
    Beth Stelling

    enJuly 02, 2021
    What is the title of Beth Stelling's special on HBO Max?
    How long have Beth Stelling and Andrew Santino been friends?
    What health benefits of beer are discussed in the conversation?
    Who did the speaker open for that left a significant impression?
    What historical figure is Lake Shore Drive in Chicago being renamed after?

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing comedy, friendship, and the potential health benefits of beerBeth Stelling talks about her new HBO Max special 'Girl Daddy' and her experiences at the Cat Laughs Festival in Ireland. Andrew Santino invites listeners to his shows and they discuss the tradition of clinking glasses and the potential health benefits of beer, including its use as a skin care ingredient. They also share their long-standing friendship.

      Beth Stelling, a renowned comedian and writer, is currently touring and her special "Girl Daddy" is available on HBO Max. Andrew Santino, the podcast host, encourages listeners to check it out and also invites them to his upcoming shows in various cities. During the conversation, they discuss the tradition of clinking glasses to ensure no poison is present and the potential health benefits of beer, including its use as a skin care ingredient. Beth shares her experiences performing at the Cat Laughs Festival in Ireland and her fondness for Guinness. The conversation also reveals their long-standing friendship, which predates their appearances on Comedy Central's "Half Hour" in 2015.

    • Exploring the comedy scene and the influence of streaming platformsComedian Beth Stelling discusses her experiences meeting other comedians, the value of different types of comedy specials, and the potential influence of streaming platforms on the comedy landscape.

      The comedy scene and timeline can be complex, with shows and comedians interconnected in various ways. Beth Stelling, a talented writer and comedian, discussed her experiences meeting other comedians, the value of different types of comedy specials, and the potential influence of streaming platforms like Netflix. She shared her memories of meeting Jake Weissman and how they both started in comedy, expressing her appreciation for the prestige of hour-long specials but acknowledging the validity of shorter formats. The conversation also touched on the potential future of sponsored content in comedy, with Netflix and other platforms potentially influencing the landscape. Overall, the discussion highlighted the rich history and evolving nature of the comedy world.

    • Sneaking in large bottles to watch a movieThe speaker shared a memorable experience of sneaking forties to watch a movie, adding to the excitement of the event, and expressed a fondness for Chipotle, but criticized its quality and preferred local options, all while sharing their past struggles with acne and the humor found in the situation.

      The speaker shared a memorable experience of sneaking in forties to watch a movie, specifically "Kill Bill, Vol. I" in a movie theater. They found it absurd to bring such large and unwieldy bottles into the theater, but the experience added to the excitement of the event. The speaker also expressed a fondness for Chipotle, reminiscing about their experiences with the chain before moving to their current location. They criticized the quality of Chipotle and preferred local options instead. The conversation also touched upon the speaker's past acne struggles and their experiences with Accutane treatment. Despite the challenges, they found humor in the situation and believed that the difficulties made them stronger and funnier.

    • Comparing life and love to a rollercoaster rideChoose to keep loving and growing, despite challenges and uncertainties, as life's worth living

      Life and love can be compared to a rollercoaster ride with its ups and downs. We may question if we've found the right person or if love is truly worth it, but ultimately, it's a choice we make every day to continue on this journey. The comedian's encounter with Robin Williams' daughter showed the impact of fame and the importance of expressing our admiration for those we look up to. Through their shared love for Robin Williams and his movies, they formed a connection that transcended their differences. Despite the challenges and uncertainties, the choice to keep loving and growing is what makes life worth living.

    • Exploring the complexities of commitment, feminism, and gender roles in comedyThe speaker reflects on her personal experiences and observations, challenging societal norms and the importance of questioning and equal opportunity in comedy.

      The speaker expresses a complex relationship with traditional concepts of commitment, feminism, and gender roles, particularly as they relate to weddings and jewelry. She shares her personal experiences and observations, including her early comedy material and her feelings about feminism. The speaker also discusses how labels and groupings can be limiting and how she identifies as a comedian, one of "us," rather than trying to be "one of the guys." The conversation touches on the evolution of feminism and the importance of equal opportunity, as well as the speaker's experiences with interruptions and the role of writers in comedy. Ultimately, the speaker's reflections highlight the complexities and nuances of identity and the ongoing importance of questioning and challenging societal norms.

    • Collaboration and Sharing Ideas in TV WritingIn TV writing, collaboration and sharing ideas are common practices. Ideas aren't truly owned and fear of theft shouldn't hinder creativity. Originality is valued, but context and intent matter. Authenticity and humor are key.

      The creative process in writing for television involves collaboration and the sharing of ideas, even if they have already been expressed before. This is a common practice in the industry, as seen with shows like SNL. It's important to remember that ideas are not truly owned by individuals and once they are shared, they become part of the collective consciousness. This doesn't mean that originality is not valued, but rather that the fear of having ideas stolen should not prevent creatives from sharing their work or collaborating with others. Additionally, the context and intent behind the expression of an idea can greatly impact its reception. It's also important to remember that comedians build careers on their unique perspectives and voices, and their audience knows them and their intentions. Ultimately, the goal is to be funny and authentic, and if you can do that, you can say anything.

