
    Biden FURIOUS at DOJ, Demands Trump be put in Jail, plus Deep Dive into Colorado Supreme Court Argument

    enFebruary 12, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • CCP's Influence Over Hollywood, Biden's Team Frustration, and Healthcare ErrorsThe CCP allegedly shapes Hollywood content, Biden's team expresses dissatisfaction with DOJ, and over half of medical bills contain errors requiring tools like HealthLock

      The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is reportedly exerting significant influence over Hollywood, potentially impacting the content of blockbuster films. Meanwhile, Judy's life was transformed after discovering chumbacasino.com, an online platform that brought excitement and financial gains. However, the White House is reportedly expressing frustration with the Department of Justice for not being political enough, specifically regarding investigations into former President Donald Trump. Elsewhere, it's estimated that over 50% of medical bills contain errors, making the need for tools like HealthLock crucial for saving money. Lastly, Joe Biden's team is reportedly unhappy that the Department of Justice hasn't indicted the President, adding to the growing tensions.

    • Biden administration's double standard in DOJ investigationsThe Biden administration's inconsistent handling of investigations involving Trump and Biden risks politicizing the DOJ, eroding public trust, and damaging the AG's legacy

      The Department of Justice under the Biden administration is facing criticism for applying different standards when investigating potential wrongdoing by former President Trump compared to President Biden. The Biden administration has argued that Biden is not competent to stand trial, but now they are upsetting the precedent by not holding Trump accountable for taking classified documents. This double standard is dangerous as it politicizes the Department of Justice and makes it a tool to attack enemies and insulate the president and his allies. Merrick Garland, the current Attorney General, has shown no signs of standing up to political pressure from the Biden White House, and this lack of accountability could potentially harm Garland's legacy. The inconsistent application of justice sets a dangerous precedent and undermines public trust in the legal system.

    • Biden's orders for media focus on Trump, not his own actionsJoe Biden wants media to investigate Trump instead of his own actions, despite lack of evidence, and views DOJ as a tool to protect himself

      Joe Biden believes the media should focus on investigating Donald Trump instead of his own actions, despite there being no substantial evidence against Trump. Biden's attitude towards the media is that they should follow his orders, but he's now experiencing a shift in power as they begin to ask tough questions. This isn't a new behavior from Biden, as reported in 2023, he privately urged his advisers to prosecute Trump and pressured Attorney General Merrick Garland to take action. Biden views the Department of Justice as a tool to protect himself and attack his enemies. Meanwhile, Patriot Mobile, a Christian conservative wireless provider that supports conservative causes, is a great alternative to companies that fund Democratic causes. When you switch to Patriot Mobile, a portion of your bill goes towards supporting free speech organizations, religious freedom organizations, and other conservative causes.

    • Political Crisis Over Biden's Competency and MemoryThe Biden administration is dealing with a political crisis due to concerns over the President's competency and memory, while Trump expresses readiness for the election despite facing challenges.

      The Biden administration is currently facing a political crisis regarding questions about the President's competency and memory, as reported in a recent special counsel investigation. The administration is struggling to counteract the negative publicity and regain control of the narrative. Meanwhile, contrasting footage of President Trump and Biden's public appearances highlights the stark difference in their mental and physical abilities. This issue could potentially have significant implications for the upcoming election. Additionally, two other major stories worth noting are the ongoing tensions between the US and China, and the ongoing investigation into the origins of COVID-19. President Trump, during a recent meeting, expressed confidence and readiness for the election despite facing numerous challenges.

    • Discussion on Supreme Court case and Trump's spiritsDespite skepticism in Supreme Court, some remain optimistic about Trump's ballot removal case. Trump was in good spirits during a recent encounter.

      During a recent conversation, the tone around the upcoming Supreme Court case regarding Colorado and former President Trump was optimistic and confident. The speaker had dinner with Trump at Mar-a-Lago, where he was in good spirits. Meanwhile, on a lighter note, the speaker shared an unexpected encounter with a fellow Chumba Casino player on a flight. Moving on to the legal matter, the oral arguments at the Supreme Court were skeptical of removing Trump from the ballot, and the speaker's initial assessment of the Colorado Supreme Court decision as an "outrage," "lawless," and "gravest assault on democracy of our lifetimes" still holds true.

    • Supreme Court Justices Express Skepticism towards Colorado's Position on Disqualifying Insurrection ElectorsThe Supreme Court is currently considering the constitutionality of disqualifying electors who participated in the Capitol insurrection. Some justices have raised concerns about ambiguity in the language used in the 14th Amendment, potentially leaving presidential ballot access unregulated.

      During the recent Supreme Court oral arguments for the case regarding the constitutionality of disqualifying electors who participated in an insurrection, several justices expressed serious skepticism towards Colorado's position. The justices questioned the historical context of the framers' intentions, raising concerns about ambiguity in the language used in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Despite the lack of clear historical precedent for regulating presidential ballot access, some justices argued that the language used in the amendment does not include the presidency, suggesting a potential ambiguity. The urgency for a decision is high, and a unanimous decision is still a strong possibility.

    • The President is not mentioned in Article 14, Section 3, and the de facto officer doctrine does not apply to a disqualified former president.A former president, if disqualified, is not automatically exempted from laws and lower officials are not compelled to follow their orders.

