
    Biden Considers Bringing Hamas Terrorists to America plus Secret Flights Carrying Illegals to US Cities

    enMay 03, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • CCP's Influence on HollywoodThe CCP reportedly wields power over Hollywood studios, Senator Cruz discusses national security risks of welcoming refugees, Biden admin plans to fly illegal immigrants, bipartisan bill to limit kids' social media use, and Cruz urges support for Israel and donations to Pre Born.

      The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) reportedly exerts significant influence over major Hollywood studios, as revealed in the documentary "Hollywood Takeover." Meanwhile, in other news, Senator Ted Cruz discusses the potential national security risks of welcoming refugees from Gaza into the U.S., the Biden administration's plans to fly illegal immigrants to various cities across the country, and a bipartisan bill aimed at limiting kids' access to social media. Additionally, Cruz urges listeners to support Israel amid ongoing attacks from Hamas and its allies. Finally, Ryan encourages listeners to donate to Pre Born, an organization that helps rescue babies from abortion, emphasizing the significance of a heartbeat in a developing fetus.

    • Addressing Urgent Security Needs in IsraelThe IFCJ is installing bomb shelters in Israel, and individual donations can save lives. Meanwhile, the Biden administration's plan to welcome Palestinians from Gaza as refugees to the US raises concerns amidst terrorism threats and crackdowns on pro-Palestinian activism.

      The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) is actively addressing urgent security needs in Israel, including the installation of bomb shelters, and donations from individuals can make a significant difference in saving lives. Simultaneously, there are reports that the Biden administration is considering welcoming Palestinians from Gaza as refugees to the US, despite Egypt's refusal to accept them due to terrorism concerns. The timing of this proposal, following a major terror attack in Israel, and the crackdown on pro-Palestinian activism on college campuses, raises questions about the administration's priorities. Overall, the situation highlights the complex geopolitical challenges and the urgent humanitarian needs in the region.

    • Democrats prioritize refugee resettlement over national security concernsThe administration's decision to prioritize refugee resettlement from Gaza over potential security risks, despite concerns, is driven by the fear of alienating the radical left within the Democratic Party. The Senate, under Chuck Schumer's leadership, has shown little interest in scrutinizing this matter.

      The fear of alienating the radical left within the Democratic Party is driving the administration's decisions on refugee resettlement from Gaza, despite concerns about potential security risks. The leaked documents discussing the plan have raised eyebrows, and while the motivation for the leak is unclear, it's evident that the Democrats are prioritizing this issue over potential oversight and concerns about national security. The Senate, specifically under Chuck Schumer's leadership, has shown little interest in scrutinizing this matter, as evidenced by recent votes on foreign aid to Iran and Israel. The administration's stance on this issue is concerning, given that a significant portion of Palestinians support Hamas and its actions, raising potential security risks for American citizens.

    • 72% of Palestinians support Hamas attacks on IsraelMajority of Palestinians support Hamas' violent actions against Israel, raising concerns about potential sympathies towards terrorism and possible entry into the US

      A significant number of Palestinians support Hamas' decision to launch attacks against Israel, according to a poll conducted in the aftermath of the October 2003 attack. The poll, conducted by the Palestinian Center For Policy and Survey Research, found that 72% of Palestinians believed Hamas' actions were justified. This raises concerns about potential sympathies towards terrorism and violence among those who may seek to enter the US. The poll was conducted over a month after the attack, with interviews taking place in various locations, including UNRA shelters and the homes of displaced people. The reactions of Palestinians to the return of Hamas militants with Israeli hostages were described as celebratory, further highlighting the issue. Additionally, there are concerns that the Biden administration may deceptively bring people from Gaza into the US, similar to how they have handled border issues, and that they have previously sent large sums of money to countries and groups hostile to the US.

    • Divide in public opinion towards Hamas-Israel conflictLarge percentage of public believes Hamas actions justified, denies responsibility for atrocities, and holds anti-Semitic views. Radicalization within certain sectors of society may lead to shift in political allegiances. Acknowledgement and addressing this divide is crucial for peace and understanding.

      There is a significant divide between public opinion towards the conflict between Hamas and Israel, with a large percentage of the public believing Hamas' actions were justified and denying Hamas' responsibility for atrocities against Israeli civilians. This trend is particularly concerning among certain groups, with many expecting Hamas to emerge victorious and a significant number of these individuals expressing anti-Semitic views. This revelation is alarming, as it indicates a growing radicalization within certain sectors of society and a potential shift in political allegiances. The Biden administration's plans to bring in a group of people who deny Hamas' atrocities add to the concern. It's essential to acknowledge and address this divide to prevent further radicalization and promote peace and understanding. On a lighter note, starting your day off with a good cup of coffee is essential. However, it's crucial to ensure that your coffee doesn't promote values that go against yours. Blackout Coffee is a premium coffee company that embodies conservative values, from sourcing the beans to the roasting process and customer support. Upgrade your coffee routine and get rid of the woke agenda of many coffee companies by trying Blackout Coffee today. Use the coupon code "verdict" for 20% off your first order at blackoutcoffee.com/verdict. Stay awake, not woke.