    • Maintaining Perspective in ComedyComedians should remember jokes are not real, clarify to audiences, earn keep, and seek unbiased feedback to stay grounded.

      Comedy, like life, requires a healthy dose of perspective. Comedians, especially those who have achieved a certain level of success, must remember that their jokes are not real and should not be taken too seriously by their audiences. This is a lesson that was learned by the speaker during her early days in the comedy scene when her mother and sisters attended one of her shows, leading her to clarify that the material was just jokes. Additionally, comedians, no matter how famous or successful, should continue to earn their keep and not let their power go to their heads. The speaker also mentions the importance of having a jury of people who have never seen a comedian's act before to provide an unbiased perspective and keep them grounded. Overall, the importance of maintaining a sense of humor and perspective, especially in the face of success, is a valuable lesson for anyone, not just comedians.

    • Balancing art and audience preferences in comedyStay true to oneself while being adaptable and willing to evolve to thrive in comedy, with a focus on growing, exploring new creative avenues, and taking risks, while remaining open to feedback and avoiding isolation.

      The evolution of a comedian's career involves finding a balance between staying true to their art and adapting to changing audience preferences. Comedians like Steve Martin have shown that it's important to grow and explore new creative avenues, even if it means losing some fans. On the other hand, there's a risk in becoming too comfortable on stage and losing the edge that initially drew audiences in. It's essential to continue pushing boundaries and taking risks to keep growing as an artist. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of humility and being open to feedback, as well as the potential dangers of becoming isolated and disconnected from reality. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of staying true to oneself while also being adaptable and willing to evolve in order to thrive in the ever-changing world of comedy.

    • Discussing the implications of having a large familyConsider the potential impact on personal relationships and resources before deciding to have a large family.

      Having a large family can be a personal choice, but it may raise questions about responsibility and fulfilling other aspects of life. The speaker shares his opinion that having more than five children seems excessive, possibly due to filling a void or seeking attention. He also discusses how some people prioritize their pets over their children, and the negative connotation of the word "aloof." The conversation touches on the changing dynamics of family size and societal expectations. Ultimately, the speaker acknowledges that everyone's circumstances and priorities are unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. However, he encourages considering the potential impact on personal relationships and resources before making the decision to have a large family.

    • Understanding Different Forms of DivorceDivorces can range from bitter and toxic to amicable and friendly. Marriage should be seen as an athletic contract with renewable terms to make ending it easier.

      Relationships and divorces come in various forms, and it's essential to understand the differences between them. Some divorces result in a strong dislike for the former partner, while others allow for a continued friendship. The speaker shares her personal experiences and observations, expressing her fear of the potential vitriol and toxicity that can arise in a divorce. She also suggests that marriage should be viewed as an athletic contract with renewable terms, allowing for easier letting go when the relationship ends. Ultimately, the speaker acknowledges the difficulty of letting go and the importance of recognizing that sometimes relationships simply fizzle out.

    • Embracing Relationships and Cherishing Loved OnesTrust, communicate, and offer support without judgment in relationships. Cherish loved ones and don't give up on people, even during difficult moments.

      Despite the challenges and complexities of relationships, it's important to trust, communicate, and offer support without judgment. The speaker shares her experiences of having a sister who listened and offered advice, even during her tumultuous romantic relationships. She emphasizes the importance of not giving up on relationships or people, even when they may seem annoying or difficult. The speaker also reflects on the value of family and the importance of cherishing loved ones, even during difficult moments. Ultimately, she encourages embracing the ups and downs of life and relationships, and maintaining a positive outlook. The conversation also touches on the topic of aging and the fear of growing older, but the speaker expresses her confidence and contentment with her current life and career.

    • Discovering a Surprising Health Condition and Sharing ExperiencesSharing personal experiences and being informed about health conditions can lead to valuable insights and solutions.

      The conversation between the two individuals revolved around various topics including fashion, humor, and personal health. The woman revealed that she has a bicornate uterus, which was a surprise discovery for her. She also shared her experience with different forms of birth control and the challenges she faced. The man offered suggestions and shared his own experiences, adding to the conversation. The tone of the conversation was light-hearted and humorous, but also touched on serious topics. The woman expressed her frustration with the challenges of finding the right birth control method for her body, and the importance of being informed about one's health. The conversation ended with the woman expressing her readiness to answer a question and feeling cooler after the discussion.

    • Navigating the complexities of emotions and relationshipsEmotional instability from birth control, hurtful jokes, and interruptions can leave lasting impacts, but it's important to grow and move past them.

