from fans and strangers, both men and women, trying to pursue her while she's married. She finds it disrespectful and disturbing, emphasizing that everyone should respect boundaries. Moles also highlights the prevalence of this issue, as both men and women engage in similar behaviors, although women may be more discreet. In a surprising turn of events, Moles' collaborators in Detroit shifted their clothing production to making PPE equipment during the pandemic, and she chose to support them by stepping back from her clothing line. This decision allowed them to focus on providing essential equipment during a critical time. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of respecting boundaries and prioritizing what's essential in life.

    • Embracing Change and Supporting Each OtherTwo Teen Mom alums share their experiences of staying focused on their goals and supporting each other, despite personal and professional changes, and the importance of community and encouragement in their lives.

      Despite the challenges and changes in their personal and professional lives, both individuals remain focused on their goals and are supportive of each other. They believe in the power of community and encouraging one another to succeed. One of them is planning to publish a book anonymously, while the other is making a name for herself in the public eye with her podcast and new home. Despite the differences in their paths, they both acknowledge the importance of supporting each other and rooting for each other's success. They also appreciate the unique dynamic of the Teen Mom community, where they have found support and encouragement from people they may not have even met in person. Overall, their conversation highlights the importance of staying true to oneself, embracing change, and supporting each other through the ups and downs of life.

    • Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with Pluto TV, Enjoy Cedar Point's Michigan Bundle, and Discover New Vehicles at Blackwell FordPluto TV offers a diverse selection of free movies and TV shows for Hispanic Heritage Month. Cedar Point provides a limited-time Michigan bundle for thrill-seekers. Blackwell Ford offers award-winning customer service and a wide range of vehicles for every budget.

      This month, Pluto TV invites you to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with a diverse selection of free movies and TV shows, including titles from the Spy Kids trilogy and stars like Luis Gerardo Mendez. With over 1,000 movies and TV shows and 45 channels in Spanish, Pluto TV is a great option for those looking to expand their streaming options. Meanwhile, Cedar Point offers a limited-time Michigan bundle for thrill-seekers, including admission, parking, and all-day drinks for one low price, but hurry, as this offer won't last long. Lastly, Blackwell Ford provides an award-winning customer service and sales experience, offering a wide range of vehicles for every lifestyle and budget, including the all-new Ford F150, Lightning, Maverick, Mustang, Mach E, and Bronco. So whether you're looking for a new streaming service, a thrilling summer experience, or a new vehicle, consider Pluto TV, Cedar Point, and Blackwell Ford.

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    Barely Famous
    en-usJune 28, 2024

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    Barely Famous
    en-usJune 21, 2024

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    Life After Lock Up - Independence is Scary

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    Barely Famous
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    Life After Lock Up - So This is Freedom?

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    Barely Famous
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    May is Definitely Maying

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    Barely Famous
    en-usMay 17, 2024

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    Q&A, Hot Takes, and Unpopular Opinions

    Q&A, Hot Takes, and Unpopular Opinions

    This week on Barely Famous, join Kail as she opens up about some recent life updates, including a mortifying experience during a home visit and handling an emergency while waiting in the school pickup line. She also dives into listener-submitted topics such as whether all men cheat or not, discussing her relationship with Lindsay, sharing thoughts on overrated authors, and offering advice on how to encourage partners to pull their own weight. Tune in for these engaging discussions and much more!

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    Farm Chores with Matt Mathews

    Farm Chores with Matt Mathews
    Kail journeys to Alabama to do farm chores with Matt Mathews, and talk about kids, thirst traps, coming out, pivoting, naming chickens & ducks, and sleeping nekkid & robes. They also get serious about traumatic childhoods, and growing up around addiction and loss. Thanks for supporting our sponsors! Quince: Go to https://quince.com/famous for free shipping on your order and 365-day returns. Redfin: Download the Refin app today to find your forever home. Rocket Money: Stop wasting money on things you don’t use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to https://RocketMoney.com/FAMOUS Shopify: Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://shopify.com/barelyfamous Zocdoc: Go to https://https://Zocdoc.com/BARELY and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. Then find and book a top-rated doctor today. To watch the full episode + other exclusive content, join my Patreon community! Patreon.com/kaillowry

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