      Learning from the Supreme Court discussion is that according to the arguments made by the amicus brief and supported by Justice Gorsuch, the President is not mentioned in Article 14, Section 3 and does not fall under the broader terms. Therefore, a former president who is disqualified from holding office due to insurrection or other reasons is not automatically exempted from the application of laws, and lower officials are not compelled to obey their orders. The de facto officer doctrine, which insulates the conduct of the disqualified person from judicial review, does not apply in this case. Justice Lee asked a more direct question about what would compel a lower official to obey an order from a disqualified person, and the answer is that there is no clear answer, as there are statutes and rules that govern such situations. The exchange between the justices and the attorneys was described as a "beat down," with Justice Gorsuch challenging Colorado's arguments and Justice Lee asking a more pointed question.

    • Understanding Supreme Court argumentsLawyers presenting cases to the Supreme Court must have a solid constitutional basis for their arguments to withstand tough questioning from the justices.

      Supreme Court arguments are not grand orations like those given by famous historical figures. Instead, they are typically lawyers presenting their cases to nine justices who ask difficult questions to expose the weaknesses of the arguments. During a recent argument, a lawyer argued that an insurrectionist president is no longer eligible to hold office due to the Constitution, but he couldn't answer why anyone would listen to such a president after being deemed ineligible. The justices also questioned the source of the authority for this disqualification, which must come from the Constitution itself. The lawyer's argument focused on the 14th Amendment's Section 3, which deals with holding office, but the justices pointed out that this provision is different from the qualifications clause, which deals with who can run for office. The lawyer struggled to answer these questions, highlighting the importance of having a solid constitutional basis for arguments presented to the Supreme Court.

    • Lack of historical precedent for states disqualifying national candidates from ballotsThe Colorado case challenging President Trump's ballot exclusion based on the 14th Amendment is unlikely to succeed due to the absence of historical precedent for states disqualifying national candidates.

      The Colorado case challenging the constitutionality of the state's rejection of President Trump from its presidential ballot based on the 14th Amendment is likely to lose due to the lack of historical precedent for states disqualifying national candidates. During the Supreme Court oral arguments, Justice Clarence Thomas asked for examples of such instances, but the Colorado lawyer, Jason Murray, could not provide any. Historians, who have filed briefs in support of the case, argue that the 14th Amendment's intent was for both the federal government and states to ensure rights, with the federal government stepping in if states failed. However, the lack of examples is likely due to the fact that elections worked differently back then, with states having the power to run presidential elections but not using it to police ballot access until the late 1800s when the issues had become moot. Justice Elena Kagan, who is considered one of the smartest liberal justices, also questioned the Colorado lawyer about the lack of historical precedent during the oral arguments. The chief justice reportedly wants a unanimous decision, and the lack of precedent and the potential for a unanimous decision increases the chances of this outcome.

    • The power of a single state to determine federal constitutional eligibility for the presidencyThe complex relationship between state and federal law raises questions about why a single state should have the power to make federal constitutional qualifications ballot access determinants, potentially leading to far-reaching consequences.

      The ongoing debate around the power of a single state to determine federal constitutional eligibility for the presidency raises important questions about the balance of power between states and the federal government. During a Supreme Court hearing, Justice Kagan and a Colorado lawyer discussed the implications of a state's decision on who can be president for the rest of the nation. While the court ultimately decides such questions, the question remains why a single state should have the power to make this determination for the entire nation. This issue highlights the complex relationship between state and federal law and the potential for far-reaching consequences when states use federal constitutional qualifications as ballot access determinants. Blackout Coffee, on the other hand, offers a simple solution for coffee drinkers who want to support American values and enjoy a premium cup of coffee – visit blackoutcoffee.com/verdict and use the promo code verdict for 20% off your first order.

    • Colorado Supreme Court's Interpretation of 'Aid and Comfort to the Enemy' Clause Raises ConcernsThe Colorado Supreme Court's decision to keep Trump off the ballot based on the 'aid and comfort to the enemy' clause could lead to inconsistent results and potential judicial elections. The chances of the US Supreme Court reversing this decision are high.

      The Colorado Supreme Court's decision to keep former President Donald Trump off the ballot based on its interpretation of the state constitution's "aid and comfort to the enemy" clause is questionable and could lead to chaos. Justice Alito raised concerns during the oral arguments that if one state can disqualify a presidential candidate based on this clause, then other states could do the same with different candidates, leading to inconsistent results. The argument made by the lawyer representing the 170 members of Congress that this interpretation could result in judges deciding elections instead of voters was also emphasized. The speaker believes that the chances of the US Supreme Court reversing this decision are high, and it may be unanimous. The potential implications of this decision on the electoral process highlight the importance of a clear and consistent interpretation of constitutional provisions.

    • BritBox: A Compelling Alternative to Hollywood's Changing LandscapeBritBox offers a diverse range of British TV shows and original series with standout performances, while Hollywood faces increasing Chinese influence. Try BritBox with a free trial and watch Hollywood Takeover's first 10 minutes for free.

      BritBox offers a diverse range of acclaimed TV shows and original series with standout performances, while Hollywood is facing increasing influence from the Chinese Communist Party. BritBox, a streaming platform, showcases the best of British television, including series with Jodie Whittaker, Tamara Lawrence, Bella Ramsey, and Sophie Rundle. New original series like Agatha Christie's Murder is Easy, Time, and After the Flood are also available. Meanwhile, Hollywood Takeover, a documentary by The Epic Times, investigates how the Chinese Communist Party exerts control over major studios. BritBox provides a free trial for new subscribers, while the first 10 minutes of Hollywood Takeover can be watched for free. Overall, these developments highlight the evolving landscape of media and entertainment, with BritBox offering a compelling alternative to Hollywood's changing landscape.

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