    • Biden administration's secretive mass parolee program brings over 200,000 illegal immigrants to USThe Biden administration's mass parolee program has resulted in over 200,000 illegal immigrants being flown into the US without public disclosure, raising national security concerns and criticism

      The Biden administration's border policy, specifically the mass parolee program, has resulted in over 200,000 illegal immigrants being flown into the US and concentrated in cities like Miami, Florida and Houston, Texas, without public disclosure or transparency. The administration claims these individuals are being let in using legal authorities, but DHS has confirmed they are, in fact, inadmissible under immigration law. The program has seen large numbers of Haitians, Venezuelans, Cubans, and Nicaraguans enter the country. The administration's refusal to disclose this information has raised national security concerns and sparked criticism. The top 15 cities receiving the most illegal immigrants through this program are Miami, Fort Lauderdale, New York City, Houston, Orlando, Los Angeles, Tampa, Dallas, San Francisco, Atlanta, New York-Newark, Washington D.C., Chicago, Las Vegas, and Austin. The administration's handling of this issue has led to a significant influx of illegal immigrants to certain cities and states, particularly Florida and Texas.

    • Ensuring Accuracy in Healthcare and British TVHealthLock saves members over $130 million by securing insurance connections and reviewing claims for errors. BritBox offers access to British TV content, including critically acclaimed titles and new releases.

      Both HealthLock and BritBox offer valuable solutions in different areas. HealthLock helps ensure medical bill accuracy and savings, while BritBox provides access to acclaimed British TV content. Regarding the immigration issue discussed, it was revealed that the Biden administration flew over 14,000 illegal immigrants to New York City, but this information was not widely reported in the media. This raises concerns about transparency and accountability. In the health sector, over 50% of medical bills contain errors, and without expert knowledge, it's challenging for individuals to identify and rectify these issues. HealthLock addresses this problem by securely connecting with insurance and reviewing claims for errors, saving members over $130 million to date. In the entertainment sector, BritBox offers a diverse range of British TV series and originals, including critically acclaimed titles and new releases. By subscribing to BritBox, viewers can enjoy the best of British telly. Overall, both HealthLock and BritBox offer significant benefits in their respective domains. For healthcare cost savings, visit healthlock.com, and for British TV content, start a free trial at BritBox.com.

    • Immigration and Masculinity in the SpotlightDemocrats and Republicans agree on protecting kids from social media, while Americans express concerns over immigration and men seek solutions for low testosterone levels.

      The ongoing immigration crisis, particularly regarding the large number of Haitian immigrants being flown into the US, has sparked frustration among Americans, with many feeling ignored and misrepresented by the Democratic party. Meanwhile, testosterone levels among men are reportedly at an all-time low, leading some to seek solutions to boost masculinity. A bipartisan legislation, the Kids Off Social Media Act, aims to protect children under 13 from accessing social media, as it can have harmful effects on their development. Democrats and Republicans have come together on this issue to prioritize the wellbeing of young children. Additionally, Chalk's CHOC offers a natural herbal supplement to help men boost their testosterone levels, improving their energy, focus, and mood.

    • New Bill to Protect Children from Harmful Social Media ContentThe bipartisan bill restricts social media use for kids under 13 and limits algorithmic boosting for those under 17 to safeguard them from negative impacts on mental health, self-image, and dangerous behaviors.

      The new bipartisan bill aims to protect children from harmful content on social media. The bill prohibits social media use for children under 13 and restricts algorithmic boosting for those under 17. Testimonies reveal that big tech companies send messages that can negatively impact children's mental health, self-image, and encourage dangerous behaviors. Additionally, a separate bill, "Eyes on the Board," requires schools receiving federal funds to block social media on campus during school hours. The bill has bipartisan support and is expected to pass the Senate Commerce Committee with overwhelming support, potentially becoming law. The bills also address online predators. These measures are crucial to safeguard children from social media's potential harms. Parents, regardless of politics, share concerns about their kids' online experiences. The dynamic is challenging when children feel pressured to use social media for communication and scheduling. The goal is to protect children while ensuring they don't feel socially ostracized.

    • Senators Advocate for Parental Controls on Social MediaSenators Duckworth, Schatz, and Britt are advocating for legislation to help parents keep their kids safe online while allowing social interactions.

      Parents are facing a dilemma when it comes to social media use among children. While they may have concerns about the potential harm, they don't want their kids to miss out on social interactions with their peers. Senators who are parents, like Tammy Duckworth, Brian Schatz, and Katie Britt, are advocating for legislation to enhance tools for parents to keep their kids safe online. Older senators may not fully understand the issue. The hope is for bipartisan agreement to provide parents with more resources. Meanwhile, keep updated on the legislation and check out the Ben Ferguson podcast for breaking news. Additionally, consider trying out High Five Casino for social casino games with real prizes, and check out BritBox for acclaimed British TV shows. Lastly, remember the 3 simple rules for painting smarter: buy only what you need, use up what you already have, and recycle the rest.

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