      Emotions and relationships can be complicated and hurtful at times, whether it's related to birth control, friendships, or romantic encounters. The speaker shared her experiences with birth control and the emotional instability it caused, expressing her frustration with being stuck using it despite her dissatisfaction. She also discussed past experiences with mean-spirited jokes and interruptions from friends, which still affected her despite her attempts to move on. The speaker acknowledged the importance of feelings and the impact they can have, even if the situation seems resolved or cordial. Ultimately, she emphasized the importance of growing up and moving past hurtful experiences, while recognizing that some wounds may still linger.

    • Letting go of toxic friendshipsIt's okay to end toxic relationships for your own well-being, even if it's uncomfortable. Be truthful and authentic in relationships, and prioritize cordiality over fakeness in professional settings.

      It's okay to let go of toxic friendships or relationships that no longer serve a positive purpose in your life. These decisions aren't made lightly and can be difficult, but it's important to protect yourself and prioritize your own well-being. The speaker shared experiences of ending friendships over time due to disingenuous interactions or collective negative moments. They acknowledged that these individuals may hold grudges, but the speaker felt it was necessary to distance themselves. The speaker also shared advice from Nikki Glaser, who encouraged being truthful and authentic in relationships, even if it's uncomfortable. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized the importance of being cordial but not overly friendly with people you may not get along with, especially in professional settings. It's not necessary to fake friendships or engage in uncomfortable interactions, and it's important to remember that not everyone will be a perfect fit in your life.

    • A Mother's Quirks and Childhood MemoriesThe speaker shares heartwarming stories of their mother's unique qualities and their shared experiences of adolescence, including the awkwardness of their first kiss and the teasing nature of their sibling dynamics.

      The speaker shares a nostalgic and humorous memory of their relationship with their mother, focusing on their shared experiences of growing up and the awkwardness of adolescence. The speaker recalls their first kiss with their mother, and the embarrassment and confusion surrounding their discovery of their mother's use of hair removal products. The speaker also reflects on their sibling dynamics and the teasing nature of their relationship with their younger sister. The conversation reveals the speaker's appreciation for their mother's unique qualities and their fondness for the quirks of their childhood experiences.

    • Honoring Chicago's rich history and the individuals who shaped itChicago's history is complex and diverse, with significant contributions from individuals like Jean Baptiste Point DuSable, and the city is now recognizing and celebrating these origins through renamings and reclamations.

      Chicago's history is rich and diverse, with significant contributions from individuals like Jean Baptiste Point DuSable, who settled the city long before it was incorporated. The city is now honoring this history by renaming Lake Shore Drive after him. Additionally, the origins of other firsts, such as the first McDonald's and the birthplace of aviation, have been debated and reclaimed throughout history. These stories highlight the importance of recognizing and celebrating the true origins and the complexities behind the labels we attach to places and things.

    • Experienced comedians' kindness and supportEncountering kindness and support from established comedians can be a game-changer for new comics, providing encouragement and fostering camaraderie in the comedy world

      Kindness and support from experienced comedians can have a significant impact on a new comic's career. The speaker shares a heartwarming story about opening for the late Mike DeStefano, who was not only a brilliant comedian but also generous and kind to the speaker. This encounter left a lasting impression on the speaker and gave him the encouragement he needed to continue pursuing comedy. Another important moment was when Billy Gardell, a well-known comic, took the time to acknowledge and include the speaker in the green room, despite initial reservations. These experiences demonstrate the importance of camaraderie and mentorship in the comedy world.

    • Navigating the Challenges of Stand-Up ComedyPrepare thoroughly for performances, set boundaries, have a strong support system, and choose a memorable walk-out song to overcome initial setbacks in stand-up comedy.

      The comedy scene can be a challenging and unforgiving environment, especially for newcomers. The speaker shared an experience of being set up for failure during her first gig, where she was met with cruelty and jokes being stolen by the host. However, she learned from the experience and continued to work on her craft. Now, she prioritizes preparing for her performances and setting boundaries to help her focus. Additionally, she discovered the importance of having a strong support system and the power of having a good walk-out song to leave a lasting impression on the audience. Despite the initial setbacks, the speaker's resilience and determination allowed her to grow and succeed in the comedy world.

    • Artist discusses musical influences and upcoming projectOld school hip hop artists Tribe, Sean Price, and Big L inspire the artist. Listeners can watch his upcoming project 'Girl Daddy' for free on HBO Max. The artist encourages listeners to use the phrases 'evergreen' and 'in taste, there is no argument'.

      The artist is expressing his musical preferences and upcoming performances, while also discussing the influence of hip hop music and artists on him. He mentioned his love for old school hip hop and artists like Tribe, Sean Price, and Big L. He also mentioned his upcoming project "Girl Daddy" which is available on HBO Max for free for AT&T customers. He encouraged listeners to watch it and shared his thoughts on the importance of old hip hop music and its impact on him. He also shared some humorous anecdotes and phrases throughout the conversation. The artist is currently not touring but invites listeners to reach out to him with song requests for his performances. He ended the conversation by encouraging listeners to use the words "evergreen" and "in taste, there is no argument" as a phrase to remember from the episode.

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