
    Hezbollah Terrorist CAUGHT at Our Southern Border, Media LIES About Trump Calling for 'Bloodbath' & Hunter Runs Away

    enMarch 18, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Protecting Life: Preborn Babies and IndividualsPreborn clinics save 200 lives daily, and HealthLock negotiates medical bill refunds, reducing errors by 50%.

      Both preborn babies and individuals need protection and support. A preborn baby's heart begins to form at conception and can be heard on ultrasound as early as 5 weeks. Preborn's clinics rescue 200 babies daily from abortion, and a donation of $28 could save a life. Meanwhile, HealthLock helps individuals ensure their medical bills are accurate and securely negotiates refunds on their behalf. It's estimated that over 50% of medical bills contain errors. Furthermore, the Chinese Communist Party exerts influence over Hollywood, and last week, a Hezbollah terrorist was caught trying to enter the US through our southern border. It's crucial to stay informed and support organizations making a difference, such as Preborn and the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.

    • Supporting the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews while addressing security concerns at the bordersEvery donation to the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews will be matched, increasing the impact. However, there's a growing concern about the increase in individuals on the terror watch list encountered at the US borders, and it's essential to address security concerns while supporting the organization.

      The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) is in great need of support, and every donation made will be matched, doubling the impact of the support provided. At the same time, there is a significant security concern as the number of individuals on the terror watch list encountered at the US borders has been increasing dramatically, with 172 such individuals encountered in fiscal year 2023 alone. This is a concerning trend, and it is important to note that the actual number of terrorists attempting to enter the country may be much higher than reported, as the Biden administration has been withholding information on this matter from Congress and the public. Therefore, it is crucial to support organizations like the IFCJ while also addressing the security concerns at the borders.

    • Porous Southern Border: A National Security RiskThousands of potential dangerous individuals, including those linked to terrorist groups, remain at large due to the porous southern border. Border patrol resources are consumed by illegal crossings, leaving fewer agents to focus on national security threats.

      The southern border's porous state is a significant concern due to the exponential increase in individuals crossing illegally, many of whom are a cause for concern beyond just immigration status. These individuals consume a substantial amount of border patrol resources, leaving fewer agents available to focus on national security threats such as terrorists. Thousands of potential dangerous individuals, including those linked to terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas, remain at large. The administration's focus on the PR aspect of border control rather than addressing the security risks is a cause for concern. Despite the FBI director's warnings, other administration officials and Democrats remain largely silent on the issue. The chaos at the border, which Joe Biden described as orderly, is far from it. The presence of known terrorists attempting to cross the border underscores the urgency for increased border security.

    • Biden administration's lack of action on southern borderThe Biden administration prioritizes political ideology over American safety by refusing to take meaningful action to secure the southern border, downplaying the crisis, and spreading misinformation.

      President Biden and his administration have taken no meaningful action to secure the southern border, instead choosing to prioritize the passage of a partisan bill that would not have effectively addressed the issue. Despite the ongoing crisis and the release of dangerous individuals into the country, the administration continues to downplay the severity of the situation and refuses to use executive action to address it. The administration's lack of accountability and prioritization of political ideology over American safety is concerning. Furthermore, the White House press secretary has been caught in multiple lies regarding the effectiveness of the Democrat bill and the administration's ability to take executive action on the border. It is clear that the administration is unwilling to take swift action to secure the border, and instead chooses to blame Congress and shift responsibility.

    • Biden administration's lax immigration policies lead to preventable tragediesThe Biden administration's refusal to enforce immigration laws has resulted in dangerous individuals being released into American communities, leading to preventable tragedies

      The Biden administration's refusal to enforce immigration laws has resulted in dangerous individuals, including murderers, being released into American communities, leading to preventable tragedies. The speaker used the examples of Lake and Riley, whose murderer entered the country illegally and was released despite being apprehended, and a nursing student who was killed by a similar individual. The administration's stance on this issue, according to the speaker, prioritizes ideology over public safety. Additionally, the speaker criticized the administration for not dealing with the issue of terrorists coming across the southern border. Furthermore, the speaker promoted Patriot Mobile as a cell phone provider that aligns with conservative values and does not fund leftist causes.

    • Media misrepresented Trump's commentsMedia outlets took Trump's words out of context, creating a false narrative of violent revolution instead of reporting on potential job losses in the auto industry.

      The media's reporting on Donald Trump's comments during his rally was deliberately deceptive and taken out of context. Trump was discussing the potential loss of jobs in the auto industry if he's not re-elected and used the term "bloodbath" to describe the situation. However, numerous media outlets reported that Trump was threatening a violent revolution if he loses the election. This is a clear misrepresentation of what Trump actually said. The media's agenda seemed to be prioritized over accuracy and context in this instance. It's essential to consider the full context of statements before forming opinions or beliefs based on media reports.

    • Media Misrepresentation of Trump's Comments on Automobile IndustryMedia outlets have been accused of lying and misrepresenting information, including former President Trump's comments on the automobile industry, leading to a lack of trust in corporate media. It's essential to seek out accurate and trustworthy sources.

      Rolling Stone and other media outlets have been accused of lying and misrepresenting information, as evidenced by a recent headline about former President Trump's comments on the automobile industry. Trump's statement was taken out of context, and the media failed to clarify the uncertainty surrounding his words. This behavior has led to a lack of trust in the corporate media, as journalists with integrity would have corrected or retracted the story. Instead, the media continues to spread misinformation, contributing to the many hoaxes and attacks on Trump. Meanwhile, Pre Born, an organization dedicated to saving babies from abortion, emphasizes the importance of protecting life, especially during the critical stages of fetal development. Consumer Cellular offers an alternative to expensive wireless services, and US Oil and Gas provides investment opportunities in the energy sector with potential tax benefits. Overall, it's crucial to be aware of the potential for misinformation in the media and to seek out accurate and trustworthy sources.

    • US oil investments offer tax advantages and experienced leadershipAccredited investors can consider US oil companies for income investments due to tax incentives and skilled leadership

      US oil and gas investments, specifically with companies like Labrador Energy, offer tax advantages and experienced leadership, making them a promising income investment for accredited investors. Meanwhile, in political news, Hunter Biden's refusal to testify publicly in a hearing concerning his business dealings contradicts his earlier demands for a public hearing, leading many to question his intentions and raising concerns about potential attempts to delay the process until after the election. The House now has the option to issue a subpoena and ultimately hold Hunter Biden in contempt if he refuses to comply. These events underscore the importance of transparency and accountability in both business and politics.

    • Hunter Biden should testify publicly for transparencyPublic hearing needed for full understanding of Hunter Biden's business dealings and potential role in Biden administration

      It's crucial for Hunter Biden to testify publicly regarding his business dealings and potential involvement in his father Joe Biden's administration, as it could provide valuable context and potentially expose inconsistencies or lies. The transcripts and reports available so far are insufficient for fully understanding the situation and holding those involved accountable. The importance of this was highlighted during the 2020 election when information about the Hunter Biden laptop was suppressed to prevent the American people from making informed decisions. A public hearing would give the public an opportunity to assess Hunter Biden's credibility and potentially uncover new information.

    • Effective cross-examination requires Hunter Biden's sworn testimonyInvestigations into potential corruption involving the President require Hunter Biden's sworn testimony for effective cross-examination and a coherent storyline. Coordination among committee members and allowing the American people to decide based on facts presented are crucial.

      Getting Hunter Biden to testify under sworn testimony alone is crucial for establishing the truth in ongoing investigations. According to the speaker, this approach would allow for a more effective cross-examination and a coherent storyline. They emphasized the importance of coordination among committee members to ensure a systematic message and effective use of questioning time. The speaker also highlighted the significance of allowing the American people to decide on the president's potential corruption based on the facts presented during the hearing. They encouraged listeners to tune in for more discussions on their show and podcast. Additionally, they mentioned the influence of the Chinese Communist Party on Hollywood and the importance of investigating this issue further. Lastly, they shared their personal experience with strategic planning for major hearings and emphasized the importance of such planning for effective cross-examination and messaging.

    • Discovering a Solution to Boost MasculinityThe speaker found CHOC, a solution to boost testosterone levels and improve masculinity, leading to weight loss and increased strength and vitality.

      The speaker was struggling with a decrease in strength, vitality, and ability to work out, leading to weight gain. However, he discovered CHOC, a solution designed to help men boost their testosterone levels by up to 20% within 90 days. The speaker has personally used CHOC's Vitality Stack for over a year and has seen significant improvements, including weight loss. For those ready to maximize their masculinity, visit chocchoq.com and use promo code Ben for a discount on any Chalk subscription for life. Chalk.com offers a subscription service that is cancellable at any time.

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